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Messages - Random

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Graphics / Re: Spirit's track to MC style
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:47:54 pm »
I tryed using those and, don't you think their a tad to big. (I tryed using my MC hair that works on other MC stuff and is too small for this.)

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 12, 2010, 09:45:13 am »
I have to agree with Mammy. Forcing timeline stuff in there, even if you are inspired by one of those events, will only serve to lower the quality of your game. Even so, when the moon would have fallen, (even though Nintendo greatly reduced it in size) it would have created a crater that even the Deku Scrubs can't survive. And when you are going to introduce more nations, than people are going to expect to have a nation as big as Hyrule. Not to be offensive, but you've got a lot to do.

My advice make a story about that Hyrule has been hit by a comet long ago. Castle Town was turned into a crater. Hyrule fractured. Many people sought refuge in Catalia, but now Hyrule is rebuilding. But a new evil is threatening that seems to disrupt Hyrule's rebuild. Evil comming from the crater.

Or something like that. It is inspired by the moon falling on termina and it covers how people would recover from that. And a comet is less omni-destructive as a moon is.
Yes, but most of the games revolves around the lost woods and Hyrule. Calatia and Termina are actualy small parts of it, they are mainly included becuase hte player becomes an ambassador. P.S.:It is Calatia (non-canonical, but a real place). See this link for more info --> http://zeldawiki.org/Calatia (even though it is a stub article). We are in nowhere thinking to drop clock town and castle town to make New Hyrule. (But that would make sence geographicly.)
More like New Deku Palace. Clock Town is a human town and Termina is the combination of all the areas of all the races.
Yes, but New Clock town was an area created by the Deku Scrubs for the remianing humans. (It's architecture is similer to Deku Palace, however.) Dispite the presence of Deku Scrubs, it is still a human town.
Alchemy is a small part of science, that mostly deals with mixing chemicals. If you have science on one pillar and magic (anti-science, I think Harry Potter wizardry and stuff) on the other, then as a third pillar I would suggest "Faith". Not so much religion, but actually faith.
I think your confusing Alchemy and Chemistry up. Chemistry is what your talking about. Alchemy is a mythical science based of chemistry were most of the greek and egyptian lore came from. (Ex.: Chimera, Sphynx, etc.) In my opinoin, even if faith is not ment by religion, we shouldn't use that becuase it will still have a too strong of a hold on cultures and etc... (Don't want to cause a cultural war like OoT did.)
Well, a change often happens to something they are willing to change to. Something they are familiar with. Thus I would believe that one off the women would rise to become the leader. Even they new that every hundred years a new king would be born. Castle Town was to busy rebuilding and the Gerudo could have retreated into the desert to be save. And if it really is at the end of the timeline than a several hundreds of years has gone by. And a new male would be born. You see what problems the timeline brings.
Still, they must have got to there democacy sooner or later. I mean, even if they had like a viceking or w/e, they still must have thought they must choose a leader over worth and acheivments. (Especialy after what Ganon got them into in OoT.)

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 12, 2010, 08:27:56 am »
Thank you for showing this to me. Ok, so there is no timeline. :-\ So what? This game still happens some hunred years after Majora's Mask if link fails. That is all I mean to say. ;) What about the calatia-alchemy idea? I really need responses from the community but I don't want to start another poll or anything.

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 12, 2010, 07:40:44 am »
Well, to the remarks about geography, for the most part termina is not like termina in MM. Btw, this happens on either timeline becuase it mainly takes place a little after same time as Spirit trakcs on the child timeline, but it has to also happen on the adult timeline becuase Termina had to have been hit by majora's moon, so it would probably be best to say it happens on the child timeline if link fails to defeat majora. The timeline is out of the point, Deku Scrubs and some humans survived the moon crash becuase the Scrubs have the ability to burrow themselves underground through flowers. So, the Deku Scrubs recreated their kingdom in an area called New Clock Town (Should we call it New Termina?). (The moon is still were the clock town would be geographicly.) But overall, it is not to huge of an area. Same for Calatia. What we'r in debate about now is... Well, Hyrule revolves around magic, Termina revolves around science, and calatia... Well, when you go to calatia you obtain certain abilities (which won't be mentioned so it won't be spoiled) which could be classafied as both, even though they should have their own art. So here is our idea, we make the third world, calatia, about Alchemy. That doesn't really go wit the usual zelda flow and might be a pleasant twist, but how can we make it so it doesn't sound to much like FMA/FMAB? Also, the Gerudo became a republic when their king, ganon, died and they were forced to come up with a better system. I mean, ganon died at like what age, 37? So be left with 63 years without a working system and risk being attacked by Castle Town? It is only logical that they change their ways. P.S.: The Gerudo also developed a strong disliking to Deku Scrubs.

Discussion / Re: My weekly time system
« on: March 12, 2010, 06:22:49 am »
(Read page one, but none of page two.) This kind of sounds like the time system I used in my game. The differences are, the clock is a Termina Clock, but you don't use the MM system. How it works is, you go through a ten day cycle and different things happen (such as a guard guarding a dungeon entrance on days 1-9 but you can go in on the final day and you need to talk to him from the other side of the entrance on day 1). When you reach the end of the final day, you don't restart like in MM, it is just that almost everyone forgets what happened in the past 10 days as if it were amnesia. There is this one person who admits he was going to kill a girl with a oom inside the Inn at day 8, but finds out in day 1 that the girl mysterously died without any explanation (becuase he killed her on the first day 8 but when it reached the next cycle he finds her to be already dead and confused). Also, there is this Deku Scrub Ambassador who gos to the Gerudo and ends up getting in a fight. He hides in Zora River on the 10th day and when it peaks the day the Gerudo declare war on Termina but before any damage is done, everyone has amnesia and the guy is confused to why he is in Zora River and gos to the Gerudo to repeat the process. Only some NPCs are immune to the process. (Not to confuse your readers by stating my system or anything.)

P.S.: Another thing confusing the people is that the world stops revolving around the sun. So some areas are only day, and some are only night.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] LOZ 3D
« on: March 12, 2010, 02:29:49 am »
Except, you know, that Shadowgazer was turned into an IP and is dead in the Zelda form. >_>
Yes, I know. I contacted kingmob before he left. And yes OoT2D in fsa style.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] LOZ 3D
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:04:14 am »
 :o Wow, this is one of the most amazing fangames I've ever seen! This is right at the top with Shadow Gazer and that Zelda 2D that is FSA style.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] Legend of Zelda: Rod of Lumina
« on: March 11, 2010, 06:57:26 am »
This game is very interesting. 8) Looks like the start of a very great game! XD
P.S.: I like how sheik has different reactions for each side she is talked to from. How do you use your sword and what do you do after you get the leaf? I also found a glitch were if you roll into a new map, you roll out of the map in the new map.

Unfortunately, I've seen many sprite websites come and go, and claiming to have more sprites than Spriters Resource, that just makes you seem desperate. Not attempting to bash on your dreams, but I agree with MiN. Do what you want, but a hot air balloon held together with half chewed gum doesn't fly well, if you get my meaning.
Well, I kind of understand, but still, he doesn't have to say it so rudely. Maybe he won't get as much sprites as TSR, but he would get more zelda ones is possible. Have hope, the reason websites like that don't work is becuase of all the negativity and discouragement.

That sprite was by Leduardo, not Random, and Random should not have posted it without Leduardo's permission.
I thought it was clear considering it credited him.
hey soon i will post a website called The Sprite Archive that will have more sprites than TSR and SGK and DA combined but its going to be a little while cause i'm working on other sites aswell.
My main point is that it will have a whole section for MM and Oot and TP sprites.
How soon do you expect this to come out?
hey soon i will post a website called The Sprite Archive that will have more sprites than TSR and SGK and DA combined but its going to be a little while cause i'm working on other sites aswell.
My main point is that it will have a whole section for MM and Oot and TP sprites.
Something tells me that this "site" will be composed in full by !@#$% that was taken from other resource websites. You go ahead, though. Become a big-shot.
Why are you always so negative? Be supportive! People like you just run me the wrong way!

Graphics / Re: (Poll) Replacement for Kaepora Gaebora in Spirit Mythes
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:25:24 pm »
If you want to use the phantom armor like the Phantoms in ST for certain situations, then you don't specifically need a guide to transform into it. You could also feature an item such TP's Dominion Rod.
I realise that, it is just what we currently came up with. Also, the Dominion Rod is in our game as a quest item. A similer item to it is called a Poe Chamber that lets certian people or you to bring an object to life. (If you play you'd understand the difference.)

Discussion / Re: The Title for Spirit Mythes Poll
« on: March 10, 2010, 08:22:05 pm »
How about: (The Legend of Zelda:) Spirit Myths <working title>. And just choose your title when the game is at 99%. You can then base it on either an item that plays a central role in your game (see OOT, PH, ST, MC, FS(A), WG), a character that has a big part in the goal of the main story (OOA, OOS, MM, LoZ) or based on a larger overshadowing theme or gameplay (AoL, WW, ALttP).
Well actualy, we are trying to avoid including "The Legend of Zelda" in the title. Right now we are about 85% done but some of the knucle heads here are impaitent... For item titles we included we said Sacred Pearl (About the Maku Pearl). For people we included: The Deku Prophet (The Deku Scrub Princess) & the Lone God (Farore). For a theme overshadowing the game can be The True World.
I think at the stage in the development you're at now (I assume barely any progress because of the lack of screenshots) you should focus more on the planning and engine development. Focus on the title when you have your story at a more polished state.
Well, actualy we have been doing this since the summer of 09. We just recently joined this area. We are very well into progress. The only thing we can't decide on is castle town. Since we started we used castle towns from other games as placeholders...

You don't want to tell us what sprites/tilesets you want.

Very informative. Good job.
Nobody likes a sarcastic... What he means is, what do you want in specific? I don't know about any in MC style except the clock tower in this forum.

Graphics / Re: GAME OVER.
« on: March 10, 2010, 02:15:09 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3C-VevI36s" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3C-VevI36s</a>

Graphics / Re: GAME OVER.
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:20:40 am »
The same could be said for any game then, truly. It was just meant to be a little homage to Zelda 2, based on a single frame from a youtube video I saw.
What video?

Discussion / The Title for Spirit Mythes Poll
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:17:35 am »
Everyone working on the game is in debate over what the game should be called. So we decided to leave it up to you. For an idea of what the game is about, go here --> http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=36068.0. The name has to do with why the world is decaying or How Zelda/Sen knows what to do about it. The team working on this game already came up with four possible names. For a while we even called the game "Spirit Mythes: The Other One". Becuase everyone kept on argueing over which one to use. For the next week or two, the title will be up to you.

*You can either vote for the listed or come up with your own.
*The title has to have Spirit Mythes before the name.
*It has to match the storyline.
*The Words: Triforce, Other, Sen, Zelda, Link, or Tree can not be in the title.

Discussion / Re: Spirit Mythes: The Deku Prophet
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:01:09 am »
Thank you foursword. Also, I thought I made it clear that I was the only one with acess to this account. Nobody else does. I just represent the team. Now, can we please get back to the point. Here is my main concept. Is it good, bad, can be better, going down hill from here, & what should I do? Should I try adding two screenshots every mounth and move it to WIP?

P.S.: I ment to give you this link --> http://www.zeldadungeon.net/images/News/Folder/10-02-15/002.jpg.
I'm not saying it is the absolute true timeline. I'm just saying I support this timeline and that this game is at the end of both parts of this timeline.

Graphics / Re: GAME OVER.
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:50:18 am »
... Did you see the original he based it off of? The transition is taken straight from it.
If by original, you mean the Ganon from game over... In my opinoin, that seems to be of the NES Era. It is from TLOZ2, so I kind of think it is rather unperfect. I think we have improed since then, but we shouldn't try to cloan them. That doesn't mean we shouldn't honer and apreciate the classics...

Graphics / Re: (Poll) Replacement for Kaepora Gaebora in Spirit Mythes
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:43:17 am »
AH okay. But you don't have much of a ghostly/dreamish theme from the beginning.

Also you could use Tingle  :P Or be inventive and make one up that fits the theme.
As I stated before, using an average poe would work, like the one that guides you through desert colossus in OOT. Also, tingle works.
The way I see it... I can make it just another average poe. I want to use the phantom armor somehow but I do not really support poes. And I even less support tingle! I am thinking of making more than one guide, however. If I make a custom guide... Were should I start? (Uncreative when it comes to topics like these.)

Graphics / Re: GAME OVER.
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:33:31 pm »

Got bored. :P
Interesting. I personaly like it. It resembles the Fomors from my game. Myabe you should try shading it in more. Like, make a better transition from red to yellow to black.

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