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Messages - hawthorneluke

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Entertainment / Re: Anime recommendations?
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:18:26 am »
Yeah, that. Although it's good to hear that they do offer the original with subs though.
I couldn't imagine liking a certain something so much that you watch so much of it and seek out more, only to watch it all in a form that's far from what the original directors intended, generally with the quality largely dragged down in many places.

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:45:34 am »
Now that sounds like a challenge :p

Entertainment / Re: Anime recommendations?
« on: November 20, 2012, 07:44:54 am »
Pretty sure a reason as to why something is worth watching is better than a list of your personal favourites >_<

I've not seen it, but steins gate has also grabbed my attention too. I hear it's very good.

I also would never recommend watching any funimation crap, or whatever it is, unless you prefer watching something not in best form by far, being quite mutated to suit people ignorant of the world, that is unless that that's your only choice for whatever reason or you're just extremely lazy and prefer generally terrible dubs to how something is original meant to be viewed, completely wasting half the experience, but in which case I have absolutely no idea why you're going out of your way asking for good stuff to watch in the first place.

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:35:21 pm »
If it works well, and adds to the gameplay, it's no longer a "gimmick" >_<

But yeah, I too do remember having problems with stabbing (while lazing on the bed etc). I wonder if that's what people "too old for games" feel like with all the buttons of todays controllers :D lol

In its entirety though, while adding and taking away elements at the same time, I'd say it's sure worth your time if you ever liked a zelda game. In this game though, calming down and taking things slowly is way, way better than getting frustrated and going nuts, as that just won't get you anyway and just make you more frustrated. Although I guess that goes for a lot of things :p

Entertainment / Re: Anime recommendations?
« on: November 19, 2012, 02:30:41 pm »
damn that gm lol

Anyway, yeah I too remember death note not being as "intense" from the second half.

If you liked summer wars, check out toki wo kakeru shoujo (the girl that leapt through time) for sure!

As for robotech: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotech_(TV_series)
I can't say anything personally, but it sounds like an edited mess. Obviously watching things how they were originally meant to be is generally bound to give you a better experience, but from the looks of things, you only saw the original macross stuff via that? In which case, check out frontier for sure if you have any interest in it at all.

Entertainment / Re: Anime recommendations?
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:09:39 am »
Oh here we go lol

I like my anime to have a great story, very deep and full of emotion too, and have seen quite a bit of what you have (and too loved them).

You say "robotech", but isn't that some abomination up of what it should actually be? No idea what "macross saga" or anything is with that title, but if you haven't try the real macross Frontier (if you can be bothered, go for watching the macross zero (I think?) OVA first, as it's just 4~6 eps I think it was and I was glad I did watch that first before watching Frontier). I thought macross was some weird space opera like crap (like how I thought gundam was some robot fighting crap, and then very surprised to find seed to be so damn deep and so full of emotion) and it too turned out to be very great.

Have you seen many ghibli films? What do you think of them? If you're not really strange, you may see the magic in them, especially the ones by miyazaki hayao.
There's this director lately, hosoda mamoru, who I'd say is the only other person that could be the next miyazaki hayao.
toki wo kakeru shoujo (The girl that leapt through time) was his first "real" (I'd say) film, and it's very highly rated, and for a VERY good reason (it's damn great), and then his next, summer wars is very good too. I can't recommend them enough (I went to see his latest film the other month in cinemas, ookami kodomo no ame to yuki, which had a different feeling to those other two, leaving me feeling a bit "hmm" at first, but now I'm very troubled that it's pretty much impossible to watch it again until it comes out on dvd or something haha)

I see you have no death note in that last, which was pretty damn entertaining too. Quite code geass like in ways.

Not a really well known anime, but I really liked uchuu no stellvia.

Talking about not so well known stuff either, top wo nerae was, while being rather old and the last ep being quite "wtf happened to this studio?!", I remember it being a pretty good watch. Only 6 eps too.

I also see no evangelion in there either? That has some pretty big philosophical and deep stuff in it, leaving you checking wikipedia about all sorts for hours after haha. Watch the TV series first, then the old film that came out at that time (end of evangelion I think?) that is an alt ending, then the first two "brand" new eva remake films (second one differs in places), then wait years for the 3rd and 4th film (rather different it seems, so no longer just a remake) to come out to watch those too :p
Talking about eva, it's incredibly weird how everything in it does not look one bit old at all. Normally with stuff painting a technological future of any sort, it all seems EXTREMELY old only decades later, yet this has absolutely none of that feeling, at all. Very weird. Eva's a special one.

Going off stuff like elfen lied, but not quite as heart wrenching (my god that was tough to watch :( ), clannad is sublime. The tv series that is, by kyoto animation, not the film by some other company. Kyoto animation are amazing and (maybe were?) one of the best studios out there recently. The other two animes they bring to life from the same people that made the game as clannad, kanon and air are great too, which I'm sure you'll want to see after blasting through clannad and needing more haha.

I quite liked "ef" too. Not seen its sequel(s), and I only cared for one of the stories out of the two it had, but at 12 eps its not a hard watch and rather emotional(ly good).

There are plenty more like this if you end up craving more.

Ah, going with the philosophical like stuff that eva introduces a bit, ghost in the shell is great too if you like that. The first (two) films are more on the philosophical side, and the TV series (SAC, different director and people doing them) are more on the action side, so they have a slightly different feel to them, but are both very good imo.

Of course it all depends on what you like, but I tried to name a few things that not I only personally enjoyed, but really do deserve a watch because of their quality and how many other people seem to rate them, very highly in most cases (anidb.net is a great site to work all this out). I'm not going to recommend someone watch something like naruto, just because I personally love it for whatever absurd reason (I do in fact hate it though lol).

Of course there's wikipedia to get more info on how the stuff I named comes, but if you have any questions about this stuff, or can explain what sort of thing you'd like to watch and why, with what other stuff you saw and why you liked it, then I should be able to help out more there :D lol

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 17, 2012, 04:41:19 pm »
I guess the way they think/go about doing stuff matches me personally, but yeah, I'll take that title if you insist :p lol
(Not directed at you, but) I find it also makes things a lot easier to handle if you comprehend the reasoning behind this and that, not just demand everything be made as you think it should, only thinking about you as the customer.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda NES 3D Intro
« on: November 17, 2012, 08:03:45 am »
Ah right, the original went through the list of items too in its "intro"? Forgot about that. I see! Nice way to do that in that case then :p

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 17, 2012, 07:35:51 am »
Edit: what on earth? There was another page here? >_< lol

Not too sure why you have to be afraid to call it "hard" and act like its a breeze or what not (no idea what's really going on there), but, I don't think "skill" = "mad skillz".
Everything requires skill. Even walking. While walking sure is a lot harder I'm sure, SS does take plenty of "skill" to play properly, while obviously not being too much for your average gamer.
I don't remember it being hard, but it didn't play itself. Those silent realms fissure seems to love sure weren't a walk in the park though :p

It's that i don't want to call it hard, it's that the game wasn't hard lol.

Ugh the Silent Realms, one of the things that annoyed me about the game. 1 would of been fine, but 4? !@#$% THAT. The problem with SS is that like i said Nintendo spent too much time trying to base everything around their "OMG INNOVATIVE' WM+ controls that the rest of the game suffered because of it. Repeating Silent Realms, repeating boss fights. Less areas, etc.

Yeah, to be honest I too hated it when a silent realm came up, but not because it was some !@#$% I'd have to play through, but because it was a pretty scary trial in the sense that you just want to hurry up and get it over with without being chased down and one hit killed by some scary thing haha. Obviously not "scary" as in having the !@#$% scared out of you all of a sudden (well actually, I guess that can happen in some cases), but in the sense that it's something dreaded that you want to end as quickly as possible. It's you with nothing vs a ton of fast 1 hit killers after all. Still, that unfortunately ends up as pretty much the exact same feeling as having to overcome a !@#$% bit of the game, like "damn, not this again, please god hurry up and end".

That repeating boss fight did go on a surprising number of times, but by that point it already felt like some sort of tradition to me, and it was nice to suddenly go "?! wings!? :o" haha. The stuff with groose was pretty awesome too. But yeah, I absolutely love boss fights, so I was hoping for a lot more. I thought that scorpion one was going to go onto something more epic after you beat it and the sand drained away to reveal a huge room or whatever happened, but nope :(. Was cool to suddenly realise you're uncovering another one later on in the game though lol.
As for the areas, that's definitely a conscious decision to go for more density than scarce yet huge landscapes. The whole world felt pretty damn small that way, which left more to be desired, but the areas themselves were great imo.
Can't be all that easy to make an immensely polished incredible game to please everyone I guess :p

I wonder if they'll go the route of getting outside help to do bits here and there for the next game, as by the time such a thing's ready the wii u 2 will be coming out probably >_< lol
Pretty interesting (and exciting imo) that they've gone that way with smash bros

Third. WM+ controls screamed of "gimmick" and I just didn't want to play the game anymore when I tried it. Nintendo tries too hard to innovate and as a result, they create gimmick products. SS would've been more enjoyable via a traditional controller, which an option to play with motion controls imo.

Don't you find it incredibly weird how some people found the game to work so well with the controls that it feels as if the game is in a generation of its own, way above basic button controls, yet others must believe those people are taking drugs or something because they never felt anything anywhere near that, as far as to think it'd be much better using buttons.

Quite strange lol

Like I said, the only problem I had was when I had IR from the sun interfering (which the remote used to calibrate itself when pointed at the screen), but shutting my curtains fixed that completely and the WM+ worked absolutely perfectly from there.
The only problem apart from that was getting used to playing such a game. Indeed like star said, stabbing was hard at first I remember.
I guess there's just a bit of a learning curve there, especially if you expect it to play as naturally as using buttons/analogue sticks etc. We've used buttons etc pretty much our whole lives. This is the first time we've had to play a game this way though. If you give up early, of course you're not going to see anything in it. Of course you would expect such natural movements to make picking up and playing such a game much easier though. Then again, it doesn't read your mind, but the movements of the remote, so if your brain says "stab" and your hand doesn't quite do an action to be read as stabbing (over say a certain slash), then all the game can do is think you're trying to slash, as that's the way the remote was moved. I guess a game using more natural movements does still have a learning curve, especially when you've never used a remote to slash/stab things well :p

Zaeranos: Very good post!

Third. WM+ controls screamed of "gimmick" and I just didn't want to play the game anymore when I tried it. Nintendo tries too hard to innovate and as a result, they create gimmick products. SS would've been more enjoyable via a traditional controller, which an option to play with motion controls imo.

I would've LOVED this feature! I agree with this like ten billion times...especially since the WM+ controls didn't even register so well. For instance, stabbing! What the hell! I could barely do it!
I really disagree with that. Because it would make SS just like TP where motions are mapped to the buttons of the gamepad. To me it the next Zelda can feature just motion controls again.
How? How does giving the player a choice to play with a standard controller or motion-based controls restrict them to "motions are mapped to the buttons of the gamepad"? You're thinking of this way too narrowly. It wasn't the Gamecube's fault that TP had such a shoddy implementation. It all comes back on the technology and the software.

Halo 2 did well with its implementation of mouse/keyboard controls on the PC version with support for the 360 controller. And so did many other PC games of the modern era. The point I'm trying to make here is that, control schemes can be adapted to different use-case situations. Not everyone likes every control scheme. Gimmick, or not.

While of course it's the best if you can cater to everything and to everyone, that's just no possible right now. You can't make a game based on pretty much 1:1 sword play and then go out of your way to make it playable with buttons. A lot of the game was designed around this feature/gameplay. You can't just then ignore all of that/brute force another input method that'll just end up with totally different gameplay in a game it's not meant for. Sure, technically you can, quite easily. But that's just the technical side of things. There's FAR more to that in games. Such as making sure it's fun for the player of course. Of course in this case, not everyone managed to find it fun though, which is a shame :(
I really liked it and would love everyone to experience the same thing, as it really was quite an experience.

Btw "gimmick" = "A trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business." It's just something that's there to be a novelty and attract attention, not to actually make the end experience better. Something that does actually add to the real experience is not a gimmick.
The DS screens, oh how they were called gimmicks. Sure, some games used them as gimmicks, using their functionality for the novelty of it, not to better the game. But as we know, in the end, the screens do help make games better. Not hugely, but being able to touch to make selections? A map/inventory etc and the action all there in one go? As we know, it's all very handy stuff. Sure, when it first takes off it becomes a fad and people are fast to call them gimmicks, but recently, people use the word "gimmick" to just describe something different and new, which is obviously completely missing half the meaning of it.

You could say the waggle for using the sword in TP was a gimmick. Exact same as a button press, didn't really add anything, except sort of making it feel more like you're actually using a sword, but ignoring that, quite gimmick like (shooting arrows with it was great though imo). I find it very hard to call using WM+ in SS a gimmick though. The game wouldn't exist without it. It's the main damn feature.

In the end, sure you could make SS with a normal controller, technically. If you reworked enough of it, you could have the exact same game in terms of story/areas/characters etc, just with different gameplay. I'm sure that would have been a great zelda game too.
But after completing it, I really do find it absurd to play such a game using buttons. Buttons feel so damn simplistic. Using the WM+ added SO MUCH more to the gameplay. Of course in terms of this game, it's a shame that not everyone could work them out, but damn, buttons sure are not the complete future of games. I can say that with confidence after what I experienced with SS. It's a very special game in that way. Also a very good zelda game for what it was too. Sure, there's plenty more to be desired, but that allows us to look forward to the next one :D

Entertainment / Re: Zelda NES 3D Intro
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:15:09 pm »
Quite nice :D
Did end up feeling like a shopping list for a bit there though lol

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 16, 2012, 02:13:37 pm »
Not too sure why you have to be afraid to call it "hard" and act like its a breeze or what not (no idea what's really going on there), but, I don't think "skill" = "mad skillz".
Everything requires skill. Even walking. While walking sure is a lot harder I'm sure, SS does take plenty of "skill" to play properly, while obviously not being too much for your average gamer.
I don't remember it being hard, but it didn't play itself. Those silent realms fissure seems to love sure weren't a walk in the park though :p

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 13, 2012, 11:05:36 pm »
Hell the WM+ only followed your movements until you attacked, once you moved your arm to attack it acted like a delayed button press. Sometimes the WM+ failed to use the right attack i wanted to use, which !@#$% me up, especially against ZeldaKefka.

Pretty sure that's a problem of blaming the tools man.
It happened to me too, but it wasn't hard to realise that because I'm lazily playing it on my bed with simple wrist flicks etc that in real life, my brain thinking slash horizontally! didn't transform into such a slash in my movements, perhaps more of a diagonal one, which is exactly what the remote picked up and the game displayed. Sure it didn't match my thoughts, so it looked like the game !@#$% up, but in the end, it's just a problem of the game not being able to read your thoughts.

I guess some people that just love to hate are going to believe that I really had to fight with the controls and am ignoring such a fact here, acting as if they worked very well, just to "defend" nintendo or something.
Not too sure why I'd go as far as lying to even do such a thing, as that'd be rather stupid, but all I can say is that it worked very well for me and was a very enjoyable experience. Bad luck for those that weren't capable of having as much fun.
Obviously it's far from perfect, and I don't know why anyone would expect it to be, especially if you're trying to translate your thoughts into game movements, more than your own (where you need to properly control your own movements first), but for what it is, it was very nice, for me anyway. Sure, thinking about the future it'll probably look !@#$% in comparison to what may come in the decades to come, but after playing the entire game and then thinking about how I used to just press a button to do a simple attack in zelda games, that just felt extremely simplistic to the point of being rather surprised at how SS had changed things, if only for that instant.

I did have technical problems with it, where the IR light from the sun (I guess) made the pointer go nuts, which is what it also used to automatically calibrate itself, but closing my curtains completely fixed that problem.

If I'm honest, I feel sorry for those of you that weren't able to properly enjoy it because of whatever problem, and especially for those that automatically favour the feeling/thinking of "a few complaints in god knows what circumstances = everyone's complaining and the games broken and its a piece of !@#$% not even worth experiencing". You're not going to experience much in life holding yourself back in such basic ways imo. Humans just love to find absolutely any bit of "evidence" to support their thoughts, such as "is there really a better alternative? Or can I be at piece that where I currently am is the best and I do not need to change my ways as that seems really annoying/hard", which ends up in people easily finding excuses to carry on doing the exact same stuff that they always knew their entire lives and die experiencing nothing different and therefore nothing of the real world/life.
This is just something I've noticed a lot from people lately.

Really went a bit off topic there :p

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 13, 2012, 04:22:49 am »
I did complete the entire game on my bed, if that helps you :p

Would be easier to just experience it for yourself though. It'll be far from an experience you'll regret.

Entertainment / Re: Just bought a Wii U
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:08:47 am »
Twilight princess just mapped wiggle to a button, but SS was made around the motion plus. It completely changes the way to play such games. No more mashing the attack button and waiting for the right typing, then letting the game do its thing. You look at the enemy, wait for the right moment, then swing in the right way. You'll be blocked and have to react to that, or if you did well you'll land a hit. Obvious in real time it's a lot more than this, but there's a lot more conscious thinking involved over just waggling away. Do you go into a sword fight throwing your arms around while running into the enemy waiting for a hit? Of course you don't. That'd be quite retarded. You don't do the same in SS either. It's just aiming how you hold the remote and timing your swings, or flicks every now and then. If you imaged people flailing their arms around going nuts trying to beat every enemy via brute force for 50 hours, then yeah... I don't know how people could do that either. Thank god no one did (or at least I hope no one did >_<)

Seriously now though, going back to playing a zelda game by pressing just a button to attack seems like playing a game from the stone age in comparison. So simple and basic.

As for the wii u, just search for the wii u and you'll find tons of info on it. Nintendo's site's a good place to start for an intro to it.

Entertainment / Re: What's your favourite game in the world? (until today)
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:07:46 am »
Cliche? Doesn't that mean its used a lot, ie many people find it to be their most favourite game? Which isn't surprising that you two mention it then >_< lol

Absolutely no idea what my most favourite game would be though. Need to think about that one.

Entertainment / Re: Got my Hyrule Historia today!!!
« on: November 01, 2012, 09:44:30 am »
What's the difference between that and the normal, in print version?

Entertainment / Re: Fairy Tail - An awesome anime tv series
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:54:06 pm »
I agree. I can't say much as I've not seen it, but I don't really like it when series just continues on because they can, to just keep making money. I can't even stand to watch Naruto. Everytime I see it, all I can see is their pathetic attempts to stretch out what they're writing with writing as little as possible. Half the characters have their mouths covered so that there's no need to draw their mouths moving while they speak and the scene slowly zooms out over 1 image. They have repeating images that go on for quite some time say when jumping through trees and so on. It's terrible.

One piece does have a lot of fans but again just seems like something that's fun to watch if you're into it, not something that has a really interesting story that draws you in from start to finish.

If I'm to watch a series, generally I watch it for the entire story, from start to finish, and want to be amazed by it. Obviously that's a difficult task if you're making it up as you go along for the sole reason of dragging it on. For example, I thought Gundam was some random, boring robot fighting anime, but when I saw gundam SEED, I was blown away that it had such a deep story. The gundams themselves meant pretty much nothing to me (other than a means to write the story), I watched that for its story and it was amazing.

That's just me though.

Entertainment / Re: Fairy Tail - An awesome anime tv series
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:00:28 pm »

154 with no end in sight, it seems.
It looks like a series that just carries on and on as much as it can (as long as people watch it?, such as naturo, bleach, one piece etc), not one that sets out to tell a solid story planned perfectly from the start.

Entertainment / Re: New The World Ends With You game announced!!!!
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:27:45 pm »
You gave up on an rpg in only two hours? ^^;

I've always not really cared all that much about battle systems etc (as to be honest, there are a lot more games that focus on such action/strategic things) and so rpgs have always been about the story for me, so I'd be playing it for the story, but then again, if you were playing it for another reason, fair enough. (Although saying this, I did easily put 10 hours into the demo of bravely default, after thinking that I shouldn't have enough time to play such games anyway, when the demo was only about the battle system with no story elements, which greatly surprised me (incredibly and surprising good game btw!))

I've never played TWEWY or whatever it's abbreviated as lol though. I've been interested in it, however I just know nothing about it and never went out of my way to play it :(

Entertainment / Re: New The World Ends With You game announced!!!!
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:54:06 am »
This news only relates to people that live in Japan, play social games on their mobile and possibly liked the world ends with you >_<

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