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Messages - Domo

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Entertainment / Re: BREATH OF THE WILD SEQUEL!!!!!
« on: June 11, 2019, 10:43:33 pm »
For what essentially amounts to a short teaser, Nintendo packed in a surprising amount of information in that reveal trailer. I’d like to unpack everything and shoot my shot with some wild — and some not so wild — speculation.

First, let’s talk about what we can reasonably assume to "know" based on what was shown:

  • Link and Zelda are exploring a cave or temple, presumably underneath Hyrule Castle or somewhere nearby based on the ending shot of the trailer: it appears that an explosion or some kind of activity is coming from underneath the castle, which then begins to rise. I’ll come back to this later.
  • There are paintings on the walls within the area Link and Zelda are exploring. It appears to be the exact same style used when lore relating to the events from 10,100 years prior to BoTW was shown. From this, we can assume this area is from approximately the same era in the past.
  • In the painting, there is a character which bears a very strong resemblance to a Gerudo on horseback. More on this later.
  • The body in the center of the miasma has red hair and similar adornments to what we’ve seen from the Gerudo in the past. Considering the decrepit state of the body and the fact that it’s shown immediately following the painting, I feel it’s safe to assume this is the same man: a Gerudo from 10,100 years ago.
  • The miasma surrounding and emanating from the body has more than a slight resemblance to what we’ve seen from Calamity Ganon.
  • A vortex of blue-green spell-work centers on the body’s chest, centered where an ethereal arm/hand is holding it. This arm is blue-green as well and wrapped in a sort of chain. I’ll come back to this soon.
  • We’re shown a brief silhouette of this chained hand plunging towards the being’s chest as a shadow flashed on the wall. I feel it’s safe to assume that this is showing us what happened in the distant past.
  • Something happens which causes a greenish light to go into Link’s hand.
  • The body reanimates, presumably having become free from the chained hand and the spell-work shown earlier. Showing the light going into Link’s hand immediately prior to this is not a coincidence.
  • Finally, Link and Zelda appear to be the same incarnations from the previous game, however their clothes are slightly different from any we have seen before and Zelda has a shorter haircut. I’ll touch on this a bit later.

Most of that is fairly straightforward, at least if you’re watching carefully.
Now it’s time for speculation, both conservative and wildly outlandish:

  • This takes place some years after BoTW. Long enough for the Hyrule Castle and Castle City to have been restored and for Link and Zelda’s attire and looks to change slightly, but only just.
  • Link and Zelda are exploring underneath the area either because of an opening being uncovered during the previously mentioned restoration, because of signs that the Calamity still remains which they’ve followed or some combination of the two.
  • The body and the Gerudo depicted in the painting are one and the same: Ganondorf.
  • The hand and spell-work which are holding him is place are from his ancient peers: incarnations of Link and Zelda from 10,100 years ago. That seal started to break 100 years ago at the time when Calamity Ganon appeared.
  • Calamity Ganon was merely a partial manifestation of the power which is sealed away here. More of a very destructive symptom than the actual source. He was formed with what power was able to get past the seal, but ultimately no more than a mindless beast of pure malice. The man, the mind, Ganondorf is the true source and has remained mostly sealed by the binding spell up until this point.
  • When the present-day Link and Zelda are exploring these ruins, the binding spell breaks. The "links" in the chain were slowly getting weaker, fading away, until Ganondorf was able to break free. What remains of the spell goes into Link’s hand. Presumably the hand was in a very real sense a part of his prior incarnation’s soul and, as such, returns to the soul it came from. As you’d expect, that soul resides in his current incarnation.
  • Hyrule Castle doesn’t just rise up a bit at the end of the trailer. Had the footage continued to run, it would show that a new, giant structure grows beneath it as Ganondorf is released. A tower so high that existing methods of — non-glitched — traversal won’t be adequate for reaching the top. That leads us to …
  • The power absorbed into Link’s hand is a new Rune ability, giving him the power to shoot out a chain. After Breath of The Wild’s release, it wasn’t uncommon to hear people ask "What about the grappling hook? Where is it?" Afterall, each of the other staple items and abilities were present and accounted for, but there was no grappling hook to be found. This retroactively answers that question: it was used to bind Ganondorf for the past 10,100 years. In addition to a new method of traversal, I assume it will have a few other functions as well: temporarily binding enemies, pulling items from under water, activating inaccessible switches, attaching different objects and/or enemies to each other, etc.
  • When you first gain access to the chain Rune, it will have a limited reach — it broke apart when Ganondorf escaped, after all. That means certain locations will initially be too far away and certain enemies will be too large or too strong to bind. Maybe certain things will be too heavy for it, Link included. Over the course of the game Link will need to find, well … "links" in order to progress. Chain links. This may mean that going straight to the end-boss at the start of the game will no longer be an option this time around, or maybe it will just be that more difficult to get there.
  • And finally, the ulitmate reach: The title will have have some variety of one of the following words: Chain, Links, Bind, Seal. It will also have a reference to the concept of fate. Two examples: "Chain of Fate" or "Links of Fate"

How much of this seems plausible? How much is such a reach that no length of hypothetical magic chain could possibly connect it? What are your theories?
Shoot. Your. Shot.

Entertainment / Re: Cadence of Hyrule
« on: March 21, 2019, 12:05:14 am »
I never got around to playing the original Crypt of the Necrodancer, so I'm not sure how I feel about the gameplay.  I agree that the art style is very evocation of some of the work done here in the past.  Very interesting to see Nintendo allowing a third party indie dev take the reigns on one of their primary franchises, spin-off or otherwise.  Sure, they've let other studios do things in the past like Ubisoft's Mario + Rabbids or Team Ninja's Other M -- and of course the three Capcom Zelda games --  but letting an indie go wild with one of their babies sets a precedence that pretty interesting to think about.

Feedback / Re: What new forum features would you want to see?
« on: January 31, 2017, 07:28:06 am »
This is a fairly basic and obvious feature, but having the ability to link/list our various social media and online gaming profiles with our accounts. That could solve some of the headache involved for those of us looking to connect in more places than one.

Do you mean using these social media/online gaming profiles as accounts to log in with? Or more-so to just link to the profile as a "find me on other sites like these!"?

The latter.

Feedback / Re: What new forum features would you want to see?
« on: January 30, 2017, 10:12:13 pm »
This is a fairly basic and obvious feature, but having the ability to link/list our various social media and online gaming profiles with our accounts. That could solve some of the headache involved for those of us looking to connect in more places than one.

Updates / Re: Happy 10 Years on SMF, ZFGC!
« on: April 05, 2016, 07:36:56 am »
Wow. That's all I've got. Just... wow.

Entertainment / Re: Why oh why is Jay Leno still around?
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:09:02 pm »
But who the !@#$% is Jay Leno?

Just a has-been who never really had it to begin with.

Jay Leno actually has a pretty successful career. Why do you think he ever got the Tonight Show to begin with?

Because of this woman.

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:04:09 pm »
I'd pick shadow of the colossus. 1080p with 60 fps and it'd be perfect. :)

Oh God yes, I second this.

Would be sweet; along with Ico. That way they can have an HD Ico and SotC when Project TRIco comes out :P

They absolutely need to do this.  If nothing else, they need to rerelease Ico so that the hundreds of thousands of people that missed it the first time around have the opportunity to play it without spending a crapload on eBay for it.  Hell, make it a pre-order bonus.

Entertainment / Re: Avatar
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:39:31 am »
Overall, I enjoyed it. I successfully avoided the hype-machine on this one, which may have impacted my feelings towards it, but I can honestly say that I would have no problem recommending it to the average person.

Although the plot isn't going to win any awards for originality, (Dances with FernGully?), I do feel it was well executed as a whole. It tripped up here and there, both with length and the somewhat sporadic character development, but in the end I really did find myself caring for the characters, (or at least the idea behind them).  If the topics within the story were featured in a larger number of mainstream films, I may have viewed it in a more negative light.  As things stand, although far from original, the ideas presented are in no way common within the typical popcorn-flick.

Unfortunately, I was not able to see the film in 3D, (the nearest theater which I would've been able to do so is hours away from where I live). Every five or so minutes my immersion of the film was broken with the realization of how much more impressive the given scene would've been had I been watching it in the way the creators intended.  Make no mistake, the movie is gorgeous even in 2D, but if you have access to a theater that supports digital 3D, I can only imagine that the film's world is well worth the ticket price based on the visuals alone. This is, after all, the movie that's been touted as a new benchmark in digital 3D since the very day it was announced.

This is by no means James Cameron's best work. Not by a long shot.  It is, however, a damn good bit of fluff.  I definitely recommend it.  Just don't be expecting the next Citizen Kane.

w00t! Domo, arigatou!!!! :D

You think I would miss this?  I may not post often anymore, but I lurk like a mo'fo.

Anyway, I ended up having a few hours of free time today, so I threw together two characters.  I just need to put the finishing touches on the artwork, (which will be a huge pain in the ass due to not having a computer of my own anymore or access to computer that could possibly handle something as simple as Photoshop...). One problem -- how am I supposed to decide which to have as my primary and which as my secondary?  You're right! Less serious one it is!

Alright, alright.  I'll do it, (or try to anyway, depending on how much free time I have). Should I enter, expect nothing less than successor superior to Ninja-Zombie.

Entertainment / Re: Micheal Jackson Died
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:32:34 am »
Quote from: Knives
Just came up on the CBS Evening News. Goodnight, sweet prince.
...I'm going to go straight to hell, (or some equally hellish equivalent), aren't I?  8)

Just checking.

To be honest, I am bothered by his death.  Say what you will about him, but he was a damned talented performer.  I'm also going to miss the bizarre news stories that popped up from time to time involving him in some way or another. 

I dunno, as bothersome as it may be, it doesn't seem right that people should be any more upset by the death of a celebrity than any other random stranger's death.  When was the last time any of you did so much as bat an eyelash when reading the obituary for someone you never knew?

Entertainment / Re: Started Watching Power Rangers..
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:25:03 am »
Yeah, and on top of that, how could Wiley Coyote survive the impact of a 1000 kg anvil dropped from a height of 30 meters? Clearly the writers were unaware of the formula for gravitational acceleration.

Quoted for tru... something or another.. 

Anyway, a couple years ago I watched some of the old TMNT cartoon and had a somewhat similar experience.  It was !@#$% terrible.  The first few episodes were tolerable, but after that it's like seeing an elderly women giving a rimjob to  partially rotted elephant corpse while her grandchildren are forced to watch.  Yeah... I went there.  It's that bad.

In conclusion, sometimes it's better to look back nostalgically than to revisit, and in turn ruin, our childhood memories.


Entertainment / Re: Micheal Jackson Died
« on: June 26, 2009, 06:12:09 am »
Quote from: Knives
Just came up on the CBS Evening News. Goodnight, sweet prince.

Wait... one of his kids died too?  Was it Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr. , ("Prince"), or was it Prince Michael Jackson II, ("Blanket")?

...I'm going to go straight to hell, (or some equally hellish equivalent), aren't I?  8)

Entertainment / Re: Beyond Good & Evil 2 (fake?) gameplay video
« on: May 20, 2009, 05:13:14 am »
While it looks like Jade, same weapon, and use of a vehicle; there's no camera, no green streak in her hair, and some other wrong things. But !@#$% that, look at this ACTUAL SCREENSHOT OF BG&E2

Exactly the same look. This MUST be the real deal.

I'm pretty sure that was said to be pre-rendered footage, not in game.  I can't remember for sure, but even if they didn't announce it, it can be assumed.  Meh.  Anyway, the video looks amazing, though again I'm going to say that's pre-rendered.  As to whether it's actually from BG&E2, who knows, but it wouldn't surprise me.  We'll know for sure in about a month.

Also, hey.  Sup.

Haha, what up man? How've you been?

@ the topic at hand: Yeah, I'm fairly certain that video was pre-rendered; but yeah, it did look !@#$% awesome.

Not much is new, just doing the whole college thing, working full time, throwing shows, (i.e. concerts), at my place every other weekend or so, etc.  I actually don't even have a computer anymore, which explains my absence, along with being preoccupied with other stuff.  Anyway... the place seems to have died down quite a bit since I was last active.  What happened?

Getting back on topic, after looking at and reading a variety of sources, past info, interviews, etc., I definitely think the video is authentic.  I still don't think it's in game though.  Nonetheless, if they're able to get the actual gameplay anywhere near that, I'll be happy.  The camera-work alone is amazing.  If they're able to replicate that in game, I'll be floored.  Fingers crossed.

One last thing...  speaking of possible leaked footage of highly anticipated games:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3fED8EXl4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3fED8EXl4</a>

This is supposedly leaked footage of Team ICO's third game, "Project Trico".  Based on what we already know about the project, as well as the overall quality...  This is real.  It has to be.  I might need to change my pants.  Also, Falcor may have met his match.

Entertainment / Re: Beyond Good & Evil 2 (fake?) gameplay video
« on: May 11, 2009, 04:15:53 am »
While it looks like Jade, same weapon, and use of a vehicle; there's no camera, no green streak in her hair, and some other wrong things. But !@#$% that, look at this ACTUAL SCREENSHOT OF BG&E2

Exactly the same look. This MUST be the real deal.

I'm pretty sure that was said to be pre-rendered footage, not in game.  I can't remember for sure, but even if they didn't announce it, it can be assumed.  Meh.  Anyway, the video looks amazing, though again I'm going to say that's pre-rendered.  As to whether it's actually from BG&E2, who knows, but it wouldn't surprise me.  We'll know for sure in about a month.

Also, hey.  Sup.

I've actually never played Megaman Legends 2, I should probably get on that.  The first one was great, at least it seemed like it when I was younger.  They need to make another one instead of all this Megaman.EXE !@#$%.  :-\

Other Discussion / Re: Can Stress Cause Vomiting and Diarrhea?
« on: July 31, 2008, 02:25:48 am »
Yes it can. If it persists or becomes serious then see a doctor.
I told you this already!

Did you really need to post that?   :-\

*sigh*  Funny, but no.

Locked, etc.

There are many games that my friends in real love that I absolutely despise, though I'm guessing many here would agree with my hatred.  Does that count?  If so:

- Sport games, all of them.  If you want to play sports, do it in real life.
- Gran Turismo series.  The same goes for this one, I don't want realism like this.
- WoW, and all other MMORPGs. I prefer a coherent storyline over player interaction.
- Star Fox series.  I was never really able to get into any of games in the main series.
- Halo series.  I don't necessarily hate it, but I think it's highly overrated.
- Animal Crossing.  It bored me.
- Pokemon. I used to like it, but now it just pisses me off.  Every one is the same.
- Harvest Moon.  I used to like it, but, as with Pokemon, 95% of them are the same.
- Fire Emblem and all other SRPGs.  I like strategy games and I like RPGs, but for some reason I hate when they're put together.

Games that I love:

- Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. It's not that people don't like these games, just most people haven't played them.
- Shenmue series.  The same situation applies to these two.
- The Power Glove. I love it, it's so bad.
- Star Fox Adventures.  Most didn't like this because it didn't fit the series. I did.
- Zombie Nation.  Have you heard of it? No you haven't, but it's awesome.

...and, uh, that's all I can think of right now.

Updates / Re: Dun dadun dunnnnnn
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:51:47 am »
Awesome man!  You were an admin for a short amount of time once before weren't you?  I'm typically not the type to post these sort of things, but this image seems completely necessary if not freaking mandatory in this situation:

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