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Messages - Theforeshadower

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Alpha Demo 2

Another huge update:
-added keys and key required doors
-added quite a few more areas
-added another original boss fight(required for a key)

This as well as a current map of the game is available at http://gamejolt.com/dashboard/games/199535

Looking forward to your feedback!

Restructured the topic.  Reserved this post for when I need the space.

 Project is evolving into a Metroidvania title.

Tiles were pulled from cc-0 license resources on OpenGameArt.  I recolored them to the palette.  The character is 100% my work as is the HUD, door,  and sound effects.

Download link:
Alpha Demo 1 & 2 - Saving, more enemies, forced exploration/progression, death, and bosses!

If you are sensitive in any way to the color red, do not run this game.  The entire palette is based on reds.  I might change this to a autumn/gold palette later.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNo-D_bnTBk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNo-D_bnTBk</a>

Concept showcases a few things:
-platformer movement
-double jump system
-floaty gravity (game takes place in an object/facility in space)
-laser weapon
-chips system (used for upgrades in regular releases)

The gravity system is a bit different than my previous projects, so looking for feedback on how it feels.

Alt+Enter for Fullscreen
Arrow keys left/right to move left/right
Down arrow to crouch
A to jump and double jump
D to fire laser
W to enter menu
S to select a weapon while in the menu
+ increases health by 1 so you can test shield system
- decreases health by 1 so you can test the shield system

S while at a computer to save your game.
S while at a Game Over to restart the game.

The game can now be maximized as well as full-screened.

Again looking for feedback on how the engine feels so far.  Trying to go for a simple retro feel.  Apologies in advance if you don't care for the color palette. :<

Update 8/30/2016
-made the HUD easier to see apart from the rest of the level
-new weapon added
-only in testing phases: Hold F to test flame thrower

Update 8/31/16
-increased resolution(will be adding options in later builds)
-added an enemy type - Wall Spineling
-added enemy behaviors
-added being able to get hurt/take damage
-minor improvements to engine
-work started on a pixelation transition effect

Update 9/1/2016
-more minor improvements in game code
-added pixelation transition(shown at the start of the level/restart of level)
-pausing added
-working menu with inventory added
-fixed some bugs related to taking damage(idle image flickering still unresolved)

Update 9/12/16
Been a while.  Got tied up with work and pleasure(Path of Exile).
-more minor improvements
-qol sound effects added on the door
-some menu sound changes
-added a title screen
-NES-esc pallete washout to black shader coded

(S is the menu selector on the title screen - New and Close only things that function for the moment).

Update 9/27/17
Another lengthy pause between updates:
-fixed two major memory leaks
-removed debug room
-3 rooms now accessible -Start, Save, Side
-added lava pit
-improvements in code for how doors work

Update 10/8/16

-more areas added
-double jump removed(collectable later in the game)
-three enemies added
     -homing fish? (terrible programmer art)
     -blockers(more or less a progression based enemy)
-more QoL code changes

Still on the table:
-save room just there/doesn't actually save yet
-death , you dont die yet

Update 10/18/2016
Alpha Demo 1

-even more areas added
-added some new enemies
-added a boss!
-added saving!
-added music (credit to ozzed.net)
-forced exploration/progression for shield increases and modules(weapons, double jump)
-you can now die

I believe this project can now be deemed an alpha demo with some nice concepts.  I do apologize about the art - I am not an artist.

Still looking for feedback.

Entertainment / Re: Warning OFFENSIVE language.
« on: August 28, 2016, 07:29:12 pm »
Could be worse.  You could be getting the game in episodes just like everything else Square has been teasing.

Graphics / [WIP] Tileset - LA Styled/Inspired
« on: August 25, 2016, 12:07:37 am »
Still working on my personal project.  As practice for working on the sprites and tilesets, I decided to take a stab at some four color tiles.  They look very Link's Awakening - had Koholint open on the second monitor as a guide.  The tileset might be perceived as a bit too close to LA style to warrant any real full claim to it so I decided to let you guys see the progress.

Feel free to use or modify, just don't claim the base as your own.

Graphics / Re: Looking for critique on base animation - Side-scroller
« on: July 09, 2016, 02:21:41 pm »
It looks real nice, the motion has good weight. There are minor diferences that I can spot between the legs, the purple one has a soft movement with smooth curves, but the grey one is a strong step, maybe as hard as a stomp (that could be because the body moves down a bit or the hard edges the leg has).

That difference in movement can make the character look like he's limping.

Yeah, I see it now.  The purple(front) leg needs to be pointed out before it touches the ground.  It is slightly curved right now in the one frame before it touches.  Will be working on that.

Graphics / Re: Looking for critique on base animation - Side-scroller
« on: July 08, 2016, 06:51:11 pm »
the animations looks good, but should he be "walking"? i would think that in a contra-like game the character has to somewhat "run"
Yeah, it looks like he's walking. Is that intentional?
For the most part - yes.  The game is designed in the fashion that every level is an auto-scroller.  There will be a finite speed for the player in similar fashion to arcade style shoot-em ups that don't include speed power ups.

I guess an actual in-game experience would be the better way to experience the animation with movement speed.  As I continue to work on the sprite, I can put together a nice walking demo so you can feel it out.  Pretty much already have one put together.  :P

In the end, the game won't feel like a fast paced action game like Contra as in the overall speed of the game.  Instead, it will be a platformer/combat system like Contra put into a horizontal 2d-shooter with a slower pace similar to Super R-Type/UN Squadron/Gradius.

Graphics / Looking for critique on base animation - Side-scroller
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:24:55 am »
I was going to stick with 32x32 but as I enlarged it two fold, I think I will end up going 64x64 as I can add in more details later.  I put zero stock into my spriting capabilities.  I been itching so hard to make a U.N.Squadron meets Contra type side-scrolling/platformer/shoot'em up for years.  I am not getting any younger and my engines are fully capable of pulling it off.  So, it is time to get the excuse out of the way - sprites.

I am intentionally going for deformed style.  The end result is going to be an homage to SD Gundam/SD Games as the main character is going to be a robotic mech and I decided that a more "cute but badass" style would be appropriate for the genre.

Just looking for ways to improve/tweek the current animations.

Entertainment / Re: LoZ:BotW
« on: June 23, 2016, 08:11:54 pm »
I honestly lost interest the longer I watched the livestream.  I had plenty of time at work to watch it without interruptions and it just felt unimpressive to me.  If this iteration had already been released as a Wii U launch title or 2013, I would have felt different.  Now, there are so many openworld games that it doesn't feel inspired in any way from my perspective.

The whole Amiibo, bring an ally, seems like a straight money grab as well.  I get it and all, but it jsut didn't sit right with me.

Nothing about what they showed felt like a real Zelda title.  Sure, you had Link and a HUD and stuff, but where was the dungeon expo?  Where were the awesome puzzles?  Where were some concept item usage?  All you got was crafting(every other rpg since Minecraft/Elder Scrolls), weapon inventory other than main sword(I know they been playing with this since Wind Waker but I never felt it belonged in a Zelda title), and some gimmick surfboard on your shield stuff.

As I watched the stream, I really thought I was watching SotC 2 with Zelda skinned over everything.  To me, that isn't a Zelda title.  I guess my love for the Zelda franchise begins at LoZ then ended at TP(even that felt a little too big at times).  No issues with huge Zelda games in general but if trekking across a giant overworld gives you the feeling that your $60 was well spent, you might as well grab TES games for dirt cheap on steam and walk around out there.

That said, I will probably pick it up in a couple years at $20 to experience it one time to truly see if I will enjoy it.  Too many other titles I am interested in this year.

Entertainment / Re: That time of the year again!
« on: April 10, 2016, 10:51:16 pm »
Day 3 of Zeldathon is on!  Finishing Link's Awakening and starting OOT(might pull an all-nighter and speedrun it).


Entertainment / Re: That time of the year again!
« on: April 09, 2016, 12:26:46 am »
Streamed Zelda today for 4 hours.  Tomorrow (Saturday in EST zone), will finish LTTP and go through all of LA.  Sunday, will be streaming OoT and perhaps Master Quest depending on how fast we plow through OoT.

Roughly 630pm start times for stream for Zelda based stuff.

Entertainment / That time of the year again!
« on: April 08, 2016, 08:26:01 pm »
Legend of Zelda
Zelda II
Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
and maybe Ocarina of Time

All in one sitting LIVE!


Streaming live now!  No emulators either.

Discussion / Re: Zelda II Remake/Revamp Public Releases - 008
« on: December 04, 2015, 12:51:31 am »
I don't know which tileset would mash more for a remake/revamp of Zelda II: The Adventures of Link, but I hope for the best.
Everything is currently being redone in LTTP tiles since LTTP sprites are being used.  The entire game is going to flow as a LTTP clone.  There will be no side-scrolling elements.

Discussion / Re: Zelda II Remake/Revamp Public Releases - 008
« on: November 20, 2015, 01:07:49 am »
You say "zoning out everything", but those trees are so large. Also, from a player's perspective, walking into a tree (which is supposed to be possible in AoL) seems less likely, because you're using large solid objects and expecting players to know that they represent a forest area. That's just a bad meme waiting to happen.

However, this isn't actually a bad idea at all. I personally would have tried to scale the overworld up a little... In fact, I think you might find as well that once you have an overworld done, you'll zoom out to get a good look at the whole thing at once, put Link into the picture to scale, and realize "Hyrule looks a bit small... :/"

What are you even talking about?  I am legit 100% confused by your post.

I am transitioning the Zelda II overworld into LTTP style.  It is not a 1:1 exact replica with just prettier graphics.  It is taking the overworld from the NES version and completely re-imagining it as if it was meant for Link to the Past.

The whole "zone" thing is what Link to the Past and Minish Cap already do.  The overworld in those games is not one huge open environment.  You transition to different areas, you scroll between open areas(not the camera following you but the actual scrolling at the edge of the screen), etc.  Thus, I am taking parts of the overworld from Zelda II and putting them into zones to be tiled appropriately.

On another note: this isn't my first dance.  I have already completely mapped Zelda II into different styles several times already.  You claim my overworld will be small...  My overworld is already half the size of LTTP and my overworld doesnt even have the second continent, death mountain, or maze island included in it yet.  Trust me, it will be just fine. ;)

Stop thinking of a direct 1:1 and you will overcome that mental block of the forests(I had to as well).  Certain forests will be accessible similar to Lost Woods in LTTP.  Other forests such as the forest directly up and left from the starting location are completely meaningless.  Thus, I am just going to tile in tree areas similar to what LTTP does around the flute boy and Kakariko.

As I said, I have done this several times.  This time, I am packing much more detail into it(eventually).

"Have faith!" - Happy Mask Salesman

Discussion / Re: Zelda II Remake/Revamp Public Releases - 008
« on: November 19, 2015, 05:35:04 am »
Been working on attempt #6(I think) version of the Zelda II Overworld into a traditional format.  This time, I am applying a feasible design in zoning out everything.  Towns and North Palace will be separate from the overworld.  Some other zones like heart zones and some forest zones will also be tiled separate from the overworld.

I decided to go this route so that I can focus on smaller areas that are alive with detail.  As I looked back at former and even 100% complete retiles into LTTP/ Minish Cap/ Link's Awakening/ Secret of Mana style, the old versions were just stale "full open" overworlds with no zones.  If you pay attention to LTTP and Minish Cap, everything is zoned(more so MC).  I already have stuff in place to make it almost seemless, but it will have that LTTP scroll effect from zone to zone and white fade ins/outs with the towns and side areas(working on a pixelated fade out similar to when you enter Zora Waterfall in LTTP).

Anyway, I am very tired so this might be a bit blah blah.  Check attachments for an idea of what I mean.

Entertainment / Re: Welp, I just nearly !@#$% my pants
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:07:57 am »
It might just be how they zoomed in (from a distance it'd look decent) or how for the trailer that might indicate something that hasn't fully been polished up.

Anyway, it is awesome that other franchises are being let into Smash.  Personally, I would love to see Son Goku or Piccolo from the Dragon Ball universe make an appearance. I see Ryu is in Smash - that is a nice choice.

You're trolling right, right? Well at least it wouldn't be Daisy or Bandana Dee.

Otherwise I like Smash, I play the 3DS version more though because Smash Run stays fun.

Naw, I really thing that Dragonball has characters that could have some really fun Smash moves and just be fun to play.  I never played Smash for the competitive side of it.  It was always to have fun with couch gaming with 4 people chilling in the living room.

Entertainment / Re: Welp, I just nearly !@#$% my pants
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:59:07 pm »
Man, even watching that a few times in HD, the Wii-U looks so dated in terms of graphical quality.  I know this is a side-track to the main topic, sorry.
Maybe it is a bad choice of game?  I don't know but the Playstations All-Stars or whatever it was on PS3 looked so much better and that had mixed character styles in it.

Not that I am a graphics junky.  I play games on computers that I run games on Medium just so I can have 60fps.  Something about Smash looks bland.  The textures seem bland on the characters.  The environments look good, damn good.  The characters themselves just seem like someone took Gamecube models, touched them up in Blender, then baked some neato shiny effects onto them.

I am sure there is much more than that being done, but it just doesn't wow me like the jump from Smash to Melee did, FF IX to FFX, etc.  I am not even a huge Smash person either.  I was really into Smash and less into Melee.  I touched Brawl literally once for a 2 hour span to play against/with you guys here on ZFGC when it released.  That is it.

Anyway, it is awesome that other franchises are being let into Smash.  Personally, I would love to see Son Goku or Piccolo from the Dragon Ball universe make an appearance.  I see Ryu is in Smash - that is a nice choice.

I guess I just don't keep up much with Nintendo these days.  :(

So, how are you guys liking Smash?  How are the prices on the DLC?  I have no clue as I don't even own a Wii-U or 3DS(might grab a 3DS soon since I have some nice money flowing in now, which means I need to start thinking about a game library).

Entertainment / Re: Dragon Quest 7 and 8 3DS
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:46:27 pm »
Where are the Final Fantasy V and VI full 3d remakes for 3ds (that were promised/rumored/whatever back for the DS)?

Same spot the Final Fantasy VII remake was: in a hole until Square needs money.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Strikes yet again!
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:45:06 pm »
It was most liekly pulled due to the name "Zelda Maker" after Nintendo has seen the success of Super Mario Maker. 

I don't want to assume too much, but that shows me there could be a chance for a Zelda Maker at some point in the future.  If he would have named it something else, there would be no issues.  As a stance for my argument, Zelda Classic has been around for almost 2 decades now if not longer.  I remember it from 2001.  I have a PC Gamer disc from back then that has Zelda Classic on it.

Nintendo could have surely pulled that down by now, but they haven't.

It is simply the fact that he called it "Zelda Maker".

Discussion / Re: Zelda II Remake/Revamp Public Releases - 009
« on: November 06, 2015, 01:16:38 am »
Build 009

-Working Title Screen
-fully functional file select screen(no name entry as Link is always referred as "Hero" in the game).
-creation and loading of gamedata that is saved (no way to save it, but it is created and saved whenever you make a new file)

Was done during a live stream.  Had 10 viewers at one point.  Had a lot of fun and got roughly 15% of the main overworld tiled out.  Probably going to focus on a more alpha release as I make more builds.

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