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Messages - Trask

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Other Discussion / Re: Ask a Girl
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:58:28 pm »
Why is it that I can't win a "I remember that conversation, you didn't say that" argument with any woman on the face of this planet?

Discussion / Re: Java queries
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:28:05 pm »
You may want to invest time in learning Object Oriented concepts while concentrating on one language over the other. Java is more commonly used as a tool to introduce students to OO. By doing this, the API will make a lot more sense.

Discussion / Re: So yes its C++ time
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:26:27 pm »
When you start to feel comfortable in C++ and you want to start making the bigger/better stuff, do what I didn't for a long time... learn to use libraries. Don't reinvent the wheel and don't assume that the project you're working on can't be broken down into smaller parts; those libraries can radically reduce how much code you have to write. That way you can skip redundant things and concentrate on content.

It's so tempting to try to start with a blank slate and think that you can pull it all off, it's much more practical(hell, you'll finish more projects) if you take the time to work with OpenGL/Direct X, Raknet(some network library), or STL.

Get comfortable with the concepts(not code, concepts) behind OOP, it's why you'd want to use C++ over C in the first place.

Discussion / Re: So yes its C++ time
« on: June 21, 2008, 05:17:45 pm »
You'd want to use/learn C++ over C# simply because it's used throughout the industry and is considered a standard staple in game development. You'll find that much more tutorials and books, as well as have a greater chance of finding libraries and code examples.

Coding / Re: [C++ Tutorial] XBOX 360 Controller Input
« on: June 20, 2008, 12:02:43 am »
Nice, thanks for the post here; I'll put it to some good use :D

Entertainment / Re: Metal Gear Solid 4*Possible Spoilers*
« on: June 13, 2008, 01:32:15 pm »
I got to play about 5hrs last night, I'm on ACT 2 and just met up with
Show content
Rosemary - aka cut throat !@#$%

So far I'm loving every bit of this game... hell the Start Menu cinematic was really beautiful.

I was disappointed by the apparent lack of Gekkos so far, but I'm sure they'll be coming in five fold soon enough; it's just that the trailers made it seem like that they're everywhere.

I'm having a bit of a hard time doing the CQC stuff, a lot of my weapons(if not all) says that I'm capable of doing it, but I dunno I guess I need to reread the controls again... that and I need to figure out the Disarm command.

My main complaint so far: Whenever you die, any weapons you buy/unlock/configure, any configuration of your inventory goes away and you have to do it again and again until you stop dying. I can't see a way around this, I tried saving after a configuration but it still takes me back to where I last loaded whenever I die... I dunno, anyone have a way around that besides of course, not dying?

Entertainment / Metal Gear Solid 4*Possible Spoilers*
« on: June 12, 2008, 08:24:29 pm »
I am but an hour away from completing my work day and then I'm off to play MGS4 and all it's glory. I've managed to miss most spoilers and I won't participate in this thread until I actually get to play the game, but I figure that I'd kick it off. Thoughts? Feelings?

And please use the Spoiler tags so we don't ruin the fun for others.  :D

Debates / Re: Resident Evil 5 is made for a racist?
« on: June 12, 2008, 12:54:47 pm »
I don't understand how a game set in Africa is considered racist when you have to shoot blacks... I think it would be a bit racist to never go to Africa because you are afraid to have to shoot a black or replace all the blacks with whites. I think it'll be interesting to play a game set in Africa, simply because it's almost never done... at least in the games I play. No, the enemy is always Russia in my games... that and enemies who take the arms of a deceased brother in which the arm takes control of said person....(MGS4 tonight when I get home from work!)

But yeah, I don't here anyone saying... Leave dem Russians alone! Or... poor Hitler... always getting his ass kicked in a virtual world. RE5 would be racists only if they embraced and over used stereotypes of a culture... an African village is hardly a stereotype, it's a fact. And as far as shooting black people... I don't care if you're Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, or Green... you have that !@#$% growing' out your head or come at me zombiefied... its on.

You know, I really hate this concept. No, I really don't care of it's function or its purpose, it's the fact that they are restricting software using hardware. I think it's complete bull... hardware is suppose to be open... that way you can do whatever you want with the hardware. By putting protection on a hardware level they're limiting what you can do with that hardware and leaving you with a choice of either buying the hardware or not.

First it's game piracy, then it's a chip that prevents a certain OS or a certain load of f'in software that HAS to be on the hardware or you can't use it.

Discussion / Re: Where do I get C++
« on: May 13, 2008, 07:34:40 pm »
You can't jump into game development with C/C++ without learning the language first.  The language alone has no way of drawing sprites and rendering models, you need to use an API with it like directX or openGL, which will require you to know the language.

Heck half of the C++ "game programming" books you get spend half or more of the book explaining the basics you need to know of C++, which can make it hard to find a good book that skips all that when you know it. x.x

Entertainment / Re: I have Grand Theft Auto 4 :D
« on: May 12, 2008, 04:38:44 pm »
I just got this game as a fly by night purchase... and it was !@#$% worth it! lol
Not many games keep me playing for like 6 hours straight anymore... but this did :p

My biggest worry with this... was that they were going to mess up the original feel of the GTA3 series with the new engine... but they didnt O.o... even with the graphics I thought they'd spoil the feel but they did it so perfectly lol... The game handles the way it should... Granted Niko is a bit sluggish... but so what? lol This game is just spectacular

Ya know, I felt the game was sluggish when I first started playing, but as I got more into it, I think its just the new 'weight' put into the game. By weight, I mean all the 'real world' physics added... I dunno how to put it. But either way, having played it for as long as I have, I don't notice any sluggishnes. GTAIV ftw!

Discussion / Re: Dumb Visual C++ 2005 Express
« on: May 09, 2008, 07:09:11 pm »
Ah, I never knew that... thanks for the link. I've only installed VSE and used it straight from the install. It was never that big of a deal since I always managed to get a full version of VS sooner or later.

Discussion / Re: Dumb Visual C++ 2005 Express
« on: May 09, 2008, 12:58:09 am »
Visual Studio Express does NOT allow you to create WIN32 apps... you need the full version.

Coding / Re: About 100 C++ classes later..
« on: May 06, 2008, 10:17:28 pm »
If you don't want to implement a progress bar then consider adding some kind of feedback to the loading process to let the user know that your program is actually doing something. Add a small piece of text at the bottom for instance that changes.. "Loading Model Data...", "Loading Texture Resources...", etc.

..And definitely give them something (preferably interesting) to look at while it is loading.

Yeah, that can be useful to you as well, so you can identify any possible problem areas when loading.

Entertainment / Re: So how are you coping with the Wii drought?
« on: May 06, 2008, 12:55:24 pm »
I've been dealing with the Wii drought since it first came out. After all this time, the only games I have/want are Wii Play, Wii Sports, Twilight Princess, Brawl, Mario Galaxy, and Resident Evil UC.. so I deal with it by playing PC/360/PS3 games:

Orange Box
Metal Gear Online
Burnout Paradise
Condemned 2

Are the games I've played in the last month... whatever will I do with this lack of Wii games? *sigh* ;)

Other Discussion / Re: Hard Drive Died.
« on: May 05, 2008, 04:19:33 pm »
That reminds me that I need a new backup HDD. The last 2 portable 500GB drives I had, a different member of my family has knocked over and crashed the whole damn drive.

Entertainment / Re: New Metal Gear Solid 4 teaser!
« on: May 05, 2008, 12:40:52 pm »
Yes, I know... I wonder how deep this 'memory' goes.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: May 01, 2008, 02:57:27 pm »
Insanely good work indeed, but furthermore props to you for constantly responding and engaging in conversation with everyone instead of disappearing.

Entertainment / Re: I have Grand Theft Auto 4 :D
« on: April 29, 2008, 08:46:23 pm »
I'm about 30mins away from getting off work, then I'm picking up my special edition on the 360... does anyone know if you any of the multiplayer modes can handle split screen? I somehow doubt it...

Discussion / Re: Metal Gear Core
« on: April 28, 2008, 05:12:54 pm »
I love metal gear and anything related, so go you! I'd love to make a fan game of Metal Gear but I certainly couldn't do the historic/war backstory any justice as I know next to nothing on the subject other than the most basic facts.

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