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Messages - UknownXL

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I have a suggestion for King Mob. I think what he should do is develop it so it can be played online or on a site. Then he could make ad revenue from ads on the site, then he could possibly have in game micro transactions. (sell special items in the game for like 50 cents, or so maybe you can go to newer locations in the game.) I think it would be very successful due to the publicity it has got around the net already. And maybe you could get a site to sponsor it for you with a lump sum. Just a suggestion, but you may have a better idea.

I am very excited to see that you decided to go ahead and make a original title. ShadowGazer was very unique and I think the idea needed to be original so it could really shine. I look forward to your work and hope to see some screens or something soon. If your looking for an artist or need a hand im more than willing to help. Im a payed artist/animator and I have been designing games for years now. Although they are only in flash, but I can easily create sprite sheets. Just a thought. If you need any help feel free to give me a shout. My email is mpvile@prodigy.net
I created an original title also that was inspired by zelda that you might want to take a look at. Its nothing as great as your game but I designed it by myself.

Discussion / Re: Hazzard
« on: May 06, 2009, 04:20:13 am »
Ok thanks for the advice. Im thinking a good start will be when the characters get there abilities. I think that would be a good start for the series and it would unfold better that way. Anyone else have any advice or impute?

Discussion / Hazzard
« on: May 05, 2009, 02:22:05 pm »
 So here is my idea. I want to develop a game with an engaging story and I have several ideas but not sure how I should start this off.. The game has many ways it can go and I feel that I must be careful choosing how the first story begins.

Story Idea's-
1. You are captured and experimented on in a facility. Once injected with the experimental hazard serum you become aware that you have developed an ability as a side effect. Then in all the confusion of other inmates also getting abilities you manage to get out of your cell. You then team up with 2 other characters and must make your way out of the building.
1. Damian- Can Stop Time
2. Tyler- Can use his own energy to create matter
3. Courtney- Can create and manipulate electricity

Story 2-
2. The game is set 20 years after the Hazard serum being injected into the patients at the facility and the world is a very different place. Not everyone developed powers from there injection. Some people developed an extremely lethal virus that killed more then 75% of the worlds population. Play as Damian and make your way through the ruined town to a enemy research facility. Then get a time belt and travel 20 years back to prevent everything from ever happening.
Game play will be a little more like a shooter at first. But im drawing blanks after he goes back in time.

If anyone has any idea's or would like to help just please respond here.

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: May 03, 2009, 07:00:34 pm »
Well the thing is I cant get stuck and I have tried, and some people say that its jumpy on there computers. But its not like that for me. Im not sure why it would do that, but several people have encountered it where as others seem to think that the collision is spot on. But it seems that it has been fixed and shouldnt be a issue in the sequel.

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: May 02, 2009, 08:19:56 pm »
Thanks for the review. I was hoping I would get some feedback. Well yes there seems to be issues with the collision, but this is something we thought we had fixed, and it appears to happen on what I assume is a older pc. Because after we fixed the code I couldnt get myself stuck if I tried. It has been fixed for the sequel though. Doesnt hurt to leave room for improvement. But there is a sequel on the way so keep an eye and ear out for that.

Is this even still in production? I havent heard anything about it in a long time.

Other Projects / Re: BreakOut 2
« on: April 28, 2009, 10:23:35 pm »
Ok so does anyone have any input on the screens or anything?

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: April 28, 2009, 10:22:48 pm »
I dont understand?

Other Projects / Re: BreakOut 2
« on: April 26, 2009, 05:12:15 pm »
No no, its more of a sequel to this.

Other Projects / Re: BreakOut 2
« on: April 23, 2009, 08:46:06 pm »
Does anyone have any impute on the screens or anything?

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: April 22, 2009, 01:36:12 pm »
Does anyone have any reviews for the game? That would be greatly appreciated.

Other Projects / BreakOut 2
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:39:29 am »
Here is a link to the first game.

Break Out 2
This game is basically the sequel to the very first game I ever created/finished. It has been a project that I have been looking forward to making sense the first games release, but due to the first game not being very popular I wasnt sure if I would ever make a second. But I have learned a lot since my first game and it is now time to make the sequel. It will be upraded in about every aspect of the game. It should be alot more entertaining this time around and the game play will be more engaging.

Basically the game starts right where you left off in the first one. You have just escaped the asylum and find yourself in a rundown garage that is now your safe house. Your Uncle Johnny tells you that you had been framed and your memory was taken from you do to the torch er/tests they did to you while you were held captive. You then learn of the company and how they formulated the plan to take you out because you had learned of there existence, and were hell bent on exposing them. Then Johnny hands you all the files you had on the company before your capture. Amongst the files is a list of 10 board members from the company. You then realize what you must do. If you ever plan on living your life again you must take out every member of the company.

The game is set into missions and there will be two different types of gameplay. One is where you can freely roam the game and use various weapons/tactics to take out your target. Then there will be missions where you are forced to use a sniper rifle. Much like in the tactical assassin games.

So far I have the first 4 levels completed, and im now working on the 5th missions design.

I was wondering if anyone out there has any idea's for missions?
Such as...
1. Names of Targets

2. Locations

3. Objectives needed to kill target

Just anything that would interesting for the gamer. Im spending alot of time designing levels and sprites so im hoping that anyone would help out with some ideas.

Also I may need some idea's for weapons, you can get creative with this.

So far I have
1. Hand To Hand Combat

2. Handgun

3. Remote Mines

4. Sniper Rifle

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: March 29, 2009, 02:33:54 am »
Yea I had a seperate programmer for the walls and he didnt code in the guys collision. I had a guy do all the sounds for the game. Well the music, and he did a fantastic job.

I personally think you should make an original game out of this. Who is to say a game is a zelda clone or not. Your capable of getting your own personalized graphics, and changing some things around to fit your design. I think it would be worth it if you created a original title. Just replace the sprites you have with different ones. Thats what I did when I created my game the guardian. I wanted a zelda game, but I new that I couldnt make any money off of it so I made a completely different game that brought a zelda-ish feel to it. And I made around 5,000 off of the project. Im sure yours could do better though. But my game was only 1 dungeon and it had 1 mini boss and a main boss.

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: March 28, 2009, 08:53:54 pm »
Yea its ok, lol... i through the zelda in there because I new it would attract people. I may get some harsh criticism, but I know that it will do well and it will help me improve on the game.

Other Projects / Re: The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: March 28, 2009, 06:12:02 pm »
Thats the thing though. Its not a Zelda Game. Its just inspired by the zelda series. But I already have a sequel in mind and it should be released in about 3 months or so.

Other Projects / [Completed] The Guardian Chapter 1
« on: March 28, 2009, 05:45:18 pm »
 Well I worked on this game for a long time and I just released it today. Since the game is greatly inspired by Zelda I thought I would post a link here. It took me around 6 months to make and I did all the art and programming myself.

You have 1 dungeon with two bosses. The game has its own original story but I hope it has that Zelda feel to it. Its basically part 1 of an ongoing series. Due to it being created in flash it had to be made this way because flash cant handle to much at once.

Day/Night System
2 bosses
1 Dungeon with enemies and all kinds of puzzles
Lots of items
Explorable World

Here is a link to the games location.

and here is a link to the sponsors site (Spanish version)


Please leave some constructive criticism. I would also like any ideas you would have for a sequel including items, weapons, level design and story.

Discussion / 3D Studio Max?
« on: March 24, 2009, 07:32:42 pm »
 I am a college student studying game design and I was wondering where could I go to download a trial version of 3D studio max. Im wanting something where I can design and animate 3D character models. Im a very talented 2d artist but i really want to learn how to do some things in 3d. If anyone can help me out that would be greatly appreciated.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] My Legend of Zelda fan game
« on: March 11, 2009, 03:56:48 pm »
How do you rip the 3D graphics and animations? Im wanting to learn some 3D art and animation. How could I get a hold of those programs?

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