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Messages - uma

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Entertainment / Re: Super Smash Bros Brawl Spoiler Topic
« on: February 09, 2008, 09:32:46 pm »

What. The !@#$%. Is that. Ness never ever ever ever ever EVER learned Starstorm. Ever. Only Poo could use Starstorm. They should of given Ness PK Rockin since he actually knows that one, but NO that doesn't make sense!

Oh well. I'm just glad he's in. XD

Entertainment / Re: Opoona(Wii)
« on: February 09, 2008, 08:25:45 pm »
Rpgamer of course. I would link directly, but they don't let you do that last time I checked.

*Loooow on the list*

Entertainment / Opoona(Wii)
« on: February 09, 2008, 07:50:54 pm »
Oh. My. God.

Miracles can happen! Opoona is getting an American release date, which is actually very suprising. March 25th, 2008...

Man It's gonna' be sooooo awesome!

Entertainment / Re: Angry Videogame Nerd's take on the Zelda timeline.
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:10:13 am »
Auuuuuuuahhhg... The timeline...  >:( There is no Zelda timeline, ever. Zeldas take place in alternate dimensions(At least, I like to think so).

I almost forgot! If you want an Rpg that strays from the usual modern Jrpg formula, check out Lost Odyssey for the Xbox Circle. GOD It's the only reason I !@#$% want an Xbox...


I love Jrpgs, but I totally agree with the first post. I think rpgs need to go back to their roots, back when they had tons of dragons, battle worn knights who are above the age of 18 as the main character, and more castles.

Back in the day, you had games like Crystalis, Romancing Saga and even Seiken densetsu 3 with knights, tons of swords, armor and not girly characters. Don't forget dragons! And the lack of castles in Jrpgs now or days is seriously concerning.

Sure, you might say "Why not play Oblivion/any other generic fantasy MMO?". Well, because there isn't really that good of a story or characters(Mainly because of the whole customization thing). I want a Jrpg were I play as a 23 year old knight that you can tell is a dude that slays dragons, gets all the honeys, and defeats the forces of evil. As well as this, I would like this game to have a light-hearted atmosphere and fairly happy looking graphics.

Entertainment / Re: The: 'VC recommendations' topic
« on: January 08, 2008, 12:59:12 am »
Finally! They put a decent Rpg on there...

I'm definetly getting Startropics soon.

Entertainment / Re: The: 'VC recommendations' topic
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:53:37 pm »
Get StarTropics tomorrow.


... I love Star Tropics! It was like Zelda, but better.

Entertainment / Re: Tales of Symphonia 2 Trailer (Japanese)
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:50:51 pm »
God dammit, screw you people and your pitiful fights. My only concern is that this game better !@#$% come to America. The Graphics are damn fine.

This is a !@#$% Tales game. Tales of RPG + Wii = INSTANT !@#$% WIN.
I agree, I don't care for the graphics...I could even tolerate N64 standard :P, but just the fact of a tales of RPG title being released for the Wii is an instant win, well said Fissure.

Finally! People who understand how awesome this will be.

Graphics / Re: Ninten in Mother 3 Graphics
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:04:20 am »
They're still practically the same person. They're as similar as Link from OoT and Link from tWW.
(Ignore that if you want to. It's not like I know anything.)

Nice edit though. You should do a whole sheet.

If I remember correctly, Ninten is Ness's father(Who you never actually see). Just wanted to point that out.

Anyways, I like it. Though I would change the hat... He wears it sideways in the claymodel:

Entertainment / Re: Tales of Symphonia 2 Trailer (Japanese)
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:03:09 pm »
I am very glad to correct you here.

For the most part, the Wii's exact numbers approximately match the original Xbox. BUT, the Wii has a GPU and CPU that are based on newer, more efficient models of each so it has better calculations and is all around more efficient. Calling the Wii 3 times more powerful than the GameCube is a very fair statement.

It's still fact that the Xbox 360 is 5 times more powerful than the Wii, but you'd be shocked if you knew how good Wii games could look in contrast to what we're seeing.

Holy stuff r u serious!?

I always thought the wii was just barely more powerful than the gamecube. 3 gamecubes, huh? Damn... Why doesn't anyone... like use it's potential?

Entertainment / Re: Son of a ******, Wii Disk stuck inside Wii.
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:36:14 am »
1. Google "opening Wii"
2. Open Wii
3. Remove disc manually
4. ???
5. Profit!

Profit? What Profit? you stil haven't put it back together :P

I thought the same too. XD I haven't tried opening my Wii (wouldn't try it unless I had a spare) but I bet there are either special screws somewhere along the line or its all pressure connected (by God... I hate it when hardware companies do that... My latop... couldn't open... because of pressure closed...)

I saw that list of steps on Encyclopedia Dramatica some place...  Something to do with DevianTART.

Entertainment / Re: The: 'VC recommendations' topic
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:33:59 am »
Ahh... Mother 64... How I wish that happened(Even though it STILL wouldn't be released outside of Japan).

Now if FF7 was on the N64, Nintendo would be getting ALL the rpgs. The Gamecube would of been the Rpg hog, instead of the Ps2. And the Wii would actually have some rpgs on it. If only Nintendo would of used discs for the N64...

Just imagine how different the world would be...

Entertainment / Re: The: 'VC recommendations' topic
« on: January 04, 2008, 02:24:49 am »
Considering the view type Square used for CC, I doubt an interesting battle system could have been developed. It would've been stunning when characters were close, but at some maps, the player can go super far off into the horizon. A battle there would be super annoying. Of course, if the developers wanted to, they could have always worked around that. Just because the PS1 was more powerful than the SNES and it used a disk format doesn't mean it could do everything a SNES could... Like... load times. O_O

Too bad CC wasn't on the Nintendo 64... That system was in a serious need of Rpgs. Just imagine! No load times!

Entertainment / Re: Son of a ******, Wii Disk stuck inside Wii.
« on: January 04, 2008, 02:15:45 am »
I've played YOUR MOTHER in both positions. No problems here.

Fix'd. Yeah, I just couldn't resist...

Anyways, I've never had that kind of problem, but I keep my laying flat. Good thing you got it out though!

Discussion / Re: [Idea]Kio Benevolence: Fardels of Constingency
« on: January 03, 2008, 09:21:58 pm »
I have a blog that I post on fairly frequently, but I'm on my Wii so I can't link you to it now... I'll prolly edit my sig with a pimp banner that linx people to it.


Entertainment / Re: The: 'VC recommendations' topic
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:01:23 am »
The thing is... Chrono Cross has nothing to do with Chrono Trigger. Sure, it had a few references here and there, but that doesn't make it a Chrono game.

It didn't stay true to Chrono Trigger. Didn't even have time travel. Just... Dimensional travel. Between 1 dimension... It's more a follow-up to Radical Dreamers. Because Cross is NOT a sequel to Trigger, despite what the back of the case said.

Another thing that bugs me is... Chrono Cross went a step backwards in it's battle system. I loved the element system and how magic is used, but uhhhh battle transitions? Chrono Trigger didn't have those and it was a Super Nintendo game. It didn't have the gobs more power(And disc space) that the Play Station offered, which Chrono Cross was on.

Oh and Chrono Trigger is the best. Chrono Cross is a great game, it just can't compete with Chrono Trigger.

Graphics / Re: Ripped OoT Hearts
« on: January 02, 2008, 05:48:01 pm »
Wow I forgot how ugly Oot's hearts were...

Er-... No offence. :P

Entertainment / Re: Tales of Symphonia 2 Trailer (Japanese)
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:36:31 am »
It is true that obviously the Wii can do a lot better, but who cares? This is nice.

The Wii only has a lil' bit more power than a Gamecube, so... yeah. It could maybe look slightly better, but nothing that big of an improvement.

Another thing that really bothers me is that some people kepts saying "OH THE VOICE OVERS SUK". Unless you can actually understand japanese or watch too much japanese animu, you can't tell. At all. They sound like generic japanese voiced animu, nothing special but nothing bad either.

People really need to cut this game some slack... Just because a next-gen looking game is out on the Wii(Mario Galaxy) doesn't mean that all games after that will instantly look as good, or better. Maybe it's because I don't own a Pstripple or Xbox Circle... so I don't know any better of graphics, but this is a game for the Wii. Mario Galaxy is as good as the Wii can do, honestly. There most likely(And by that I mean like there would need to be a miracle) never be a better looking game for the Wii.

Entertainment / Re: Surprise games of '07
« on: January 01, 2008, 06:12:51 am »
Twilight Princess suprised me with its mediocrety(Please, no flamey).
Let me think...Spyro: The Eternal Night looked just OK, but it was actually a really, really fun play. Pretty challenging too.

What really shocked me is... No. Mother. 3. In. The US. Yeah, !@#$% you too NoA. They made up for it though with how radiculously fun Mario Galaxy is, so I GUESS it's ok.

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