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Messages - Alex2539

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18
Feedback / Re: Light Blue Zora theme
« on: April 08, 2006, 05:30:39 pm »
Yeah... that's weird... It's centered in IE but not in Firefox. My only suggestion is to either wait it out or switch until Drewdelz fixes it ;)

* Alex2539 adds another point to the list of reasons why Firefox is superior...

<response to spoiler and therefore possibly a spoiler>

Nah, they said he'll be fine. He can wiggle his toes and stuff. Although, that is what I though at first too XD.

What's weird was that map that appeared with the black light. It had the locations of the other hatches and a big yellow question mark in the middle. I wanna know what hat's all about!

I have no idea what that was about... Mr. Eko is awesome though. Definately the coolest character on the show.

My favourite Mr. Eko moment is when he stares down that smoke monster thing. You can just see Charilies all like "Holy !@#$%!" XD.

Feedback / Re: Why is ZFGC back?
« on: April 06, 2006, 12:18:39 am »
Why not? People wanted it back, so it came back.

Discussion / Re: Developing a Game: How not to fail (10 tips)
« on: April 05, 2006, 11:57:14 pm »
I think we all break that one when we start :P.

Entertainment / Re: Recommend a band
« on: April 05, 2006, 08:42:51 pm »
Rush: Rush was formed in 1975 by Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and John Rutsey who was replaced by Neil Peart.

Geddy Lee's real name is Gary Lee Weinrib, but he cut out his last name and changed his first to "Geddy" in honor of his grandmother who was yiddish and that was how she pronounced "Garry". Geddy Lee is the bassist and singer for Rush, and is famous for both. His singing is instantly recognizeable and higher than most dare go. Unfortunately, he damaged his voice and now has to take it down a couple of octaves. He was also practically the first bassist to incorporate complicated bass lines and melodies into rock. This is part of the reason that they were considered "progressive".

Alex Lifeson's original last name was Zivojinovich, but he changed it for the sake of spelling and pronunciation. Heck, I'm not actually sure if I spelled that right. He is Rush's guitarist and isone of incredible skill. He is definitely one of rock's all-time tops.

John Rutsey was the band's original drummer, but after the first Canadian tour, he decided that the rockstar life wasn't for him for a multitude of reasons, includng his health. He quit just before the first American tour, so Rush quickly recruited a new drummer - Neil Peart. Neil Peart is still revered by many as rock's greatest drummer. Along with his great skill, he also has a talent for writing lyrics. After Rutsey left, Neil became the band's lead lyricist. Many of his lyrics, such as the epic 2112 and Red Barchetta are based around his liking of science fiction.

Rush has recently celebrate their 30 years together with the R30 tour, and more recently released the R30 DVD containing the live show along with 2 cd's holding the audio version. They are one of the most influential bands of all time and helped propel Canadian music onto a global scale.

Recommendations: 2112 (7 part song), Red Barchetta, and YYZ. If you're interested after that, there's also Tom Sawyer, Working man, and innumerable classics.

Enjoy :)

Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Hold mod apps
« on: April 05, 2006, 07:39:21 pm »
The original message was that mods would be chosen by the end of the week. That was the beginning of this week, we're only halfway through it. At least wait until Drewdelz has scouted and piked the way he intended it. Right now, it seems as though people are just being somewhat impatient. Maybe by the end if we're still back where we started there'll be applications, maybe not. If there are though, there will be 2 things I'm sure of:
1. Drewdelz will be flooded with messages from random people that probably won't make a good mod and will have to tediously sort these out from the others.
2. Members will not be allowed to vote. Limey's right when he says that it would be a popularity contest. Unfortunately, just because people like someone doesn't mean that they'd make a good mod, and just because people don't like someone doesn't mean they'd be bad... unless they're unliked because they break the rules or something of course.

The point is... just wait until the end of the week. Maybe Drewdelz already has people in mind, maybe there are already people that he's going to mod and is just watching them to make sure that they'd make a good mod. You don't know what he's doing and are just assuming. A week isn't long. Just wait.

Feedback / Re: Green Theme
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:32:59 am »
The one on ZFGC-X isn't quite like the one we've always had. The one here is much closer to the original. On ZFGC-X, it was limited on either side to a centered column the width of the banner. THat actually irritated me a bit.

Feedback / Re: Green Theme
« on: April 05, 2006, 03:20:11 am »
It says that on the zora theme too. It's not that much of an issue IMO.

Feedback / Re: About Mods!
« on: April 05, 2006, 02:47:01 am »
Heh... skull kid is 7right once again!

I'm locking this topic though. It would have been fine if we all just talked about mods, but no. More than one flame war broke out over this, there was spam... it's just causing problems. I'm sorry that some people aren't ready to talk like people instead of bickering, but that's that.

Feedback / Re: About Mods!
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:42:15 pm »
Quite a few tips. I turned on my computer and I've got 8 posts reported. It's good to see that some members actually use that. It really helps deal with thing much faster since I can react at the speed of e-mail ;).

Feedback / Re: No list of users currently viewing a topic or board?
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:40:04 pm »
It's there, it's just... not obvious. All the way at the bottom it says "Users Online" Under that, there's something like "21 Guests, 25 Users". Click that and you get the list.

Feedback / Re: About Mods!
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:35:14 pm »
Well, then again if I delete all of the members before any of the admins find out what's happening, there would be harm done >:D

But I wouldn't do that... no... not while you suspect me <_< >_>

Feedback / Re: Green Theme
« on: April 03, 2006, 09:47:02 pm »
I'm using the zora one. I would have used the dark blue one, but last I checked it was stretched from one side of the screen to the other, so I'm using this one. I like it :).

Feedback / Re: About Mods!
« on: April 03, 2006, 05:25:00 am »
You wish. I could give out yours if you want :).

Also, for future reference, I don't don't want this topic becoming a "Flame Regulus/Buster" or "The mods suck" topic or anything like that. So play nice.

Feedback / Re: About Mods!
« on: April 03, 2006, 05:02:02 am »
I've checked, don't worry ;).

Peppers made posts under 2 IP's. The first was the same as Buster's and the second is the same as Busternaut's. You have 3 (well, 2 now) accounts as far as I can tell. Of course, I'm new at this IP-tracking thing so you might have more I haven't found ;).

Also, think of it this way: how would some allegedly random chick know exactly how you feel about Drewdelz?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Zelda: Oracle of Life - Sunday Release
« on: April 03, 2006, 12:15:21 am »
Someone said something about off-topic and whatnot, so I just posted a happy note in response. Gotta please the people.

On-Topic: Those names and stuff you took before were the beta-testers, right? If so, I'm glad I got in when I did :D. I remember a couple of other online games that worked well enough, but were never finished beyond a simple online walk-demo :S.

The only thing though, is will the gameplay be dependant on havnig other pepole? Because people won't necessarily always be online. Let's face it, it's no WoW ;).

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Zelda: Oracle of Life - Sunday Release
« on: April 02, 2006, 10:09:25 pm »
Piers and Helios, get back on topic please :).

MC & FS / Re: MM-Chuchu, tmc Style
« on: April 02, 2006, 07:38:52 pm »
That's pretty good! I like how you kept it the same size as the TMC one ;).

Feedback / Re: Emoticons!
« on: April 02, 2006, 06:51:41 pm »
I think I have them saved. We're not using them without his permission though.

[edit]Yep, I have them all. If Drewdelz or someone wants to go track DJ down, I'll post them all.

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