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Messages - Broojo02

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Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:55:43 pm »
I have posted my job recruitment advert in the correct section :D

I will add the GUI to my first post if you want.

Adverts & Recruitment / Hyrule Online
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:53:34 pm »
Well this is the first time I've done this :P Its always been just me working on the project. So anyway, back to business.

All in Minish cap (MC) style!

I need help with:

Forming spritesheets of 6 different races of hyrule:
-Hylian, Zora, Goron, Gerudo, Kokiri, Sheikah.
-4 directions, 3 sprites per direction (still, walking, attacking) The walking sprite is always inbetween the fighting sprite to make the animation so it would be good to have it so that they kinda connect. I was thinking so that with the wealking sprite his/her shield is forward with the sword a little bit behind and vice versa for when attacking so it forms a sort of attack/defend/attack/defend order.
-Armour for each races that fits perfectly (armour is just one sprite to make it easier, no platelegs or platebody just one sprite)

-Melee weapons for each race
*Hylian= Sword
*Zora= Fin Blade (fits onto fins)
*Goron= Axe or knuckles (whatever you think is better)
*Gerudo= Spear (actually technically not but hey)
*Kokiri= Knife (change if you want)
*Sheikah= Whip

-Ranged weapons for each race
*Hylian= Bow/Shortbow
*Zora= Scales
*Goron= Longbow
*Gerudo= Shuriken
*Kokiri= Crossbow
*Sheikah= Different looking shuriken or needles

-Mage weapons for each race
*Hylian= Staff           Feel free to use whatever weapons you see as necessary :D
*Zora= Wand
*Goron= Staff
*Gerudo= Wand
*Kokiri= Wand
*Sheikah= Staff

-A universal shield for every race (reduce amount of items)

All I need is one of each weapon armour thats fits perfectly on the sprite sheets and i can recolour them to make more higher level armours.

*If you can code in visual basic 6 or have some knowledge of Elysium Source I would appreciate any help from you!

-Website. Not as pressing as my other matters, I have dreamweaver and could make a website but I'm sure there are some budding htmlers in this forum.

Well the pay isn't that good at $0 per hour but you get to see your work in an online game :)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:19:08 pm »
kk will do  :)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:52:33 am »
Hmm right now I'm focussing on getting the player sprites and paperdoll items perfect. There are 72 different sprites per races and I have to craft unique armour and weapons and shields for each one. Its quite a big task.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 27, 2008, 09:01:38 pm »
Yowza, a lot of posts  XD Nothing happened for like a week and then BAM

Minilinkki: Cool, when the game is released we will see what happens.
Minalien: I have no time for you
MetaKirby: Thanks!
Vaati: Yep, I will work on it. Maybe I will just have the hard enemies in the temples, because with 6 races all spawning in different areas they can't be surrounded by hard enemies, its gonna be hard to get a gradual move from easy to difficult.
Ahruon: Yep I think I have seen it and the videos on Youtube. Got a few pics of it in my hard drive.
Jeod: I have to say I was quite wary of posting my topic on this forums, so I built up quite a bit of info before posting my shizzle but still...
DeathTailsz: Yep, but its simple, I wanted to make the overall game window nice and small. I pretty much modded one of the buttons from PH and messed around with it.

Entertainment / Re: What's up with the Gerudo symbol?
« on: July 19, 2008, 09:28:16 pm »
Yeah, they changed it cause Muslims were bitching, just like they bitched about the original Fire Temple's music.

I don't think it's related to anything in the past.
Somewhere in the Fire Temple music, the original voice chants said something like "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah" or something. It offended their religion, plus the Muslim symbols seemed to typify the Muslim religion as a random desert religion.

Woah, thats freaky, after to listening to the soundtrack on my pc that weird chant isn't there, I swear they were just mumbling XD Koji Kondo is a muslim I guess :P

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request:Blend this area for me.
« on: July 19, 2008, 11:54:46 am »
No problem guys :D

MC & FS / Re: [Request] MC cloud tops tile set
« on: July 19, 2008, 11:54:04 am »
Which I why I suggested making it himself, the first person to do so :P

I knew that both those sites didn't have it, I too have ben scouring the internets for it.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request:Blend this area for me.
« on: July 19, 2008, 12:14:28 am »
Meh, stayed up past 1:00 in the morning to get this done :P

Anyways, remember that there is generally no "blending" effect from grass to sand, sand exists in clumps near beaches and just stops, thats why you get those wave like looking shapes where the grass undercuts the beach. You did a great job of making the grass spill into the sand, nice and natural looking if I do say so myself :D

I also touched up the corners of the mountains a wee bit, they were of a differernt palette to the other tiles.

MC & FS / Re: [Request] MC cloud tops tile set
« on: July 18, 2008, 11:45:57 pm »
I would reccomend making it yourself, it surely has to be very easy, one of the most bland areas in the whole of hyrule :P

Plus you get that sense of acheivement at the end :D

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 18, 2008, 11:47:52 am »
No, actually I have finished the GUI  ::)

Easy there captain, I think you need to calm down, its just a simple fan game. Did I put on the front page: "OMG ITS LEIK THE BESTEST GAME EVA!!!!!!!110NE"

I just make a simple comment telling what I have recently done on the game and you have to bash me down, not that nice really mate.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 17, 2008, 05:36:51 pm »
Why thank you, I hope i do to, I just finished the GUI yesterday.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:32:47 pm »
Ahruon: Well the thing I want to do with this game is not want to do too much, you know get out of my depth, my main priority is getting it online, I will have a lot of average maps that people can play on and then will I start adding the cool stuff. That is maybe what sets me apart from other Zelda Onliners, I don't set the bar too high at the beginning

DeathTailsz: Why thank you :)

Laigonoz: Yep, that and enthusiasm for wanting many people to enjoy this game, it isn't for myself, its for the Zelda fans who will probably enjoy playing it more than I.

Ahroun: At the moment its just me, I will be pulling in some real programmers soon to fix up the last final glitches in the game.

CrystalAngel04: I shall quote from my front page: "Please note these are  BETA screenshots that I crammed together in 10 seconds trying to use as many tiles as possible, they will not be in the final game". :D

Laigonaz: Shame about the gameplay being pretty average at the moment, meh it will get better.

Final note:
I NEED HELP IN: Custom graphics, MC style
                      Programming in visual basic
                      Possible hosting?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 11, 2008, 08:05:11 pm »
Thanks :) Some of the other sprites look a bit iffy but I can sort em out a bit later.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 11, 2008, 05:27:08 pm »
Yeah, I need more cute custom detail, there is a limit to my spriting prowess, I need people like King Mob to sprite for my game but they probably don't have the time.

And I would love to use that Hyrule City tileset thingy you created to put in my game but I doubt you will let me use it :(

Graphics / Re: Help me design Hyrulean characters!
« on: July 11, 2008, 05:22:07 pm »
Quite a good replication, the skin is darker than the original, which is good in a way  :P

If you have any specific requests be sure to ask them here.

Graphics / Re: Help me design Hyrulean characters!
« on: July 11, 2008, 02:12:46 pm »
Here are some gerudo male sprites I edited from a previous sheet made by someone if you need any inspiration:

Jpegged and giffed to prevent stealing even though the original isn't mine XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:56:24 pm »
Review "Well, the idea of an "Online" Legend of Zelda is fascinating.
Hopefully, the use of the Elysium Diamond is successful, or Eclipse.  (I, myself, have attempted this, but failed. [Mainly the fact that I didn't know how to port forward at the time.])  Anyways, good luck on future mapping, so on."

Overall: "All in all- Good screenshots, tiles, like the idea of NOT using Game Maker. (Have my reasons on this).  When it comes out, you'll probably (Most likely) have me all over it. (If it's not canceled)"

~Tailsz~  XD

Cool, thanks for the review :D I just managed to port forward yesterday  ;) I tested it on canyouseeme.org

This game has been in planning for years, it won't be cancelled but it will probably have its slow areas.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Hyrule Online
« on: July 10, 2008, 11:17:49 pm »
Pyro: Thanks :) yeah I was gonna do that but then I wanted the harder enemies to be in other areas of the game like gerudo valley and death mountain so I just stuck to hyrule field :P.

whitechapel: o shi- I can change the attack key if you want...Thanks for the good luck :)

cheesepie: Thanks, hope you enjoy it when it is released.

Reo: I was going to think of 3 things when I create this topic.

1. People would say it looks great and would like to play it (cheesepie).
2. People would say the mapping looks crap but good luck anyway.
3. The wise asses who themselves have played about with MMO makers would bash it immediately, branding it a generic "Playerworlds" (eugh) engine. Assuming that I have added nothing myself to the source.

So forgive me if the gameplay isn't slash and dodge but its an RPG as I said in the first sentance of the description. Its made in Elysium diamond 3.3.0 with various aspects of 3.3.1. I have seen people play much worse s*** than this made with the same engine but they still enjoy it

Zelda Projects / [WIP] Hyrule: Online
« on: July 10, 2008, 10:02:21 pm »

Note: I'm now using Eclipse because it has better support but may change my engine at any time.

Game Name: Hyrule Online

#Alttp style graphics
#Ocarina of time in 2D
#6 races of hyrule: Kokiri, Hylian, Zora, Goron, Sheikah and Gerudo

Description: Hyrule Online is an ORPG being developed that is set before Ocarina of Time but in the same hyrule. Things are are little different, the sheikahs are still thriving in kakariko village, the gerudos are more firendly to other races and the great war of hyrule is yet to begin.

You choose from 6 races of hyrule to play as, start off in a hidden section of the Lost Woods and undergo training where at the end you choose whether you wish to be a warrior, mage or archer. You will then appear in Hyrule field and the whole of Hyrule is your oyster.

There will be an organised structure of temples, just like other zelda games, specific for your level that contain hordes of enemies, NPCs with quests, puzzles a mini boss and a main boss. The max level in this game is 150.

Armour: Certain races have the same armour. I think I will put them in 3 groups of 2 or 2 groups of 3. it just depends how different the sprites are :P
Weapons: Each race has a weapon specific for them, I won't say now in case someone steals but I have it all in my head Mr. Tweedy :D
Shields: See armour above.

Broojo02: Head developer

Website / Forum:
Hyrule Online

Early screenshots of Hyrule Field:

Bubble (blue):
Bubble (green):
Bubble (red):
Deku baba:
Deku scrub:
Fake door:
Floor master:
Gerudo Guard:
Ghoma larvae:
Gold skultulla:
Iron knuckle:
Keese (fire):
Keese (ice):
Like Like:
Tektite (blue):
Tektite (red):

Other Info: There is credit to give to the makers of some of the sprites above and I know of this :)

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