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Messages - Mamoruanime

Pages: 1 ... 286 287 [288] 289
Entertainment / Re: [possible spoilers]My Halo 3 Review
« on: September 29, 2007, 05:19:47 am »
I didnt think 2 was too far from 1 in terms of style or anything o.0... BTW I have 3, its OKAY. It still seems like a rehashed genre with really no innovation outside of graphics to me though lol...

The reason why Halo did so well, is because it brought gaming to non-gamers. It was the first real main-stream shooter that appealed to everyone... which is odd because it really didn't have anything of importance that coulda made its demographic step outside of the gamer boundary lol

But yeah... I picked up 3 earlier today, clocked through act II and everything... To me its just the same ol halo with new 3rd person view weapons *shrugs*... even the graphics arent that great IMO... Some new anti-aliasing and some more polygons slapped onto some rehashed meshes is how it feels to me. Dont get me wrong, it's keeping me captivated, but I feel that its only real strong point is multiplayer, and I personally believe thats the reason the beta was multiplayer only :P

Debates / Re: TAG body spray and deoderant
« on: September 29, 2007, 05:10:17 am »
XD true true, I'm not gunna lie lol

Entertainment / Re: Scan of Link's Crossbow training!
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:58:28 am »
It all depends on if the images are exclusive to that magazine and the customers who purchase it or not o.0...

BTW Wikipedia isn't a very good source for citing much of anything intended for serious proof XD... Most universities laugh when people use Wikipedia as sources of information :P... but thankfully, I trust about 80% of what Wikipedia has to offer... lol

And besides; copyrighted material usage is at the discretion of the copyrighter. If the copyrighter says "Nay! cease and desist!" then you cease and desist... but before then, bah dont worry about it lol... Unless of course they already made it public that no one is to use that material whatsoever in any way shape or form :P then just pass by it and ignore that material :P

But in this case, I'm sure its what the images are of, and not the images themselves that are copyrighted. For example, ima take a picture of my laptop. Now tell me, is the image copyrighted by Dell, or is it my image to do with what I want?. I'm sure its fine to post these scans, if not, then it doesnt matter, because the worst that will happen is Nintendo will be all pissy about it and tell you to remove em. Which ultimately, is still no harm done to any party whatsoever lol

Debates / Re: What happens after you die?
« on: September 28, 2007, 09:34:41 am »
like another dimension of some sort?

BTW the flying spaghetti monster scares the cream cheese outta me >_<

But I definitely agree about the growing to believe something; stepping outside of whats force-fed to you is good, because it gives you the sense to learn something on your own. Its not peoples jobs to tell you what to believe. Mention their beliefs? sure. But to say "believe this or burn in hell!" or use other scare tactics is down right low and dirty, and I do not think thats how things should be conveyed from person to person; and that seed shouldnt even be planted in such a manor :s

Entertainment / Re: Shoot the Wii annoys me.
« on: September 28, 2007, 08:19:03 am »
lol the Wii in general annoys me; its far too novelty :s

but I agree... I was playing Wario Ware (fun game BTW)... stupid thing... Sat down to play, keep in mind I'm not even an INCH from where I was standing up at where it was working fine... and it stopped working while I was sitting... >_< I miss the non-annoyance of a good ol controller

Entertainment / Re: People I need help
« on: September 28, 2007, 07:39:14 am »
It all depends on what your style is... I pretty much like anything except for country and rap... and I really... REALLY... hate 100% screamo metal... Singers need talent, and shouting your vocal cords raw isnt talent :P...

BUT! Music I listen to that I suggest--

Dragonforce's Inhuman Rampage album
pre 90's Metallica
Depeche Mode
Lacuna Coil
Avenged Sevenfold (City of Evil, not stuff from before that)
etc lol

Other Discussion / Re: Hilarious IM conversations
« on: September 28, 2007, 07:22:43 am »

[17:28] Mamoruanime: Dare ga kono gyuunyuu o koboshita?!?
[17:28] Mamoruanime: Kyuubil ga yatta.
[17:28] Kyuubil: .. dare tte
[17:28] Kyuubil: tsuka.. gyunyu? dare ga kono IRC de gyunu wo nomunda?
[17:29] Kyuubil: "More like.. milk? who the !@#$% drinks milk in irc?"
[17:29] Mamoruanime: Jisho o kashite kureru? Poontang o tabemashou ka.
[17:29] Kyuubil: Milk is a drink for the RW, and a good one at that
[17:29] Mamoruanime: lol
[17:29] Kyuubil: .. No, just.. no
[17:29] Mamoruanime: rofl
[17:30] Kyuubil: Ore no atama itai, ore... ma ii, ja.
[17:30] Mamoruanime: T|Rein ni jisho o kashite kureru?


This ones with John from Viva:

Zetheron says:
you americans and you sueing everything that moves

Mamoruanime says:
well there are still the decent ones like myself who wouldnt sue anyone even if they did something REALLY bad to me XD

Mamoruanime says:
although I once sued my foot becuase I tripped on a log and fell on my face... but thats a long story... and my face was none to happy with my foot :..

Zetheron says:
well, technically the foot was an accessory to the crime since the brain was technically the one who had control. The brain should have been the one you sued

Mamoruanime says:
well sorta, but the log made a full confession, and the court held it in contempt :..

Zetheron says:
the log was depressed?

Mamoruanime says:
had to of been, because well... it was trying to commit a murder... My face doesnt take none to kindly of that, and I'm sure my foot wasnt too pleased either

Mamoruanime says:
but my face needed some compensation... I mean it was bad enough to begin with, but after recieving a foot to itself, it defintately wasnt appealing then

Zetheron says:
well, maybe the log mistaked you for a lumber jack and it was self defense

Mamoruanime says:
well I was wearing plaid that day... hmmm interesting

Entertainment / Re: [possible spoilers]My Halo 3 Review
« on: September 28, 2007, 06:22:00 am »
I wasnt impressed with the beta; I'm picking up Halo 3 tonight though when I get off work...

I dunno, I'm not a big halo fan; mainly because I dont see what the hype is about... its not really innovative, or anything really unique to the shooter genre, I mean realistically, what did it have that other shooters of its time didnt have? SoF had destructible limbs on the mobs, but even that didnt make that game a defining game in the genre... The only thing that Halo really had that other shooters didnt have, is really... really long repetitive levels that recycled the same mobs over and over again o.0... Gotta give it one thing though; the health system. THAT is innovation lol...

but eh, I like halo, its just not one of the greater FPS's on my list :P I'm still anxious to play Halo 3 (outside of the beta), mainly because I've seen the ending, and I just clocked Halo 2 again 100% coop...

What kinda achievements does Halo 3 give the users to attempt? :P

Entertainment / Re: So... How many of you are gunna try to take me on...
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:50:50 am »
:o... I beat all songs on expert, except for Jordan, but theres a reason for that (my guitars blue button is sticky, and trilling between that button and another kinda makes it stay down :\... so the trills in the solo are nearly impossible :( and with the blue button being the 4th button up the fretboard, it makes hitting any lower notes impossible :\)

AND! I have no 3 star experts; all are 4+ stars lol some of the hardest ones are 5 stars, and the ones that arent are just ones I havent played since I first beat it lol... I love that game lol

Debates / Re: What happens after you die?
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:25:12 am »
Sounds like BS.
Nobody can know for sure, its really not my place to say what "is" and "isnt", so instead I just stated what I believed "is" :P
Realistically though, there are many things beyond the realm of science that just cant be explained, and an afterlife is one of those things; its not possible to know for sure one way or another, but I personally would much rather have faith in something and be wrong, then not have faith about something and find out that what I shoulda been believing in was true :p

Worst case scenario though; we could just sit in the ground and rot, lol but thats no fun

Debates / Re: TAG body spray and deoderant
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:22:29 am »
bah I use Axe personally, but lemme tell you this...

2 things changed with me from a few months ago and today-

1- I pierced my ears
2- I started using Axe and Avatar cologne

Before those 2 things, I was miserable at finding women that were as into me as I was them (BAH), but after that...
rofl I've got every woman I work with going "oh my god you smell nice travis" lol and "you're hot"... and not even a week after I got my ears pierced and started using Axe, I met my fiancee' lol soooo!... I know Axe and Tag arent the same (Axe is Lynx body spray for all y'all in other countries), but Tag is grossly similar to Axe, and I know Axe works quite well... lol I dunno what they put in it though... probably cocaine, but thats another story within itself <_<

Entertainment / Re: Dethklok's Dethalbum
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:07:42 am »
The bonus disc didn't have what we all were hoping for:

A re-recording of "I'm just a rock and roll clown"

lol I was hoping for "Sewn Back Together Wrong" :P but thats just me XD I'm quite fond of the duncan hills coffee jingle myself :P

Entertainment / So... How many of you are gunna try to take me on...
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:06:14 am »
I, much like many others in the world, am anticipating the release of GH3 for quite a few reasons, but one of which... is online multiplayer :p...

So the question is; who's gunna partake in some wicked string bending pwnage given out by the one and only (and a little egotistical when it comes to Guitar Hero) Mammy? :p

Seriously though, after my roommate left for the navy I have absolutely no Guitar Hero competition rofl... so Ima need some peeps to battle lol Anyone here getting Guitar Hero 3 for the 360?

Other Discussion / Re: Grunge Sheep Video?
« on: September 28, 2007, 04:32:53 am »
I have it somewhere on backup, but I dunno if its the final version or not o.0 I know he showed me a lot of it before it was done, soooooo I dunno, lol

I kinda like the timer, I almost wish that Mario 64 had one for the levels, to be honest lol

Discussion / Re: My Game Maker 7 rant!
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:37:09 am »
lol yeah thats exactly the problem :P You'd think after like... I dunno, 7 RELEASES they'd wise up and not do that XD...

Entertainment / Re: Xbox Live Gamertags
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:16:19 am »
I'm both Mamoruanime and Mamoruanime0 on XBL ^_^

I dont play on XBL often though; I dont have net at my house right now :s

Entertainment / Re: Online players list
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:15:34 am »
World of Warcraft: Mamoruanime
Xbox Live: Mamoruanime AND Mamoruanime0 (<_< they dont have a delete button for usernames... I play on Mamoruanime0 though)

Entertainment / Re: Scan of Link's Crossbow training!
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:14:20 am »
lol thats true :p

Although <_< I actually already posted my thoughts on this game on Zentendo lol Then again, all of my thoughts are like uh... placeholder opinions until it is actually released :P

Entertainment / Re: Dethklok's Dethalbum
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:10:48 am »
rofl I was JUST going to post a thread under this same name rofl we're more alike than I once thought XD

I agree, this album rocks! lol did you get the special edition, or the regular edition?

I love the new recordings and arrangements of the songs; the new recording of Thunderhorse is fuxxing awesome O_O... Murmaider FINALLY has more lyrics than just "MURMAIDER MURMAIDER MURMAID! MURMAID!" lol, and the overall quality of these songs is far better than they were initially on Metalocolypse. Props to Brendan Small for this album, mucho props :o

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