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Messages - skully

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ZFGC Sprite Competition 2007 / Re: Official Sign Up Topic
« on: April 05, 2007, 04:21:34 am »
Did any of you guys see the parts of her post where she specifically said you have to PM her to join the contest? Don't be shocked if the contest fills up and you are not on the list, because she clearly stated how she wanted this to work.

Seems like nobody is actually listening to that one simple request. Its kind of pathetic actually lol. Her post wasn't even that long, and it was one of the first things she said. In fact she said it more then once. How will you guys survive our in the world when you grow up and have to run errands for your employer and such?


ZFGC Sprite Competition 2007 / Re: Prizes
« on: April 05, 2007, 04:16:06 am »
Poor tara, constantly being refered to as 'the guy' or 'the dude' 'his' 'him'


ZFGC Sprite Competition 2007 / Re: Official Sign Up Topic
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:41:51 am »
Me for the GB styled comp! Kthxpoop.

I require one thing. PM me if you sign up, with the Topic: Sprite Comp Sign-Up and tell me which Bracket you wish to enter, in the PM.

You can discuss the competition here and if you sign up or whatever, but I NEED the PM if u want to enter due to how much volume this thread might get and my job duties at my work keeping me from not being able to monitor this topic 24/7.

Hehe. Helps to read that y'know.

This sounds really cool Tara, I love the fact that you offer a cash reward, that will surely get people spriting again. But I was thinking. Whats up with the bracket logic? You said you will have three brackets right? First off all, how come each bracket has to be limited to the particular style? So a beginner has to do GB sprites, even though maybe they are better with FS or LTTP? I dunno about all that but my main thing was how you said at the end when a winner from each bracket has been chosen they will all face off for the prize money. So the beginner spriters got to go against the top spriters around here like Takam, DJ, Faceless, TomPel, etc? (if they happen to enter) I realize it's hard to fandangle with all these brackets and an actual cash prize. But rather then having all three of them face eachother for the top prize, and a second and third place prize, why not just have a smaller top prize and make it the same in each bracket for the first place sprite (maybe a bit more for advanced) and then not worry about giving out cash for second and third place (as lame as that might sound I only suggest it because otherwise if you divided the money up between 6 people the cash prize would be small, or else otherwise cost you far too much.

... I just returned from my auto ban to enter this comp <.< but im disapointed that  there is style restriction...
Yeah that was my first point kind of. I understand the reasoning behind putting out specific restrictions because it is a competition and it makes a challenge. But I really have a hard time making up my mind on this competition. The money is a really cool incentive for sure. But I have never really been one to do specific styles. I am not a huge fan of doing GB graphics, never even done one before. I don't much like the literal LTTP style. I like the way it was slightly changed in Daniels game so it didn't quite have that same exact look. And I have no clue about FS or MC as Ive never even played any of those. These restrictions make me so uneasy about committing to something like this. When I first seen the topic I was stoked to do something really big and spend so much time on it, but I was very turned off when I seen Id have to commit to these certain restrictions in styles, and Id have to make it fit the style. That means certain black outlines, or undefined/un-detailed pixelwork, Ive really been motivated to get back into pixeling lately but After taking lots of tutorials and visiting places like pixelation forums and pixeljoint. The same old spriting a certain style from these games just doesn't appeal to me so much anymore. Ive learned new techniques for coloring, shading, animating, making my lines and details and using colors effectively. All that pretty much goes out the window when I am forced into these limitations. I would love to be able to just go free for all.
You know? Rather then having three styles to choose from. Make some different restrictions like color limits, pallets, size, animation frames (if any at all) and then just either give like three options in each level bracket that they can sprite in any style or way (under those limitations) or else just sprite anything Zelda related under those restrictions with no level separation, and just have everybody go free for all in one giant bracket not separated by skill (not like it would matter anyways since they all have to compete against eachother in the end.

I don't know, it's not a big deal, and I wouldn't try to argue with you at all about how it should be. I am very grateful that you are bringing a competition like this to the community and I'm more then happy with however you choose to do it. I just wanted to put that out there.

Other Discussion / Re: accutane
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:01:29 am »
I've tried a lot of things, but nothing has worked. Proactiv, by the way, is mostly Benzoyl Peroxide. Too much of it can dry skin, but I suppose the situation is different for everyone. The real problem is on my scalp. My face is under control now with Retin-A micro but there is no topical that can do the job on my scalp. I've been through the antibiotics and my derm has attempted to give me many topicals, but nothing ever worked out. I wish acne would just rot in hell >:D.

You can find a list of side effects here: https://www.ipledgeprogram.com/Documents/10617_Intro%20Brochure_Mv5.pdf

By the way, the depression-Accutane link is not necessarily true. My dermatologist disagrees, as does this study: http://www.news-medical.net/?id=10083

Most of the other side effects, aside from hearing loss and growth issues (which are very rare, but I fear them), aren't really a problem. Dry skin can be managed. Plus, these side effects tend to go away (after reading a lot of acne.org and listening to my derm). So it's not that bad of a drug :)

Proactive will dry your skin yes, the actual treatment, but its not just one medication thats the thing. First  you wash your face well, then you do the main cleanser with the little beads, then when you wash it off and pat your face dry with a towel you put on the second one that is different, if you just do the first one then it will dry up a bit, unless you follow with the second one, and if you just do the first and second ones, and then stop, it will dry up so badly so fast your face will be so tight and your skin will get super dry. But lastly as soon as the second liquid face rub thing kinda drys and absorbs into the skin, then you follow up with he final cream, and you feel it take action instantly as it moistens and repairs the skin from the treatment, and then your good to go and it wont dry you up at all, unless soon after you wash your face really well with water then it will dry up a bit unless you put a new proactive 'layer' on.

I used to have acne problems a lot until i used that. Helped me tons. And I liked it because it felt good to use. Your face feels so soft and fresh after you do it. It feels like your skin has lungs and can finally breathe.

Graphics / Re: I have a request to most of you.
« on: April 04, 2007, 12:13:46 am »
I agree completely. I don't think your being a jerk in any way either, your justsaying your opinion weather people like it or not, and its not like you are being rash or anything.

All of the points you made are good ones. I am sick of that stuff but I never really thought to make a topic out of it. Usually when I got something I wanna get off my chest like this, or a controversial opinion, I get people riding my ass like a !@#$% donkey trying to make me look or feel stupid and wrong. You know who you are... lol. While I'm on that subject, you can stop that btw, its !@#$% pissing me off, thanks.

Anyhow, glad you posted this fox, but I doubt anything will come of it. :-/

Entertainment / Re: Writing Competition
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:38:57 am »
There are nine days left? What's the problem? X D
The truth is they are just now realising they cannot compete. I told you you shoulda waited tell later to post your entry lol. Don't want everybody to forfit do you? I wish I was so bored or had so much spare time, or some inspiration that I felt like just sitting down and writing something for this. I just don't feel like doing it just for some recognition (evne though I wouldn't win)

The only time I entered a writing competition was for this insanely rare item on an online game that nobody had, and everybody wanted. If there was a bit more inspiration maybe... Or if I had a really good Idea to write it off of. But then, 9 days left? Ill be on my days off the day after tomorrow, Id have some spare time. If I just had a really good idea to write about. Who knows.

Graphics / Re: Chocobo Drawing
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:12:27 am »
Thats really bad.

In a good way :P Much better then the old one. I used to be the biggest Chocobo fan. Back in the day when my whole life revolved around FF7 and stuff haha. All I thought about was Chocobo, all the different colors, their names, racing them, feeding them, breeding them. Drawing them. Everything. They are just awesome. And then Bobby Corwin from FF9... God that was freaking adorable.

http://media.putfile.com/Spillsang1 XD

Other Discussion / Re: Circumsize yourself in 4 easy steps!
« on: April 02, 2007, 01:55:40 am »
lol. The two girls on the forum must think were all idiots. Which we are...
I thought there was more than two?
and nah, you guys aren't idiots. xD and that was the weirdest thing I've seen all day.
Including you there is like maybe 7 or so total, maybe even a bit more.

Other Discussion / Re: Circumsize yourself in 4 easy steps!
« on: April 02, 2007, 01:11:10 am »
Okay I just tried this. I used a topical freezing cream first. I only did a bit and I cried. I can't It's too much. Now my penis is all mutilated. Wtf should I do? Should I go to the hospital and have it done right or just let it simmer and hope it heals proper? Right now I have a sock wrapped around it tightly. I don't want to loose my entire penis to gangreen :s

Edit: Wtf omfg!! I missed the part where it said only for non circumcised men... Those directions are !@#$%! How the all am I supposed to have understood that? This is !@#$% !@#$%. !@#$% you Infinitus. You !@#$%. You think its so !@#$% funny don't you? I would post a picture but I can't. !@#$%!

Entertainment / Re: porno tube o.0?!!
« on: April 02, 2007, 12:59:47 am »
xtube.com is much better then pornotube. And so is youporn.com. porno tube is too buggy and slow! :P

Feedback / Re: Lots o' work ahead...
« on: April 02, 2007, 12:35:52 am »
We will kill [you] and erase all traces of their existence.  That is how it will be dealt with.  Like it never even happened.

I like yer thinkin' 4sword. Dispose of them quickly, cover our tracks. Pretend we were away on holidays. Done deal

Definitely archive though. On another note. Remember the topic in 'other discussions' where a random 300 quote fest broke out from nowhere? That should totally have been archived for the rest of eternity!

Graphics / Re: .TakaM style
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:54:41 am »
Lmfao Taka. You couldn't be any more obvious could you? You could at least try and do it good! xD.

Feedback / Re: What??
« on: March 31, 2007, 01:04:54 am »
If you are asking how we like the new BP theme (the one in the image Ryan posted) then no. I honestly think that is horrible lol. It looks so dated and the colors are really an eyesore... Make it more modern and sophisticated lol.
I couldn't do any better as I have no idea how to even make a theme. But you asked... so that's what I think :P

I like the way it looks on binaryphoenix.com Dunno what you are planning though.

Pretty, but doesn't look menacing enough.
And in good FF tradition, I'd give it some big manes on its back.
This is how it's supposed to look lol. Not like the oens in FF.

Looks great DJ. For crits, all I can really say is the shading could do with a little more time. It's all in the right areas so far, it just looks like its only in the beginning stage of the shading process. Really nice though. How long does something like this even take you?

Graphics / Re: Ocarina of Time items (Looksies only, please)
« on: March 30, 2007, 11:45:08 pm »
Nice work, the goron could use some nostrils, because though most things don't its big enough to have them. The spells need to seem inside the crystal. Look at the screen and you see that the glare covers up part of it. The bombchu could use a tiny bit of shading on the eyes. The uh, one mask(I seem to have forgotten the name) the one to the left of "SOLD OUT" looks too wide, because you can't make it any taller, it needs to be thinner. The same for the Hylian shield and Mirror shield, though those you can't do much with. The gauntlets have full fingers, cut down about 3 pixels. I think the scary mask could use one more darker shade of brown. Other than that they are awesome, much better than I could do.

Also, good to see you back.
I made an item sheet like this once before myself. It's pretty difficult to make things like the Mask of Truth or Hylian & Mirror shields thinner. All three of them have a certain amount of things you gotta kinda try and fit in them, so they look right. You could arrange the pixels in a way so that it could be thiner but then it looks messy and not as distinguished. Also the goron mask would be hard to put nostrils on because of the amount of space. They would either be touching the corners of his eyes or els his mouth, or else joined together (which would appear as a little black line in his face)

Entertainment / Re: What makes WoW so good?
« on: March 29, 2007, 07:41:40 pm »
Ive never played WoW Never will either. I think people like it because it's 3D? Or something. I hate how caught up everybody is with 3d now days.

2D will always prevail! Tibia kicks the !@#$% out of WoW or guildwars, or any of these other online games out there. It's so underrated. So what if its 2d, and the graphics look a little strange. It's a funny perspective you have to get used to. The game itself is so well done.

Its so interactive for the player, you really have to get involved. Unlike other games you move only with the arrow keys, and your character stays in the center of the screen. It's like having a satellite camera fixed right on your character at all times. And you don't have to deal with all these equipment and inventory menus popping all over, everything is real life based. You need a container like a backpack or a bag, that has a certain amount of storage slots in it, which you can drag items into, or other containers to hold lots of things, as much as your capacity can hold (based on your level)

The PvP system is beyond anything else (at least it was) it's died out a little bit with some new features they added. But you would have to attack th  player or creature, then stand next to it and follow them around with the arrow keys to attack them (unless you have a long range weapon). Since everything is mapped on 32x32 tiles and you move one square at a time, you have to be strategic when you are running around in a battle with somebody, and use your surroundings to your advantage, like pillars, or statues and around corners, where you can block out their hits, or trap them. I can't even begin to explain the beauty of its design unless you have played for a long time and know it yourself. To use magics you have to increase your magic level by using magic, then you have to purchase spells from the shop, then in a spell book you will see all the spells you have purchased, and it has the actual spell written out. For instance: "Exura Vita" to heal you. So when you type out these words in the text box and say them out loud you will heal yourself. or say "Exevo Gran vis lux" will create an energy beam blast in front of you.  In order to use shops and stuff you literally have to walk up to an npc and type out "hi/hello/hey" (etc.) and they will greet you, then you can interact with them (well... their code) like "what do you sell?" or "buy mace". Instead of allowing multiple people to just walk up and talk with an npc by clicking them, its more realistic and involving. If somebody is speaking with the npc and you try to talk to it, they will say "please wait I am with a customer!" or other comments like that. So you actually have to wait in line lol.

It's just so much more involving and real time for the player, every action requires you to be more involved and literally do it. It really makes you feel like the characters in the game is who you are, rather then your friend is a person behind their computer screen. Games like this should be triumphing over WoW hardcore. The quest system, the guild system, the house system and banks, and depot, and guildhalls, pvp, party, is all superior. Plus its free, unless you want premium which is cheap as hell and not even needed, it just gives you a few cool features like better outfits and able to ride boats to certain islands free players cant, (which are few in number)

People pay so much for WoW and I wonder what it is that they are paying for. The graphics? Tibia has cool graphics you just have to get accustomed to the strange perspective, and before long you come to love them. I wouldn't want that game to look any other way. Better yet, you don't need a graphics card or tons of space on the computer.

This is probably the most nerd sounding post Ive ever made haha. But thats how I get when I talk about tibia. I feel like I gotta fight for its right to be on the top. I don't play it anymore, Haven't in so long since I quit. But it used to consume my life for years lol. I was going to post a cool youtube video I found of it here. But I think I won't lol. It wouldn't mean anything to anybody who has never been a tibia player like me or ricky. It would just look like some guys running around fighting with poor 2d graphics.

Graphics / Re: Ocarina of Time items (Looksies only, please)
« on: March 29, 2007, 01:07:01 am »
Sweet! Those are so awesome DJ. Everything on there looks great! And you kept the LTTP theme perfectly. Now for things that I think could improve a bit; Maybe the hammer head could take on the shape from OOT rather then being a rectangle as it was in LTTP? It would still pass just fine as is. Just a suggestion. Also, the only thing on the bow that I think could be better is maybe adding a little color to the grip part? Some blue with red in between, and red tips on the very point ends of the actual bow. Lastly on the long shot maybe a splash of aqua in between the purple and grey areas. Other then those few things I don't know how it could get any better. How does it all look at 0x magnification?

This is too good lol. Not only do you return after soo... so long you bring with you sprites! !@#$% do I miss the good old days when everybody sprited so much... You and DM were the reason I got involved in it. Times have definately changed haha.

But this kind of stuff makes me feel all good inside to see. DM was here not so long ago too but he didn't stay very long and never made a sprite. I miss you both. Remember spriters faction lol? That never really went the way we planned but it was fun while it lasted. I used to live for this !@#$% but after I lost touch with everybody and the graphics department kind of died out on here I just lost the spirit.

Even when I visit places like pixeltendo or pixelation I can't find the inspiration to sprite anymore. I feel like its there inside me, but I just don't have the drive to get over that first hump. And now it feels like I just don't have time for that kind of stuff anymore. The last few days Ive been thinking of getting back into art though. Starting with sketches, and coloring and so on... I found my old portfolio. Maybe I will sprite again one day hehe.

Until then keep it going man, for old times sake lol.

I love this forum lol. You guys are great :P

Other Discussion / Re: How gay are YOU?
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:55:20 am »
Tom is 36% gay.

Alrighty then... :P I would say I fit more of an open minded region. Not at all gay. But the way I think and live my life makes me higher up on the chart. I shop like a chick, I watch romantic comedies and chick flicks, get my hair done regularly, do my face with special cleansers and use nice soaps. I always try to groom and dress well, and I am really into interior design and fashion kind of things, and Ive cried over a movie before. But at the same time I am kind of a mans man and I'll smoke cigars and get smashed with some guy friends, work on cars at my friends shop, go dirt biking, 4x4ing, hunting, watching the game, etc. Ive been in fights, I love to fight, and watch fighting, and bloody, gore movies. I love hands on hard work, and building things.
I am open minded enough to say if I find another guy attractive, but I am not literally sexually attracted to men at all. I am just pretty all around open and easy going, more in touch with my feminine side I suppose.

Id say it is fairly accurate, though I half expected an answer more along the lines of what Sterlin got :P

Entertainment / Re: Damn Man :o
« on: March 26, 2007, 01:37:24 am »
Sweet! I own bot the first ones. Never seen either of them in the theater though. This time I am going to make sure I can do it.

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