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Messages - TheRealDragonboy

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 62
Entertainment / Papa Roach - Forever cover live with my band Delvira
« on: July 17, 2008, 09:25:14 pm »
We've played this song at the school of the bass player. Yeah, the singer (Deku_stick) sung really crappy that day XD But the music was okay in my opinion. The drumset there was amazing! :o A Pearl drumset with 4 tomtoms, 1 snare, cow bell, wood block, double bass pedal, heavy hi-hat and about 1 big ride, 2 splash and 3 crash zildijian/paiste cymbals! O_o That's why the drum quality is high, and I played a lot better than usually. :D

Delvira (Live) - Forever
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeeH9B8-3E8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeeH9B8-3E8</a>

Please comment for your opinions or tips (except for the vocals, he knows why he sung that crappy XD)

Graphics / Re: dekusticks bull !@#$%
« on: June 24, 2008, 06:00:24 pm »
Lol pretty much !@#$% XD The second one is pretty funny. I hope you finish Realistic Link, because it looks pretty good so far you let me see:)

Feedback / ZFGC regulars?
« on: June 22, 2008, 11:01:49 pm »
It was an awesome idea of Kleaver, but why is the topic locked? If it's already full, why not putting the image somewhere in the site? :D

Other Discussion / Re: CHOCOLATE OR SEX?
« on: June 22, 2008, 10:43:53 pm »
I haven't had se... I mean sex of course!
I thought you would choose for Chocolate XD

Anyways, I agree with TheDarkJay! Having sex with some ugly fat girl without boobs or ass (or male on male).. omg it hurts to think about it :o Or chocolate that has been kept for 20 years full of mould that stinks even more than my brother's mould under his feet  :-X

I vote "haven't had sex" ::)

Other Discussion / Re: Need help with French
« on: June 17, 2008, 01:04:20 pm »
Thanks both of you! I've corrected them and submitted it. I hope I can get my grade tomorrow or thursday, so I can tell you guys. Thanks!

Other Discussion / Need help with French
« on: June 16, 2008, 10:35:36 pm »
Any french speakers here? I made a dossier for a French school project about myself, family, school etc. But I suck in French. Can someone fix my errors please? (preferably not making the sentences complex, but simpler.)

Salut lecteurs!

Je m’appelle Vincent Lam et j’ai quatorze ans. J’habite à Arnhem dans le quartier Rijkerswoerd.

(Voici moi sur cette photo)

J’ai deux petites soeurs et un grand frère. Ma soeurs s’appelles Yvonne et Joeye, elles sont mignonnes ! Mon frère s’appelle Simon, il est marrant!

(Voici ma soeur sur cette photo)       (Voici mon frère sur cette photo)

(Voici mon frère sur cette photo)

Mon quartier, Rijkerwoerd. Est formidable ! Il y a belles maisons sur le quartier ! Et aussi sympas magasins ! Les magasins sont sur le centre commercial.

(Voici le centre commercial sur cette photo)

Au centre commercial, il y a un supermarché, une boulangerie, un boucher, un restaurant, un café et un coiffeur.

(Voici supermarché sur cette photo)    (Voici le boucher sur cette photo)

Mon école s’appelle le Lycée Lorentz. C’est pas mal. J’adore l’Anglais et la informatique ! Je déteste la gym et les maths, c’est terrible ! Mais j’aime le Art aussi.

(Voici mon école sur cette photo)

Le Village Français étais pas mal. J’aime l’idée, mais je n’aime l’exécution. C’est trop bordel. J'espère l'année prochaine serai meilleur.

(Voici le Village Français sur cette photo)

*note: The (voice le photo) thing's are just photo's :P

Thanks in advance

Other Discussion / Re: HELP!! My youtube account got suspended :(
« on: June 13, 2008, 06:02:05 pm »
Or you could make a site and embed your videos with Quicktime or Windows Media Player and add a views thing. I dunno.
I don't know how that works.. I only know how it work in Flash, but I don't have Flash on this PC :-X

Other Discussion / Re: HELP!! My youtube account got suspended :(
« on: June 13, 2008, 02:35:16 pm »
Are you sure that's what it is? Did they e-mail you about it? It could be a misunderstanding like the AVGN YouTube account. BTW, did anybody see the new AVGN video? I didn't really find it that funny.
Yeah, they've emailed me about it..

Other Discussion / HELP!! My youtube account got suspended :(
« on: June 13, 2008, 01:55:19 pm »
They deleted it because I uploaded 3 videos of Guitar world that I BOUGHT ::) And even if that's illegal, there are TONS of people around youtube doing the same..

The most of the videos are still on my computer, gladly. But now they have banned my IP, I can't make a new account anymore. And I'm not going to use Proxies that doesn't allow me to load buffer, that slows down my internet speed and have me to turn it on each time I use my account.

Please, does someone has some advice for me for making a new account, getting my account back or using a different site where I can upload videos on, and put the embeds on my site?

Entertainment / Re: Music
« on: June 11, 2008, 07:30:10 pm »
Lamb of God
Rage Against The Machine
Forgot to add these! Lamb of god is genious and RATM rox my sox off!

Entertainment / Re: Music
« on: June 11, 2008, 03:46:10 pm »
I'm a huge fan of metal/rock music!

My favourite genre's are Hard Rock, Speed/Power Metal, Metal/Deathcore, Melodic Death metal and Thrash Metal (excluding metallica)

A few bands:

Amon Amarth
Children of Bodom
As I lay dying
Bullet for my valentine
Bring me the horizon
In Flames
Dimmu Borgir
Suicide Silence
Slipknot (I only like 1 song of them XD)

In my opinion, metallica sucks. They look/think like they are making heavy music, but in fact they are making soft-rock/metal-balad  ::) Even the old songs of them are not heavy. Megadeth and Slayer owns them.

Coding / Re: PHP Help
« on: June 09, 2008, 06:05:32 am »
$title = ":: Logged in";
$passwd = $_POST['password'];
if ($passwd == "asdfgh")
echo 'Your in the admin panel!';
$title = "WRONG!";
echo 'WRONG!!!';

Question; why did you added $title at the second statement if you haven't added it on the first one? :O Like $title = "Welcome!".

The Ending sucked, the movie sucked. It ruined the whole series, while the beginning of the first 40 episodes are very great.

Other Discussion / Re: Free good registry fix/spyware remover?
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:14:40 pm »
Thanks SlimmyG and MG-Zero! His PC has been fixed thanks to you guys :D! I downloaded it as souvenir too :P

Entertainment / Re: R4 DS
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:27:18 pm »
I bought an M3 just to play GB/C games.

...but don't tell anyone.
M3 is the double price of an R4. But it sucks to compare with it, even the price is not worth it. The R4 works faster and runs games a lot better. 80 percent of the games can run on an R4, and less than 50 percent on the M3. Trust me, I own them both.

Other Discussion / Free good registry fix/spyware remover?
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:22:34 pm »
My cousin has a spyware on his PC, and needs free software to remove it. He didn't activated Windows System Restore, so he can't use it. Does someone knows what's the best choice to use against the spyware?

Entertainment / The Uber Ninjas episode 2 finaly uploaded! XD
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:27:23 pm »
I forgot I had these series, and forgot to finish the editing of episode 2. So here it is now. Episode 3 has to come though, I have the video parts on my PC unedited yet.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu2lKpFtSr8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu2lKpFtSr8</a>
The Uber Ninjas Episode 2 :)

And if you want to watch episode 1 too (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8eZMVwnfh0)

Comment for tips and opinions please! We're making a new series after this one, in my opinion this isn't that bad "{

Entertainment / Re: moar anime
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:24:58 pm »
Full Metal Alchemist
Avatar (lolz, it rocks)
Devil May Cry

Graphics / Re: Siberai (artwork)
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:21:02 pm »
thats cool, except that it doesnt look that cyber, its still really good, tho. XD
He is wearing a mobile power suit :O

Entertainment / Re: How the hell is this music?
« on: May 25, 2008, 09:17:46 pm »
Rap sucks, it's not music. It's a trend that the most teenagers follow O_o

Listen to Napalm Death - You Suffer, that's even more like music :P

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