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Messages - wildex999

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Other Projects / Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:43:12 am »
I did experience that also. I couldn't move, but I could face different directions. When I went to type a message, it kept pasting text when I hit the "V" key (Without holding down the ctrl key mind you). So it basically acted like the ctrl key was being pressed down, when it wasn't. So I pressed the ctrl key once more, and bingo I could walk again. Very weird bug though.
Exactly the same happened to me, also another key i pressed(Don't remember it) made the entire message I had written, just delete itself. Kind of annoying =/

Coding / Re: [C#, XNA 3] Heads-Up Display Component Tutorial
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:24:33 am »
Whoa, nice tutorial :D
Nicely commented code(not too much, but explains what it needs to)
And a nice tutorial text ;)
I'm going to start using a bit of C# soon too, and I can see that these tutorials can be a great help when that time comes :D

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] The World (Finally a release is here)
« on: December 26, 2008, 12:34:25 am »
I tried the demo, and I can see that it have the potential to become a great game. I have seen most of the .heck series, so I just HAD to try it ;)
Anyway, after walking around a bit, and talking to someone in there, I suddenly got stuck on the spot, and couldn't move, but could still see others move, and chat. i tried logging out/Quitting, and it didn't work, the game held me hostage :( A good old CTRL+ALT+DEL fixed it tho ;)

Anyway, I can't wait to see this game as it nears completion, good luck :D

Entertainment / Re: Stand aside GMod, Left 4 Dead, and CSS
« on: December 20, 2008, 06:11:28 pm »
Oh, I'm SOO gonna download that =P

Zelda Projects / Re: World of Hyrule [Online]
« on: December 18, 2008, 08:28:36 pm »
Oh, looks sweet :D
I don't think you have to worry about Nintendo showing up outside your house, I have yet to see that happen to any other Zelda fan game as of yet.
Anyway, nice graphics, can't wait to see how this turns out ;)

Coding / Re: Need help with linker errors (C++)
« on: December 13, 2008, 07:53:56 pm »
What I was trying to do was declare them as a part of the class..without the () it threw a bunch of errors at me.  So I stuck the () on them and it seemed happy with it =\  Lemme try this again..

What kind of errors do you get without them?
Or does it all work now? :P

Updates / ZFGC Radio
« on: November 04, 2008, 12:57:30 pm »
Why MP3? Why not stream in AACP? 24kb/s, 44Khz, Stereo, about same quality as same with Mp3 at 128kb/s.

EDIT: lol, bitrate was changed while i was listening, and the sound went all dark and slow :P

Feedback / Re: Response to "What is this forum even about?"
« on: October 30, 2008, 07:47:35 am »
I wonder what would happen if you just suddenly "locked" the whole Discussion sub-forum part :P

Anyway, the way I see it, this site has great potential, and actually a long history(I remember visiting this site many times before, but never actually signing up, and it was quite active)

The best part(in my opinion) of the Weekly, was the Featured Project part, and that was the only part that was changed/removed :(

I see this forum as a fan-games forum, I mainly come here to see what new project and stuff that is out, I barely EVER go to the Discussion sub-forum, unless a topic in the "recent posts" catches my attention. If I want to do just random discussion, I usually go to another forum. I say, more focus on the fan-games. WAY more focus on the community project. I think the community project is doing great in the way of story and graphics, but not in game programming. The first thing new people will look for when hearing about it is screenshots from in-game. It doesn't matter how good a story is written, or how nice NPC's and City we got, if it isn't somehow implemented into the game, and show at least some kind of Beta/alpha screenshot. I would help with the programming, but I try to stay away from GameMaker(For my own good) :(

Um... Big wall'o text... done :D

Other Projects / Re: Waxy's Sushi Party
« on: October 17, 2008, 03:35:39 pm »
Haha, yeah, this would definitively sell on Xbox 360(Arcade/Community Games) ;)

Updates / Re: NCFC - Nintendo Community Fangame Convention
« on: October 13, 2008, 03:15:09 pm »
*sigh* Unfortunately, I had to pull my booth =( I just didn't have enough of my game done to show anything. Maybe it's for the best, this way I won't have to rush any parts of the engine, and it will end up better when I actually get to releasing something(Hopefully by December)

Other Projects / Re: Waxy's Sushi Party
« on: October 07, 2008, 07:43:52 pm »
Haha, It looked like a good game, so I ended up downloading the YuYu plugin just to play it. I liked the game, and it looks like a lot of work has gone into it, but for me it just was too much to watch out for x3
Having to press the right buttons, calculate the bills(After i added on the price) and see what bonuses I have, at the same time, was just too much.

Anyway, good game, and I think a lot of people will like it :)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]Zelda Untitled Game.
« on: October 07, 2008, 07:03:12 pm »
I haven't tried the demo yet, but the screens looks good ;)
I wish you good luck on this project :D

Updates / Re: [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - October 5th, 2008
« on: October 06, 2008, 06:14:42 pm »
I'm here, waiting for that BRILLIANT Zelda fan game that might one day come out.... Meh, I'm just bored.

Other Projects / Re: SigmaSix - Version 2.0
« on: October 05, 2008, 12:07:25 pm »
I just gotta ask, how does it sync the screen? Do you just send screenshots now and then, or do you encode a video stream?

Updates / ZFGC Weekly - October 5th 2008
« on: October 05, 2008, 11:58:22 am »
4Sword are EVERYWHERE =D
Nice weekly ;) Reading this always lightens up my day :)

EDIT: Just an idea, maybe include a part about the community project every week too? Like, what has been done, some of what is next to be done, etc? Shed some LIGHT on that project ;)

Coding / Re: Hey, a little favor.
« on: October 05, 2008, 01:47:06 am »
Also, both Opera 9 and Apple Safari shows it right, but, IE fails(See attached screenshot)

Coding / Re: Hey, a little favor.
« on: October 04, 2008, 10:12:54 pm »
Looks the same for me(Firefox3, winXP)

Updates / Re: [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - September 28th, 2008
« on: October 02, 2008, 11:34:14 pm »
I think that if we actually got the Community project rolling, and I don't mean yet another topic on what needs to be done, but actually get it somewhere, that would pull members, and thus help this place becoming better. And as 4Sword said, this is a nice place to help, showcase and get help on fangame projects, but anything outside fan-game projects doesn't belong here in my opinion(What do we have gamedev.net for?), aside from the small application that pop's up here and there. But lastly, make zfgc into just fgc. I think this place would do better with more focus on other fan-games, and not only Zelda games(Tho not abandoning Zelda completely ofcourse ;) )
Anyway, there have been many promising projects as of late, and if we got word of some of those projects to outside zfgc, we might yet beat the record of 300+ visitors in one day :P

Feedback / Re: Email Addresses
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:20:02 pm »
Hm.. Well yeah, pretty much, but I was thinking more in the lines of website, but that too is pretty much given trough the forums x3

*Wonders what will happen at http://zfgc.com/lacoop/ *

Feedback / Re: Email Addresses
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:17:18 pm »
Set up Free Hosting for Zelda Fan games (EDIT:Website) instead maybe? :P

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