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MC & FS / Re: [Request] MC cloud tops tile set
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:32:00 pm »
Thanks :D No problem at all  8)

MC & FS / Re: [Request] MC cloud tops tile set
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:13:04 pm »
I ripped this just for you  :-*

Other Discussion / Re: Cooking
« on: July 20, 2008, 08:38:40 pm »
repeat 365 {
 remove frozen pizza from box.
 place frozen pizza in oven
 press "frozen pizza" button
 eat pizza

Frozen pizza, every !@#$% day.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request:Blend this area for me.
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:26:05 pm »
What kind of transition are you looking for? A smooth gradient would look out of place. I know that's not completely GB style, but if you look at a GB tileset;

...you'll notice that most transitions are done quite clearly, with the wavy square tiles.

Just something you might want to consider.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:35:15 pm »
Zelda Bomberman:

And more impressive, the 3D maze:

Other Discussion / Re: Please do me a huuuuge favour? :D
« on: July 13, 2008, 12:34:25 pm »
Thankyou TheDarkJay, Racoon Boy, Pyru and Riisnæs :)
What? No thanks to me?


Other Discussion / Re: Please do me a huuuuge favour? :D
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:54:37 am »
1.   Age: 17

2.   Do you use any of the following grooming products? (please edit in bold)

Deodorant    aftershave     hair gel    moisturiser

Other (please specify):

3. How regularly do you use these products? (please edit in bold)

Never    Once a year   Occasionally   Once a month    Once a week

Twice/three times a week     Every day

4. What brands do you buy/use? (please list)
Tesco Value. Oh yes.

5. Do you read men’s lifestyle magazines (such as FHM, Nuts, Loaded etc.)?   Yes/No

If Yes, which one(s)?

6. How often do you read men’s lifestyle magazines? (please edit in bold)

Never     Once a year (that is, when I'm waiting for a haircut and a magazine's lying on the bench, I look through it for a laugh)    Occasionally    Once a month    Once a week

Twice a week or more

7. Do you skip the adverts in magazines or do you take time to read/notice them? (please edit in bold)

Yes    Sometimes    No

8. Do you recognise this picture? (please edit in bold)

Yes    No

9. Can you name the brand?

Yes, I think it's Lacost or something.                     /  No

10. Can you identify the product? (deodorant, aftershave, hair gel …?)

Yes (aftershave or fragrance I think)                     /  No

11. Which brand does this slogan belong to?

Probably Shockwaves or something.

12. Can you identify the product of this brand? (deodorant, aftershave, hair gel…?)

Yes                      /  No

Other Discussion / Re: Name change.
« on: July 12, 2008, 10:51:24 am »
I preferred Knivu...

Graphics / Re: My first APNG
« on: June 28, 2008, 11:08:34 pm »
APNG... what happened to .MNG? Has that been abandoned?

Debates / Re: Is Zelda a Nazi game series?
« on: June 26, 2008, 10:01:55 pm »
Just, no. There are so many inconsistencies and crap in that that I can't be bothered to point them all out. Just, no.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Wii Fit women and the $41m damage bill
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:20:25 pm »

And what does "STG20 million" mean? Britain's currency is GBP.

EDIT: Right, sterling. Interesting way of putting it.

Coding / Re: [request] About J-Factor transitions
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:16:56 pm »
I haven't downloaded them so I don't know how they work, but I'm assuming they take a screenshot of the game and manipulate it. If so, you need to disable the HUD just before the screenshot is taken (you may need to redraw the screen) and then edit the code for the transition to let you draw it on top of it.

As I say, I don't know how it works, it may be fairly easy, or it might be a lot easier to do a new transition from scratch. You could do it by disabling other objects and keeping the game running while the transition happens, or maybe that's how these ones work anyway.

Discussion / Re: My theory about Gamemaker
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:22:51 pm »
If you think it's too easily hackable, you should check out some of my arcade games, eg: http://www.kousougames.com/games/ZeldaSpaceInvaders.php
While I'm not saying it's unhackable, several thousand people have downloaded it and there isn't a single fake (or at least, unbelieveable) score on there. If you do manage to heck it, please feel free to tell me how, because so far no one's succeeded, to my knowledge. It was mainly just to filter out "n00b hackers" though.
Just to let you know, I hacked it... I hope you have a way of deleting that highscore.
:D Excellent. Did you alter the value of your score in game, or crack the submitting thing?

Discussion / Re: Req: Image Splitter
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:18:21 pm »
If you can turn it into an animated GIF, adobe imageready can turn each frame into an image.

If you have programs that'll do it for smaller images, why not split the image you've got into 4 or more so smaller images, and feed them in one by one?

Discussion / Re: My theory about Gamemaker
« on: June 19, 2008, 10:19:41 pm »
By hackable I think people mean you can easily rip off the source because essentially (as I understand it) it's just bundled in the .exe and read from by the .exe :)

^Yeah; what happens is when you run the exe, the source is dumped into your ram. A simple memory reader can pull the sourcecode of your GM exe
Try it on my arcade game. The important code is protected from the standard way of hecking it, if I remember correctly.
There will always be a way around it. Its the same with all programs really, its just a matter of how long you want to try. GM just make it significantly easier.
Try it. As I said, not impossible, but just because it's game maker doesn't mean it's easy.

Don't get me wrong though, compiled languages are obviously better. I'm just saying, if you know how to use it properly, it's not nearly as insecure as people make out.

If you do manage to heck it, please feel free to tell me how, because so far no one's succeeded, to my knowledge.
Originally, I had accepted your challenge. Then I noticed that it didn't run on Vista. ::)
Ah yeah, Gamemaker 6. I've been meaning to update them, I just can't be bothered to wade through all the yoyogames crap.

Other Discussion / Re: Move over segway
« on: June 19, 2008, 10:09:45 pm »
There is yet another stupid mode of transport in town.

>.>. Like the segway you lean forewards and backwards to speed up / slow down. God I can just imagine the accident reports for this thing. Just imagine trying to break sharply.

You know; this just means more mangled corpses for my dad to scrape up *sigh* whoever invented this is to be quite honest an idiot, it doesn't seem safe what so ever. It'd be like the Concorde.
At least the Concorde had dignity.

Discussion / Re: My theory about Gamemaker
« on: June 19, 2008, 05:10:23 pm »
By hackable I think people mean you can easily rip off the source because essentially (as I understand it) it's just bundled in the .exe and read from by the .exe :)

^Yeah; what happens is when you run the exe, the source is dumped into your ram. A simple memory reader can pull the sourcecode of your GM exe
Try it on my arcade game. The important code is protected from the standard way of hecking it, if I remember correctly.

Discussion / Re: My theory about Gamemaker
« on: June 19, 2008, 02:52:02 pm »

First, "events" are a misconception. Game Maker is not event driven, neither is C++ or Delphi (normally). The "events" are just sections of a pre programmed game loop, and are still executed in order. Javascript is partly event driven, and so are a few Basic versions. The code doesn't go through line by line necessarily, but jumps to commands such as onClick or onPlay, and multiple events can happen (essentially) at the same time.

Second, you can make your own gamemaker evens, they're the "User Defined" events in the other section. You need to have the code to trigger them either in a step event or in a certain event of another object, they can be useful in certain situations. I'm not quite sure what you mean about the "alarm's execute when only colliding with a certain object" but you can probably do it quite easily without the user defined events, remember you can force an event to happen with event_perform().

To those who say gamemaker is "just terrible", I don't agree. It's not for commercial products but it never was meant to be, it was just meant as a rapid prototyping tool for the students at Mark Overmars' uni. For a quick demo, it's very useful indeed.

Also, those claiming that it "just can't handle" whatever, are ignorant. I doubt anyone who's saying that has actually tried it. Most people haven't because they think if they're going to put so much effort into it, they may as well do it in C++, fair point. But that doesn't mean it can't do good 3D graphics or whatever, as I thought Atrius had proved many times.

Just a reminder - KG's 3D animator, with a geometry dump from OoT loaded:

If you think it's too easily hackable, you should check out some of my arcade games, eg: http://www.kousougames.com/games/ZeldaSpaceInvaders.php
While I'm not saying it's unhackable, several thousand people have downloaded it and there isn't a single fake (or at least, unbelieveable) score on there. If you do manage to heck it, please feel free to tell me how, because so far no one's succeeded, to my knowledge. It was mainly just to filter out "n00b hackers" though.

Umm... I seem to have lost my train of thought, I did have more to say.

Other Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
« on: June 17, 2008, 06:46:41 pm »
They're trying to break the world record for software downloads in one day. Pretty stupid as their servers probably can't cope with it.



Mine's red though. BRIGHT red.

1997 Pontiac Bonneville SE
has a 3.8 liter V6 in it.  Pretty sweet.  Mine is white.  This is the one I deliver pizzas with.
I have had it up to 105MPH now.  Mean car, but has been making a funny noise as of late.
I can do 100mph in my 1 liter lupo...

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