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Messages - Scooternew

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Entertainment / Re: Yahtzee time: Soul Calibur 4
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:48:09 am »


Are you going to do this with every Yahtzee review? It's getting old, and he's getting unfunny.

What's funny about it in the first place? He posts the video and says discuss it. I don't get what was supposed to be funny. Nice trolling.

I meant Yahtzee is getting unfunny, or more repetitive than anything. I do like his opinion on most games, though.

You know, I don't even know what I meant. I've just had a long, hard day. Nothing I say probably makes sense at this point.

Entertainment / Re: Yahtzee time: Soul Calibur 4
« on: August 21, 2008, 12:42:46 am »


Are you going to do this with every Yahtzee review? It's getting old, and he's getting unfunny. Well, not so much unfunny as much as repetitive.

This one was half-decent, though. It just confirms I'll never get Soul Caliber, and I'll never understand why people think games like Soul Caliber or Tekken are fun. They all suck.

Debates / Re: US army are pussies.
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:33:29 pm »
Yes, I was being sarcastic.

Other Discussion / Re: Favorite late-night snack?
« on: August 19, 2008, 04:07:33 am »
I'm actually nomming on pretzels and peanut butter now, which surprisingly is one of the best late-night snacks. It mixes salty and sweet, crunchy and soft - the flavor is awesome and the combination of the two makes you so thirsty that when you wash it down with milk it's like a triple orgasm. It's also less unhealthy than ice cream, chips, etc.

So pretzels and peanut butter = teh win. That, or cold pizza.

Debates / Re: US army are pussies.
« on: August 19, 2008, 04:05:20 am »

^ this, all over this topic.

Oh, why would it be smart for the U.S. to start a whole nuclear war again?

Audio / Re: to zanarkand
« on: August 15, 2008, 10:57:04 pm »
And the effort was worth it. This midi sounds great (I mean, as good as a midi will get, for the most part). Very faithful to the original.

Updates / Re: NCFC - Nintendo Community Fangame Convention
« on: August 13, 2008, 10:59:13 pm »
I don't think it's dead at all. It's just moving a little slowly now that no one is really sure what to do with it - sub board of WIP, special forum for its development, etc. Whatever anyone else wants to do I'm fine with at this point.

Entertainment / Re: Bernie Mac dead at 50
« on: August 10, 2008, 10:44:20 am »
We lose Heath Ledger and Bernie Mac and yet get to keep Gilbert Gottfreid, Carrot Top, and David Hasselhoff? Yeah, life is unfair.

Except that Gilbert Gottfreid is good.

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 09, 2008, 06:21:43 am »
How do you check PM's with this new site? I don't know where the old bar was moved to.

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:33:01 am »
The "community" aspect of it. How is it a community project if it's closed-source?
You're just a team of developers working on just another fan game, which happens to be on ZFGC.

The SDK is just a team of developers working on a project. Definitely doesn't involve the entire community in its development.

And I've said this so many times it makes my brain hurt thinking about it; it's a community project by virtue of the fact that a team of members from all over the community were working on it. It doesn't have to be open for everyone to see or open-source coding to be a community project. I just absolutely fail to see why no one can understand this or agree with me here.

I PM'ed various admins requesting the CP boards be private again yet no one responded, and the admins made it public without giving the developers of the CP any true say in it.

You know what, this topic isn't the place to be arguing this. Obviously the staff made the decision they thought was best and I'm not going to try and change it. I disagree with it and think it's hypocritical that the SDK gets a board of its own (hmm, wonder why that may be. Infini is developing it, maybe, and he's an administrator? Can't contradict that logic). I also think the way I was informed of the board's being removed was kinda unprofessional. But I'm done discussing it here.

Whatever, at least now that it's archived the key people working on it can stop dealing with billions of random invalid ideas and pressure from people to release source code (which I was going to do later anyway).

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:24:55 am »
It's not open source. What does that have to do with anything?

You know what, this topic isn't the place to be arguing this. Obviously the staff made the decision they thought was best and I'm not going to try and change it. I disagree with it and think it's hypocritical that the SDK gets a board of its own (hmm, wonder why that may be. Infini is developing it, maybe, and he's an administrator? Can't contradict that logic).

Whatever, at least now that it's archived the key people working on it can stop dealing with billions of random invalid ideas and pressure from people to release source code (which I was going to do later anyway).

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:22:40 am »
The SDK is something that is contributing to ZFGC as a whole. The CP just... exists.

What does that even mean? No it's not, it's only contributing to people who are interested in game development. The SDK "just exists" by your definition; in fact, the CP probably has contributed to the community more than the SDK has so far, by drawing various talent together to develop a game.

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 09, 2008, 05:11:53 am »
Hmm... Why is the community project in the archives?
Because the admins fet that it dosen't have any of the traits of a community project. Its more of a private project that just happens to be using the tallent of some of the zfgc members. We've explained this to the main staff of the CP and have given them several weeks to clean everything up, I've just moved it there until they decide what to do.

I like the new look so far... except that big advertisement on the right. It takes too much place!
I actually thinks it takes up the right amount of space. Though I need to widen everything else, as the forum is getting a bit squashed.

How does the ZFGCSDK or whatever it's called have the traits of a community project more than ZFGCCP?
When did I say it did? I actually said, and I quote: "ZFGSDK isn't meant to be one".

But the SDK gets its own board and the CP doesn't?

Updates / Re: Down Time
« on: August 08, 2008, 09:27:19 pm »
Hmm... Why is the community project in the archives?
Because the admins fet that it dosen't have any of the traits of a community project. Its more of a private project that just happens to be using the tallent of some of the zfgc members. We've explained this to the main staff of the CP and have given them several weeks to clean everything up, I've just moved it there until they decide what to do.

I like the new look so far... except that big advertisement on the right. It takes too much place!
I actually thinks it takes up the right amount of space. Though I need to widen everything else, as the forum is getting a bit squashed.

How does the ZFGCSDK or whatever it's called have the traits of a community project more than ZFGCCP?

Entertainment / Re: Yahtzee Time: Ninja Gaiden 2
« on: August 07, 2008, 11:10:44 am »
It's a guy with a chip on his shoulder who is occasionally witty but usually just does the whole "I speak fast and make cultural references" gig, which runs dry after the first couple times. I don't see why people love this guy.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: August 05, 2008, 05:45:25 pm »
Random ZFGCCP coding stuff.

Audio / Re: New song~
« on: August 05, 2008, 07:29:22 am »
I can't stand the voices at all, and I think you put too much reverb on the instruments.

Updates / Re: [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - August 3, 2008
« on: August 03, 2008, 11:08:00 pm »
I'd probably nominate 4Sword. He's very active and is on way late at night when many other mods aren't on (I know since I'm usually up late too, and I see him on). In addition, he puts thought and time into his posts, which are intelligent, constructive, and germane to the topic at hand. He also used to be a mod and did a good job while he was one, and he spent a lot of his time organizing the Brawl tourney, showing he's devoted to his work here on ZFGC.

Love: sonic racing
Hate: link's awakening

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: The Petrified Realm
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:32:22 am »
Hey, I noticed you're using my textbox "engine". Just noticed it now.

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