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Messages - TDWP FTW

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Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: November 04, 2011, 06:54:58 pm »
Heeeellooooo, that looks good!

Just a little update about the update.  I'm probably not going to have it done until next week, as I got kind of busy with other stuff this week, and I'm hanging out with some friends over the weekend, and going to the MW3 midnight launch Monday night and probably playing all day Tuesday.

I polished up the rain (Added random rain drop splashes), finished adding the two items (Magic Powder and Shovel), and now I just have to add the rest of the equipment.

Graphics / Re: [Request Advice] Chimney Smoke in the Zelda games?
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:29:09 pm »
I basically had mine grow and then fade.  I made the puffs in a little swirly type puff, trying to mimic the WW smoke (I failed, but it still looks good IMO).

Mine just rises straight up, although, I think having it blow in a certain direction during storms would be neat.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: November 01, 2011, 06:37:06 pm »
Why would Link need an Anchor anyway?
It's an item-equivalent to the Iron Boots.  My friend had the idea for it, and I thought it was pretty original.  You find it outside the Sunken Grotto (The water temple in my game), and use it to get into the temple, as well as puzzles inside of it.

EDIT:  Decided to make new snow and rain overlays, as well as add in a sand storm overlay I found on here, since there's nothing else to do at 6 AM.  XD

The snow-fall looks really good IMO, as it's somewhat slow, and has a relaxed feel to it.  The rain is meh, and I probably could've done better, so I'll do another version later (It's 6 AM, and I need to get to sleep.  :p).  I also need to add droplets splashing like the LTTP rain overlay has (I might just go back to that if I can find an animation that has the correct frames, as the one I was using was pretty weird).

As for the sandstorm effect, it's not going to be in that area of the desert (I just put it there for testing, since it's the only area of the desert I have mapped out so far).  It'll be in the Mirage Maze, which is basically like the Lost Woods, but more complex, and in the desert.  It's a somewhat optional area, as you only go there if you get "lost" in the desert, which is going to be pretty big.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: October 31, 2011, 11:43:21 pm »
It definitely is.  I'm almost finished with equipment BTW.  In addition to the arrow and sword types, you'll be able to select which pictobox upgrade you want to use in the Equipment menu as well.  Just in case people want to take the grainy black and white photos after they've unlocked the other two upgrades and whatnot.

Then I'll just need to add the Anchor, Ice Shards, Magic Powder, and Shovel, which shouldn't be too hard.  Expect the demo Friday or so (Possibly sooner, maybe even later).

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:00:25 pm »
Lol.  I'm not sure why no one reviewed it.  DJYoshiman said it might have something to do with the fact that it's a tech demo, but you can still give tech demos actual reviews.

EDIT: Well, I spent today polishing the game, along with adding some enemies/creatures.  Some of the things I added include Cuccos, Wizzrobes, and Beamos.  I also added proper "hurt" animations along with push-back when you get damaged.  Gonna add a bunch of other enemies tomorrow, then add the remaining four items (Four instead of two, since Bomb/Fire Arrows are being moved to equipment...The other two are Magic Powder and the Shovel, from, LTTP), and the rest of the equipment.  Once that's done, I'll release the final demo, and there won't be another one until early next year or so.

I'm going to be taking a 2 month break next month and during December, to relax, but mainly since there's quite a few games coming out then, including MW3, which I'll be playing the hell out of.  :D

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: October 29, 2011, 04:05:49 am »
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

I won Best of Zelda at NCFC 2011!  I'm honored, and I'm surprised I won tight butthole.  Congrats to everyone else who entered in NCFC, cause you're all winners in spirit.    ;)

Entertainment / Re: Operation Moonfall
« on: October 28, 2011, 09:26:36 am »
Pretty old, already signed the petition months ago.  Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game, so I'd LOVE to see a 3DS remake.  OoT3D was great, and I'm sure Majora's Mask 3D would be just AS great, if not tons better.

Also, yes, Zelda Williams did show support on Twitter AFAIK, which is pretty cool.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: October 28, 2011, 04:13:07 am »
When you say ZFGC is taking the trophy for NCFC, what do you mean?  All but 3 of the games are by people from ZFGC, and we're pretty much all friendly rivals as well.  Honestly, I'm rooting for King Tetiro and Chiming Bell, as he's been able to create a smooth engine (For the most part), add in a decent story from the looks of it, and have a full demo up to the end of his first dungeon by now.

Also, thanks for the kind words and support.  I'm not going to give up on this game, and I definitely want to, and plan on finishing it.  A lot of Zelda fan game creators that people seem to love usually stop not even half-way through, for whatever reason(s) they have.  A lot of people seem to like my game, and I feel like if I ever stopped completely, I'd be letting down the fans, the community, and myself.

EDIT: Left out some other stuff I wanted to say...It's almost surprising that people really like my game as much as they do.  When I look at other fan games, for instance, Crystal of Gidna, I just think "Wow, there's no way I'll ever be able to make my game as good or even better as it."  I constantly try to improve my game, whether it be minor things like different kinds of plants in areas, rather than just bushes and tall grass, or major things, like new gameplay mechanics, items, etc.

IDK, I guess since I'm always working on it, testing it, etc., I get too used to the game, and it starts to feel dull to me, so I go and add something new.  I mean, there's no limit to how much I can improve, and there will always be room for improvement, as no fan game is pefect, especially not mine.  Like, when I look at my HUD, it looks boring to me, and I feel as though I could do so much better, but then I go and get feedback, and people love it.  It's just hard to come to a half-way point between fans liking something, and then liking something myself.

EDIT2: Forgot to mention, the lightning flash is also in-game.  I added a new weather effect for storms, where it gets a bit darker than it does during rain (Actually, it doesn't get any darker during rain, as I just picture that rain as rain showers), and there's flashes of lightning/thunder.  I also added rain sounds, so it loops when it's raining or storming.  I'm not sure what other weather effects I should add, as I've pretty much added all the main ones (Rainy, Stormy, Snowy, Sunny, Cloudy, Foggy).  I love improving the atmosphere of the game as much as possible, so if anyone else has some global weather suggestions (As opposed to things like sandstorms which I will be adding to the Dustbird Desert), feel free to list them, and I'll try my best to add them.

EDIT3: Lol.  I just keep thinking of more things I want to say.  The graphical design/effects thing you mentioned...I try not to limit myself to 16/32-bit limitations, or rather, I don't try to limit myself to common 2D game mechanics/gameplay.  If I actually knew how to use 3D, or even a better programming language, it'd probably still be the same as it is now, just in 3D and whatnot.  I prefer 2D games as well, as I feel more emotion, atmosphere, and feeling can be put into a 2D game, as opposed to a 3D game.  I just think 2D games look a lot nicer as well.  Sadly, the current generation of gaming is all about 3D, and it's rare to find good 2D games, as developers that DO make 2D games are typically either indie developers (Not that that's bad, as there are a ton of great 2D games), or developers that make shovelware.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« on: October 28, 2011, 02:30:07 am »
Yeah, the name just seemed...Weird.  The story I had was pretty stupid, and I changed it based on a story I had thought up a while back during development.  See, the story I HAD was from years ago, when I was originally going to make a completely top down (Not just 3/4, completely) Zelda game with the same name and story, so I just pulled it from that.

Also, I redid the title screen again, and...

When you press Enter, there's a flash of lightning, which I thought would be neat, since it's raining and all.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« on: October 28, 2011, 12:56:27 am »
Not really cancelled.  Just changing the name.  :p  I'm waiting until NCFC 2011 is over tomorrow to officially change it and whatnot, as to not cause confusion.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:03:45 pm »
Thanks for the comments!  @joelsandberg: Hmm...Are you selecting an old save from an old version of the game?  That'll typically cause errors, as I just use GM's saving/loading system (I used to use INI loading/saving, but I decided to scrap it), and when new objects and whatnot are added into the game, it'll mess up when trying to load an old save from an old version.

Anyway, I have a few announcements to make:

 - First off, I'm changing the name of the game!  The new name is "The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation."  The name ties deeply into the main part of the new story, which won't be revealed anytime soon.

 - I've been working on some new areas that you won't see until later in the game.  I've added the entrance to the Skyshore Palace dungeon, which is basically a floating tower/castle off the peninsula of Altrude Town.  I've also added the entrance to the Loftwood Temple dungeon, which is the giant tree thing.  Here's the bottom area inside the forest:

Also, here's the new title screen, a screenshot of the top of the tree that the Loftwood Temple is in, and the entrance to the Skyshore Palace (Using this one I found from Four Swords Adventures rips):

LTTP & FSA / Re: .TakaM's huge treehouse
« on: October 27, 2011, 09:38:20 pm »
Heh, I actually e-mail Calvein, who was the one I saw had it in his Return to Hyrule mockups, and he sent me it, along with a ton of other sprites.  Thanks though, TomPel!

LTTP & FSA / Re: .TakaM's huge treehouse
« on: October 26, 2011, 10:42:41 pm »
No, I checked that topic already, and it's only the base of the tree.  I'm assuming the top part was the "overlay," but all of those are gone (Clicking them says "I lost the overlayer").

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] .TakaM's huge treehouse
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:09:54 am »
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had .TakaM's huge treehouse background/tiles laying around?  I sent .TakaM an e-mail to see if he still had them, but he doesn't, and suggested I should ask to see if anyone has it still.

So please, if you have it, I'd appreciate it if you could upload it for me.  If you want, I'll screencap the e-mail for proof of his permission.

BTW, this is what it looks like: http://photobucket.com/albums/af3/zelda_rth/Sheets/BigTree.png?t=1248866887

That version is just way too low-quality (Blurry edges, color-loss, etc.), or I'd just use it.

Zelda Projects / Re: rpg maker 2003 zelda
« on: October 24, 2011, 04:11:10 am »
why did no one posted any comments while i was on vaction :'(
What's there to post about?  You don't have a demo, your opening post isn't formatted nice, and the game itself looks very...Not good.  Most RPG Maker Zelda games tend to be unpolished, as people can use it without having to do much work, and it definitely seems like you're taking advantage of the easiness of it.

Updates / Re: NCFC 2011 - Now Open!
« on: October 23, 2011, 05:22:12 pm »
Yeah, I was looking forward to Time Walker's demo as well.  He must not have updated it yet, as he said there was going to be a demo.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:39:18 pm »
1) Yeah, that's why I included the feature.  I personally love the shading overlay, but it still looks great without it IMO.

2) I'm going to be polishing up the first part of the actual game (As in the story and whatnot) a lot today and tomorrow before NCFC.  There's going to be an intro cutscene with Link and his uncle (AKA the lazy swordsman in the Patierna Outskirts...Since I'm using Link's uncle's sprite from LTTP, I might as well make him Link's uncle in this), leading up to the start of the game.  Garzo will then shout to you from down at his house, and the view will pan down to him, etc.  I plan on making the Deku Nuts not "activate-able" until you talk to Garzo for the first time.

3) Yes, I know.  It shouldn't be too hard to implement, but right now, I've just had it as "speed = 0" for when Link collides with a solid object.

4) Sort of.  I can change it so you can walk, and then swing the sword.  The way I had it checked if Link wasn't moving before doing all the sword stuff.  So I changed it.

5) Yeah, I have to fix the rolling sound playing even if he can't roll (Like when he's up against a wall).  I'll fix it then, along with the nicer collisions, as the rolling/collision checking will be the same pretty much.

6) Hmm...That shouldn't be too hard.  I have it like that in Caleron Field, where it just uses Link's current X or Y coordinate (Depending on which way he's going) and then sets the opposite value to whatever else I have it as.  This also reminds me of the "invisible barriers" thing my friend keeps mentioning.  I should probably add actual borders to as many areas as I can, rather than having blank space where the player thinks they can walk.

I'm going to be doing a ton of polishing today, along with bug fixes if my friend finds any.  Tomorrow, I'll make the starting cutscene with Link and his uncle, and make it so the first part of the game is playable and lasts at least 20 minutes up until the end of the first dungeon (That's average time, right?).

Also, I made another comparison image for the hell of it:

The area in the "new" screenshot is the Fishing Hole, which is below Kodrec Grove.  If you go to the area of it where the little stream with the walking bridge is, you'll see a clearing that leads down into another area (With a path surrounded by bushes).  Cut the bushes, go down to the Fishing Hut, and then walk through the backdoor, and BAM, gorgeous Fishing Hole.

It's my favorite area in the game personally (Although I like to group it with the Kodrec Grove in general, as they're all pretty much a part of each other).  Currently, you can only go on the boat (Which will have the KORL sprite until I find another boat sprite), fishing, etc.  I'm going to add the Fishing Hole owner NPC eventually, and you'll be able to rent time in the fishing hole (Advantages will be getting to use the boat, catching fish faster than normal, etc.), as well as show her fish you've caught for prizes.


Ok, so I've fixed everything except for 2 and 6.  Gonna start working on the 'start-of-the-game' stuff now.


I added a few things today, not gonna upload until tomorrow night (Before the NCFC deadline) though...

 - Spin Attack!  When you use the sword, continue holding X and your sword will start glowing.  Release X to perform the powerful spin attack.
 - Rolling Jab.  After rolling, quickly press X to perform a jab.  This isn't exactly useful, but it makes it look nicer than just swinging the sword.
 - Water splashing sounds.  It felt boring without them, so I added them...Yep...

That's about it.  I've been thinking of adding a fairy into the game, that follows Link around, and points out certain things of interest by flying over to them and blinking.  It won't talk or anything, just fly around.  What do you guys think?

EDIT3 (Someone post already so I don't have to keep editing this post for updates):

 - New HUD!  Compare the old (Left) to the new (Right):

So basically it's like OoT/MM/Other games, where you just press the buttons to use the item shown.  You can only have 3 out now, as seen, but you don't have to switch them to another button (Like what used to be C).  It's also a lot slimmer, so it takes up less room.

I'm basically trying to clear up the HUD so there's more of the actual game shown, like people have been suggesting.  The hearts take up a lot of space as well, but I can't change those, as there's not really anywhere else to put them.  Then again, when the game is complete, you aren't going to have a lot of hearts until further in the game, and by then, you'll most likely have seen what every area has to offer.

And of course, for taking nice screenshots, it's best to use the Pictobox, as there's no HUD in the images, and I've removed the small white border (It was supposed to be like printing paper, but it looked stupid in the long run).

So all I have left to do before NCFC 2011 is bug test.  A close friend of mine who's been sort of my "private" beta tester since I started working on the game back in December is going to be helping me, and I'm sure he's going to find something I should change.

Discussion / Re: Good/Bad Items.
« on: October 21, 2011, 03:12:19 am »
Thanks for the feedback.  The Ice Shards have a crappy name, and it's the best thing I could think of without having it be TOO cliche.  :p  They're more like crystals, and basically what happens is Link throws one on the ground (They "regenerate" with magic, AKA you need magic to use them), and it causes a blast of freezing cold air to freeze enemies and certain items around him.

As for different swords and shields, I don't plan on having different shields, as it would be a pain to have to go through and edit a bunch of sprites...I could just use a shield overlay though.  Anyway, I plan on having three different swords.  The one you get near the beginning of the game (Before the first dungeon), a longsword that's obviously longer than the regular sword, and can hit enemies from a further distance (Getting this will involve a large side quest like the Biggoron's Sword in OoT).

And then one called the Solarus Blade, which will have higher damage than the longsword (The longsword and regular sword have the same damage amount).  However, it will play a special role in the game, as it can cast out Dark Fog from the Caleron Sewers/Caleron Castle (Which is the last dungeon in the game), and you'll need to use it or else you will get hurt from the fog.

Anyway, I've uploaded a new demo, so be sure to get the latest version (Download here: http://www.mediafire.com/?m9gy35g0ijfap8p) when you try it.  :D

Updates / Re: NCFC 2011 - 2 Days Away!
« on: October 20, 2011, 05:27:08 pm »
Me.  :D

I'm pretty excited for this.  There's quite a few other Zelda games entered so far, such as martijn dh's Horn of Balance, Rayo's Time Walker, etc.  But hey, the more competition; the better.

I'm also interested in seeing Pokemon Blue Chrome (Granted the creator enters again this year), Minitroid (I love the graphical style of it), and Psycho Waluigi...Outside of Zelda games that is.  I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all the Zelda games entered.  :p

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Threads of Despair
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:30:32 am »
Well, kind of big update today.

 - Readded music!  Now using some tracks from ZREO (Zelda Re-Orchestrated for those who don't know).
 - Added some sound effects for certain items
 - Added walking/swimming sound
 - Made some changes to the swamp areas
 - Made some changes to the forest overlay
 - Fog is now it's own weather effect, so it can occur outside of the forest/lakefront trail.  Also, using a custom fog animation I found somewhere (Think it's by .TakaM, not sure).
 - Reduced Link's speed by one.  It feels nicer, but if people think it's too slow, I'll change it back.
 - Added the Cyclone Vase, which doesn't really have a use yet, but you can blow air around.
 - Changed up the Lens of Truth and Shade Cloak overlays

Here's some screenshots as well:

And of course, the download:


There's also a download in the opening post for the .exe only, for future updates without new music, or if you need to redownload it for some reason.

I have to use mediafire now as the music files (Which are loaded externally) take up a bit of space, and NCFC's hosting has a max of 10MB.  Anyway, enjoy the update!  I'm going to make one more update before NCFC, which will hopefully have the rest of the items (Anchor and Ice Shards) added, and maybe...Just maybe, a few more areas.

EDIT: I decided to make another comparison pic from when I first started making the game, up until now.  I've included two separate points in between as well.

It makes me kind of proud I guess.  It's cool to look back on when it was so early in development, seeing how much it sucked then.  XD

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