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Messages - Random

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Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 17, 2010, 06:14:28 am »
Yeah I kinda like to see screens too, your game sounds fun d^_^b  XD
I'd like to give you something to look forward too, but I rather not spoil anything. You know, give a real surprise that will astonish the site (to the max point that an amature like me can do). You don't see me begging Miyamoto for ZWii screenies. Besides, I already gave out a lot of back story (although not all). I was thinking of making a demo with at most the first third of the dungeons and no more when i was about 90% done.
Okay, so we arn't going to reveal any screenshots atm, but we decided to spill a little do to technical difficulties.

The Final Dungeon of SM is an area called Proc-Necon (which means Holy Groud on the Ground). This area is what we are questionin wether it should be the same place as Stone Tower from Majora's Mask. We basicly based the area off an absolutly non-canonical/non-proven theory -> http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/nes-snes-n64-zelda/50295-stone-tower-of-babel-why-termina-was-doomed.html. Proc-Necon is reached by acheiving the Four Sacred Objects which defy the gods (no they are not obtained through dungeons) and going to New Clock Town's Clock Tower and "Hang" the objects there. Once done, you have to wait for the First day or if your already in the First day, you need to enter the exit of New Clock Town. (If you don't finish the dungeon by the end of the third day, you won't be able to leave unless you wait for a new cycle.) At that moment, Proc-Necon will fall from the sky as if it rised from the ground, but it was upsidedown.

Proc-Necon is was a temple that the men of Ikana built to defy the Three Goddesses, fore Termina except some (which were the ancestors of the survivors) worshiped the Four Giants. Each Giant was a fragment of the God's corruption. The temple was built to banish the gods so Giants may come and deem their land as the New Holy Ground. They created a mask known as the Giant's Mask (isn't an obtainable item) which was shrined in the center of the temple. If you look at the entrance of the temple, it is in the shape of a heart opeing up, if you look at upsie down, it seems to be the head of a Screaming Goron (yes the base of the temple's entrance is the Giant goron from MC). If you go to were the Giant's Mask should be, in its place you see a statue decipting a Giant sleeping with his arms handcuffed. Inside the dungeon, you must go through a seris of puzzles and fine/make use of the Fire arrow. (Once you get hte arrow, you can leave the dungeon and do some outside puzzles to get some heart containers.) Once you get the boss key, you have to burn the vines under the giant to reveal a door, open it
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and you are confronted by you sibling (Sen if your Zelda, Zelda if your Sen), to your surprise, (s)he is the boss, but in reality, your the boss. In the first stage, it's one on one combat. In round two, you grow tentacles from your back, so does your oppenet, and your oponets tactics alter (to get/deal damage at this point, you have to avoid being attacked in the back/attack your oppenet in the back). In round 3, congratulations you killed your sibling, but now your father walks in...... He points to a scealed sword (like Deathsword in TP) that wasn't their before. The sword comes out and in floats over to your father's hand (somehow, every time we code that part, the game freezes up so we are trying to fix that). He walks over to your sibling and takes his/her corp then walks back into the door to leave (this part seems like it should be more difficult to code than the sword thing, but for some reason, this was the easy one). However, then, the sceal breaks and out comes Farore's Wrath. We won't spoil how you fight this last stage. When your done the tower croumbles and you die in the crash. From outside you see a black light (Ord) with the stone giant in his hand. He says "It's okay my puppet, my plan worked, the world will finally be ensured to death.) Yes the game ends with a bad ending... Romeo and Julliet, whoopdeedoo... So if you didn't figure it out yet, the fourth god, Ord, left the land but sneaked back in to make the false gods, the Four Giants. Din and Nayru go looking after Ord, but never survived the way back, becuase the gods are weak when alone. Farore and Ord survived becuase they were still in the same land. Farore, being the youngest, made foolish choices like making the Bokoblin and trying to curse the Four Giants, but in the process got attacked by Ord. Ord scealed away Farore in her final stage and right before that, he turned his giant into stone so she can't kill him, the sword was the sceal to the goddess, but also the sceal that turned his giant into stone. He was awaiting the player to release the sword to distract Farore while he went and rescued his giant so then attempted to kill Farore in a crash. Ord then commenced to rule the world with his giant in pure dictatorship.

Discussion / Re: The Title for Spirit Mythes Poll
« on: March 17, 2010, 12:47:02 am »
Yeah I kinda like to see screens too, your game sounds fun d^_^b  XD
I'd like to give you something to look forward too, but I rather not spoil anything. You know, give a real surprise that will astonish the site (to the max point that an amature like me can do). You don't see me begging Miyamoto for ZWii screenies. Besides, I already gave out a lot of back story (although not all). I was thinking of making a demo with at most the first third of the dungeons and no more when i was about 90% done.

Oye vay, I just wrote a four paragraph response without copying it and now I have to restart. So I will go back to the point.....


The only one who said anything about spaceworld was MaJoRa. Try to keep your mind straight with who said what.

I agree, the third Oracle GBC game was dropped due to conection error.

Spaceworld was just a Demo and has nothing to do with what I am saying At All.

All three oracle games, at first was ONE Game Cube game and was replaced due to Miyamoto rather making TWW. TWW replaced the unamed Oracle GC game.

Mystical Seed of Courage, A.K.A.: Oracle of hours, was replaced by Oracle of Ages which was actualy Oracle of (colors?) before it adopted the Hero of Time Sceme.

These were commercial images that, in speculation by most veiwers, considered to be the only screenshots of that replaced game. That deleted game (Oo Hours) is not that replaced game (The Game Cube Oracle game).

There is once again, no connection between space world and this topic. If you guys keep fussing over deeming me wrong instead of talking about the topic at hand, this topic is no better than a war which is not why we joined ZFGC.

I think it is rather interesting to discuss what kind of gameplay and puzzles there can be with the color theme for the GBC.
That is exactly what the point of this topic was! To discuss the dropped GBC game and the replaced GC game.

I don't feel like reading the entire thread, but basically, you're a total dumbass Random. Mystical Seed of Courage was for the GBC. Just like the Oracle games' codenames were Mystical Seed of Power and Mystical Seed of Wisdom (I think) there was Mystical Seed of Courage. However, when errors began to crop up between the three, and it became difficult to determine which game the errors came from, an impasse was found. Then Shiggy came up with the idea "Make two games instead of three!" and the problem was solved. Mystical Seed of Courage is just what would've been the third Oracles game. Think about it. At the opening of both, a different part of the Triforce spirits Link away to another land. But the Triforce of Courage never does, simply because that game was never made.

Don't believe anything you hear about a Zelda game unless it's from here or from Nintendo. Most of the stuff you hear in other places is false, or fans being total retards. MaJoRa is right; you're confusing them. The GCN one was a tech demo, similar to the one Square made of FF7 for the PS3. It's not being made. The GBC one, Mystical Seed of Courage, was canceled due to password issues and confusion. Plus, it was Shiggy's idea to scrap it, so it's official. Since this thread is basically over now... lock please!
Actualy, I said this MIGHT be it. Plus, Mystical Seed of X is the japanease title for the OoX games. (Oracle of X is an american thing.) I never said the spaceworld demo was this, MaJoRa did. This article was ment to discuss what it would've been like to play a game like that. Not to try to disprove it's existance becuase we all know it never will exist. So i guess yo can end this article and stop fussing about it, everyone!

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 16, 2010, 07:51:32 pm »
XD That is becuase I'm not trying to spell Myths. Mythe is a tribe. :P

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 16, 2010, 02:18:13 am »
I can honestly say I would take your project more seriously if you spelled your title right.
What do you mean? What did I misspell? P.S.: That is not the final name, we are still in debate.

So there was going to be a third title, too bad about them canceling it as I would've enjoyed it just like I did with the other two.
The third game was never released do to lack of time. The game I'm talking about is the unreleased (unamed, no Oracle of Hours is just slang for Mystical Seed of Courage) Gamecube game that got replaced by TWW and the ideas from that game are soposidly inside the GBC games.
I have to agree with Mammy. The pictures were from the videos and the videos are only commercials. Because GBC footage is not really inviting enough to make a commercial from, they made extra inviting material, like the 3D animations. You should have seen want LA's commercial was:

It would be nice tough if someone would make a 3D fangame with OOS/OOA gameplay. :P
I'm not saying that the game, I'm just trying to show you a speculation, yes speculation, of what MSoC would've looked like. P.S.: When i play the video, it says it was removed. > .>

Yeah I know those images are from the commercial, but the "GCN" game you're referencing is a fabrication. What makes me laugh is that you're saying that the commercial footage was "material for a planned game". The first commercial is the US localized commercial, and wouldn't have that sort of "information". The second one shows just a chibi style link, which you also used as "material" for the other game.

Your intentions sir confuse me.
Honestly, I don't think the japanease one was footage from the game, I just put it there becuase that one is what people say. I am also not sure if the Master Sword was really called the Sword of Destiny, but for sure it was one of the three objects. Also, the April Fools your refering to is this link, http://vgmaps.com/NewsArchives/April2008/index.htm#LegendOfZeldaOracleOfHours. That is not what I'm talking about, that is a platformer game. Gamecube does not have platformer games (in GBC style). The only platformer zelda game on the Gamecube is at the very least, GBA style.

The japanease one that uses the possible younger version of link.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIvBnvwXiLw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIvBnvwXiLw</a>

Nice fabrication, but "the other oracle game" was a third GBC title that was canceled due to password system errors between the other two games. The one you showed was a poorly pieced together april fools joke.
Were i got it from is this.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_V7deVMQ4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4_V7deVMQ4</a>
(Wondering why I didn't post it earlier.) The third game was proven to be for the Gamecube and that hte Gameboy games were in replacement of this actual game. Nintendo made Seasons and Ages in time for May of 2001, but between then and november wasn't inough time to make the third one (which people call Oracle of Secrets). Regardless of of system, Miyamoto made sure that it released with or right before the Gamecube. They would have mad the third GBC game if they weren't also working on TWW. This game is not an aprial fools joke, it was a TV-brodcasted comercial used for the OoX seris, and the point of this topic is too show what might be the only photographical evidence of Mystical Seed of Courage that exists. (I hope they don't do the same thing with ZWii, but it takes years to make a NDS game, it takes ''A'' year to make 2 GBC games [for nintendo].)

Ignore this topic.
The Legend of Zelda: Mystical Seed of Courage, or a more common name known as Oracle of Hours/Secrets, was a cancled game made by nintendo for the Gamecube which involved all three of the Oracles. (The oracle seris and the gamecube came out around the same time.) It was said to be a 3D game with no screenshots that was rumored to come with a bundle pack with the Gamecube. It was eventualy scrapped up into it's Gameboy Color version (Oracle of Seasons and Ages), becuase Shigeru Miyamoto had a better idea for a game which is the 2003 released Wind Waker. In a commercial for the Gameboy Color games, you see some third demensional scenes that are beleived to be the only existing materia of the planned game. (See bellow) I have brought it up to see what you people think? Is it the Mystical Seed of Courage game? Or just a commerical graphic. (P.S.:The game was originally going to include three main items (Rod of Seasons from OoS, Harp of Ages from OoA, and Sword of Destiny [Master Sword] from both of which) and new lands such as Subrosia and the rumored Staltavi.)
Link in a winter-season snow storm.
Link making use of the rod of seasons by making it summer.
Link climbing the Summer Vines.
The infamouse hourglass that was not mentioned at all in OoA but was seen in the hud.
The broken sword of destiny which lies next to the infamouse hourglass.
Link making use of his harp by fixing the sword of destiny.
The sword being repaired by playing the harp to the houglass.
A closeup on Link's face's reflection in the Sword of Destiny.
A better veiw of link holding the sword.
The only 3D scene from the japanease version that might be what link looks like when your. (This and his other form crossed together is what he looks like in the oracle seris.

So this is basicly all I found. So, what do you think?

Discussion / Re: An up coming zelda game
« on: March 15, 2010, 03:22:53 am »
it'll be easier to understand when you play the demo June 9 ,2010;
by the way, does anyone know how to make the emotions work again?
What do you mean? The motocoms still work. (See: XD)
I like how you made the screen NDS-emulator-like. You should try to come extend the story (or tell us the parts you didn't mention). Also, why is there three rupees for your Rupee Counter?

Graphics / Re: (Poll) Replacement for Kaepora Gaebora in Spirit Mythes
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:05:56 am »
Doesn't Jalhala name mean hell?  Why would it be a guide?  I'd prefer the owl lol, despite his annoyance, he is still a memorable character.  But if Jal the guide then its ok lol, finally something interesting since other characters in the series.

My question is: Does he turn on the player later on or something?  that spr you made looks cool  XD
Yes, Jalhalla is Islamic for hell. And Finally! I didn't want to make it too obvious but somebody finally figured out what i was trying to do. (Jalhalla turns on the player!)

i never excused you for using Leduardo's sprites, the others did.
i saw that it had an author on it. i only said "Thanks for the Sprites Random" because you showed them to me.
Oh, sorry i was trying to dirrect towards the others. I was just wondering why you called Kren Leduardo.

Graphics / Re: Come, be a critic, insult these image for the better
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:50:07 am »
if you don't know where the image you got came from, you should at least indicate that it isn't your own
That was the thing I wasn't sure about, I tryed searchingbut couldn't find the creator (until Sprite Collecter said that he was the one who made it.)
and that Vasu shop stuff was also done by Yue or dotyue who goes here: http://www.spriters-resource.com/custom_edited/zelda/sheet/17457
Yes, I already credited Yue in my game. (Oh, so thats why Yue seems so framilier.)

Graphics / Re: Come, be a critic, insult my image for the better
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:38:32 am »
Come, be a critic, insult my image for the better
Changed it.
Stating you're terrible with perspective when all you've done is recolored it leads me to believe you're trying to take credit for it.
I'm not trying to take credit for it. I added that you deserve credit for it. I am not trying to start wars here. Btw, it was a little more than a recolor, although you still deserve full credit. This is our first and last try at making a OoX image into a MC image.

Graphics / Re: Come, be a critic, insult my image for the better
« on: March 13, 2010, 04:23:04 am »
I'm curious as to why you've taken the clock sprites Zac and I created years ago for our GB Majors Mask project and claimed them as your own? Recoloring does not mean it's yours. Not cool man.
Were does it say I took credit for it?

No matter how you feel, I think it's general courtesy to ask first. Just because you feel a certain way doesn't mean that they might too, so it's just better to ask.
it's not what I feel it is what it is stated in the picture <_<, still this went out of topic loong ago.

                                    Kren, they're great sprites(Better than mine)...
                                           Keep up the good work.
Kren isn't Leduardo....

I changed the image into a link to the forum. Happy?...  Now, the point of this topic was to help with gaphics, not fuss over an image.

Graphics / Re: Spirit's track to MC style
« on: March 12, 2010, 11:12:36 pm »
Unfortunitly, I don't. However, these have better suitable porportions than the other ones.

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