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Messages - flagrama

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Updates / Re: Spam Is Back
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:54:47 am »
Well in that case, I can just upload some sprites from TSR using that logic, right? Maybe some Midi's around, and such as well?

Updates / Re: Spam Is Back
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:49:42 am »
Aw, that means I can't even see what's going on in there? That sucks. Well have fun everyone who gains access anyway. Lucky talented bastards.

And will there be any quality control on resources?
EDIT: nvm, answered I see.

Audio / Re: Relics of Nature's Fury Title Screen Theme
« on: August 10, 2008, 05:40:55 pm »
Is that just when you first go to submit the resource? I assume it is based off of the game db, and since a game doesn't need a download exactly, you upload the resource after you submit the resource using extra options it gives you after you create the page.

Again, I haven't tried it, I'm just trying to think of how it would work from what I have seen so far.

Audio / Re: Relics of Nature's Fury Title Screen Theme
« on: August 10, 2008, 05:33:33 pm »
I haven't tried out the new database stuff yet, but when you make a resource page, somewhere it should give you access to the page with options only you have the ability to use, being the one to upload it, and there should probably be somewhere you can upload the file.

This is just a guess though. Never have, unlikey to use the system.


Is it possible to delete your own submission? If it is, I want to check out how the system works real quick, so could someone let me know?

Entertainment / Re: Don't blame the game!
« on: August 10, 2008, 05:26:28 pm »
This topic is new and exciting.
I sense thick sarcasm in that post :p

Seriously everyone, people are stupid, thus they blame video games for !@#$% and hope that getting rid of the games keeps it from happening. It doesn't help, they blame something else/more games. We all know this, can we just drop it? Don't know about you, but it IS boring hearing the same thing over and over again.

Entertainment / Re: Is it possible to mute the Nintendo DS mic?
« on: August 10, 2008, 03:49:20 pm »
Tape over the microphone? Usually seems to work for me at least.

Other Discussion / Re: Court: Wisconsin law bans sex with dead bodies
« on: July 10, 2008, 09:00:34 pm »
All of you are just now deciding not to go to Wisconsin? I know a guy from there, and have for a while. That is what made me wish to never go there. This law makes me want to make Wisconsin it's own little country instead.

I wonder how any normal people got conned into going to Wisconsin though (Cause every place has at least a few normal people.)

Feedback / Re: Why is my avatar stretched out in Firefox 3?
« on: June 26, 2008, 08:33:10 pm »
I see no stretching here in Firefox 3.

Other Discussion / Re: Proof I have been at ZFGC longer than 2 years
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:48:54 pm »
Wow, I actually remember a lot of those from when I first started lurking here. Good times, good times. I think.

Entertainment / Re: Smash Brothers DS please!
« on: June 22, 2008, 03:12:40 am »
My complaint with every Smash game except the first one:
Up for jump.

Why?  It accidentally hit up so many times.  I prefer a simple button.
Hence, if Up on the D-Pad was jump, I would only play Smash DS with my Phat.
Those of you who have both a Phat and Lite know the reason why.
I don't know the reason why, actually. Maybe you just have bigger hands?

But, seriously, there's other buttons to jump besides up. On the 64 you could use the C buttons to jump. On the Gamecube you could use X and Y to jump. <_<
He means accidentally jumping due to pressing up on the D-Pad on accident.
EDIT: Just looked at one of the DSLites I have in my house. It does seem to like to slip and press up quite a bit easier. I don't really see what the problem would really be though, then again, I can conform to any controls in a matter of minutes.

The problem I'm talking about is just... you have more control and can turn faster and stuff with an analogue stick. Go play Super Mario 64 DS and you'll see what I mean. Moving around is so !@#$%, especially compared to Super Mario 64. I could do so many things in that game that I can't do anymore because of the Directional Pad.
Well, there was the touch mode in SM64DS. Though it might be harder to incorporate into a Smash Bros. DS.
And the fact that, given the choice, I would prefer analogue stick > D-Pad > Touch Screen. Of course, I guess I wouldn't complain with either of the first two too badly, I just really hated the "Touch Screen = analogue stick" !@#$% they were trying to pull.

Entertainment / Re: Smash Brothers DS please!
« on: June 22, 2008, 02:47:07 am »
My complaint with every Smash game except the first one:
Up for jump.

Why?  It accidentally hit up so many times.  I prefer a simple button.
Hence, if Up on the D-Pad was jump, I would only play Smash DS with my Phat.
Those of you who have both a Phat and Lite know the reason why.
I don't know the reason why, actually. Maybe you just have bigger hands?

But, seriously, there's other buttons to jump besides up. On the 64 you could use the C buttons to jump. On the Gamecube you could use X and Y to jump. <_<
He means accidentally jumping due to pressing up on the D-Pad on accident.
EDIT: Just looked at one of the DSLites I have in my house. It does seem to like to slip and press up quite a bit easier. I don't really see what the problem would really be though, then again, I can conform to any controls in a matter of minutes.

Other Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
« on: June 22, 2008, 12:40:22 am »
Yea FF3 is 839mb in Add/Remove programs for me...
You serious, or are you just making fun of me or something?
Firefox 3 does suck.
Look here;

WTF!! (In Add/Remove Programs)

Can somebody tell me what caused that?

EDIT: NEVERMIND; uTorrent downloaded to 3 different places. Disregard this post now. Other than, Firefox has been great for me.

Did you install Office 2007 in thar?!
Actually, I'm a good boy. There were a couple Linux distros I wanted to try out that I downloaded for once I got some CDs to burn them too. Now Firefox is back down to ~23MB. Its all good guys, its all good.

Other Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
« on: June 20, 2008, 05:34:12 am »
Firefox 3 does suck.
Look here;

WTF!! (In Add/Remove Programs)

Can somebody tell me what caused that?

EDIT: NEVERMIND; uTorrent downloaded to 3 different places. Disregard this post now. Other than, Firefox has been great for me.

Other Discussion / Re: Firefox 3
« on: June 18, 2008, 12:43:32 am »
I've downloaded it, and there is NO difference whatsoever. This is exactly the same as the last version of FF2. WTF?

Even though FF2's really good, doing nothing and rebranding it as a whole new model is !@#$%.

I've gone to no new sites or done anything different and even I've noticed that it's different. Better.
Yeah, seriously. I mean, you haven't found ANY of the new features yet?

Debates / Re: Resident Evil 5 is made for a racist?
« on: June 17, 2008, 11:07:23 pm »
But when you see a white guy shooting hordes of black people with almost no context, then it's not wrong to expect something.

They're trying to kill him. That's reason enough to shoot anybody.

Yeah, and from the offended's point of view, there is an explanation for why they're doing it: because the game would supposedly portray them as savage, uncivilized creatures rather than human beings.
Things like that make me wonder if those people would survive the zombie apocalypse. Though, really, the whole thing about the trailer and the game is that it is meant for people who have played the others, and know that those aren't people you're shooting, but instead they are zombies. However, someone who has never played these games could easily see it as racist, especially with no background information on the games.

Other Discussion / Re: Déjà vu.
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:39:24 pm »
I've considered writing all of my dreams in a journal. I've experienced "déjà vu" where I thought that I had dreamed about it before. In that case, it could very well be something with your brain making you think you had a dream about it before but actually did not. Unfortunately these days I don't remember any of my dreams often.

My thoughts? If you experience this kind of "déjà vu", start writing your dreams in a journal. If it happens again, check your journal and see if you had that dream or not. Obviously it won't work with dreams you've had in the past...
Actually, I have done something like that during a time when I had those kinds of dreams at least once a week. When I could, I also tried to put down details that could easily be something different during a normal day, such as the shirts of two or three people I had seen in my dream, and what I had said. Most all of them then happened with the same details in place. Whenever I got the feeling of "Deja Vu" mostly during school, I looked in my notebook about what had happened in my dreams, and it happened in the exact same way, with the exact same details. That is what really is weird about it to me.

Other Discussion / Re: Déjà vu.
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:14:04 pm »
The only times I really get Deja Vu is when somethings happens that I have dreamt about, and this happens A LOT.

For example, in my dream, I'll go somewhere and do something, then it will actually happen, like I've had things happen a few months after the dream.
I have this same thing happen to me all the time. I want science to give me an answer about it. It can't be the same kind of Deja Vu everyone is talking about.

Other Discussion / Re: Phishing site.
« on: June 11, 2008, 08:16:25 pm »
People need to read the agreement at the bottom.
This. Especially if it is just sending out advertisements. Should probably be one of the first things you look for on any website really. Plus, this site basically just needs some common sense as others have said.

Entertainment / Re: I get my check tomorrow, any ideas for 360 games?
« on: June 08, 2008, 06:11:52 am »
So, I've got:
Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2
Dead Rising
Perfect Dark Zero
Lost Planet
Nascar 08 (Hard as !@#$% too)
Saint's Row

I was thinking of picking up like Oblivion GOTY edition since I loved Oblivion on my first 360 and my PS3.
Hmm, Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden II just arrived at Game Crazy yesterday, Devil May Cry 4,....

Or should I just save my money for a nice vacation to Tennessee that is in 3.5 weeks?
Haven't had a vacation in a few years now.
The latter.
I concur.
So I am going out on a whim here and just going to say you don't really follow suggestions in them? I know I would have agreed with them on this one. Vacations > Video Games

Anyhow, if those games are all fun, I may take note of them for future purchases. I need to start getting myself some more games. I'm kinda not playing them much anymore :(

Entertainment / Re: Got Elfen Lied
« on: June 08, 2008, 05:35:46 am »
Is this one of those shows I wouldn't want to watch with people around?
Unless those people like gore and nudity.
You know people who don't like gore and nudity?
Yes...well more so gore...who doesn't like nudity though?
Well its not that they don't like it, I mean who doesn't? Its more so frowned upon.
I think it has something to do with religion, but maybe that's just me. However, I like me some gore and nudity.

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