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Messages - trelantana

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Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 07:14:41 pm »
I think the merging of Forum Games with Spam is a decent idea, actually; sort of a more relaxed conversation area where obvious joke topics or ATTN: user topics could be posted such as in Spam.

That being said, I still think the layout was fine as it was.

Sort of like a ' real world "hangin' out" ' conversation board?  A place where your post could contain an obvious joke such as "OMG ur a gurl! gtfo!" (i didn't say a *funny* one) for the sole purpose of joking around?

Because not all conversations in real life are constructive.

Entertainment / Re: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
« on: July 21, 2008, 06:38:29 pm »
* a Hint of Lime really wants MORE.
* HatSoup really wants MORE.

I'm HatSoup by the way.

Best. Web. Show. In. Forever.

Other Discussion / Re: The term "girl gamer" is horribly stupid.
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:18:06 am »
lol we should form a club...

"I had some hardcore casual sex with a girl gamer after playing a video game."
I am SO making that my new sig.

...anyway, it's a distinction that obviously doesn't need to be made, but was invented by game companies so as to aim at a group of people that supposedly doesn't game.  Which is totally sexist.  Which I am against.  Unless I'm on a date, because it's totally appropriate to hold a door open for a woman.

What is UP with these double standards in todays society?  Holding a door open for a woman can be seen as sexist, but calling a girl that plays videogames a "girl gamer" isn't seen as sexist, and is actually viewed to be "politically correct" or whatever the term is?!?

Society is so screwed up; We should save ourselves the 20 years to 2 centuries of torment and just blow ourselves to kingdom come with our huge arsenal of nuclear weapons now, and save ourselves from suffering through all the horrible things to come.   :-\

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:12:10 am »

How about... instead of CLOSING teh SPAM board, you set up a stickied "Spam" TOPIC!

That way, we can pop in, check the spam topic, maybe post once, and then get on with our lives outside the topic.

Whoever gets to page 1337 of the topic first gets a prize.

EDIT: To elaborate, I don't mean THIS topic.

Other Discussion / Re: Can Stress Cause Vomiting and Diarrhea?
« on: July 21, 2008, 04:22:35 am »
Let's never speak of this thread again.

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 03:26:48 am »
I see it, and I've asked and the only response I get is "No Comment" everytime ;D
...There is also an inactive admin named Jon.  I asked about him once.  Didn't receive a response.

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:46:28 am »
Yeah, I  just got spam banned from IRC.  Or something.  I'm not familiar with IRC bot commands.

Spam is obviously not allowed on IRC.  Give us a forum, or else I'm going to go crazy.  In fact, I already have.  Just ask the people in the IRC right now.

This post is not spam.  It is a report of what happenned when I went on IRC and attempted to spam like I was told.  It does not work.  Users be warned.

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:28:55 am »

Oh, damnit Pyra, you beat me to it. I need to get on IRC anywayz.

That is because I am the God Damned Pyrazor.  Now let's all get in the chat and have a party.  A party of pure AWESOME.

~Boom de yada

AGREED.  I shall bring my hat of soup!

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:19:12 am »
Hmm I don't know... maybe members will mature more? Myself included.
...In my experience, spam removal doesn't make you mature.  It makes you... Well, fill to near-explosion level with spam.

I know because... During my long, long absence from the community awhile back, I actually became less mature.

Sadly, it's true.  I am such a sad person in real life that the board is my... biggest thing.

...It's not that I don't have friends in real life; I have tons of them.  I just don't like them.  They're annoying, whiny and above all else, they subconsciously order me around and expect me to do their bidding.  I say no to them most of the time... But I detest being asked.

Sorry, got a little off topic.  Spam withdrawal is already starting to hit me.

Really? Out of habit, I check every hour for updates. There's also the chat.

Oh, damnit Pyra, you beat me to it. I need to get on IRC anywayz.

...There's never anyone IN the IRC.  And when there is, it's all about child-molestation or something.

...NO JOKE.  Yesterday there was apparrently some sort of chat about this 15 year old being hot.  And while I'm relatively sure no one on was actually 15 years old (I forget who was saying they were, I'm relatively sure I remember knowing for a fact that they were not who they were claiming to be), I still left.  THat's...  not what I want in IRC chats.  Aren't there like... Mods or something in the IRC?

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:09:45 am »
No there was till the same amount of spam.
...Then, I guess I must have spent less time on the rest of the forum.

To be honest though, I think that may have been best for the board.  I am a horrible, horrible person who likes to string along entire communities of people over fan games that do in fact exist, but will never be completed.  In addition, the community also... I dunno.  After I stopped visiting the other forums, my dark mood improved.  It was really odd... It was as if ZFGC was this dark cloud that hung over my head, and suddenly it was gone, and I could see the sun.

Also, why would the removal of the spam forum be better for ZFGC?  What would change?

Don't cling to that argument. Too many people believe a Spam forum causes less spam everywhere else, but people aren't that stupid to spam in a normal forum just because of withdrawal.

That may be true, but it would also reduce the... "stickyness" of the site.  That is, people would come here once a day, maybe reply to a few topics, and then leave.  In my experience, the spam forum causes me to come here, post in a few topics, then post some spam while remaining on the forum and checking for updates.

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 02:05:38 am »
It's not that I don't like it... I just think it would be better for the forum if it were gone.

...Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there less spam everywhere else after the board was instated?

Isn't that what's best for the forum?  Less spam?

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:59:06 am »
Anyways, in my honest opinion, I think Spam should just stay gone now >_>
If you don't like the board, just don't go to it <_<

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:49:37 am »
Well that's a stupid reason.

The reason I posted in spam was to have fun when I was bored, which is pretty much all the time, not to get on with my day so I could check the rest of a forum.

Besides, how did spam keep the "spammy noobs" out of other boards? Most "noobs" wouldn't even know about it unless they were told about it before hand.

It may be a stupid reason, but my life is boring.  And spam is fun...  My life is also dull, pointless, and probably rather depressing if you aren't me.

And on your second point: touche.  Though I didn't call them "spammy noobs", just "noobs".  And they do still spam, but inadvertently.  There must be a bin for the spam, though, lest we all be forced to eat it and have indigestion!

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:30:15 am »
If Spam was your only reason to be here, then really, you should leave... >_>

It's not my ONLY reason...

It's just the one that's the most fun.  Pop in, spam a little, then check the rest of the forums.

It's what brought me to this fine forum today.  See, I enjoy doing a little spam now and then, and if you try to take that away from me, I'll be sad.  And "noobs" will also start "spamming" the main "forums" with their "stuff posing as meat" posts.

Entertainment / Re: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:27:15 am »
I'm on about why he's in his normal clothes at the end.
Yeah, I'm kind of curious about that too, now that you mention it.

Wouldn't that blow his hole... uh...  do villains even HAVE secret identities?

MY computer password is nqrs6jnj.

It's my forum password too.  Just try it, you'll see!

Other Discussion / Re: Cooking
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:23:24 am »
...I was going to have a quesodilla for lunch.  Unfortunately, we were out of cheese.

So I just fried a tortilla.  True story.

Feedback / Re: Where In The World is Carmen Spamiago?
« on: July 21, 2008, 01:19:01 am »
*plants spam flag in ground* I say we claim off-topic as the new spam.


A reasonable solution.

If you don't want spam to permeate the fibers of the rest of ZFGC, you must reopen the spam forum.

...Seriously.  The spam forum was the only thing that kept me coming here.  When I say that, i mean, if it weren't for the spam forum, I wouldn't come here, post in the spam forum, and then check out the rest of the board.

With the spam forum gone, well, I'm relatively sure I will probably just stop coming here at all.

This could be considered my "Goodbye" to you all if Spam doesn't reappear in a week or so, so bye all!

Entertainment / Re: Sonic and the black knight
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:40:46 pm »
...I'm sick of Sega $!@#ing on their Super Speedy Sonic games.  Don't they know that we all want a normal sonic game?

Entertainment / Re: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog!
« on: July 20, 2008, 05:12:31 am »
...Captain Hammer's song about everyone being a hero in their own way (Too lazy to look up the name) could be retooled as a political speech.

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