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Messages - SilverShadowX

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Entertainment / Re: I've lost all faith in Link... *MAJOR TP SPOILERS!*
« on: February 12, 2007, 08:38:10 pm »
Link never hooks up with anyone because he's supposed to be you. That's why he never talks, because then the game would be forcing you to talk wether you want to or not. That's why his name is Link, the link between the character and the player. If he hooked up with Zelda then LinkxMidna and LinkxIlia fans would get mad. If he hooked up with Midna than LinkxZelda and LinkxIlia fans would get mad. And if he hooked up with Ilia (which the game never actually shows), then LinkxZelda and LinkxMidna fans would get mad.

Oh, so if I want Link to be with Midna for real then that's my ending? COOL! I think they should have had 3 choices in the end though... Midna, Zelda, and Ilia, that would've been better. But I'd definitely stick with Midna... everytime.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Cartoon (All 13 Episodes)
« on: February 12, 2007, 02:05:01 am »
Yeah, uh... two minutes or so into the first one and I can't really stand to keep on watching. They really screwed up link's character in my opinion... but yeah, Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me princesss! lol...

Entertainment / Re: I've lost all faith in Link... *MAJOR TP SPOILERS!*
« on: February 12, 2007, 01:54:11 am »
I don't see what so dissapointing about the game every single detail was pure amazingness. So you should be happy that it is good, instead of making the minor things wrong about it seem disasterous.

Don't get me wrong, the game was brilliant. It's just that Link and I can't be friends no more if he chose to get back with that crazy horse girl... you know what I mean?
Actually if you noticed in the ending he didn't really choose Ilia. He couldn't go with Midna cause they were from to different lands, and also you could tell that Midna liked Link also. At the end of the ending, you didn't notice that Link was heading off on another adventure, so technically he wouldn't be able to get back with Ilia.

Oooo! He was leaving the village? YES! Thank you, I couldn't really tell. I hope he gets with Princess Zelda in the end of this one... or finds a way back to Midna, who cares if they're from different worlds... heck... if they looooove eachother, y'know?

Entertainment / Re: I've lost all faith in Link... *MAJOR TP SPOILERS!*
« on: February 12, 2007, 12:25:39 am »
I don't see what so dissapointing about the game every single detail was pure amazingness. So you should be happy that it is good, instead of making the minor things wrong about it seem disasterous.

Don't get me wrong, the game was brilliant. It's just that Link and I can't be friends no more if he chose to get back with that crazy horse girl... you know what I mean?

Entertainment / I've lost all faith in Link... *MAJOR TP SPOILERS!*
« on: February 12, 2007, 12:01:56 am »
Okay, first off I've beaten TP not too long ago and went absolutely ballistic over the ending. First off, Ganondorf dies standing up, that's just plain weird. More importantly, however, I'm angry at Link. HE GOES ON A HUGE JOURNEY, SLAYS COUNTLESS MONSTERS OF IMPOSSIBLE SIZE AND POWER, STRAINS HIS BRAIN ON PUZZLES, AND RUNS AROUND AS A GENERAL ERAND BOY FOR A PLETHORA OF PEOPLE AND AN IMP and after all that he saves not ONE PRINCESS, but TWO, and you know what he does? He lets one get away and doesn't even bother to try to get with Zelda! What kind of a hero is he? AND THEN HE GOES BACK TO ORDON? To be with that girl who loves Epona more than him? I DONT THINK SO! Link, I've lost all faith in you....

Then I beat the game again to see if I missed something. THERE IT WAS! Why did Midna say "See you later" ? Is it because Link is destined to fight his way back into the realm of twilight somehow? And then, is Link riding into Ordon, or is the crazy horse girl watching Link ride off away from the village as he goes on yet another journey to find a new way into the twilight realm? I dunno, but I like that idea better.

Link should definitely have stopped Midna from breaking the mirror and married her and then Ilia could have married Epona and Princess Zelda could have married Link too and the Yetti people could have renewed their vows and it would be a happy marriage ending and stuff! WHY COULDN'T IT BE THAT WAY? We may never know, maybe in a sequel...

Entertainment / Final Fantasy 12 rules!!!
« on: January 25, 2007, 12:48:34 am »
Yeah, so I only got so far in it so no spoilers please. Anyway, it's awesome, I like it a whole lot better than FF10 and it's pretty cool with the gambit system and all that. And for some damn reason I have a crush on Balthier but hell I really don't swing that way. He's just so damn awesome, quite possibly my favorite Final Fantasy character altogether just because of his wit, charm, and overall cool behavior. Also, Vaan doesn't seem as whiney as Tidus did, and he's all right (for being an annoying main character and all).

Entertainment / The History of Canada (Full of random fun)
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:35:18 pm »
I wrote this myself out of sheer boredom a while back. It has nothing to do with the actual history, and that's what makes it fun!



   One may say that Canada had, quite frankly, always existed since the beginning of the earth, and/or even the universe. You see, the same molecules that make up Canada today have theoretically been around forever, but what point in time does the massive number of molecules that reside in Canada today become Canada? We may never know. They could always have been Canada, or they could have never been Canada up until a few years ago, or they could have been Canada the moment that it was aptly named Canada. Which ever way you want to see it, Canada has been around for a long time. This is true, unless you’re the person who says it was only Canada a few years ago, then we might have some problems; I’m watching you!
   Now we will first talk about the first native inhabitants of this interesting land, the llama. The llamas migrated from South America from the modern day Andes Mountain Range. Thereafter, due to the cold climates and tough, rugged lands of the region of Canada, they evolved into the modern day moose. From here on, the moose (The correct form of the plural moose, my computer says so) were free to roam, explore, and eat anything they wanted in this new and vibrant land. This can be considered a paradise, for there was peace.
   The era of the reign of the moose lasted for thousands of years until a new species arrived on a land bridge that connected the American Continent to Russia. This species was called the humans. These people became the Native Americans and continued to migrate south, although some stayed in Canada. Still, these were nice humans, for they only killed five moose a day, unlike the mean type of humans that were yet to come…


   Years later when the land bridge had closed and the Native Americans had long forgotten of their original lands, the Chinese had a plan to sail out as far as they could. According to historical records, this was, in fact, earlier than Christopher Columbus. With them, they brought a revered object. The object was an egg, but not just any egg; it was an evil egg; an evil egg with something evil inside of it. Well, at least the moose believed it to be evil, for it was really just your average fifty-story high lizard that was soon to be named Godzilla by the Vikings.
   The Chinese stayed in Canada for a very long time (Really only seven and a half years) to learn the way of the moose and bring the moose culture back to their homelands. These years were very prosperous for the overall wellbeing of the moose. Chinese technology, such as the cheese grater, plunger, back scratcher, and gas station made life easier for the moose. When the Chinese set sail back for their homelands, they left the evil egg.
   It wasn’t long before the egg hatched, and out of it came Godzilla (As mentioned before). Godzilla ravaged the moose empire and destroyed all that was in his path. The moose had no hope what-so-ever, and soon Godzilla made his way to become supreme dictator of the entire country of Canada. If anyone defied him, Godzilla would just fry them and have moose burgers for dinner. No one dared to oppose: they all lived off rations, were forced to be equal, and America hated them. This was the earliest form of communism, and thusly the same nation that Karl Marx looked to in order to obtain information for his book, The Communist Manifesto, which would later be picked up by Vladimir Lenin and become the government of the former USSR. All that’s another story though, for a ray of light shined off the coast of Canada.


    The moose looked to the sea for years while under the rule of Godzilla, hoping that some day, some how, some way, that someone would come and defeat their oppressor. The Vikings unknowingly answered their call, as they had discovered this new land. The Viking leader, Eric the Red, and his right hand man, Billy the Blue, set off to explore deeper into this new land. Godzilla was the first to meet up with the Vikings. He gave them many gifts, like back scratchers and cheese wheels. The Vikings were glad and there was much rejoicing.
   This happy era went on for a month, or at least until it happened. The Vikings were, as usual, partying on like no tomorrow. There was much intoxication and confusion, if one wasn’t drunk, in fact, he was at least high; high on stilts (drunken people can’t balance on those things). So, anyway, Godzilla came in and accidentally fried Eric the Red’s left hand man, Gillard the Green, with his death lasers that he shoots out of his mouth. Eric the Red was furious! He took up arms against Godzilla, and this thusly provoked the Thirty-One Minute War. It was, in fact, the quickest war ever in the history of everything.
   In the first five minutes, a pact was made between the Vikings and the moose, and in the next 16 minutes, they prepared for war. Ten minutes later, there were no more Vikings, for Godzilla had eaten them all. However, this instigated a rebellion among the empire. The moose took up arms as the Vikings had, but instead, they used Godzilla’s one true weakness: Scottish Terriers.
   The moose quickly sent in the Scottish Terriers to profusely bite at the ankles of the great, monstrous lizard. Then, they followed up with a volley of coconuts that were launched from catapults! Godzilla never stood a chance. He then moved on to terrorize Tokyo instead. Canada was once again safe from giant lizards.


   The moose were still animals, and thusly did not need any form of government at all. Eventually, American refugees, Mexican refugees, French refugees, and so on made their way to Canada. They attempted to set up a government, but failed again and again. Eventually (as seen in exhibit one http://myspace-836.vo.llnwd.net/00670/63/87/670007836_l.gif), some of the moose followed a new evolutionary pattern and evolved into the modern day Canadian Lumberjack.
   With the aid of the Lumberjack, the refugees were then able to establish a government, one that was exactly like America. Thusly, this is the exact point in time when Canada became not only Canada, but America Junior. Why do most Americans hate Canadians? Canada’s exactly like an illegitimate child of America; an illegitimate child that was raised by moose and outlaws. So, as you can see, Canada is a brilliant place.


   One can only theorize the future of such a country. Eventually, the Canadians may revert back to there primal state and go on living the life of a moose. Well, at least before reverting back into their primal moose state they will probably splice insect genes into a variety of moose. This will create a super moose! A moose capable of withstanding a nuclear war! So when we all kill each other with nukes, the moose will live to see another day, a day of peace.
   Hundreds of years from now, Canada will be the capitol of the world. All humans would either abandon earth from the nuclear fallout or die in it. Moose will lead the simple life of galloping through meadows and eating flowers and trees. As you can see, Canada shares a vital role in the continuation of life on planet earth.


   Canada has given us many great things, like Vikings and Godzilla. Who knows what more it could possibly give us in the future! One things for certain, though, Canada is a very interesting country. 

Other Discussion / Re: This guy is taking halo cosplay too far. (link)
« on: January 17, 2007, 08:52:59 pm »
That's absolutely awesome, oh, and 2,000 dollars really doesn't seem like so much (compared to what it could be). However, the government would probably have units that are specialized in usage of the suits and that's where they would go. I'm sure that it could also be the kind of thing where a regular unit would hold on to a couple of these suits just in case the going gets tough.

Other Discussion / Re: The epitome of Epic-ness.
« on: January 16, 2007, 10:58:27 pm »
Yeah, that was really awesome back then. That music used to get me pumped and I would run around thinking I was an action hero or something. The new Johny Quest was freaking awesome for its time... I miss the old days...

Entertainment / Re: Historical Fiction?
« on: January 13, 2007, 10:21:06 pm »
just hope you can actually find a copy. it has four volumes making it even harder to get it all. i've only seen it in a bookstore once, and it was volume 3.

Yes, that is starting to pose as a problem for me. Isn't there anyone else out there with a suggestion?

Entertainment / Re: MapleStory DS
« on: January 11, 2007, 09:03:43 pm »
Yeah, if it's pretty much like the pc version with a good ammount of people and stuff I might be interested, but if it does happen to be some lame 4 player thing or something than that would just kill all chance of me getting this game.

By the way, did anyone notice how that the commercial's target audience was aimed at teenage girls?

Entertainment / Re: Jump! Superstar
« on: January 07, 2007, 01:47:08 am »
Quick question, you said you found it at Best Buy, right? Do all Best Buys import or what, because I'd be pretty psyched if I could find a copy of jump superstars.

Entertainment / Re: Historical Fiction?
« on: January 06, 2007, 02:33:19 pm »
The problem with the last samurai was that I watched it and I wouldn't be able to get Tom Cruise's face out of my mind. So when my teacher asks me what the book was about I'd be severely tempted to go on a rant about Tom Cruise jumping on Opra's couch and (*SPOILERZ?*) fighting ninjas while making out with a Japanese woman whose wife he killed!!! (*/SPOILERZ?*) YARRRRR! I did think about that though... maybe that will be my last resort...

he killed that lady's wife!?!? and he still falls in love with her?  he is a creepy creepy guy.  and she is a creepy creepy woman.  *end of sarcasm*

try journey to the west.  its a japanese/chinese story about a bhuddist who goes on a journey, to the west.  it has a bunch of magical creatures and the like, but the whole story is based off of a real bhuddist preast who took a journey, to the west.  the story has inspired several manga, including dragon ball and saiyuki.

OOo, that sounds cool! Thank you! You probably just saved me from several months of insane boredom.

*Edit: Oh, and I didn't mean wife when I said wife, lol. I meant her husband... >_>

Entertainment / Re: Historical Fiction?
« on: January 05, 2007, 09:01:35 pm »
The problem with the last samurai was that I watched it and I wouldn't be able to get Tom Cruise's face out of my mind. So when my teacher asks me what the book was about I'd be severely tempted to go on a rant about Tom Cruise jumping on Opra's couch and (*SPOILERZ?*) fighting ninjas while making out with a Japanese woman whose husband he killed!!! (*/SPOILERZ?*) YARRRRR! I did think about that though... maybe that will be my last resort...

Entertainment / Historical Fiction?
« on: January 05, 2007, 08:52:37 pm »
I have to read a historical fiction book for my term paper but I don't really know of any that would keep my interest. My problem is that I want something exciting based around true events (Take Metal Gear Solid 3's story line for example, it captured all the fears of nuclear war from the 60's yet had an extremely awesome sci-fi twist with giant robots and crap!). Basically, I'm open to all suggestions, but a few points in history are my favorites, like the time of samurai, ancient greece (Be careful not to submit mythology though... >_>), and actually, that's about it...

Any suggestions on what to read?

Entertainment / Re: what's your favorite gundam?
« on: January 05, 2007, 08:48:10 pm »
I liked Gundam Wing the most but I didn't understand it too much when it was on... Gundam Seed's characters kind of scared me because they were all crazy and needed meds or something. Oh, and who can forget G Gundam? That was a freaking awesome show right there. Actually, G Gundam's probably more of my favorite than Gundam wing just because I was old enough to understand it when it was on toonami.

Any way, my actual favorite gundams are:

Epion, Heavy Arms, Mercurial, Wing Zero, Burning Gundam, Death Scythe, Dark Gundam, Astray (or whatever the heck that gundam is with the katana from seed), and the regular old zakos (The blue ones with spikes and a beam axe are the cooler ones, though).

Other Discussion / Re: Kikkoman!
« on: January 04, 2007, 09:20:08 pm »
lol, I just used print screen to read about the kikko punch. That was some funny stuff right there....

Other Discussion / Re: Kikkoman!
« on: January 04, 2007, 12:18:20 am »
Wow... that was absolutely awesome. There needs to be a show like that on toonami or something, except I think the plot should be a little more developed. Like where did he come from? Why does he have a fish for a head? Why does he like soy sauce? But yeah, it was wicked awesome and made perfect sense to me. The only thing I would bother to complain about is the voice work... is that the best you can sing, seriously?

*Whoops, I just watched it again, he came from a planet of soy, lol. That answers all three of my questions.

Other Discussion / Re: The Misquotes game
« on: December 24, 2006, 01:36:29 am »
I'll show you all even dirtier things than touching little boys and eating gay men

Please, I've not heard enough yet ^-^.

Ugh, I use the INTERNET if I want to find these things out! Please ask me if you need to find some stuff  ;D .

Wow, that's interesting, but likewise I don't find too much enjoyment in those sort of things.

Entertainment / Re: hmm...Sharingah eye meets ssbm?
« on: December 23, 2006, 02:52:25 am »
That was awesome, I think I might actually go buy and action replay or gameshark (whatever they used) just to mess around with that.

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