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Messages - Rukiri

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Coding / Re: Polycode
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:39:17 pm »
It's really cool but the forums and IRC are pretty dusty, I'm sure it'll be active around 1.0 stable.
For now, sfml is a great starting point it's not game oriented but there's various tutorials on adding box 2d, getting a particle system up and running and really the code just doesn't look messy.

Coding / Re: Solved - Timers in Flash / ActionScript
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:41:08 pm »
I think it's a timer issue, it may be best to code a custom timer using real time.
1 second = 60 miliseconds
1 frame = 1 mili seconds.

I would just do something like this.

var miliseconds, seconds;
miliseconds = 0;
seconds = 0;
frames = 0;

if (miliseconds < 60) then miliseconds +=1 else miliseconds = 0; seconds +=1 EndIF 

rule of thumb real time can be a !@#$% so I just say hmm if it looks good and works just go with it.

if miliseconds <= 60 {
miliseconds +=1
else {
  frames +=1
  seconds +=1
  miliseconds = 0
  sprite.x += 0.25;

This will move sprite x 0.25 every 1 second and to the human eyes it appears to work just fine, if timing is an issue I would seriously look up update code per frame. 

Coding / Re: Portable application
« on: May 11, 2012, 08:33:32 pm »
Chrome has already ported for mobile but just android 4.0, it's coming to iOS after the beta it seems but not for sure yet.

Are you trying to port or create a multi-platform application?  And is it a game or just a general purpose app?
If it's a game may I recommend cocoas2D it will allow you to create games for iOS/Android and even windows phone, it also allows you to create that game for windows, mac, and linux.

If your porting an application it depends on 2 things, what language was it written with, and obviously do you have the source code.

If it was c/c++ it shouldn't be too hard to port but let's just say it was created with windows only in mind and that library/framework has no mac/linux and wp7/android/ios support you may or may not have to completely rewrite that application for your portable device.

Just my 2 cents.

Coding / Polycode
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:15:30 pm »

Abstracted engine core can be easily ported to any device or operating system.
Abstracted renderer (currently implemented via OpenGL).
Abstracted shader system (currently GLSL and Cg support).


Hardware accelerated 2D and 3D graphics.
2D graphics simplified and separated from 3D.
Entity-based hierarchy for grouping and inheriting objects.
TrueType and OpenType font rendering in 2D and 3D.
Basic 2D shapes and 3D primitives.
Shader-based material system for texturing and post-processing.
Support for many modern 3D renderer features such as realtime shadows.

Effects and Animation

2D and 3D Particle Systems.
Full skeletal animation support.
2D sprite sheet animation support.
Easy to use tweening classes.
Bezier path tweening.

PNG image support.
Custom file format for 3D meshes and scenes.
Import tool for 3D assets supports COLLADA and many other formats.
Material definiton file for easy material management.

Lua Scripting

Standalone Lua API mirroring C++ API.
Simple Lua class system with inheritance support.
Custom app format and standalone player.
Custom tools to build apps for different platforms without compiler.

OGG and WAV file support.
Easy to use 2D and 3D positional sound support.

Other features

Full Unicode support and custom Unicode-friendly String class.
Resource management and archived resource loading.
Dictionary object system for easy writing and loading data in XML and JSON files.
Config system for easy configuration management.

Additional modules

3D Physics and collision integration (via Bullet).
2D Physics and collision intergration (via Box2D).
Themeable UI.
Kinect (via freenect).

Features currently in development

iOS Port.
2D and 3D editor tools.
Standalone IDE for Lua development.
Browser plugin.

Discussion / Re: Going to Blitzmax from Game Maker?
« on: August 12, 2011, 10:27:08 pm »
I have been looking at SMFL and it really does seem to have everything I need.  I'm still more or less only going to use BlitzMax for Prototyping.

Discussion / Re: Going to Blitzmax from Game Maker?
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:29:38 pm »
Blitzmax does seem like the way to go however the community is horrible and severely inactive.. some posts still date to last year!  At least for blitzmax,  I was also looking at Play Basic and Dark Basic Pro as well.
While DBP is a bit buggier than Bmax at least it's community is active and ready to answer questions while you have to pay first than register to be a member at the blitz community which I don't think I will not if the forums are that dead.. Blitz3D seems to be the only active portion of that forum.

Edit: Just purchased Blitzmax.

Discussion / Re: Going to Blitzmax from Game Maker?
« on: August 08, 2011, 06:59:45 am »
While GM is nice it doesn't really teach you any concepts other than "throw code at me and I'll do it for you" which is cool but lame if you went to C#/C++ or even Basic.
I'm currently giving Blitzmax a try and I gotta say it's nice and easy, coding isn't too hard, but have yet to figure out tile-maps.  I have thought about using tile-studio as it lists Blitz-max. 

Discussion / Going to Blitzmax from Game Maker?
« on: August 07, 2011, 09:47:52 pm »
I think I've taken my games as far as I can with Game Maker, while it's a great tool it does take awhile to load even with external resources and it being slow at times was really pushing me away from it.
So, I've been looking at going to Blitzmax and yes I would have to relearn some things and obviously how to use tile-maps as well game maker's is built right into it so there's no thought when making your maps.

Would anyone suggest blitzmax coming from game maker, or PureBasic/PlayBasic by any chance?  I hear Basic is a great language to use for 2D and 2.5D games which is basically all I'm going to do do.
I could go into C++/SDL but I personally don't have the time for it, would like to though :P

Entertainment / Re: Anyone got the 3DS?
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:53:27 pm »
I can see the 3d in all but that's just with the sample game and none of the actual games I purchased for it><
It's still fun as I generally just play street fighter atm.

Coding / Re: Knockback example
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:26:59 am »
I know I'm bumping but this is what I use.
Code: [Select]
x1 = argument0;
y1 = argument1;
x2 = argument2;
y2 = argument3;
degree = radtodeg(arctan2(argument1 - argument3, argument2 - argument0));

Discussion / Re: Game Maker 8.1
« on: April 24, 2011, 07:29:16 am »
I upgraded, though wish they added more features to the room editor than just a zoom function..

Coding / Re: [Request] How to make Link fall down a hole.
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:39:58 pm »

Honestly, it's just a simple collision check.
Yeah, but i can't seem to get it.....

Have you tried using place_meeting? Or using GMs collision event instead of using GML?  It's really easy.
Haha, I need to read the whole topics page.

Anyway, 4sword was correct. just use linkx_old = xprevious; and linky_old = yprevious; and when the animation finishes just set obj_link.x = linkx_old; obj_link.y = linky_old;  and than just display a flashing link for 5 frames.

Coding / Re: [GM8] RPG Maker Function Engine
« on: November 05, 2010, 11:37:28 pm »
What would you like to see in my RPG Engine minus the window scrips, menu system, and battle system(point out any good RMVX cbs's and I'll consider coding it in GML)

What's currently planned:
- 2 different types of game engines (Standard FF, and Seiken Densetsu type action-combat system)
- FF6 like World Map
- Custom designed Menu system(for this engine)
- RMVX Side-view Battle system(deciding on which one to code)
- Day Night/Weather Effects
- Lighting effects in semi dark/night-time
- RPG Party System

What would you like to see?

Coding / Re: [GM8] RPG Maker Function Engine
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:54:58 pm »
Okay guys I now have the movement finished, all movement is done by 1 script, scr_move_step.
This basically moves in the direction you set the object, you can use diagonal movement 2, except you do it this way.
scr_move_step(1); scr_move_step(3);  This moves the object down-right.

I plan on adding a second script(saves time imo than just making 1 gigantic script) that will set a direction for an object which actually will be very easy, it's just 1 variable and 1 argument.
Now jumping, I really want to add this because some RPGs feature this..  I have old code that did work but I don't want the user to make a separate sprite JUST for jumping.
I never did get any jumping to work outside of a platform game(any help with jumping would be awesome)

RPG Makers window classes will be somewhat the same, and you can use RPG Maker XPs windows skins so that way you don't have to use multi objects for a similar way of doing it plus it saves time and you can swap windows skins if you wanted to add it your menus options.

I do plan on adding Xbox 360 gamepad support when this is finished.

Discussion / Re: First Timer
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:30:27 pm »
Game Maker is used commercially by indie developers, and the fact that GM will also support the iphone/ipad/ipod and also supports the mac and on some cases supports linux.
It does seem ideal to some people.

Now if you plan on porting this to XBox Live you probably may want to check up on Geex, it's a program that allows you to make rpgs and it's good for zelda. You can also import RPG Maker XP projects with it so you can play em on the 360.
You will need a creators club account though to do this, Geex is free though.

If you're thinking about developing for Nintendo which doesn't require a lot, you may want to check up on a few kits for wii and the ds.

Discussion / Re: First Timer
« on: October 30, 2010, 08:18:39 pm »
Game Maker, a lot of prof. use it for prototyping a game.  But if you're looking to actually get into the industry just go straight to C++ and C#.

Coding / Re: [GM8]Tile-Movement: Read the topic
« on: October 30, 2010, 05:50:43 pm »
Thank you, problem has been resolved.

Discussion / Re: [Discussion Time] Could Zelda ever have RPG traits?
« on: October 30, 2010, 05:50:16 pm »
If you want a zelda with rpg elements, teh best series to base it on would have to be the Mana games.
More specifically, seiken densetsu 3 or Sword of Mana.

Also would be the best way to leave it open for puzzles.

I always thought that Zelda + Mana = Win.

Questionable, though most if not THE best RPGs come from square lol.
Mana, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy.

If you're going to use RPG Elements make sure it's from one these, of course Sega has create incredible RPGs. Shenmue was kickass back in the day.

Coding / [GM8] RPG Maker Function Engine
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:09:16 am »
This is an engine I've been working on for a little while right now I'm mostly focusing on movement as all movement is used by 1 script which simplifies things and makes everybodies life a whole lot easier.

Current Features:
- 4_way Tile Movement (Trying to add 8 way(check the discussion topic)) but having problems)
- RMVX Menu
- alpha. 0.3 RPG Maker VX Tenkai Battle System (Game maker Port)
- Rukiri's RPG Actor Script Ver. 1.1
- RPG Maker VX map settings, basically there's only 1 setting can_pass or cant_pass. O or X.
- RPG Maker tint screen
- RPG Maker flash screen
- Rpg Maker flash sprite
- RPG Maker Show Dialog (supports names, faces, colored dialog, and end message pointers)

Upcoming features:
- 8_way Tile Movement
- Chrono Trigger Menu
- Original Battle system/side view
- Animated title
- RPG Maker Window object, like RM you can set the width/height of a window for message boxes, menus etc. Great practice for rectangle based menu's/dialogs edit.
- Final Fantasy IX Message_Window style

This "engine" is supposed to be nothing more than a "function" engine, basically it's RPG Maker VX except the fact it's made in Game Maker.

Help would be appreciated and this would be nice having around!

Coding / Re: Pokemon Overworld
« on: October 30, 2010, 02:59:00 am »
I actually use chrome, would be odd if that was the problem.
I'll give it another go in 30 minutes just about done with work for today. And to start a halloween Party tomorrow(WOOT!)

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