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Messages - NeoGeo-x

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 62
The thing in your signature. Is that your character? :P


The final countdown, the clock is ticking away! The contest starts within four days, so get your characters done and prepare them to beat some other !@#$% characters their skulls until they're pulp. !@#$% yeah!

Blasphemy lol

Also I'm tossing around another idea as well...

With the forum being somewhat... scaled down width wise, it'd be almost better to have a single side bracket setup, instead of opposing sides. I know it's not as cool lookin, but it saves people the annoyance of scrolling over to see who's winning on the other side lol
Just do what I do, and force the forum to break. Covers 90% of my screen now :3
You use some kind of tool to replace html?

That's true too.

I'm going to compile *condensed* brackets for the older competitions for historical purposes here shortly.
You got the finished brackets of the 2005 competition? I don't, but I have them for all the others.

I was already doing that for the losers' brackets. I'm going to toy around with that for the winners' brackets, but there's also the option to just have people click a link.

:| wheeerrreeee I missed it lol
I'll just put it bluntly then: I'm already doing that :P

That's a terrific idea. Wait a minute, I think I have heard that idea before... today. ;)

I'm glad you say that. These brackets will surpass all the previous ones when measured in terms of artistic greatness.

Here's a teaser:

This guy will have something to do with it :)

I promise you, this will be special ;)

While there is the inherent advantage that comes with having two characters already, I don't want to give one user an additional advantage by allowing them to have characters on either side :P
I take that as a sensible and agreeable decision.

I'll get to work on the brackets. I've already got a splendid idea for the names of the divisions :) It'll be a lot of work this year though, with a losers' competition running as well.

Couple of points:

  • Well, Mammy: set up a poll: 'Are you gonna join?' with answers Yes, for sure/No, for sure/Haven't decided yet.
  • Speak for myself: yesterday I finished my second character, so I should be good to go :).
  • If you need help with bracket design; the brackets from every previous competition have been drawn up by me.
  • I think Moldrill's suggestion with the colours is a bit too dull.
  • If someone submits two characters, will those characters be seeded in opposite parts of the competition? Meaning, they won't get to fight one another until the finals.

I was going to follow the same general naming conventions as well.
There are no general naming conventions.

In 2005 and 2006, they were called "We Don't Need no Edu", "Clones", "Kitchen" and "Darkness"
In 2007, they were called "Snowstorm", "Thunder", "Flood" and "Inferno"
In 2008, they were called "Forest", "Light, "Fire" and "Water"


Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:47:50 pm »
The Lost Woods.

Cookie for Neo?

Updates / Show off your creations at the ZFGC Character Competition!
« on: November 20, 2009, 10:37:01 am »
Quote from: King Tetiro
Im considering entering. What happens in the character comp? This is my first time.
The archived forums of the 2007 and 2008 competitions still exist. Give them a read if you want to get familiar with ZFGC's character competitions.

Yeah I kinda don't get why it was limited to only one, considering it takes a nice chunk of time just handling one... It's one of those "if you can handle more than one then do it" sort of situations this time around. I don't think we'll get many people making two though.
Having organized this whole ordeal in 2005 and 2007, I'll answer that for you. Previous competitions were limited to only one character for each contestant because ZFGC used to be more crowded, meaning that 32 slots would be filled within the blink of an eye. If we had that rule back then, allowing only 16 people to compete would be unfair to the community, and if we had 64 contestants, then that would mean that the competition would either take too long, or we couldn't give each character the attention it deserved.

Having said that, I expect at least a number of contestants to come up with a "major" and a "minor" character. One in which loads of time have been invested, and one which is pretty much a lousy job but entered into the competition just for the fun of it. Myself: I already got one done and I'm currently pondering what my second character should be.

Ooooh, two characters? That's great; will make it lots easier if I can't choose between two concepts.

... though I don't have any ideas yet... BUT COUNT ME IN!

Oh yeah, hi. I'm the member who passes by once a year. :>
You're submitting The Actually-I-Do-Mind and the Nah,-I-Still-Don't-Mind this year? ;)

Anyone who plans on entering, but it unsure what kind of character he should create should read this:

It'll give you some hints on how to create a good character. So; if you're gonna enter this you might as well go for the title.

Entertainment / Re: The dumbest website ever.
« on: September 19, 2009, 09:37:20 am »
Weeee, religion debates :D

On a more positive note: new actual South Park episodes will be broadcast three weeks from now :)

Entertainment / Re: Michael Jackson? ALIVE?!
« on: August 27, 2009, 10:47:44 am »
I'd rather die myself than listen to any more of this Wacko Jacko !@#$%.
 Then stop going into topics with his name in them.  This is known as trolling.

Entertainment / Re: WoW players?
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:52:23 pm »
Renewed my subscription last week and resumed playing my level 80 mage. Already got myself some shining new achievements :)

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