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Messages - cpprograms

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Other Projects / [Completed] A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: August 29, 2007, 04:37:53 am »
So I can't believe it, but it's finally done. I've finished a releasable version of one of my biggest projects. Some of you might have heard me referencing GS or GameSitez up until a few months ago, this is it.

I started the project as GameSitez about 3 summers ago before I left for a vacation. The idea was to make a simple webhost for forum goers and the such to display their projects with little to no work. I intended the project to be very simple on the php end, but as time went on it became evident that this was unrealistic. I worked on it until around the end of that year and it became pretty impressive... for my little php knowledge. I dropped it for a bit after that for other projects and then came back to it for a few months some time the next year. I continued work on the forums mostly at at that time, but I also added a lot to the administration side of the site. Eventually it dropped again, only to be picked up early this year. I worked on it up until now pretty constantly, and I redesigned a lot of what I designed. I came to find much of what I did was rather badly coded and recoded a lot of it. Eventually I found a better host than my house and moved it, as well as buying myself a domain name for it.

And now, Project Pages is open.

It's a free webhost, it has a google search and google ads at the bottom of the pages. I know they're somewhat annoying but they can be removed. It is gonna cost a bit to host it and the ads being on there will hopefully make a dent in those costs.

I'd have to say my biggest accomplishment on it is fully working forums, and a pretty good user system. Each site comes with a board that can have up to 10 (I believe) forums, and as many categories as you can cram forums into. The posting and bbcodes and emoticons work fine. There are locked topics as well as stickied ones. The forums have a skin to match their websites'.

I coded a pretty advanced site coloring system... it works for everywhere. It now also includes a banner generator as well as button generator. A layout previewer is also built in now.

With it you now get your own subdomain, which wasn't half as hard to code as I expected. It also allows for uploads and images.

If any of the restrictions on storage etc are too small for your project, get in contact with me. I intend to eventually set up a system for paying for upgrades, but chances are right now I'll do it for free, since this is so new.

And for my beta testers that stuck around, (tet and xero mostly, zell for being around as well) thanks a ton, I owe ya. Free account upgrades are open to you peoples :P

So thanks for giving it a look people, hoping to hear lots from you.

~ Chris

Can't any of you people just be happy for him? o_o

I only got to sample a little bit but I can't say I'm surprised they got signed with that sound. It's got a pretty good sound for it for the genre. People will probably love it... that genre seems to be growing quite a bit. I'm not a big core fan but on occasion I like it. I might actually pick up that album when it comes out to see how it is.

Congratulate him for me, Epitaph is a pretty big label to be picked up by.

OMG...I guess if someone breaks into your home...the right thing to do anymore is let the steal,rape,pillage,murder, or anything else they want to do to you.

Arrested, not charged or convicted. BIG difference.

We have a little thing over here called "The due process of law". One of the things to do with that means that if someone dies in suspicious circumstances - falls off a balcony in the early morning, for instance - then suspects are arrested are questioned.

Just because someone has broken into your home doesn't mean you have the right to throw them 30ft onto a concrete surface. The only acceptable circumstance for killing someone in this country is explicitly for self-defence, when you believe that your own life is in immediate, express danger if you do not.

You fail to mention the guy was probably thrown in jail for a while and now has a bunch of rediculous restrictions placed on him for no reason. You also fail to mention that he just had a few thousand (or ten thousand or 100 thousand in some cases) dollars "borrowed" from him by the government as bail money.

Sometimes I wonder why the saying "innocent until proven guilty" was ever put into use, it really doesn't seem to exist anywhere. The US is probably worse than England here, but then again I don't know

Other Discussion / Re: Does anyone meow me?
« on: August 07, 2007, 04:11:04 am »
Tabby :D of course

Never see you anymore tho :(

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 18, 2007, 08:27:38 am »
Guys, you realize this is what the forums on the site are for, right? :P

Other Discussion / Re: lol, #zfgc hates me now.
« on: July 18, 2007, 04:58:46 am »
Swiftu, your ban was just removed... but the only reason it remained for more than an hour or so was because you ban evaded.

And, towards:
Meh, #zfgc is fail anyway. The forum is much more awesome and a lot less strict and lame.

Uh, how are we more strict? We have next to no rules, other than common sense. We have a couple listed in the topic.. they're all common sense. If you have a problem with the chatroom please communicate it to me so we can try to work it out.

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 17, 2007, 06:13:02 am »
Well guys, I've got 10 or so beta testers and all of you have been send pms (or should have been, talk to me personally if you haven't) telling you how to get there.

If anyone here is good with styles, I'll let someone in if they can prove they are to me. Again, its just editing some colors and making them nice, you won't need to use html color codes either, I have a visual color selector. I'm just terrible making the things look good!

Thanks to all who are beta testing, I've already fixed a good few bugs.

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 17, 2007, 12:00:07 am »
Hah, yeah... it's quite hard to get a large group together at the same time. Take it from someone whose tried to organize staff meetings for ZFGC's chat before :P That's part of why I'm opening at midnight, and keeping it open for a while. I'm also keeping it open for a while because I really want you guys to have the chance to use it the way you would in normal life and tell me how that works out. I will probably leave it open until I release it to the public, a la gmail. It should NOT be in beta that long however.

Also dragonboy, I'd like some help from you probably. Talk to me about it separately I guess, since you don't seem interested so much in the aspect of beta testing it... Do I know you under another name or have we just never met? You've got a lot of posts but that name doesn't ring a bell at all... I saw your site and it looks pretty nice, I'll be reading it over more seriously later. SQL injections are unlikely since its not run off of SQL :P PHP path disclosure I never thought of as a danger but now that you mention it I should at least hide it a wee bit >_> I'll edit the config later for some of that... thanks for the heads up. Other stuff such as XSS could be a problem however.

I'll be giving out the address soon :D A few more hours... * curses about the stupid hover problem *

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 16, 2007, 07:34:26 am »
Well so far as I know things are on for tuesday. Not *everything* will be finished by then. I have a few little things I will probably be working on while you people are in, nothing major. I still need styles but you people beta testing can see the system for yourselves tuesday and then you can submit styles or whatever.

One thing you'll notice is that on hover isn't working. I may have that done by the time you people are in. I think I may just open it early on tuesday, in the realm of 2-3am... maybe just midnight. (This is my time btw) I don't expect you all to be around then, just get in whenever you can/want to... say what you think and play with it :P I'll get the word to each of you one way or another... I won't be posting the URL here however. I'll also let you people into the chatroom. If you do happen to be around though you'll be the first in :P

I'll put up the official list of testers tomorrow - you're all on it... but I have a few people from IRC etc I need to add. No worries there. Also if anyone else wants to sign up its still open, ESPECIALLY if you're good with colors and styles. I want to create a good few styles that people will like, and improve on the few I already have. (Especially the ones I made, which are honestly quite bad)

As for when the beta will close, I don't know. I probably will not officially close it unless something major goes wrong. There will be maintenance on it frequently though, as I'll be working to improve it constantly. So don't worry, you won't miss it if you're not online on tuesday.

I hope to see you guys there after it opens, I'll be waiting for your input! :)

~ Chris

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 14, 2007, 07:44:36 am »
Hey, anyone here decent with styling things? I don't need any html or anything, just colors that will mix together well. I'm trying to throw together a few pre-made styles for something and I'm... well I'm terrible with those :P I've got one main one, and one that xero made that looks kinda like the default phpbb one, but I'd like to have a bit more. I'd like one maybe with ZFGC type colors, and pretty much whatever else can be come up with. I might ask for your help before the official beta test starts, depending on when I get home and how much I feel like coding when I do.

If so leave a message here or w/e

For those who don't know I won't be around much for tomorrow, I might be online late, and sunday's a complete unknown.

So see you peoples later :)

~ Chris

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:54:20 am »
Oh yeah, its still open. I'm gonna pretty much keep it open until I open the site... unless I get WAY too many people, as I said. Not likely I will though. I see you on IRC all the time, you'll likely be one of the first informed when I release :P (Along with anyone else on IRC at the time)

Recruitment / Re: Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 13, 2007, 05:27:28 am »
No, I'm not banned. That's my custom title; I'm just being a !@#$% :P

Ignore the list in my first post for now. Its mainly to account for people who don't visit/aren't active on these forums. As of now I think all of you people who have posted with an interest in beta testing can. I might cut out one or two people if I see a ton more volunteers, but I doubt it. Right now I hold the belief the more the merrier.

Right now I'm working on some security things, and that's why the thing isn't open now. You REALLY wouldn't want any private data available to anyone without any challenge at all, right? :P Also I'm updating files constantly and you'd probably start getting random errors were you to start now.

The stuff I'm trying to do is going swimmingly. I don't see myself having any major issues so long as sorting out issues with my method of security goes well. The forums for the main site are up and waiting, and the chatroom I may open earlier than the project.

Oh and for the secure way of giving someone read only access to the files, I don't want to zip the whole thing up and send it around. There are a few reasons behind this. 1) The source will be continually updated. 2) It's quite big, with all of the user directories etc which a person would need to run it locally. 3) If I DID give them the data itself, that would be giving away peoples' personal information, and if the person looking at the code were so inclined, he could easily swipe personal information from people. I'd prefer an on-server solution... maybe I'll make a secure folder that has a viewer in it or something...

Thanks for the interest to all of you, and I hope you people will enjoy the project when I release it!

Recruitment / Recruiting some beta testers
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:23:18 am »
I am looking to find a team of people to help me beta-test a web project I have going before releasing it to the public. This is for a rather large scale project that has been in the making for 3-4 years. No experience with anything is necessary. (Though I would appreciate finding a few users with experience in php security to help me patch any holes it might have.)
The site will work well in any browser, (so far as I know) so you will be able to use it in whatever browser you please. (This is coming from an Opera user, so you should be able to trust that. It also works on my jornada handheld without flaw.)
I won't be revealing too much about the project here, other than what I have already, as I do not wish for the project to become public yet.
As a member of the team, I will ask that you:
- Visit the site and poke around
- Sign up for a free account and try it out (No obligations, no spam, don't worry about it)
- Report any issues you find
- Suggest features
- Give general and true input towards the site. (What do you like, what do you dislike, how intuitive is the design... Would any features be helpful, are any useless, etc, etc.)
- Contact me somehow - be it through IRC (I've set up a channel for it) email, aim, or pm on the forums, I'd like to get your input :P

I'm not looking for a very big team, but I'm not going to set numbers as I would like to base it on response. Not everyone who responds will necessarily be able to try it right now, but if you're genuinely interested I'm not likely to deny you :P

After this beta test has gone on for a while (and possibly when I find a better host) I'll open up to the public.

I'm going to ask that you not invite any people to the beta site, at least without my permission. I'd probably be perfectly happy to let them in, I just would really like to know who is on the server during the beta tests. It's for security to some extent, I'm not overly worried about anything too severe, I'd just like to know who is around I guess.

NOTE: The site won't be open to testing for a while longer... I have to clean up a few things and add a feature or two hopefully as well. It's very very close to done, however. I'm thinking tuesday at the moment. I'll stay in contact. If you'd leave some form of contact I'd appreciate it. Probably I'll just use it to let you know when I open the demo. My aim is cppchriscpp if anyone doesn't know it, and I'll probably state it there.

Oh, and I'll have a forum set up you people can post on about it too, which will make communication a good deal easier.

If you've got any questions feel free to ask here or pm me. (Or aim me or talk to me on irc, I don't care just get in contact :p) I can't set an exact date for when I'll open the test, but probably sometime next week or late this week. It depends on how fast I can code a few things, mixed with how distractions play into my life.

Thanks to anyone considering this, and I hope to see some of you soon on the site =D

~ Chris

PS: I'm debating making the source available to a few people in a read only format, so I can get help fixing some security issues. Any ideas on how I'd do this? I want a fairly secure way of doing this, so only those who I want to see it can see it. I don't want any source leaking out without my permission :P

Official Beta tester list:
  • xero -IRC
  • Hikij/BlueMonkey - IRC (I assume)
  • Behemoth5 - IRC
  • Sol
  • Issac_Amisov/li]
    • Tetyle
    • Windy
    • zell - IRC
    • MusicMan -IRC

    Thanks guys, and anyone else with inquiries about this can direct them to me.

Other Discussion / Re: Free software list (Last update: 2/20/07)
« on: July 07, 2007, 03:31:02 am »
I was gonna say that...

I've got one to add too...
Dev PHP - A very useful PHP IDE with syntax hilighting and the ability to parse php files without uploading them to a server

Feel free to trim that a little :P

Other Discussion / Re: What Music Player do You Use?
« on: July 07, 2007, 03:26:37 am »
Foobar 2000 :D

Fast, simple, tons of plugins available, does just about every music format, (a few require plugins, but that's easy enough, just put em in the plugins folder and the format works) does not require massive amounts of ram, UTF-8 compatible, (Read: music with foreign tags can be added in their native form) tabbed playlists, a simple but effective music library, and finally it's free software!

Other Discussion / Re: ¡uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ uɐɔ ı
« on: July 04, 2007, 10:32:14 pm »
Like I said, I mostly find it amusing :P I want to make a bbcode on the thing I'm developing right now to do that...  It's pretty easy to implement and original so far as those go...

Hrm... I should really get together some people to help me test that thing soon... * ponders *

But like I said anyone else have any fun stuff like that to do with text or images or html or whatever? :( You people are no fun :P

I think I may make something to mess around with images in php soon for the hell of it, but I'm not sure what... something simple but amusing. PHP image modifiers are always amusing :P Any ideas on that?

More than anything though, posting a topic with an upside down subject just seemed awesome to me :P

Other Discussion / ¡uʍop-ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ uɐɔ ı
« on: July 04, 2007, 02:58:25 pm »
:D uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ ǝʇıɹʍ oʇ noʎ sʍo11ɐ ʇɐɥʇ ʇdıɹɔs ɯopuɐɹ ɐ punoɟ ı

I think I might actually turn this into a bbcode for use on my forum... converting the script to php of course :P

The script is available: here.

So has anyone else found something fun like this around? :D

Try checking settings, see if there's something for like handicapped users to magnify images that's ticked in settings. I haven't used firefox itself in forever, so I really have no idea, but I never saw that problem. Also, google is your friend n_n

Google: "firefox magnified images" without quotes, and see what happens :p

Discussion / Re: Oot2D
« on: June 23, 2007, 12:16:11 am »
But guys! Demo four will be out in a few weeks! How can you people just give up like that?

On a more serious note, that's why I came here too, but I grew to like the community. I kind of like the board being an all around type of board. If only more of the community hadn't left :\

I suppose everyone grows up, and sometimes I wonder if this board has outlived it's lifespan. I think back and realize how much it's changed and it amazes me.

Really I think a new population has arisen more than anything else. Not much of the original forum is left... it's just strange.

A community project would be great if we could a) find a good idea and b) keep people motivated to contribute. That would take a really good idea. Anyone with that idea should step forward :P

I say he killed a mage >_>

He put the body in one bag, all the mage's crap in the other, and left his clothes outside to make people fear him.


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