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Messages - Nintendo Maniac 64

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Updates / Re: Happy 10 Years on SMF, ZFGC!
« on: April 03, 2016, 05:12:44 am »
Well this was certainly a convenient time for me to randomly drop in and lurk around for a bit.

EDIT: Wow I need to update my signature and perhaps my avatar as well; Firefox and Opera are both becoming Chrome clones and I now primarily use Pale Moon, so that's totally not accurate anymore.  I actually just got back into ReactOS with the release of 0.40 so might as well keep that banner (just recently discovered that my N64 memory card battery has died and has taken the saves with it, so before I replace the battery I want to see if my N64 DexDrive still works and if it works with ReactOS so that I can restore a memory card backup I made several years ago).

EDIT 2: Everything's been updated.  Who knows, maybe I'll drop in more frequently?

Entertainment / Re: Anyone got the 3DS?
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:49:48 am »
Got the system at launch (had it preordered), but for a completely different reason than 99.99% of the population...

I had only a DS phat with dead shoulder buttons and a dying battery, not to mention an SP with a dead backlight and several Game Boy games with dying save batteries.

Note that I also used my DS Phat as my portable music player via homebrew, so the dying battery really got in the way of that at times.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: April 18, 2011, 07:17:26 pm »
OniShounen's Mii name is "Josh" (without the quotes)

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:19:11 pm »
Well at least for me, I don't own Link's Awakening DX so I'm looking forward to that on the VC (along with other old GB games - heck Super Mario Land came out before I was born!)

And the flash cart comment referred to future 3DS software.  I basically meant that "until playing pirated copies is possible, the system is useless"

Either way, like I said, my reasoning for getting the system is completely different and is only based on my current circumstances anyway, so I'm not exactly "in" on what popular opinion is.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: April 04, 2011, 01:37:34 am »
People actually bought this?
You mean people actually bought that thing?  :huh:

Geez, and to think this is Zelda Fan Game Central.  What, are all you guys still waiting for the Game Boy Evolution or something?  Or are you so married to roms, emulators, and flashcards that a system means nothing until it's hacked?

Either way, my reasoning is different from 99.99% of the 3DS-buying population:
I had only a DS phat with dead shoulder buttons and a dying battery, not to mention an SP with a dead backlight and several game boy games with dying save batteries, so yes.

Also F-Zero in 3D would be GARsome.

I had only a DS phat with dead shoulder buttons and a dying battery, not to mention an SP with a dead backlight and several game boy games with dying save batteries, so yes.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo 3DS Friend Codes
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:17:15 pm »
Note that, due to my inactivity and lurking-ness, I am not familiar with newer members.  Therefore I will likely only be adding older members that I actually know.

Board Name:        Nintendo Maniac 64
    Mii Name:        N.Maniac64
Friend Code: 3093 - 7079 - 4553

Entertainment / 3DS Friend Codes? Come on guys, where's the topic D:
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:31:23 am »

Just stopped in to post my 3DS FC only to discover that there's no topic for it. D:

Since I'm 99% of the time a lurker, it wouldn't be good idea to turn this into the official FC thread since I wouldn't be able to maintain it.

So... could someone make a topic for it?


Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: October 24, 2010, 09:44:36 am »
OK, that confirms it - I'm the only one that finds Ocarina of Time 3D (in comparison to this) ironic.

Clarification: You realize I'm talking about the 3DS version, right?  And by ironic I mean that Nintendo is making OoT even MORE 3D, while fans have been trying to go the opposite direction for quite a while now.

*actually goes back to lurking this time*

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:45:24 am »
Apparently I'm the only one that finds Ocarina of Time 3D ironic in comparison to this...  Ya know, with the OOT2D concept existing since uh... 2003 I think?

Oh, and I would HIGHLY recommend not ever releasing more than 2 demos - we don't want another "Demo 4" fiasco. :P

*goes back to lurking*

Entertainment / Quality non-sex romp Visual Novels
« on: March 25, 2010, 10:53:12 pm »
So one thing I've discovered since my...uh...time of "reduced social-ness" are visual novels.  Unfortunately, VNs get a really bad rep, so I like to sometimes try to spread knowledge and awareness on them.

The 2 main issues and misconceptions are:
1) They're sex romps
2) they're games of hardly any interactivity, and therefore boring

Both of which are only half-true.  Yes there are many VNs that are sex romps, but at the same time there are many movies that are just porn flicks.  Does this make ALL movies porn?  Heck no.  The issue is just that many VNs target the otaku and weaboo, and therefore end up jam-packed with fan-service and yes, sex scenes.  Like a Hollywood blockbuster, some high quality VNs will only have a sex scene or two just for the sake of it  - Either way, VNDB is a good resource for sorting all that out.

As for the second, yes, it's true that many have very little interaction.  Heck, some even have pretty much no interaction at all! (kinetic novels)  At the same time, some even have RPG game elements built-in.  Either way, if this is a complaint, you're looking at it the wrong way.  Try to not treat it as a game with some novel-like elements, but a novel with extra media richness and some minor game-like elements.

Now this is the part where I point out a few free quality VNs (with no sex content) as examples:
Narcissu (kinetic novel - no plot branches & choices)
True Remembrance (kinetic novel)
Katawa Shoujo (Act 1 demo)
Fate/stay night (trial demo) (demo has no plot branches & choices)

And some non-free quality VNs (with no sexual content):
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (kinetic novel)
Ever17 -the out of infinity-
Tsukihime (no-sex option included in english patch)
Fate/stay night: Realta Nua (Realta Nua replaces the sex-scenes with more plot-logical scenes)

Now that that's out of the way, I just gotta say... Fate/stay night was an INCREDIBLY AWESOME read. (the Realta Nua version even increases the GAR)

This public service announcement was brought to you by NM64

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 30, 2008, 06:09:17 pm »

Sorry I couldn't be there, my connection decided to take a long death on me, so I couldn't come right back in.  And since it was late I figured it was a good time to go to bed.

I was the one that came up with the idea to pile up stuff to get to the top (I also mentioned the possibility of using a corner as a brace) while Windy was the one that figured out to only use flat objects and stack them.  DJ was the one I believe that first attempted to remove all the crap in the pile.

EDIT: hey, where's the screenshot of me in mid air? :P  What happened was I ended up finally making the last jump off our stairs-stack, and my internet said OH NO YOU DON'T and crapped out on me >_>
Image Link
Notice the "Connection Problem" message in the top-right corner.

Also, later on I realized that our stack was actually quite redundent, and was able to streamline it down to this:
Image Link

Oh, and every step of the way on every version of the stack required crouch-jumping BTW.

Better :D


There are even 2 cars at the back XD
WTF, when were you there?  Was it before I came in?  Because that would mean I wasn't the first to come up with the piling-up-stuff-to-reach-top idea :(

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 07:37:49 am »
...you realize that's probably better than what I'm running, and this rig can run Doom 3 (not the newest of games, but still it was quite the benchmark)

1.71 GHz Athlon XP 2100+ (can be OC'd @ 1.95GHz)
768MB DDR RAM (256MB + 512MB)
ATI Radeon 9600 256MB APG @ 324MHz mem : 189MHz core (can be OC'd @ 450MHz mem : 211.5MHz core)

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:03:42 am »
yeah... that video card isn't gonna do ya :P  Otherwise your specs aren't bad.  The CPU might be a little low (can't be much though, only 250MHz below what my friend originally ran HL2 on), but that GPU... man I don't know...

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 04:36:18 am »
then you're probably being bottle-necked by the GPU, not the CPU.  Care to share the specs? (if you don't know them, go to run and enter "dxdiag" w/o quotes; check the system and the display tab) I'll be able to determine if what your getting is good or not then, and I can help you from there.

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 03:24:42 am »
It's not a driver, it's an app :P  No restarts and uninstallations are needed.  Since it IS software, in theory it should work on Intel CPUs, but AMD isn't allowing that obviously :P (you'll just have to wait for some 1337 h4x)

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 02:15:38 am »
Just a heads up, if you have an AMD processor, AMD Fusion for Gaming might help out your frame-rates by closing out a bunch of background tasks.  I'm currently creating a profile setting that's Steam-friendly and I'll post it here when done.

EDIT: huh, it seems that even if I have it turn off all available services, HL2DM still works.  Interesting... but when I tried TM earlier, it didn't.  Hmmm...  Well, I guess I don't need to give out a special setting then! (the default ones should work fine for HL2DM)

You can download the app here: http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_fusion.aspx

EDIT 2: You're not the only one that ends up playing on an empty server :P  I haven't played against anyone yet!  But it's probably too late for tonight...

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:37:46 am »
First off, if you don't know how to do the dev console thing, instead go to the server list under "favorites' and then add in the IP address.  Select from the list of games on server and then it'll be in your favorites.

And I tried without hamachi, but then it's not even listed.

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 11:42:42 pm »
OK, I'm able to get to the HL2DM server by inputing in the favorites, but this isn't going to help TM because you can't do that... and Infini tells me that Hamachi and Steam don't work well together, and since I own TMU, I can't re-download it separately from Steam either...

(well, I COULD download a copy of TMNF, but that be really redundant and I wouldn't be able to use my custom skin and stuff then)

>_________<  And I've been wanting to play online with you guys for ages now.

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 11:17:53 pm »
ok wtf... either I've taken too long and the server's down now, or I'm doing it wrong like I originally suggested :P (I don't see the HL2DM server now...)  These things ARE under LAN, right?

*sigh* I guess I can't play then, huh? :/

And this isn't the first time he put up the server?  DANG IT HOW COULD I MISS THAT >_<

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