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Messages - Xfixium

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Feedback / Re: Moderator Count
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:49:47 pm »
Global moderators can be reduced to 2 or 3, while the others you want to keep can be moved to forum moderators, tasked with maintaining a single forum or two on the site. The moderators have less job to handle, which means they can focus on their own ideas, and the website looks more user-friendly and not too authoritative.

I also agree with this.

Have to agree also. While I am flattered that you gave me Global Moderator powers, I'm not much of a good moderator. XD I do have a wide variety of experience in both web and standard programming/scripting, and I'm good at making/editing/ripping graphics resources if need be. Those are my skills, point me in a direction where I can make a difference. I'm not one to talk a bunch, in favor of a decent plan and going through with it and getting things done whether it fails or not. I like this community, and would like to see it grow. Just give me something to do.

Feedback / Re: Moderator Count
« on: February 16, 2012, 02:31:53 pm »
What options do we have to write/edit software that ties the zfgc site with the forum, and integrate a CMS?

Coding / Re: Need some help: C#/XNA List Remove
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:13:22 pm »
Oh yeah, missed that. I'm so used to dealing with actual listbox.items[] that I passed right over that. The correction to that would've been:

Code: [Select]
Which you've demonstrated you understand in your new code. Honestly, I would still see if that for loop you use works correctly. Because the i < spriteList.Count; portion of the for loop I believe gets evaluated each loop. It might give you unexpected results.

EDIT: Also, how about the lambda expression for a RemoveAll as an alternative? I usually use this sort of evaluation for finds but I'd imagine it'd work for removes as well:

spriteList.RemoveAll(s => s.position.X < 260);

Coding / Re: New some help: C#/XNA List Remove
« on: February 15, 2012, 10:50:43 am »
First off Niek is correct about removing/adding things to a list in a foreach loop. I also think that Niek's code should work. I would set a break point and step through following the life of a single bullet object to make sure certain conditions are met.

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:10:38 am »
Also this:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLxmmxcy8-Q" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLxmmxcy8-Q</a>

Entertainment / Re: The Youtube Topic 2.0
« on: February 13, 2012, 12:44:17 am »
WARNING: Adult language.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjwNUBi5Rhs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjwNUBi5Rhs</a>

Had no lag issues with Firefox. Had lag and tile seams when F10 when hit. Pretty sharp though.

Although minor, I wanted to point out the black lines bordering the top vertical wall. I'm not familiar with Pokemon graphics, but it seems out of place.

Windows 7 (32bit)
Intel Core 2 Duo T5600 1.83Ghz
GeForce Go 7400
128MB Video RAM

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening, in LTTP style
« on: February 09, 2012, 04:52:12 am »
Pylons being the blocks raised or lowered when you hit a color-changing crystal switch.

I have the blue ones as raised and the red ones as lowered. This can be seen detailed on say, the Eagle's Tower map. Not sure what you are pointing at, is there something missing? If you are requesting the animated state for both types, that was not the scope of the map. As there's a lot of things that need animations. (Chests, lamps, wall lanterns,etc.. etc..) Detail was not given to object type tiles. Maybe something that will be added in the future.

And yeah, you still have the enemies, the NPCs, and the items to work on for this to be "completed", right?

I should have been more clear, the overworld and the main dungeon maps are the scope of this project. Anything else is extra.

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening, in LTTP style
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:00:36 pm »
Did you ever fully release all the GUI elements though? I've seen a few from screenshots and mockups.

If you had those, someone could make a full on game with all these resources!

I'm not finished with all the items for the menu and HUD. I made some things for it though. I think the last I played around with it I was making sure of the positioning, as all the sprites seemed to be 8 X 16. Which is an awkward size. Not to mention there is at least one game already using these resources.

Wow, it looks beautiful! Still need to fix the deal with the blue/red switches and pylons, though, but otherwise great-looking!

Not sure what you are referring to pylon wise.

I've made GMare projects of all the maps completed, I will be putting them up here in a .zip file. A lot of the items are objects with GM so the projects will hold a layer that marks where the dungeon objects should go. Then I believe I will finalize the maps the way I said I would.

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening, in LTTP style
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:40:14 pm »
lol, very true. I suppose I meant this is as far as I wanted to take this project.

Graphics / Re: Link's Awakening, in LTTP style
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:55:12 am »

Turtle Rock:


This finishes this whole series. It was a fun lil project. All tilesets on the first post.

Other Projects / Re: Tales (NEW UPDATE ALBADOR!)
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:50:05 pm »
I take it this was made with RPG Maker VX? Your custom graphics are done nicely.

Coding / Re: How to find memory leaks?(C# - XNA)
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:50:57 pm »
Download a memory profiler if you'd like:


Most likely it is due to your own code, or third party code that may use un-managed code incorrectly. The rectangle struct (If from System.Drawing) should not be causing your memory problem.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA
« on: January 14, 2012, 12:14:03 am »
Yeah, never got around to finishing the water. We are going to use a shader extension to apply those sort of things in the new version.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: MC graphic request
« on: January 08, 2012, 04:40:47 pm »
Animation tiles are 16 X 16 at 5 frames (sub-images) 4 animated tiles total from top to bottom. The last 48 X 32 tile section are the tiles that would be the repeating lava tiles. With and without borders.

Coding / Re: (help)OOT style Octorok
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:39:35 pm »
You'll probably have to post the whole code.

Coding / Re: (help)OOT style Octorok
« on: January 05, 2012, 01:48:49 pm »
Thanks for the start X. One question though, I'm trying to go to a different state if you get to close called "dive". I set it up in the switch statement as
Code: [Select]
case "dive":
image_speed = .5
if (image_index == 5)
state = "hide";

, it sets the correct sprite, but the animation just keeps repeating. Any idea what could be causing the problem?

Does the animation have 6 frames (sub-images)? Also, it's good practice to use something like floor(image_index) == 5 for future reference as the image_index can be fractional.

Nice diagram btw Niek.

Coding / Re: (help)OOT style Octorok
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:31:25 am »
Not tested, but something that may help:

Code: [Select]
// Step Event

// If hiding and the target is within range, switch to jump state.
if (state == "hide" && distance_to_object(objLink) < 48)
    state = "jump";
    sprite_index = sprite12;
    image_speed = 0.5;

// If not already involved in an action state and target is out of bounds of set ranges, hide.
if (state != "jump" && state != "shoot" && (distance_to_object(objLink) >= 48 || distance_to_object(objLink) < 16))
    state = "hide";
    sprite_index = sprite13;

// Sets up sprite based on octoroks current state.
switch (state)
    case "jump":
        // If at the end of the jump animation, switch to idle state.
        if (image_index == 5)
            state = "idle";

    case "idle":
        sprite_index = sproctorok;
        image_speed = 0.4;
        // TODO: Condition for shoot state.

    case "shoot":
        // TODO: Condition back to idle state.

Ah I see. Thank you both for the swift replies and also for the increased limits.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:15:04 am »
Yes, it will be open source, as in the .gmk, resources, and the tools associated with OOT2D FSA will be available to the public. This was stated way back in the beginning of the project. The reason being is that it is a huge game, and if Team Dekunutz does not continue it, it may be picked up by another person/team to develop it further.

NOTE: I updated the download on the first page, F2 will now toggle the game screen size.

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