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Messages - Kyubi

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Entertainment / Re: Amazing but rarely known movies?
« on: December 09, 2008, 09:46:48 pm »
American History X

Updates / Re: New Moderators
« on: December 09, 2008, 05:46:48 pm »
How come you guys aren't mods anymore?  :(

Entertainment / Re: Amazing but rarely known movies?
« on: December 08, 2008, 11:05:56 pm »
Come back when you can post an actual quirky film, Moldrill.

I recommend Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars (Jackie Chan)- great 80's Hong Kong martial arts/comedy flick. Here's a clip

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6Rm-vr48HM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6Rm-vr48HM</a>

Entertainment / Re: Animal Crossing City Folk
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:38:35 pm »
City Folk is good, but the original was WAY better. Better camera angle, no forced shitty items (watering can/slingshot anyone?), more features for the town instead of a generic town hall, the train station was good, the animals did more than just say one-liners; you could ask if they needed a job doing, and the island still hasn't been brought back.

Oh, and might I add the music shits all over the Wild World crap they lazily ported straight over. Really, how hard would it be to port over both sets of music and let the player choose which set to use?

Anyone else feel this way?

Entertainment / Re: Well, the time has come; Soulja Boy gets his own game.
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:34:51 pm »

Other Discussion / Re: 8th of December is not christmas.
« on: December 08, 2008, 10:22:00 pm »
bah humbug
/bah humbug

But srsly TDJ, lighten the !@#$% up. It's a frigging international end-of-year holiday, god forbid people make their houses look nice to lighten things up a little. Decorations, that is, fairy lights here and there, make you feel warm- don't deny it. It's nice when everything's grey, it makes things bearable. And don't pretend to feel sorry for Mr. Man in the decorated house because he's stressed about buying presents- for all you know he could easily be happy. People help eachother buy presents. But I do agree, Christmas songs suck balls.

So stop complaining about Christmas- you're going to get tons of presents/money that you're going to be happy with. Be a good boy, or you'll get a piece of coal (read: someone will punch you in the face) You have no right to complain about Christmas when it means nothing but fun for you.

To conclude: The shitty aspects of Christmas are tacky decorations plastered all over about one in 1,000 houses, of which one in 1,000 of those are actually completely terrible. The other aspect is the commercial whoring of it. At your age, you should know to ignore that !@#$% if you're above it and not throw a hissy fit over it. Most people don't put decorations up until at least the start of December, and hey, you know that month-long buildup that's completely pointless? It's called Advent. Maybe you should learn about !@#$% before making baseless rants next time.

Entertainment / Re: Amazing but rarely known movies?
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:33:23 pm »
This is England. Also, Oldboy.

EDIT: Pagebreak get

Entertainment / Re: Scribblenauts
« on: December 07, 2008, 09:45:22 pm »

What's this? The tallest tree in the forest?

Looks like it's time for A HADDOCK.
But will the game contain A HERRING?!

You should start working on this again. It looks good.

Entertainment / Re: Take that Canada! Carl Froch vs Jean Pascal
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:24:56 am »
Go England!

Entertainment / Re: Scribblenauts
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:40:24 pm »

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:19:01 pm »
I wish to be the little girl.

Other Discussion / Re: Aaah
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:15:31 pm »
Buy him a Black & Decker drill. Drills are a man's romance.

Also, he will feel like you acknowledge him as a manly man. In fact, buy him a !@#$% toolkit!

Other Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas to me!~
« on: December 06, 2008, 12:30:25 am »
Don't touch me

I still laugh every time I think of that!

Other Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas to me!~
« on: December 05, 2008, 11:57:50 pm »

It's in the MAAAAAAAIL!
I always preferred Shiraishi.

Other Discussion / Re: Man beats his girlfriend with Cheeseburger
« on: December 04, 2008, 10:03:37 pm »
Typical fascist propaganda! They didn't even say he took out the gurkins! Of course, saying that would show us all what a gent he is, and how he DOESN'T deserve to be in jail!

Nintendo- true innovators in quality control

Not to mention Cheese bursts out at the end of the song yelling "I LIKE RICK ROLLING!!!"
So uhh... yeah. it's a rickroll dude.
No, it isn't. You don't have a clue what exactly rick rolling is, and neither did those guys. Visit a *chan imageboard, and find out from there. Has to be unexpected and in disguise of something else, and can also be a sudden interruption. This was none of those.

Meanwhile people with lives found that somewhat amusing because it was just a bit of humour during a parade...
I have a life, I find it amusing, I'm just being pedantic.

Anyway, my bad Faldomar, I went by what I heard other people had said, which was that everyone knew he was gonna be there, etc.

Not to mention Cheese bursts out at the end of the song yelling "I LIKE RICK ROLLING!!!"
So uhh... yeah. it's a rickroll dude.
No, it isn't. You don't have a clue what exactly rick rolling is, and neither did those guys. Visit a *chan imageboard, and find out from there. Has to be unexpected and in disguise of something else, and can also be a sudden interruption. This was none of those.

Other Discussion / Re: Dear Canadians...
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:58:42 pm »
How much poutine can you buy for $4.07?

'cos this cost me $4.07 (or rather, £2.20), and it was all of a sixty second walk to Ahmed's van to go get it.

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