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Messages - jackofalltrades

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Discussion / Re: I haven't seen a game like this, but I want to make one!
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:07:33 pm »
For instance, let's go with American Football:

New York vs. Boston:


Made it up. Thinking on the go, you see.

And, thanks Ricky. I'll look into that.

Discussion / Re: I haven't seen a game like this, but I want to make one!
« on: October 22, 2007, 03:01:33 pm »
I really don't mind what it's in, but I think I need to PLAY one, first.   Any links to anything like this?

Discussion / I haven't seen a game like this, but I want to make one!
« on: October 22, 2007, 01:54:44 am »
The game I want to make is simple, I think. Here's the concept:

It's a sports game, but very simple. Basically, you pick a team and throghout the game, you pick the plays to run, and the game generates what happens. For instance, let's go with American Football:

New York vs. Boston:

You are New York.

You win the coin toss. Recieve or Kick?


B. Miller runs back the kickoff 25 yards to the 30 yard line.

N. Johnson makes tackle.

Select Offensive Play Set:

Run(middle), Run(Left), Run(right),

You get the idea. Where would I find a game like this, and/or a tutorial on hwo to make one?


Entertainment / Re: ZFGC, Halo 3, play?
« on: October 16, 2007, 06:29:52 pm »

I love Halo 3, so just notify me either here, on XBL, or on my email (cwphil4cats@hotmail.com) when you wanna do it.

Entertainment / Re: Fantasy Football (And Soccer, too)
« on: August 06, 2007, 05:29:41 pm »
Nice. :|

Entertainment / Fantasy Football (And Soccer, too)
« on: August 06, 2007, 03:52:55 pm »
Here is the link to my Fantasy (american) Football league on  ESPN.com: http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/leagueoffice?leagueId=172867

And the link to a fantasy Soccer manager site: http://socccermanager.com

Both seem to be good so far.

Other Discussion / Re: For our european members: A question
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:38:30 pm »
Hmm. Cool.
I guess you probably already know what sports are popular here in the US, but I'll name them anyway, in order from most popular to least (from my point of view of course):

1. Baseball/Softball
2. Football (American)
3. Basketball
5. Hockey
6. Soccer
7. Track & Field
8. Cycling
9. Swim
10. Lacrosse

Other Discussion / Re: For our european members: A question
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:30:27 pm »
So, i was right...I think.

Other Discussion / Re: For our european members: A question
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:27:37 pm »
Cool. What IS cricket, exactly. I've heard it's just American baseball with a paddle instead of a bat.

Of all the stories CNN could cover, this is what they choose to report. *sigh*
lol....It's good that she found him;he found her.....She shouldn't have given him up for adoption but that's a seperate issue...
agreed. But, she was only 17.

Other Discussion / For our european members: A question
« on: August 04, 2007, 06:21:59 pm »
What sports are most popular in Europe. i know soccer or futbol or football, or whatever is most popular, but what other sports are more popular there than in america?

Zelda Projects / Re: Rupee/USD Currency Converter
« on: July 11, 2007, 05:39:48 pm »

That's what it gave me for 12000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

It makes me laugh.

Entertainment / Freestyle Street Basketball
« on: July 10, 2007, 08:37:00 pm »
Does anyone else play this game? I really like it.

My username: jackofalltrade (no 's')

Contact me.

Entertainment / Re: 1408
« on: July 09, 2007, 08:51:54 pm »
I really felt sorry for him at the end there.

Entertainment / 1408
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:54:42 pm »
Has anyone else seen this movie? Personally, I loved it.

Discussion / Morrowind Mod
« on: July 09, 2007, 07:13:42 pm »
I've beeen working on a Morrowind quest in the Construction Kit for some time now. Well, really been thinking it up for a while now. Either way, I need help. Here's what my notes say about the quest. (It's based on LOTR, by the way). I'll mark what I've finished in red.

Quest Name: Seal of Elendil
Quest Series/Faction: The Lord of the Rings Series
NPCs: Aragorn(wp_aragorn) Findilian(wp_findilian) Erasian(wp_sd_erasian)
Items: The Flames of Elendil(Quest Item), Elendil(Blue Powered Steel LongSword)
Reward(s): Elendil, 500 gold
Progression of Events:
Talk to Aragorn
Talk to Aragorn about “King of Gondor”
Talk to Aragorn about “Narsil”

Talk to Aragorn about “do something for me”
Go to Suran
Find Findilian
Talk to Findilian about “Elendil”
Tell Findilian that Aragorn sent you
Get The Flames of Elendil
Return to Aragorn
Give The Flames of Elendil to Aragorn
Go to Khuul
Kill Erasian
Take Elendil
Return to Aragorn
Get 500 gold and keep Elendil
Finish Quest

For some reason, it won't let you talk to Aragorn about "do something for me". Any help would be greatly appreciated. For the Construction Set file of the mod, just ask.

Entertainment / Is there such a place...
« on: June 27, 2007, 06:23:39 pm »
I need to find a place where I can download movies FREE. I'm going on a trip soon, and I need movies to put on my PSP to take with me. Any suggestions?

Entertainment / Re: Heroes Season Finale Discussion
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:34:08 pm »
It was very good.

I think Sylar will live on through that roach at the end.

No, seriously...


No, I'm serious, because they showed the roach walk into his blood. So, it has to have some effect on the roach.

Debates / Re: My God can beat the s*** out of your God.
« on: May 25, 2007, 08:29:26 pm »
That last quote wasn't aimed at you, and i'm no aithest, i'm a heretic, there's a difference y'know.

Ok, screw this, i'm off, you can deny it all you want, but it will all end the same.

*Nail has left the topic*
And i will return if any of you guys want to be * F***ers

Well, that's not very nice.

Debates / Re: My God can beat the s*** out of your God.
« on: May 25, 2007, 08:21:38 pm »
Oh, it will eventually. One of us wil get banned.


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