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Messages - Pyru

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Entertainment / Re: A next Metal Gear is...
« on: December 05, 2008, 07:04:26 pm »
iPhone sounds crazy, you say? Screw that, MGA came out on PSP. Like that's ever been popular/suited to gaming/suited to anything at all ever.

Metal Gear Acid is also a shitty game.

Well, yeah. That much is a given.

Still, an iPhone Metal Gear... there are ways to make it work.

Entertainment / Re: A next Metal Gear is...
« on: December 05, 2008, 06:55:49 pm »
Pfffft. i + !? And then a power button?

MGiPhone, for sure. :P

Haha, not really sure what to think - if it was a straight port of MGS4, I think they'd announce it straight off, not tease everyone... so most likely it's a spin-off, and either on 360 or iPhone.

iPhone sounds crazy, you say? Screw that, MGA came out on PSP. Like that's ever been popular/suited to gaming/suited to anything at all ever.

Entertainment / Re: Post your best WoW kill shot!
« on: December 04, 2008, 10:17:06 am »
You're a Death Knight... you guys aren't meant to do that much damage, just soak it up. :P

But yeah, pretty cool. I haven't played in a while (on account of uni and such) but I'm thinking of going back to my level 30 rogue, or re-rolling as a healer (can't decide whether to go Pally or Priest).

Other Discussion / Re: Dear Canadians...
« on: December 02, 2008, 10:56:38 am »
How much poutine can you buy for $4.07?

'cos this cost me $4.07 (or rather, £2.20), and it was all of a sixty second walk to Ahmed's van to go get it.

Whats the sauce...? Looks like coagulated blood, yes I know what that looks like :D
How much poutine can you buy for $4.07?

'cos this cost me $4.07 (or rather, £2.20), and it was all of a sixty second walk to Ahmed's van to go get it.

Did they give you a new order after someone barfed in it and served it to you?

It's a thick onion gravy and stfu it was awesome. ;-;

Other Discussion / Re: Dear Canadians...
« on: December 02, 2008, 01:16:51 am »
Poutine is amazing, however the poutine picture listed in this thread looks absolutely disgusting. Sorry man, over here in Montreal, YOU GET CURDS OF CHEESE on top of the gravy. Dude, it's not a real poutine WITHOUT THE GINORMOUS CURDS OF CHEESE.

Back on topic, I don't know how much poutine you can get with $4.07. Probably more than the picture though.

The cheese in this case is grated mild real English cheddar. You'll note that it's underneath the gravy; that helps it melt faster.
Its a proven fact that the poutine tastes 10x better with curds as opposed to all other forms of cheese

It's a proven fact that stfu because it's difficult enough to buy chips'n'cheese in this country, even more difficult to get them to put a good gravy on it, and damn near impossible to get curds, k.


Seriously, I enjoyed it, it was !@#$% awesome, and it's very cheap for decent quality hot food in this country.

(Say all you want about kebab van's, but I'd trust Ahmed's over a fast food joint any day.)

what is this, fries with cheese and gravy?


They're called chips. Jeeze.

Other Discussion / Re: Dear Canadians...
« on: December 02, 2008, 12:53:42 am »
Poutine is amazing, however the poutine picture listed in this thread looks absolutely disgusting. Sorry man, over here in Montreal, YOU GET CURDS OF CHEESE on top of the gravy. Dude, it's not a real poutine WITHOUT THE GINORMOUS CURDS OF CHEESE.

Back on topic, I don't know how much poutine you can get with $4.07. Probably more than the picture though.

The cheese in this case is grated mild real English cheddar. You'll note that it's underneath the gravy; that helps it melt faster.

Other Discussion / Dear Canadians...
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:28:21 pm »
How much poutine can you buy for $4.07?

'cos this cost me $4.07 (or rather, £2.20), and it was all of a sixty second walk to Ahmed's van to go get it.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: December 01, 2008, 05:25:05 pm »
Some more things I'd like for Christmas:

- Titanic on DVD
- My favourite classic Disney films on DVD
- New pair of Converse

Oh yeah, fair point. I've completely wrecked my black converse now. I was thinking of getting some leather ones.

All we need now is for someone to rick roll Rick Astley, and we'll be done.
You do realise he rickrolls himself, right?

How can anyone rick roll themselves? Isn't rick rolling tricking someone into seeing the video when they think they're going to see something else?
It'd be cooler for someone else to Rick Roll him.
So he didn't actually rick roll New York then, did he? They weren't tricked, and it wasn't his video.

They weren't expecting Astley. They were expecting more Foster's and Astley was like "!@#$% no Rick roll time".

So, yeah, it was a Rick Roll.

The Batman


!@#$% no.

Doesn't even hold a candle to the DCAU Batman series.

Face it: Character in the pokemon universe can't get to outer space...

Yes they can—what the !@#$% are you smoking?  Or rather, perhaps you're not smoking something which you should be.  Pokémon !@#$% come from outer space‼

Yeah. I mean, it's quite clear Deoxys and Mew are capable of space travel... Celebi and a couple of others can probably do it too.

It was implied in the games - and stated outright in the manga and anime - that the Cle-family had developed space craft, and considering their similarities, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, etc. also probably have space craft.

...This is a stupid topic.

Not to mention it probably doesn't belong in OD.

And everyone !@#$% knows the Star Wars characters could build a death star to kill everyone else. Duh.

The Zelda characters (if allied as a team) would simply use the triforce to wish everyone else out of existance.

The Boondocks

Holy !@#$% !@#$%. How could I forget the !@#$% Boondocks. ;-;

Other Discussion / Re: Overdue
« on: November 27, 2008, 12:13:01 am »
Way to ignore Bertfallen's topic on exactly the same !@#$% thing.

Maybe you should take a little time before posting a topic about whatever gave you lulz or what stupid !@#$% you did with your pogostick that day.

Ugh, sorry if I'm being overly harsh, but people on this forum just don't think enough.

Oh come on. The DCAU was, collectively, the finest cartoon programming EVER.

Sure, Static Shock tried a little too hard to be gangsta (and fell flat on its arse most of the time) and the Superman cartoon was inconsistent at best, but the Batman series (plural) plus the movies plus Justice League more than made up for it.

Gems in a sea of !@#$%

... this I cannot debate so much!

As long as we're agreed on the fact that the DCAU was !@#$% awesome and it's a shame it didn't last forever.

(Okay maybe they were running a little thin on material... still! It made me very sad when it ended.)

He stuck with the beret 'til the helmet came on. That's awesome.

... now I want them to try this on someone who's unprotected.


Oh come on. The DCAU was, collectively, the finest cartoon programming EVER.

Sure, Static Shock tried a little too hard to be gangsta (and fell flat on its arse most of the time) and the Superman cartoon was inconsistent at best, but the Batman series (plural) plus the movies plus Justice League more than made up for it.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 26, 2008, 06:33:39 pm »
Didn't like it. Partly for the "damage" it causes - people tend to assume from a single example of an ASD character that "oh all Autistics are this way" or "I'm kind of like that I must be Autistic".

Also I found the narrative a bit dull

But seriously, how many people have watched Rainman and gone "Oh, all autistics must be numerical savants who are very good at cards!" Okay I'm very good at cards but that's memory, not numerical ability

Same applies to Mr. Curious Dog. Seriously, the number of people who have come up to me and been like "Oh I just read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" and been like "so does such and such apply to you?" and my general response has been: "So, because you read a book with a fictional character who has a developmental disorder that is labelled as being under the same umbrella as my developmental disorder, you assume I share significant traits with said fictional character even though the character is in no way based on me personally and I have not, as a person, been significantly affected by the novel in which he appears."
"... yes?"

It's so incredibly insulting to be told by people that they think they can generalise your personality based on a their interpretation of someone they've never met; ignoring any inaccuracy of portrayal of the condition in the book (and there are some - to an extent), it's basically telling someone that they are defined by the conditions that affect them, not them as person.


tl;dr version: I dislike the novel because it encourages society to judge all ASD people based on a single archetype.

Entries / Re: Lord-General Ta'Vux
« on: November 26, 2008, 11:34:20 am »
I like his crotch star. Very sexual.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:33:29 pm »
Oh right, speaking of books, I keep hearing about the book called Team of Rivals about Lincoln's cabinet, so I am planning on getting that - although I am not the typical person who is into reading.  Otherwise if there is any good book on the physics of time travel not involving cosmic super strings (they're epically stupid, only theoretical, and time travel involving such things is limited to around the event in which you arrived originally at them), then I will buy that. 

I read to induce migraines, not fuzzy-wuzzy feelings, >.<.

Dude, you need to read "In Search Of Schrodinger's Cat." It's AWESOME.

You mean... THIS BOOK?

Uhm, yeah, haven't read it yet. Wanted to show off since it's one of the few books I have here with me at Uni.

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