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Messages - Beavercanoe

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Other Discussion / Re: The world ends on November 26th!!!
« on: September 13, 2007, 04:06:57 am »
Wow, I.... I actually kind of laughed at your first post. You, my friend, are quite gullible (sp, I know). I did find this article on the internet.

Anyway, so it seems that this experiment to supply power is real, but this black hole theory has been bashed to !@#$%.
I would have to say, though... This thing could still result in some sort of chaotic tragedy apocalypse explosion thing.
Perhaps I will find more information for us to look into, no? It seems apparent that we have some intelligent young persons on this side.

Other Discussion / Re: Plead topic for Isaac.
« on: September 13, 2007, 12:13:24 am »
The banhammer knows neither mercy nor regret! That goes for Isaac too. Spam is not funny. Not anyones. Not Isaa's, not Swiftus, not nobodys.

Spam = stupid pointless annoying messages.
His spams weren't near as annoying as they were pointless... As well, funny.

At leased he "spammed" with good grammar.

Other Discussion / Re: Plead topic for Isaac.
« on: September 12, 2007, 03:07:12 am »
actually beavercanoe, they gave him a A LOT of chances most of the last post where actually flames against zfgcon if I'm right.
Oh wow, I just saw that topic you guys are talking about. The ZFGCorg one. That was completely unnecessary.
It had alot of post content, and it made me smile, but still....

That is worth a heart.

Although, I am still sticking with some of the things that I said in my earlier post, mostly the ones that aren't about Issac.

Entertainment / Re: More
« on: September 12, 2007, 12:06:23 am »

Other Discussion / Re: Plead topic for Isaac.
« on: September 11, 2007, 03:59:20 am »
Wait, he got banned? Huh.

Anyway, I'm just going to say that I'm starting to dislike ZFGC.
Issac didn't really do anything "bad". He didn't spam up the boards with useless topics filled with useless crap, at leased not as much as you think he did.
I think that most of you guys, especially mods, are way too serious about your internets. Don't be so protective... Quit going after Issac. "HOLY !@#$% NO SMILES GUYS." If you don't like things that he says, just ignore them.
Stop banning this kid because of unreasonable !@#$%! I've seen far better reasons to ban people then your's to him.

I'm not usually like this. I don't like being negative.
And no, I haven't talk to him recently.... like, at all.

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 09, 2007, 09:48:09 pm »
3 red lights of death again... after installing the BioShock update. Hmm... getting sort of suspicious here, considering it died after downloading the update last time.
Mine is still going....

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 08, 2007, 11:14:12 pm »
=/ Did you clear the cache after turning it on? (LB plus RB while starting up.) I used the towel trick to play BioShock (Sander Cohen's apartment ftw!) and after clearing the cache, I haven't had any problems. No red lights, no slowdown, freezing... and I've been playing for more then 3 hours.
I didn't even do that. It's still working.
But I think I will do that, now that you mention it.... I was having a crapload of graphical and performance problems with Bioshock lately.

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 08, 2007, 06:05:32 pm »
And the towel trick works for about 3 hours before you have to do it again.

Well, that was the case once last night. I had to wrap it up again, and I played it some more.

But I started playing it this morning and it has been going fine now, without the towel trick. And it's super cold in here.

Other Discussion / Re: The world ends on November 26th!!!
« on: September 08, 2007, 06:02:42 pm »
You're all horribly wrong.
The end of the world is December 21st, 2012 A.D.
Sarcasm, no? That video is bull !@#$%.

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 08, 2007, 03:18:41 am »

So, I tried the towel trick. And it worked. Damn. But for how long?
Also, still no box. It's been 6 days.

lol My 360 is dying too now.... I can play any game online but if I try to play a single player game it freezes in a matter of minutes. Only a few more days before it dies... then I can get a new one! :) (Maybe an Elite... black is more of my colour.)
What are you going to do, sell it? Because you can't just send it in a request an Elite back.

I release my anger sometimes by playing a First Person Shooter. That's better then breaking stuff because you are angry like some people do.
Why not "sit and wait it [the anger] go away"? :P
I get on my bike and around for a bit. But I am hardly ever angry so.... Back on topic....

Meh, I already knew this.  Just because I play Wii sports sometimes doesn't mean I'm active enough to play any real sports; I play Zelda, but that doesn't inspire me to find a sword and kill every other living creature and claiming them to be evil, etc.
But I think this was more about realistic shooting games where you actually shoot people and blood spews everywhere, etc.

Entertainment / Re: ZOMFGWTFBBQ!!1111
« on: September 08, 2007, 12:12:49 am »
I wish I understood Japanese.

Otherwise,  :o

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 07, 2007, 08:47:00 pm »
Box is still not around. What's up, it's been like 5 days!

Entertainment / you're not crazy if you like mindlessly killing in games.
« on: September 07, 2007, 12:54:10 am »
Read this article.

My parents are always on about how if I play violent video games where I kill people (example), then I have more of a chance to murder people in real life. This is why they do not like violent games, especially the most realistically gory ones, and don't want me playing them.

Well, now I have something to show them.

True? Discuss.

Entertainment / Re: !@#$%!!!!
« on: September 06, 2007, 11:37:46 pm »
Sorry about double post.

But I am about to go check the mail now. I'm hoping for a letter that will tell me that my empty box is at the post office. Then I go to the office, get the box and go back home, stuff my things in there, bring it back to the PO.... This is going to take too long because I don't have a car. I guess I won't be playing Halo 3 at my house, or on the first day.

I will edit when I get back. I know that none of you care, but this is kind of like a blog then. :P

EDIT: !@#$%, it wasn't there....

Other Discussion / Re: The world ends on November 26th!!!
« on: September 06, 2007, 02:29:09 am »
Yeah, black holes are only theory... scientists still don't fully understand how they work. That's why their trying to create one in laboratories (though it would be a type of black hole that is inoffensive).
Mosts scientists are insane. That's why they need their own planet for experimentation.

Other Discussion / Re: The world ends on November 26th!!!
« on: September 05, 2007, 10:46:07 pm »
As I understand it:

A black hole is just something with gravity so great it can pull in light.

So, what ends up happening is everything that gets sucked in by the immense gravity and crushed into something ridiculously small. I'm wondering where the 'alternate dimension' theory comes from...

Some people have theorized that a black hole, due to its own spinning and gravity, will twist and warp space-time. They seem to think that in some cases it may tear, spilling out into "an alternate dimension".

Load of crap if you ask me, but...
I don't think they even have proof.

That was stupid. Let me rephrase: They have no proof.

Feedback / Re: Cusses in Quotes
« on: September 05, 2007, 10:45:11 pm »
Mmkay. Thanks guys.

Other Discussion / Re: FEMDEFENCE
« on: September 05, 2007, 02:02:27 am »
i lol'd

I wonder if it can be used to defend against gay sex...
Rapage, gay sex, same thing, in a way............. ::)

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