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Messages - Piers

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Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Wooing Devs Away from XBLA
« on: March 20, 2008, 12:09:22 am »
 Well Wii dev kits may be cheaper then a 360/Ps3 one... there is still the fact that Microsoft is willing to publish XNA games... and that XNA is basically free. =/ Nintendo needs to match that inorder to beat Micro...

Other Discussion / Re: So, I hear it's National Pi Day?
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:35:40 pm »
 I know 3.1415... I am just behind most scientists apparently. Also, does the last one say, "You're a DICK" or "You've a DICK".

Discussion / Re: What do you guys think of The Game Creators GDK?
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:14:44 pm »
 Hmm... I may be a bit wrong in saying this but does anyone else think that it may be too simple? It is basically a scripting language, the c++ aspect is almost completely gone... to me, it just seems like too easy of a way out. 0_o' Maybe I am one of the few that enjoy the coding/problem solving aspect of game development...

 Honestly, eyes are the first thing I notice on anybody. It takes me a long time to even start to recognize any other parts of their body if they have nice eyes. (Milky white, exotic colours and designs on them.) Second for me comes figure, I am fine with a bit of chubbiness but I like most of my girls to be almost anorexic thin. (My current girl is like that and she isn't an anorexic.) Third has to be hair, I like to it be at least shoulder length (I have a huge hate for ears, having them show is the ugliest thing on anyone.) but I like it to be down her back a bit, it makes it easier to play with if I am ever bored. (Breast and ass are actually some of the last things I notice on women.)

 As for personality - I do not really care if they aren't very intelligent, as long as they are fun, can take a joke and just want to spend time with people. I have been with almost every type of girl - Emo, smartass, etc, etc and I still have to say that I love the party girls more then any of them.

3½. piercings - I like when guys have their ears pierced. And other piercings are nice; the only ones I really don't like are eyebrow piercings, and retarded things like vertical nose piercings.
Ugh, yeah, I agree. That is just terrible.

 Right... anyone mind explaining to me how you can actually rip a testicle off? *scratches head* Unless you actually rip open the scrotum and pull it out like that... but I doubt that could be done by a simple grab and tug.

Other Discussion / Re: Vegetarians
« on: March 01, 2008, 02:42:49 pm »
 Ah, I am a vegetarian myself... and I know a few others who are too, we just do not want to get into arguments with others. Sharon, Buster, don't try to defend something that is for yourself and especially do not try to brag about it on a forum, you can not win. Even I know that eating meat is better then what I eat...

 (I only stopped because I did not feel right eating the animals myself... *shrugs* I have no problem with anyone else doing it.)

Discussion / Re: Good Aspects of Emotion in an RPG
« on: March 01, 2008, 02:27:36 pm »
 One emotion will make the RPG feel generic, instead of basing the main character's whole entire purpose on this one feeling, you should give him/her a mix. Sadness, anger, fear, sorrow, jealousy, love and guilt - Making a mix of those 7 emotions is perfect for an epic storyline and makes the character seem somehow real (Which the player can relate too, giving a better experience.), whereas using happiness or rage, whatever, makes them seem like every character in an RPG before them. (I'm tired of the characters always being either happy or sad, there is rarely an inbetween. Why can't we have someone jealous/angry at there brother for stealing your love which you guiltily abused in the past life?)

Entertainment / Re: Tales of Symphonia 2 Trailer (Japanese)
« on: January 07, 2008, 02:17:08 am »
 *sighs* No one really cares about money. (Well they do, but that is besides the point.) When you've been using the same technology for the last 5 years, do you really want to work with a console that has the exact same stuff? It is the same repetitive programming over and over again, you could literately copy and paste your code from a ps2 game and watch it fly on the Wii.... at least you can make use of some new !@#$% with the ps3 or 360. (The ps3 should be especially fun for the developers... considering how challenging it sounds... god, I want to try it...)

 As for the spinoffs above... people know you will buy them due to lack of real games... as long as you keep buying the spinoffs, they'll keep coming....

Entertainment / Re: Microsoft promises free game after online woes
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:18:13 pm »
Been meaning to buy Halo 1 from the XBox originals recently..... guess I should wait and get it free.

They're not gonna do that for you. It'll be something like Pacman.
lol I, personally, believe they will just give everyone a certain amount of Microsoft points to buy a game yourself. Seems alot easier that way...

Entertainment / Re: Microsoft promises free game after online woes
« on: January 04, 2008, 06:45:10 pm »
 Been meaning to buy Halo 1 from the XBox originals recently..... guess I should wait and get it free.

Entertainment / Re: Backwards Compatability.
« on: January 03, 2008, 02:23:28 am »
 =/ I don't care about backwards compatibility.... all the XBox games I use in my 360 were really popular so they had compatibility from day one.

Entertainment / Re: Surprise games of '07
« on: January 01, 2008, 05:42:58 am »
 Phantom Hourglass.... not because it was better then what I expected but because it was worse. I guess Twilight Princess was too hard to top...

Entertainment / Re: Sunshine
« on: December 30, 2007, 03:33:32 am »
 =/ Well, I liked the movie for the most part. I was enjoying it until they went from psycological horror to physical "guy-with-a-knife" type !@#$%, which is disappointing considering how well they did without it. (The first 3/4s of the movie had me on my toes.) Still, really good none the less.


Entertainment / Re: I got a 360 today.
« on: December 28, 2007, 06:47:54 pm »
 =/ Don't get Gears for online anymore.... the fun died in it months ago. Also, ignore the reviews of it, Assassin's parkour is a really good game. I've played through it around 3 times and still find stuff new to do in it. (Today I found a new combo with the short sword that involves driving the blade into someones head.)

Entertainment / Re: Virtual Reality on the Wii! O:
« on: December 24, 2007, 02:52:33 pm »
 =/ This is what we will see next generation... Nintendo wouldn't add it onto the Wii right now, they'd wait so people have a reason to buy their next console. Either way, pretty awesome although how collisions would work in that is still confusing the crap out of me.... your character may stop moving but you don't...

Debates / Re: Is murder justified if...?
« on: December 19, 2007, 05:55:40 pm »
I think murderers should be placed on an island, with weapons, and they can become their own executioners.

^That's just a random idea I had. I'm not saying it's the best idea, but it's a tough subject.

I actually really like that idea. Thats kinda of brilliant really. :)
lol Until they figure out that they could work together to get off the island...

 And Bert, I'm not done with you.... just thinking of a good response.

Debates / Re: Is murder justified if...?
« on: December 19, 2007, 04:55:38 pm »
If you murder a murderer, you are in turn a murderer so should be murdered yourself, no exceptions. There is always a way around something that avoids killing even if you have to die in the process.

If it's someone who just murdered three of your best friends, and is advancing on you with a chainsaw, and you have a shotgun in your hands, you have no choice but to kill him. Self-defence.
Shoot them in the kneecaps then call the police. (A chainsaw is one slow ass weapon btw, he would need to get a good swing to hit anyone with decent reflexes.)

You'll still kill them if you shoot them in the knee caps.
Foot then. Honestly, anything that damages a limp and stops them moving but does not kill them instantly is fine...

Well no, you'd shoot for the bigger target, the chest. If you miss, your fuckered. So no point DICK !@#$% around.
So you'd just kill him? You might as well pull the trigger on yourself then because you are going to jail anyways...

Debates / Re: Is murder justified if...?
« on: December 19, 2007, 04:43:11 pm »
If you murder a murderer, you are in turn a murderer so should be murdered yourself, no exceptions. There is always a way around something that avoids killing even if you have to die in the process.

If it's someone who just murdered three of your best friends, and is advancing on you with a chainsaw, and you have a shotgun in your hands, you have no choice but to kill him. Self-defence.
Shoot them in the kneecaps then call the police. (A chainsaw is one slow ass weapon btw, he would need to get a good swing to hit anyone with decent reflexes.)

You'll still kill them if you shoot them in the knee caps.
Foot then. Honestly, anything that damages a limp and stops them moving but does not kill them instantly is fine...

Debates / Re: Is murder justified if...?
« on: December 19, 2007, 04:33:47 pm »
 If you murder a murderer, you are in turn a murderer so should be murdered yourself, no exceptions. There is always a way around something that avoids killing even if you have to die in the process.

If it's someone who just murdered three of your best friends, and is advancing on you with a chainsaw, and you have a shotgun in your hands, you have no choice but to kill him. Self-defence.
Shoot them in the kneecaps then call the police. (A chainsaw is one slow ass weapon btw, he would need to get a good swing to hit anyone with decent reflexes.)

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