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Messages - FictitiousSpoon

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Entertainment / Re: Sex-ed rocks
« on: March 11, 2009, 06:29:26 am »
That was hilarious!.... LOL! LOL I Say!

Entertainment / I love the Barenaked Ladies!
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:55:13 am »
Anyways so I haven't seen any threads regarding these wonderful chaps so I figured I would make one. So until recently I had been aware of their existence, however I was not a avid listener, however, after seeing their names come up in the big bang theory (they do the title theme) I went on Itunes and acquired some of the their music and I have to say I'm quite addicted to their sound now :P

Entertainment / Re: Do better graphics really matter to you?
« on: February 10, 2009, 03:58:49 am »
Graphics matter to me for the first five minutes or if they obstruct a goal or something, honestly in the first five minutes I play, if the graphics are a drastic improvement over what I'm already playing then I go, "Gee, these graphics are really nice" After that five minutes is up I don't really pay attention to the graphics unless they are really horrible.

Previous Matches / Re: [SEMI-FINAL] The Fartriloquist vs. Capsy
« on: January 28, 2009, 07:42:51 am »
go farty!!  XD
I re-iterated this and add "DIE CAPSY, DIE!"

Entertainment / Re: Gamer Tags.
« on: January 28, 2009, 07:41:45 am »
steam : fictitiousspoon

That's about it :P

Entertainment / Re: Bands I personally detest
« on: January 15, 2009, 07:33:49 am »
This is why I love my old school music :D
Still like that old time rock and roll
That kinda music just soothes the soul :P

Band's I personally detest? List is pretty long :P But then again I do tend to hate things pretty quickly if the first thing I hear from them I don't like, or if I don't like the spirit of what they're saying, or if I don't like the intonation of how their saying it, or if I think they sound whiny or annoying. Or anybody that sounds emo. Um... yeah... that about covers it :P

Entertainment / Re: What was the best LOZ game of all time?
« on: January 04, 2009, 02:51:15 am »
Ocarina of Time, no Zelda game I have ever played has managed to draw me so into the game as OOT did.
I don't think any game I've ever played (besides maybe Chrono Trigger) has drawn me in so much as Ocarina of Time. The other one I chose being A Link To the Past 'cause I like it and stuff :P

Entertainment / Re: Yahtzee's new TV show
« on: December 25, 2008, 01:10:34 am »
The scene at 3:57 described my feelings about this show. I have lost whatever respect I formerly had for yahtzee. The show seems to more or less work on the principle of yahtzee says something mildly amusing while the other two idiots titter to themselves.

Discussion / Re: I'm sorta torn...
« on: December 17, 2008, 06:02:46 am »
Do it in Assembly :O

Other Discussion / Re: I love UPS.
« on: December 12, 2008, 06:29:04 am »
I hate UPS, they tack on huge charges when ordering you United States folks. So you can buy like $20 worth of stuff and end up paying $50 in shipping and additional charges :(

Entertainment / Re: Renting/buying used games = piracy
« on: December 12, 2008, 06:26:30 am »
Used games suck unless you really can't afford a new game; in which case GameStop's used games are way overpriced.

gamestop sucks, use ebay or amazon
You obviously need to find a better source of used games. Right by me there's a place called Willow Video and they sell mostly sell used games. They're way cheaper than ebgames/gamestop (no gamestops in BC) and they test every game before putting them on the shelves as well as giving you a pretty much unconditional 3 month warranty in case they don't work. So yeah my experiences with used games have been good.

Anyway, I wouldn't exactly call buying used goods piracy, I mean what if the vehicle industry started whining that used cars brought down their profit margins, I don't think they would exactly get very far with that one.

Adverts & Recruitment / Re: Get paid to do stuff online ~ amazon.com
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:52:04 am »
Now we just have to develop some sort of algorithm that searches for job that are doable by a computer and then does them thus allowing you to kick back and relax while earning money :O

Entertainment / Re: Well, the time has come; Soulja Boy gets his own game.
« on: December 09, 2008, 06:42:22 am »
I don't think its so bad. Its just one game. I mean, look at all the shovelware Wii and PS3 get too... Nobody's gonna quit gaming over Ant Bully or WiiMusic, although its tempting.
This is significantly worse than both of those titles combined.

Will you support groups that are pro-throwing cement at roads?

ZFGC Character Competition 2008 / Re: Character Contest '08. So now what?
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:35:16 am »
Hey uhh is it too late to enter?
That is what I am wondering this whole thing seems like it would have been easier if there had just been a deadline date as apposed to the whole "this many character and we do this, lets start now later and before" business.

Other Discussion / Re: The Virgin Mary
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:39:09 am »
Yes cause I love seeing the forum plugged up with 8 page worthless topics to crawl over
Actually for the most part I think these kinda of topics are what sustain you.


I wonder if Mary had teeth growing out of the roof of her mouth
This should be the new topic... that's final we're discussing this now.

Other Discussion / Re: What's On Your Christmas Wishlist so far?
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:33:43 am »
But you'll all be pleased to know that Anthony Horowitz and Sue Townsend's latest Adrian Mole book is also on the list. I used to adore the Adrian Mole books (they are far far farrrr from anything like Twilight, nothing fantasy-like or romantic about them)
The Adrian Mole books are hilarious, though I think I've only read like two of them. How many is there? I'm sort of a book worm I suppose though lately I've only been reading mostly very specific things you know just the most classiest and well written *cough*maybeactuallyjuststarwarsandclivecusslerwithsomeisaacassimovthrownin*cough* Though I just read "The Kite Runner", that was for school though and every good book is ruined by school it's like when people go off explaining jokes, and they're not funny afterward. I also recently read "The Shack", and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime" which were both interesting.

Anyway on to the actual topic at hand for christmas I want a pony and some ice skates as well as a blue choo-choo train. Or maybe just a blue chu-chu then I could get blue potion :O
I don't really want that much for Christmas though, now that I have a job I just buy the stuff I really want. Though I would like a Ukulele tuner, maybe another Ukulele to. One with a pickup. Also I want a bandsaw... and TIG Welder... and a pony

Graphics / Re: Black Abyss Tiles+Sprites
« on: November 26, 2008, 05:16:00 am »
The tree is lopsided... to the right.
You know, 'cause tree always stand exactly, perfectly straight, like all the time.

Anyways these look awsome, much very good luck to you sir. :P

Entertainment / Re: Happy 10th Birthday Ocarina of Time!
« on: November 25, 2008, 07:20:06 am »
anal? eww... he sould have vag sex and NOT use a condom, so there can be little baby OoT's running around. that would be SWEET.
That already happened only it was with the fanbase and the babies are called OOT2D, unfortunately they seem to die young.

Entertainment / Re: Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero?
« on: November 06, 2008, 04:52:47 am »
It involves a penguin, it can not be good. The only thing that involved a penguin and was good was the Monty Python penguin sketch.

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