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Messages - Windy

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Entertainment / AoE 3 for 10c
« on: November 21, 2010, 03:05:21 pm »

Just leaving this link here, while it lasts.

Feedback / Re: Changing the name
« on: November 19, 2010, 04:47:20 am »
I blame those guys who added foreign characters and !@#$% to their names, those guys were assholes.

Coding / Re: C# Structs or Classes...that is the question
« on: November 17, 2010, 03:19:25 pm »
All variables in a struct also have to be initialised.

Other Projects / [Completed] VBA-M Ripper
« on: November 06, 2010, 09:25:14 am »
The sequal to vba ripper, now working on the almost latest copy of VBA-M fixes old bugs, graphics now both work in direct3d as well as opengl.

Use is rather quite complicated, get the to section of the game you want to rip from, what gets ripped depends on what options you choose, by default everything surrounded by a green box will be ripped as one.

Download Links

Red boxes - What sprites there are as shown in the OAM
Green Boxes - What the program assumes is the whole sprite
Colored Crosses - Keeps track of where the sprites are on screen, also known as a Tracker
Pink Boxes - Where multiple trackers have been grouped
Vertical Blue Line Over a Green Box - means the sprite will be ripped relative to the y axis of that green box
Horizontal Blue Line Over a Green Box - means the sprite will be ripped relative to the x axis of that green box
Blue Line Between Two Green Boxes - means that one of the sprites will be ripped relative to the other sprites position (may be x or y axis or both)

Options (Found In Tools > Ripping > Sprites):
Capture and Dump - Dumps the collected Sprites Into a directory with the same name and location as the rom.

Exclude Tracker - Excludes a tracker from the ripping process
Rip Only Tracker Groups - Rips only trackers that have been grouped (pink box)
Select Tracker - Selects a Tracker (Can't Remember what for)
Treat Area as Grouped - Treats everything inside the area as one sprite
Match Palettes - Treats tiles that are the same, but have different palettes as different sprites

Clear Tile Relationships - Clears any Tile Relationships you've made
Create Tile Association - Associates two tiles together so the system will recognise to group them
Create Tile Disassociation - Removes the automatic relationship between two tiles so they don't get grouped together by accident

Create Self Origin Link (X Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to it's own x position.
Create Self Origin Link (Y Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to it's own y position.
Create Self Origin Link (X/Y Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to it's own x and y position.
Create Origin Link (X Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to another sprite's x position.
Create Origin Link (Y Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to another sprite's y position.
Create Origin Link (X/Y Axis) - Rips the sprite relative to another sprite's x and y position.

An Extra Tool is provided to turn what gets ripped into a sprite sheet.

Other Projects / Re: [Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
« on: October 22, 2010, 02:07:42 pm »
Been busy on converting my existing code from XNA to SlimDX.  I've also been developing my base object system so it works with meshes instead of image files, in combination with adding a new set of plugins to load custom model formats has allowed me to begin adding 3d model support.  So far support is rather basic, it allows for FBX, DXF, DAE, 3DS and OBJ files, although not all features of those formats are supported.

Graphics / Olid Link Model
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:58:43 am »
I didn't make this, but I thought it looked pretty awesome.


Coding / Re: Can someone explain c# classes, please?
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:36:56 am »
Technically, it isn't changed for all instances of a class, because a static variable is not a part of an instance.
If you want to relate it to game maker, think about how global variables work, only instead of being completely global, they are limited to an object of that particular type.

Coding / Re: Can someone explain c# classes, please?
« on: October 18, 2010, 04:59:50 pm »
I sort of see classes as programs themselves, designed to handle a specific task. For example if you look at link, you can quite easily break it up into several different tasks, for me I'd probably have a sprite class, that will store sprite information and also be responsible for loading the sprite, then I would have another class that would take that as a parameter and would be responsible for keeping track of frame cycle.

abstract classes are those where the implementation hasn't been fully defined, say for example you have 5 different objects, each of those having the same things in common, but lets say each one of those draws differently, so each class would inherit from that abstract class, which would contain a draw method that hadn't been implemented, and each class that inherits from it would then have to implement their own draw method.  Then lets say you put those into a list that would only contain instances of that abstract class, then as you go through the list you would call the draw method of that abstract class, which would then call each draw method as implemented above.

If you want to relate it to game maker, you can think of it as how each object has a step event that it defines itself, all game maker knows is that each object has a step event, and to call it when going through the object loop, but it has no idea what that step event does, hence the term abstract.

If you want to relate constructors to game maker, think how you use instance_create, when you create an instance, you are required to pass x and y coordinates. that is no different then creating a constructor that would look like:
Code: [Select]
class Link
Link(int x, int y)
// assign my x and y coordinates
and would then be instantiated like
Code: [Select]
variablename = new Link(234, 34); // my x and y coordinates

you can also define as many as these as you like as long as the parameters are different
Code: [Select]
class Link
// assign my x and y coordinates to zero as the default

Link(int x, int y)
// assign my x and y coordinates

constructors can also inherit from each other

Code: [Select]
class Link
Link() : this(0, 0) // call the Link(int x, int y) constructor first
// do whatever now

Link(int x, int y)
// assign my x and y coordinates

Last point i'm going to make, you should not use int x and int y to store the coordinates, XNA already has a class that you should use called Vector3 that takes x, y, z, as to why you should use Vector3 instead of Vector2 which just has x and y, while you are simulating working with only a 2d plane, you are still really working on a 3d plane, and all your transforms will be required to reflect that, and then it saves you the trouble of having to create a Vector3 every time you need to do a transform.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] Majora's Mask remake using UDK
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:52:53 pm »
He still has to pay royalties since it uses Unreal Development Kit if he were to publish his game for money.
Not if he doesn't sell it.

How do you not sell a game and take money for it? Sounds marvelous
You take monopoly money.

I never ran into troubles healing, perhaps the only issue I had was with the difficult of some of the boss fights, where I ended up having to grind for a while and then afterwards I become overpowered, and the linearity.

Other Projects / Re: [Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
« on: September 26, 2010, 04:51:40 pm »
I ended up going through more of a rewrite of the internals.  One of the main changes is down to how selection works, previously objects could only be selected on a 2d plane which was fine when dealing with things from a top down perspective, however if you were to currently switch to a 3d view, to select an object you would have to click the tile the object is on, which is fine for flat objects but makes it more complicated for objects that made use of the 3d element, so I rebuilt the selection system so it select in 3d.

Also I've written several improvements to the renderer, mainly as an effort to reduce rendering times, it does have a few minor glitches with semi transparency on the 3d view due to the rendering order which I unfortunately can't fix.

I've also gone back and edited in some of the features I was originally going to add, two of these are what I'd call "informational tags", where the purpose isn't add extra content to the level but to add extra information to help during developing.  There's the comment tag, which when hovered over will display a piece of information, which would be useful when working with others you give the map to in order to explain certain parts of the map to them.  Then there is also the map tag, which essentially works like a hyperlink in a html document, which when clicked on will prompt you to save your changes to open the corresponding map, useful if you have multiple disjointed maps and you want to keep track of which door goes where.

Other Projects / Re: [Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:15:16 am »
Because I already had prepared resources for that game, so it was the easiest way.

Feedback / Re: Triforce icon
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:52:50 am »
And save it as an .ico file. Why?
If someone wants to make a better icon than feel free, just remember that it has to be in icon format.
Why would I do that:
Code: [Select]
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="#" />Supports any type of image and pretty much all browsers render it fine.
Icon is the only format that works across all major browsers.

Other Projects / Re: [Alpha] Map Editor 0.7a
« on: September 21, 2010, 04:39:58 pm »
Just thought I would post a screenshot, most of my time had been spent getting it to work with 3d views as I had the intention of using it to create maps that included 3d content.

Entertainment / Re: Ocarina of Time 3DS
« on: September 20, 2010, 12:50:24 pm »
I'm sure there's a good chance there'll be at least one extra thing, alttp gba did.
Multiplayer mode?
SM64ds had one
LttP had Four Swords.

ALttP had an extra dungeon.

Entertainment / Re: Ocarina of Time 3DS
« on: September 20, 2010, 09:45:12 am »
I'm sure there's a good chance there'll be at least one extra thing, alttp gba did.

Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:19:16 pm »
I would imagine it's because of familiarity. Javascript is just as fast on unity as it is with any other language that can be used with unity.

Graphics / Re: WIP Cirno art
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:08:23 pm »
I'm pretty sure what ur doing is illegal.

Feedback / Re: Triforce icon
« on: September 19, 2010, 07:36:56 am »
If someone wants to make a better icon than feel free, just remember that it has to be in icon format.

Feedback / Re: Triforce icon
« on: September 18, 2010, 05:42:20 pm »
I've removed zelda shrine and zelda portal.  The icon that I've got in place there now was the last one we were using, I just happened to come across it and added it back in since we didn't have one.

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