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Messages - therabidwombat

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Entertainment / Re: I need a game server
« on: November 13, 2006, 06:00:22 pm »
server that receives strings from the client


And with that...I don't think that you are ready for server programming. (well actually I was pretty sure of that a while ago but...)

Do you have any clue what a server even does? Just, so that I know where you are...tell me what you think a server actually does and how you think it works, please.

Entertainment / Re: I need a game server
« on: November 13, 2006, 04:17:49 pm »
Here are a few links to some scalable servers (sounds like what you need) in C++ using WinSock:

http://www.codeproject.com/internet/iocp.asp << using IOCP to write it
http://www.codeproject.com/internet/winsockiocp.asp << Also uses IOCP
http://www.codeproject.com/internet/IOCPScalableServer.asp << Also uses IOCP

http://www.codeproject.com/internet/iocp_server_client.asp << some simple IOCP code that doesn't really do anything other than a super simple client/user architecture.

I've worked trying to write a scalable server for an online game, it was pretty tough, a ton of things go on that you wouldn't expect, and it's hard to synchronise things. Me and my roommate pulled a couple all nighters on that one and still didn't have it working properly.

Other Discussion / Re: w00t!
« on: November 12, 2006, 08:34:48 am »
Yay for you! =D

I could understand if it was a huge landscaping company...but just a small business run by a couple? Let them live their ignorant ways, it's not worth this much trouble. Just go find another landscaper...

Other Discussion / Re: Vista delayed once more (by a few years).
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:58:40 pm »
I seriously hope Vista is going to be delayed so many years. I see little use for a new OS :/

The only reason they're doing this is because they want the few extra bucks.

One of the things I know that Microsoft is trying to do with Vista is promote their .net framework by creating an OS that relies on it.

Also, of course they want the few extra bucks, they're a business, that's how businesses work. They do what they can to make money :O

Games I want to be on the Wii's VC:
Donkey Kong Country 1 (SNES) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DKC (apparently this one is available on the VC ?)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DKC2 (aparently this one too?)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DKC3 (...and this one too?)
Earthworm Jim (SNES) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthworm_Jim

I own the DK ones and my roommate owns EWJ for the SNES.

I don't really hope to get a whole bunch of them...most of the consoles that you'll be able to download games for, I already own, and if possible, I prefer owning games on their original consoles (unless there's some sort of enhancement =D). Although I guess I'd want rare/hard to find games, like Zelda/lttp, maybe Secret of Mana...hmm...Conkers Bad Fur Day...can't think of much else. :P I think I own all the consoles other than NES.

Although if it has Sega Saturn (I doubt it, and yes, I really don't know), I'll want Shinining Force 3, assuming that they have the first episodes in english. It'd be cool if they translated the whole thing too.

Other Discussion / Re: Would like some pointers on my website. (Webcomic)
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:33:58 am »
The frong page is kind of screwed up, the background starts repeating itself or something, other than that I like the style of the layout. Although I'm intersted in how you're going to do a webcomic if you have no idea what you're webcomicing about. Do you at least have a character or theme in mind?

Discussion / Re: 3d Modelling Software
« on: November 10, 2006, 06:27:35 am »
The version I have is a 700 MB, not 200..

Other Discussion / Re: Impressive kinetic art
« on: November 09, 2006, 10:05:32 pm »
That's pretty sweet, I do'nt think it was all filmed at once though, if so that room is pretty huge that we never saw anything again in the background, and he's got really fast cameramen to change angles so quickly. :P

Even if it is done in pieces, that's really impressive.

Entertainment / Re: Super SmashBros Meleeeee
« on: November 09, 2006, 06:33:25 am »
If you haven't unlocked sound test, I doubt that's everything. XD
I don't know how to unlock that though.

The reason I bothered posting then? Becuase as I opened this topic, my roommate pointed at your avatar and said "I love that avatar, I think that's the best avatar I've seen."

Entertainment / Re: w00t! I just got Shining Force...
« on: November 09, 2006, 05:45:25 am »
Shining Force is really good, I actually have it on one of the Sega Smash Packs (I think one) for the
PC. I've never played 2 and I haven't got that far on the first one.
Well, it hasn't arrived yet. But I won a bid on ebay (I know, ebay sucks, but it does have some good stuff, I got a studio ghibli box set for like $55, as opposed to getting the movies at $30 each).
I got Secret of Mana for the SNES on Ebay for 36 dollars without the box, very good deal, I love that game.

It's Sega Smash Pack 2, I own that, it's where I discovered shining force =D

Other Discussion / Re: Agnosticism and Atheism
« on: November 09, 2006, 03:18:58 am »
Athiest: Commonly, wrongly used people that are very religous call agnostic people this, though it really means to hate all religion.

Atheists don't have to hate all religions.

Entertainment / Re: Which excites you more?
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:21:20 am »
You really should get a DS, wombat :).

I want one, but I have enough games to finish on my GCN/PS2 already, and I can't really afford a DS. Well, I could, but I wouldn't have time to play it (even as much as I want a Wii, it'll be a challenge to find a lot of time for it =D)

Discussion / Re: Short Game Cycle
« on: November 08, 2006, 11:53:48 pm »
Sounds like a plan, I never delete my source anyways. =D

Entertainment / Re: w00t! I just got Shining Force...
« on: November 08, 2006, 11:29:28 pm »
You should go back to that store and pick it up, it's well worth it. =D

Discussion / Re: Oldest software you've ever made!
« on: November 08, 2006, 10:22:43 pm »
I'm with helios on that one. Is it uploaded anywhere? =D

Entertainment / Re: Which excites you more?
« on: November 08, 2006, 09:25:51 am »
Twilight Princess looks awesome, even though I don't think I'll beat it when I get it (a friend of mine already pre-ordered me a copy =D)

PH I haven't heard much about, and I don't have a DS, so meh. :P

Other Discussion / Re: What should i do with my site.
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:03:13 am »
host lesbian porn

That might violate his terms of service :P

Entertainment / Re: [request] Gamecube Component Cables
« on: November 08, 2006, 07:02:07 am »
I didn't even know there were different verisons of GameCube D:

Anyways, my gamecube came without wires for the system, but fortunately, I still had my n64 wires, and those are compatible with gamecube. Same is true with my SNES, which I also got without the wires to connect it to the TV.

So if you have an older Nintendo Console lying around, chances are, it's wires will work with your GC.

Entertainment / Re: Woah...Major flashback...
« on: November 08, 2006, 06:25:44 am »
Dang I wish my sound were working...even without sound, major nostalgia D:

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