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Messages - zeldaknack

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Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 29, 2008, 08:18:48 pm »
So far, even the village is getting *huge*, trying to fit in additions, while staying fairly true to the original look & feel is getting mildly humorous in some ways.
Now, please note- I'm not complaining, I'm actually gettin one heck of a kick out of it!  things are progressing well for the demo, and I feel that I really can get it out in the
next couple of weeks. I'm trying to get in 2-5 hours a night on it (which can be hard when cooking, cleaning, a 10 hour work day, some time with the missus, and sleep
come in to play), but it's going to be worth it :-)

Getting the village to demo quality is also bringing out some obvious design flaws-
   *I've realized I forgot to make a 'end cap' for some of the forest pieces
   *some of the forest pieces' scaling has gotten off
   *I need some smaller, more dramatic curves for the forest ;-)
   *Some textures and bits need rework badly, but it should be fast to do
      **This is noted by finding out that some of my textures are not 'power of 2' textures according to the engine,
          which requires some touch up, etc. to be done.
   *I'm likely going to be adding alot (over time) of 'accessory' pieces
         --Examples are: carved names on trees, small grave markers, tools and things that characters would use
            for their claimed profession, items like wagon wheels, oddball flowers, pots, pans, books, flower
            pots, bags of flour, corn, potatoes, etc., barrels of apples, grain, etc..
   *Planned pieces not going to be seen in demo: Forest/tree detail pieces
                     Tree/Forest path detail pieces*
                     forest ruins
                     alot of interactive objects/ interactive components
                     ledge crawling
                     inventory system (for the most part, will be in there partially)
                     most all items
                     Anywhere much outside of K. Village

Now - be warned, this is a rant of sorts...

It's kinda crazy looking at the amount of hours I've put in thus far on it, avg. of 1-2 hours a day 5 days a week, and then 3-8 hours a day on the weekends-
realizing I've put over 500 hours into this beast easily- and it's still just working on getting the components fully working... It's crazy, absolutely crazy.

Now, this is the point where many an sane(r) person, or artist even- would throw in the towel. Call it quits.

But, it's actually made me *more* dedicated, and determined.


Because I'm making a game that I want to play, adding things that I want to see, utilizing the infamously 'bad idea' of taking ideas from the communities. It may
not be for everyone when it's done- I actually expect many will slam it. But, that's not the point.

The point, at the end of the day- is building the toolset to build the game to let others try the game, and then to give them the toolset- by doing so, it proves the
toolset principles- for better or ill. It's a social experiment of sorts- as well as one heck of a portfolio piece for those involved. Hopefully this proves that a person
or 3 can build a decent game- that the ideas fostered by the community can be in turn returned to them, and that with luck- many more things can be fashioned
from it...  It's also an experiment to see if 1-3 people can do what a major studio claims takes multiples of ten or a hundred more to make.

In so many ways- it's a test for me.. A test of wills, of spirit, of determination... And I don't intend to fail. I have yet to fail at a project I've tackled. It's that pure dumb
determination- and a bit of luck.

Now, is this aimed at anyone? No. I just don't want people to get discouraged that this is taking 'so long'.. Everything aside from concept art, the motion capture,
a littttttttle bit of programming (not counting the raw engine itself) and a chunk of texturesis being done by hand, from scratch by 1 person- me... And that takes a
lot of time.
Think about it- every, single, little, item has to be made in 3d, UVmapped (usually), exported, checked for errors, scaled, checked for errors, textured, checked
for errors, organized (in theory) and finally put in-game.... Then it's got to have attributes programmed in- how much does it weigh, is it able to be walked-thru,
can it be picked up, does it float, is it driveable, is it affected by sunlight, other lights, cast a shadow, have a predefined shadow, does it move- if so, in what direction(s),
what speed, can it be jumped on, does it make sounds when any of the above happen, is it flammable, shootable, etc, etc, etc....
It's no joke. 

Just have some patience with me guys- and keep up the feedback and comments, I'll respond, and always value them.


Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 28, 2008, 01:51:50 pm »
Yes, there will be !items! *grin* Morrrrre than enough of them :-)

If anyone wants the inventory base for their own project, let me know- I can customize it in minutes
for other amounts of inventory, etc.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 27, 2008, 09:04:14 am »

Yes I think it is, though it'll likely have different pro's & cons for each program, with things like
max textures/models in a level, or higher frame rates in one versus the other.

I *was* actually going to do it in gamemaker, as I *can* load a level at the current quality in
without issue- however editing levels and such in Gamecore is easier for me, and requires a
much shorter pipeline for me to get things 'in-game' than gamemaker does. And I don't panic
with GC if I forget a .dll (since there are none) and I'm suddenly losing 20-50 fps...

In other news-

Let me know what you all here at ZFGC think of the inventory template thus far:

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 17, 2008, 05:50:49 pm »

Gotcha *chuckles*

Well like I said- I hope I don't annoy anyone.

I guess I can understand- it's been pretty drawn out & much more complex than one would think-
uvmapping *everything*, texturing, rigging, animations.. Thankfully I've had concept art help, and
there's a plethora of free textures that take *some* of the work off my shoulders, and I've made a
decent investment for animation time for motion-capture stuff.

Like I've said a few times though, once I'm 'finished', everything will be free- not just the game, but
all of the assets (with animations pre-bound to them), heart-systems, inventory systems, etc. So that
hopefully it will eventually turn into a 3D zelda fan-game creation system.. My goals for game-engines
for the 3D zelda fan-game system that I plan on porting it to after the game is finished are:

Reality Factory
GameCore/Beyond Virtual (which, after all is what it's being made in)

All of the models in game so far are being saved for .fbx, .x, .obj, .3ds, and .ms3d formats... Makes it easier for me
and, eventually once the game is done- it will make it easier to open up to everyone else as a 3D zelda-creation engine.

Hope that all made sense.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:49:08 pm »
Cheesepie, & ZFGC

There may well be a demo in 2-4 weeks- *might* have had one this week, but the new engine build has been delayed almost 2
weeks now, and I need an engine to be able to make one *cue a chuckle*

But- seriously, I'm going to try to have one ***very*** soon.

It will be a basic heart-bar, combat, pick up & throw things, talking demo- alot of the more advanced features are going to
have to wait a bit, as well as much of the optimization stuff (levels of detail, etc). Chests will open- but the only 'items' in
the demo will be heart pieces for now.  Still trying to iron out bugs on inventory & equippable item changes.

I did just finish tooling the entire forest construction kit- there is now curves :-)
......Let me tell yah though- getting close to seamless or seamless transitioning trees to line up is a biiiiiig pain ;-)
But I want there to be curving sections without a huge impact on system resources *shrug*

The LOD stuff for the forest kit part of it will be after the first demo, as I want to get that running as soon as I can
once the new engine build is up & running.

I'm not trying to take over zfgc :-(
Hope no one is getting annoyed with me.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 15, 2008, 07:44:41 pm »
Currently delayed due to GameEngine Build expiry & waiting on the updates- unfortunately the offices
have been without internet for roughly 48 hours, and the build of the engine has been delayed since
the 4th of July (ugggh)..

So, meanwhile - I've been catching up on artistic inspiration (watched Hellboy 2, and The Incredible
Hulk; read a few issue of Computer Arts Magazine, and had a big family bbq- yay.. ) not that you guys
needed to know all that, buttttt ;-)

Anyways- On topic,

I must say thank you :-)
Not sure I deserve such accolades, but I thank you :-)

Oh, my God! *rofl*
I cannot believe you said that X_x
I may have to do such a scene just to make you eat your words :-P

Hyrule field seems to be the # 2 request ;-)

SlimmyG, Paloupa,-
I was around that age when I played LttP ;-)

Overall vote seems to be for the Forests, and as such - It shall be done (once the engine guys get the build up & running).
The new build is uber exciting, as it has the starts of a visual GUI editor- so I'll be able to do interface stuffs hopefully without
relying on flake-tastic programmers. *happy dance*

Anyways- Keep up the comments, It's awesome to have such a reception :-)

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Animal Crossing Neighbourhood
« on: July 11, 2008, 11:26:01 pm »
Very impressive!!!

What engine are you using, or is it custom?

Very, very impressed!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 10, 2008, 02:19:58 pm »
His chest does look caved in on some screenshots- I blame it on the oddball shading methods used in the engine... Not sure why?
I'll take a look at it sooner or later ;-)

I'mma trying, but thank you on the overall compliments :-D It's not an easy task (laughs)

I am flattered- doing it alone is taking **forever** but it's starting to meet or exceed my expectations :-) I **do** have a Kamehameha animation that I could put on there ;-) Legend of Dragonball?? *chuckles** Maybe next game, or true 3d pokemon,
not sure.

Thank you man- I'm glad you're liking it thus far, the shoulders took a bunch of tweaking to get decent, but I think it's finally ready
for in-game.

There will be *tons* more updates :-)  Not sure what's up with the dark spot either- I'll check
the texture file again eventually & see what I can do- didn't catch that, you guys have great
eyes :-)

And aye- it's looking **way** better than it did once upon a time... Amazing what a couple of
months of extra dev time gets a man ;-)  But, he's accepting ***all*** the animations now, so
it should go faster now. Hopefully...

Loving the levels of feedback thus far guys, keep it up!!

Any questions, offers of assistance,
minor tweaks you think need to be/could be made,
suggestions or hopes for things or animations,
comments in general- let me know!!

Ahh- one last question-

What kind of areas do you guys want to see him walking thru first?

Hyrule Field?

A return to the village?
 A graveyard?
A Forest?
The desert?
The beach?

Where's the rest of the ZFGC'ers? ;-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 10, 2008, 04:34:43 am »
cheers guys :-)   should actually be prettier in game as the textures suffer a lil in the animation proggie. 

If I get enough comments I may just be inspired enough to put it in game fully tomorrow or the day after :-P

I truly do feedon the comments, and am very pleased that you guys are liking em so far.

now then- what's the rest of ya alls think?

questions? comments? compliments?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 10, 2008, 03:23:39 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAJJtliVZek" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAJJtliVZek</a>
Character Movement test2

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 09, 2008, 04:14:46 am »
Please note:
Proportions are fixed.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 09, 2008, 04:13:52 am »
Small update with the 'revamped' Main character-

Posting it exclusively here for now, to get the inputs from you guys :-)

Let me know what you think.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: July 02, 2008, 04:00:56 pm »

I'm glad you've come to like him Lugi ;-)

I am debating adding a *little* more hair in the front to tie it all together more, as I think it could benefit from it..

There has been a couple of tweaks done (unhiding the shoulders & re-adding a couple of segments of upper arm that
somehow got deleted between model revisions).. He definitely has some 'edge' to him ;-)

The interior for the houses has been added, and the decor is almost finished for it. Then comes
texturing and such. Simple stuffs now that I've gotten a firm handle on the UV mapping proggie.
Yay for texturing by group.
House interiors only load when the player opens a door- unloading in theory when they close the
door.. That way it saves loads (pun intended) of overhead, while allowing a player to freely
enter and exit a house without visible load times... The only exception to this will of course
be dungeons (unless what I'm tinkering with works).

It's just finding the time- and wishing that programmers and suchlike were a little more
involved / not quite so flakey. *cue shrug*

He's looking much more 'proportionate' now, for those complaining- as most of that was unhiding
the shoulders & trimming out the extra poly's, then re-adding the two arm segments that some
how got deleted.There's even some added little things I've done- including starting to add a
few extra details to the skin & body. Like- another belt pouch (cheesy yah, but- adds to the
'life' I think).

I may have figured out the 'hookshot' - or at least the boomerang, but I'll save such surprises
for later, as I can't promise anything there yet...  Still having issues creating the chain,
and reliably pulling the player to the point. Looking at the old Quake 2 hookshot mod has
helped dramatically, but all the puzzle pieces still havent come together in a working manner

I also think I've figured out ledge grabbing- as cheesy as it sounds, it's not the easiest of
tasks to switch movement code types in the middle of an area- and then to switch back... Odd
but true. 

An example of things that hasn't been *too* hard- making the character back or foreward flip
when falling or jumping from, say- a house roof to a hidden area.
   You know, that cool acrobatic type stuff we've come to know & love.

Still haven't mastered the art of creating swimming yet- splashing in puddles is easy, but- swimming (once again modifying movement code mid-game), I'm thinking I'll keep it
the same as in LttP, where you can only 'swim' with the flippers... Saves me some demo

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:46:15 pm »
-Always up to constructive criticism, and chat/help. I usually answer emails very rapidly (zelda *dot* knack *at* gmail *dot* com)

--The dodgy lighting in places is due to the light render issues of the engine- it does not do the same in Milkshape, or Max. Not sure how to fix it, as in all other programs it's not
doing it. *cue shrug* But, I don't believe it's a smoothing group issue at the root.

-You may have a point on the overly clear-cut bit of the arms meeting the torso, I'm working on touching up the arms slightly (as I realized I deleted 2 sections of the arm- which creates most of the disproportionate look), but thus far he has been animating prettty well, no stretching problems that are severe- except for maybe the hat. I've yet to see a 'good' tutorial on modeling the arm to shoulder connections, so if you have advice you'd like to share I'm all ears :-D

-Actually, the 1024 map is required to get the smoother texture transitions that I wanted, and to ensure that when texture changes are done due to items being found, etc,
that there is a little play room. When it gets in-game, you'll be able to zoom on the character, and still see the detail down to the leather texture of the tunic, and the chinks of
the chainmail. Some things, yes- like the face and at the moment- the boots, are currently wasting some detail ability, but I didn't see the point in loading on more for the sake of it.

--It does come across as fairly negative, but I understand that people are entitled to their opinions. I'll give you a pass this time.

-I make my models in Sketchup, as Max - as a modeling application- in my opinion- is crap comparitively. I use max occasionally for rigging purposes *only*, and ultimate unwrap 3d
for unwrapping, as it is ****vastly**** superior to max for such purposes- and it's obvious when even companies like UbiSoft and Valve are using it, or the in-house equivalent thereof.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 23, 2008, 06:55:56 pm »


-Thank you :-)  I'm going to be giving him some eyebrows- mayhaps it will help. He does look
a bit angry- but that's the intent? The oddness factor I'm not sure on other than that. I may look at some touch-up work on it.

Thank you! I'mma trying ;-) It's not going as fast as I hope - but it's coming along :-)


He's going to stay a little angry looking ;-) May try to tone it down a little- but I'll see if it can be toned down :-) -- Part of the delay came from him looking a little depressed on one of my earlier efforts on the face texture. This one may be too simplistic, leading to the angry look.

Thank you for the encouragement! I'm keeping it going :-)
The lighting is throwing it off a little, but you're right- it is a little... Off.
I'll look at trying the spacing some more on the letters. I'm tryign for a decent amount of
quality on this, and the comments like that truly help a ton! And yes- a *lot* of time was spent on the model- he's evolved alot from the earliest pictures till now. There's now -0- floating or redundant lines or polygons (thank God), and the specular map once added will add just a tad more life and energy to him. I am super proud of the eyes though- I think they 'pop' well. Just me there.. It's been one heck of a learning curve ;-)

The project is definitely still moving- hopefully after some minor things are fixed I'll be able to re-rig the main character, since he's purty now ;-) and get a in-game demo vid running.
We had a very nice contributor gift the project with a domain name- so we'll be able to host all pictures and such soon- and put up concept art and such for more people to see.  Who knows- maybe I'll end up getting a programmer through the attention it'll hopefully bring to the table. *crosses his fingers* 

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 22, 2008, 08:53:43 am »
Quick Logo/ Splash screen title logo lettering progress work.

Input greatly appreciated!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 22, 2008, 08:52:26 am »
Quick Overhauled main character shots, for those still interested.

Triangle count-
4800 triangles

Texture map: 1 1024x1024

This is in-engine.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:03:31 am »
Real quick answer 'cause it's family bonding weekend- yes, you are right- it's also in 2
other screens if you look hard enough ;-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: May 29, 2008, 02:35:04 pm »
Thank you all for the comments thus far!!!

This is what I love about ZFGC- constant encouragement :-)
I’m still not sure on my color choices on the textures, but they’ll do for now ;-)
None of the textures are bigger than 512- and most are less than 256x256 :-)
Meaning, of course that it should be easy on the video card/processor (and ain’t bad on the eyes).

I don’t think I’d be making quite as good progress without this kind of encouragement, and love to hear your guys- and gals’ opinions, concerns, and thoughts on the choices for color, texture, design, etc. :-)

Just wait, just wait ;-)  You’ll see some bizarre, beautiful, and different things come from this hat of mine as time winds by :-)

Short and to the point I see ;-) I’m glad it’s peaking interest for yah :-)

I’m still making up my mind as to either bake the shadows in, or to keep them ‘live’. Both have their own drawbacks of course- live being slower; and baked meaning they’ll not change location (which can be a little odd).

I’ve put *alot* of time into this thus far- concept art of my own and from a few contributors definitely helps though, as guidelines speed the process dramatically. I won’t lose the motivation, if the forums don’t lose the encouragement :-P

CrystalAngel-You honor me with your presence, Moderator ;-)
The detail & other mapping once it’s broken down to components will enhance the look *alot*, and I’m hoping to put more mural-type art in it, but I’ve had some mild issues with textures- and wanted to the ‘minimal’  amount of detail thus far. 

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: May 29, 2008, 02:07:26 am »
Sneak peak at the early unfinished desert temple-
Please bear in mind these are not normal mapped or bump mapped/specular yet.

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