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Messages - pxl_moon (dotyue)

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Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 0.18 NOW OUT] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:43:28 am »
I believe that's simular to the original. Those are the rookies, which are meant to be simplier then the regular soldiers. In the final game, they'll be placed before you'll encounter the tougher soldiers.

Thats what i've thought =)

Also, I fixed the cave issues on my end (along with doing some tweaks to enemy properties). I was thinking I should release a new demo a.s.a.p. but considering the amount of feedback I think it's best if I take my time and release a more robust update by the end of the weekend. That'll give me a chance to also add the new boss somehow as well. (Also, it's late for me and work starts early).

Thanks for the feedback so far. I'm loving it.

Take your time, its "just" the boomerang issue which is annoying

A Feature Suggestion: Since the Fire of The Firerod and the Lamp collide with Bushes... could we have the feature to burn them?

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 0.18 NOW OUT] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:21:26 pm »
 the keyboard functions like the typing and the control changing is cool and should be there for pc, but its still the fangame of a snes game. i see no reason to use keys "only" once and don't  have any form of action button used ingame used for the menu... if the ingame controls for menu and item menu are used for the menu too, then its more consistend

visual hinting is a thing most zelda games use, if an enemy is immun to something or is attacking should be indicated.

XD same fatal error boomeranging a red lance soldier

edit: btw. i really like the wolf sound when night comes =)

edit2: Royal Tombs, the Green Soldier with Dagger(?) and small shield ignores the player... i don't know if that because its an older dungeon of yours or he is a weak version... also the flying blue jelly(?) are killed instantly when hit with a bow instead of splitting in two

edit3: "that" thing (attachment) can only be killed when its "together" with its other part and only by the sword. but its immun to the sword beam of the L-2 Sword found in the same dungeon?

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 0.18 NOW OUT] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: January 17, 2017, 07:40:40 pm »
Thanks for testing XD. I should have all the glitches fixed by the weekend.

Editing the buttons is probably no issue. I'll try it out.

The enemy responses to the boomerang is a matter of me not comparing to the original. Stunning all soldiers makes sense since their all human so I'll add that. The buzzblob stopping to electrify when stunned I'll have to think about. You don't feel it's more logical this way?

the thing with the buttons is just, that it shouldn't use more than the original don't you think? can be used any of them as long as the amount of buttons doesn't reach a certain point... its useless to use buttons one time and then never again anyways right?

how should a player fight the buzzblob? i always stunned them so i can attack... they don't even indicate in their graphics that they electrify when they are stunned, they just hurt D:
too me the logic is either they stop "buzzing" when stunned or just can't be stunned.

the post of PendulumSwing is exactly what i've talked about too ;)

also. fatal error (seems to be the same)
normal shield, attacking a bush while boomerang is still flying
action number 1
of  Step Event2
for object parent_Character_Sprite_Detached:

Variable parent_Character_Sprite_Detached.condition2(100242, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_scr_Char_Collisions_Detached
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_Char_Collisions_Detached (line 0)

edit: a suggestion... since the player can farm rupees in front of the store very fast, maybe put a timer of some sort to the bushes and grass? so that it  doesnt instant respawn when leaving and entering the screen?

`(took me 3 ingame days to shop every item)

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 0.18 NOW OUT] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:48:34 pm »
Just "tested" the 0.18 for a few seconds  :P
And i noticed a few things... since i made a PinncaleGameProfiler Profile for my USB-Snes Controller, i noticed that the Main-Menu uses enter/space, which it doesn't use ingame... so i had to make a shift mode in the profile "only" because of those two buttons.
maybe it would be possible to use the map/item menu buttons as standard on enter/space? would be less unimmersive ;)

then the full screen mode gives me a big black border on the left side (attachment) of the screen and the large mode lets the window open with the upper left edge in the middle of the screen

so third thing is possible because i've gone the wrong way i guess? the entry of the cave of courage has invisible blocks not letting me in or out... maybe at least let the player outside again when the don't should go inside?

btw. i attached the profile too for anyone who has pinnacle game profiler

played a little further... its not a link to the past but when the boomerang stuns "Bow Soldiers" shouldnt it stun "Sword Soldiers" too? (Snapdragon isn't stunned either) and when the Electro-Chuchu (?) is stunned in a non-electring state, it still hurts the player when attacked

edit2: bought the red shield and attacking "Sword Soldier" on the second screen with the boomerang gave me a fatal error

action number 1
of  Step Event2
for object parent_Character_Sprite_Detached:

Variable parent_Character_Sprite_Detached.condition2(100242, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Script_scr_Char_Collisions_Detached
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_Char_Collisions_Detached (line 0)

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Switch Trailers
« on: January 14, 2017, 01:05:07 pm »
I'm fairly excited for this thing. More than the Wii U for sure.
rightly so, since there are so many good games announced, even when some don't come out in march

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Switch Trailers
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:50:14 am »
don't leave out :D

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecVV8Wn8x2c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecVV8Wn8x2c</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f98ZwgzYyig" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f98ZwgzYyig</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ4ia1-1CPs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ4ia1-1CPs</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0olv6_d8KNo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0olv6_d8KNo</a>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Cz5IQ5bIg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4Cz5IQ5bIg</a>

Entertainment / Re: Just wait on price drop on the Switch, IMO
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:40:20 am »
I don't need a big Lineup to play Zelda... i won't getting it through until anything else comes out half a year later.  XD
The only thing i don't like is that the Preorders for the Master Ed. didn't come to the EU and the resellers got all the US and JP...

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:53:46 am »
Midnas skin tone is very light in her real form. It looks too whitish in my opinion.

Other than that great work man. High quantity and quality. That's awesome.

Isn´t she supposed to have whitish skin? Twili are supposed to be living in shadows, so no sunlight his their skin (Sunlight is even harmful to them) so their skin colour is very much white. I took reference from the actual model of midna in Yobi3d.com and various screens and videos on youtube.

And thanks! :D

I made a few of the Ordon villagers. Mayor Bo, Ilia, Colin and Beth. I might do the rest in the future.
Opinions on this?

i think beth is too much like illia... cince their haircuts are not very much alike..
idk how too descripe this... beth is like flat hairish- and ilia is like bigger and more hair overall...

thats not a quality comment for the sprites overall, just what is first saw with the illia/beth sprites in comparison, since beth is vastly different than illia as a person in hair and style

(its late here... i go to bed now and maybe look in the morning at it with a clearer head)

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:06:10 pm »
looking good, it's the first sprite of yours after a while i can tell, that it's really minish style =)

and as a prove, here they are pasted in a random minish cap screenshot from the internet:

Thank you! It means a lot :)

Also a while back I attempted to do the shadow beasts, and I cannot seem to find a way to make them in MC style. Do you have any idea on how to improve them?

Don't make them 1:1 as the dark Twilight Princess, try imagine how they would look in Wind Waker and sprite that ;)

Graphics / Re: SpritingBrad´s sprites
« on: December 04, 2016, 01:21:58 pm »
looking good, it's the first sprite of yours after a while i can tell, that it's really minish style =)

and as a prove, here they are pasted in a random minish cap screenshot from the internet:

Other Projects / Re: Nether: Village in Peril
« on: November 29, 2016, 03:53:33 pm »
Nice to see another Indie-Title on here... it's just sad that it's no RPG =(
Looking good, so it is a Megaman-Like with Story through cutscenes?

btw.: the screenshot is a little big

Coding / Re: Lttp pegasus boots dust
« on: October 25, 2016, 02:30:51 pm »
I'm not sure what you're using to code, but maybe you could look into particles?

or just putting on a Spritesheet to activate in the "Pegasus Boots" Running state =/

Recruitment / Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« on: October 24, 2016, 09:04:42 am »
First of all: Why didn't you post this in the "Recruitment" Section, as you clearly look for people... but i don't think you'll find somone as this isn't "a serious recruit"

Then: Don't compare your Project so much with other Fangames and think about what "you" want to do! It sounds like you have plenty done, but don't know what you want to do yourself... many people here have to learn themselfs what to do about gamemaking.

I don't really know what kind of Link "diagonaly" Sword Animation you want, the only one i can think of is the Whirlwind attack, as for most Rips you can find are on "Spriters-Resouce.com"
If you want to learn Dungeon Design, you can look at the BOSS Keys Series on youtoube: BOSS Keys Playlist

If you want to make a great fangame, you need to make a plan what you want and learn what to do for it.

Just out of curiousity: why is the game all red? It kind of hurts the appeal.

Game takes place inside Mars.  Any other 5 color palette wouldn't have made sense, in my opinion.

how about orange, like your goku avatar cloths?
or sephia ^^

Other Projects / Re: Miyamori
« on: October 15, 2016, 09:00:31 pm »
you guys have got an article on siliconera =)

(well its kind of an update so i hope the gravedig is okay )


Discussion / Re: 2D Zelda MMO
« on: October 14, 2016, 09:11:53 pm »
One thing you might notice is the clash of sprite and tile graphics, i know that RPG Maker sprites dont go perfectly with LTTP tiles, but honestly, it makes my life a whole lot easier being a solo developer, and to be honest i dont think it looks half bad, with the amount of sprites and costumes i want to add in it just makes it that much easier for me to work on solo.
How so? the original lttp sprites are smaller and need less detail to customize.
And why are even the rats RPG Maker?

Im currently working on three classes (altho i want to add more) which is the Hylian (the knight / swordsman class), the Sheikah (offensive magic / aoe class) and Gerudo (archer / thief class with minor healing abilities)
Did you really thought that out?
Lore Wise:
The Shiekas are NINJA, and the mages, not the thief class?
Function Wise:
1 Class: Short Range DD, Single Target? <--- Link... not more not less
2 Class: Mid Range(?) Magic DD, AOE DD <--- aggro mage, short life
3 Class: Long Range DD + Healer <--- invinsible?!

So.. i would change that:
Hylian: Short Range DD (Sword & Board), Second Item (but less powerfull than a full class)
Sage/Wise Man: Magic DD, Heal
Shieka: Short Range DD (Backstabbing), Long Range AOE (Kunai Rain)
Gerudo: Mid Range DD (Naginata), Long Range AOE (Bow)

Other Projects / Re: [MMF] Curse of Golock
« on: October 06, 2016, 02:14:46 pm »
"totally new"?
i think i saw your little Hedgehog a little while ago ;)
i don't really like the flash-type style but i wish you luck with that! every a-rpg should get onto the market (especially when it has a well build world)

Zelda Projects / Re: [Engine Demo] tLoZ: Echoes of Aurelia
« on: October 03, 2016, 05:51:15 am »
So, how is it an NCFC stream if 90% is emulation? what a waste of time and i couldn't even stand the bad footage of the n64 part so i skipped through to the first fangame... which is why its posted here i guess...

for all who don't want to see the emulated crap either: Zelda Online begins 2h26m

Updates / Re: NCFC 2016 Booth Registration is Open.
« on: September 14, 2016, 04:53:00 pm »
But yeah making an original idea isn't easy. That takes time if you are starting from scratch.

Thats what i've meant... the idea itself is easy, but to detail the content that its consistent is very hard! i rewrote a realm several times, just because my research was heading in another direction than what i've expected.
Other than a Story /Background infos of an original IP are things like the graphic style the UI design and gameplay... there is just everything to consider where fangames have an existing ground to change up ;)

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