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Messages - FictitiousSpoon

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Send it to me FISSURE, I'll take care of it for you
Hmnmmmmmm, I have a feeling that you arn't really gonna help Fissure at all.
Are doubting Swoftu's integrity? How could you do such a thing?!

But seriously checking requirements = good idea.

Submission Archive / Re: [Costume] Dantztron 3030
« on: November 03, 2008, 05:28:17 am »
My good sir you need to be introduced to a decent hardware store. What you need is oxy-acetlyene welding goggles painted silver. Then you also need a pair of TIG welding gloves. Then you would look just like Dr. Horrible.

Entertainment / Re: Bling is not for the DSi adapter
« on: November 02, 2008, 06:55:53 am »

Look how small that !@#$% baby is, or how big that !@#$% SD card is... God damn.
Well obviously you have to shrink the baby before it's lazer eye vision will work on such a small device.

Graphics / Re: Sprites and Tiles I've made over the years
« on: November 01, 2008, 01:32:54 am »
I think you need more practice, specially in the shading and use of colors.Those aren't good for someone that claims he's been spriting for some years.
Unless you made those when you were starting.
Errr your kinda misunderstanding I said I've made them over the years not that I've been spriting for years. I've been spriting for years only in the sense that every couple of months sometimes weeks i make a sprite or two. I haven't actually done anything in a while. i think the last of these was done a year and a half ago.

Interesting stuff. I'm curious as to know though what that bath tub looking thing would've been used for.  XD
I can't even really remember what the bathtub was for. I think I may have just made it for fun.

Graphics / Re: Logos [CAUTION, BIG LOGOS WITHIN]
« on: October 29, 2008, 11:31:53 pm »
Hmm, I don't think it fits theme of "Attorneys"
Yeah it kinda makes me think of a bank more than an attorneys office

Graphics / Sprites and Tiles I've made over the years
« on: October 27, 2008, 12:23:27 am »
These are pretty much all tiles and sprites that I made for games at one point or another, then I got stuck on something or just lost interest in making the project. I'm probably not going to use them so if you want to, go ahead. Please give credit if you do though.

I might post more later after I've scowered my hard drive some more.

Anyways so tell me what you think etc...

Other Projects / Re: 1945 Starfox heck
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:46:29 am »
lol. i dont think i've ever seen another one. so what do you think of it?
No? The Game Maker forums used to be full of them back around version 4.3 or so. Anyway it's pretty um... 1945-y I suppose :P Though what I'm not getting is why we appear to be on a planet yet at the same times there's asteroids.

Entertainment / Re: Wii Music
« on: October 24, 2008, 03:46:48 am »
Hey, I don't give a crap what your opinions are. I just know that I enjoy it, and, really, the basis of all video games is to enjoy yourself.

calm down jackie

making a topic about a game = people giving their opinions on it.
Making a post on a forum = People giving their opinion on it.

Dunno 'bout Wii Music I might rent it and give it a shot though it's more likely I just won't play it and all :P I tend to do that with most games I think could be okay. "Hey yeah that sounds kinda like fun", then I'm all like, but do I really want to spend money on it?"

Debates / Re: To all Californians...vote NO on prop 8!
« on: October 23, 2008, 10:36:14 pm »
There are things that a mother can teach a child and there are things that a father can teach a child and to say that two men or two women, or, for that matter could provide the kind of care and love that a child should get is bull crap.

What the hell. Are you trying to say that a gay couple would be unable to LOVE and CARE for a child? THAT is bull crap. That's the most idiotic thing I have heard in this topic. Gay people live and love and have feelings and are human, just like everyone else.

And what about Single parents? As you said, there are things only certain genders can teach, right? So naturally, we should take all children of single parents and give them to foster homes. Yeah right. A good enough parent can rise to the occasion and can teach a child just as well.
You sir, are putting words in to my mouth. Do I think that gay people are incapable of love and care? I most certainly do not. But a father and a mother love their kids in different ways and I think for the most ideal situation you need both. No I don't support taking kids away from single parents, however, I do not support single parents adopting kids. Being torn away from your mother because your father died would be an incredibly traumatic experience and I think it would be less traumatic for the person to stay with the single parent.

Debates / Re: Yahtzee, awesome or AWESOME?
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:41:41 am »
Yahtzees reviews are irrelevant. Honestly, the guy doesn't even like games, asking him which games are fun to play is like asking Aliento which hot female model would be the best to bang.

Debates / Re: To all Californians...vote NO on prop 8!
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:39:49 am »
If I lived in California I have to say I would vote yes to prop 8. I don't think a marriage between two men or two women makes any sense. All the benefits (tax exemptions etc...) that come from being legally married are pretty much based on the fact that marriages often lead to families, raising children. Two men or two women should not be raising a child together, as it not conducive to a healthy environment for the child. There are things that a mother can teach a child and there are things that a father can teach a child and to say that two men or two women, or, for that matter could provide the kind of care and love that a child should get is bull crap.

Debates / Re: To The Voters Of California
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:16:43 am »
Once it's law it WILL be taught in school too.
Uh, what? Since when are morals of any type taught in school? There is no "RIGHT AND WRONGS 101" in public high schools. Schools teach facts.
Have you ever attended a public high school? Tell my grade 9 social studies teacher who said "Republicans are very bad people" (I'm not even from the States) that High Schools teach only fact.

If that does not convince you to vote for John McCain you are seriously messed up in the head. :P

Entertainment / Re: Survive the Outbreak!
« on: October 18, 2008, 02:44:06 am »
Wow... I stopped watching after one segment I couldn't stand her voice.

Other Discussion / Re: So yeah...
« on: October 14, 2008, 12:47:55 am »
Anyone know of a way to counter a laxative effect?

Bloody addictive mints >_>
Eat a shitload of red meat and fatty foods- should give you constipation.

Hmmm I lack the ability to cook :(
It's red meat you don't have to cook it just by it from the store and chow down (may cause ecoli)

a rock < Xiphirx's PC < Swoftu's new PC < Dantz' PC < Zidane's PC < everyone's PC.


fix'd Seriously, do you even know how many things you can do with a rock?!

Entertainment / Re: The Emperor's New Groove Was A Fantastic Movie
« on: October 09, 2008, 12:03:31 am »
Lol... pretty much everyone in my house can recite this movie from heart :P T'was really an awesome movie. The other one that gets referenced a lot in my house is Meet the Robinsons.

Other Projects / Re: 1945 Starfox heck
« on: October 06, 2008, 06:23:52 am »
Yeah, this is the version of 1945 that's included with Game Maker... except I got bored one day and edited it to make it look and sound like Starfox. So if you've got time to kill, it's pretty interesting to check out.

Wow... 1945 edit... It's been a while since I've seen one of those. :P

Entertainment / Re: This song will change your life.
« on: October 06, 2008, 06:22:39 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQIx5jiTsg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQIx5jiTsg</a>

This song changed my life, but the song you posted is alright.  I have never seen the show Weeds though.
Holy Crap that story changed my life just now too.

Sorry Mammorz you fail at picking life changing songs. Just why exactly is that song supposed to be life changing anyway?

Entertainment / Re: Oh boy, a new DS model.
« on: September 29, 2008, 04:50:04 am »
Am I the only one who doesn't hate it when companies bring out a new pointless model? I mean seriously the price of the older one drops so much I can actually afford to buy one (though that point is slightly invalid here as I already have a DS but meh)

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