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Messages - pichuscute

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
This game looks stunning. The models and animations look great. Keep up the amazing work.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:39:32 pm »
Can't wait to see more progress on this. One of my favorite projects on this site right now.
Good luck, guys!

Graphics / Re: My Tree
« on: July 16, 2010, 12:30:35 am »
I think I get what your saying. I'll be trying some of that at some point, but I think I'm just gonna keep the tree I have for my current project, might as well, since I spent so long on it (and I only have 2 months left to finish the game).

Well. thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

Graphics / Re: My Tree
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:29:10 am »
Meh, Oh, well. Do you happen to have an example of what you mean, so I can look at it for next time?
Sorry to ask, but I'm just curious.
Thanks for the help, by the way.

Graphics / Re: My Tree
« on: July 14, 2010, 11:07:47 pm »
Alright, I did some shading on the tree trunk (minimal because it looked off at first, wasn't sure how to shape the shading) and made lots of changes to the borders on the shading in the tree so that it looks more leaf-like.
It looks better...

Anyone have any ideas on how to make the leaves look more like leaves and less like a green circle? It looks alright now, but I'm curious on how others do it.

Yup, had fixed as soon as someone said something the first time as well. Simple fix.


EDIT: Looking back, I was a complete moron with both my posts here and about GM at the time I was trying to make this. Pretty embarassing, haha.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Celestial Truth
« on: July 14, 2010, 08:44:26 pm »
So, I have just come across the original dlbrooks engine that I was working off of on the GM forums (someone reuploaded it).

This means that I can restart this game.

However, I'm currently busy with another project and will be for the next two months (GM Competition06), so this won't be started on much until afterwards.

After that, this will get my full attention again.

So, yup, that means I get to start spriting more of that old ZFGC style. XD

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to GM anymore, yay!

Graphics / My Tree
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:10:05 am »
So, I have attached a tree I'm trying to sprite for a game I'm making in GM for the next GM Competition. Because I hate the GM boards with a passion, I decided to ask the nice people here for some help.

My problem is I want something pretty realistic (excluding the palette) and I don't know how to achieve it. I have limited spriting experience and am just not sure what I should try next. I started making leaves from some tutorial I found googling stuff, but they weren't much. The shading is too bold as well.

Can you guys give me some pointers?

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens] LOZ 3D
« on: April 06, 2010, 12:29:32 am »
Amazing, as usual. It's awesome that your still working on this too. Keep up the great work. :)

Recruitment / [Recruiting] Advanced Spriter and Advanced GML Programmer
« on: November 25, 2009, 02:32:20 am »
As the title says....

I'm looking for a spriter who would be willing to sprite an original style for a futuristic RPG game. This means characters, menus, tiles, animations, etc. Putting all this on one person would be crazy, though, so long as the style isn't extremely complicated, I should be able to help with animations and some simple edits. I'm just an extremely slow spriter. I'm hoping for a unique style, but I understand it's hard to do and alot to ask considering I am not paying (unless we sell the game, in which case, the money is shared equally between everyone on the team).

Second, I'm looking for an advanced GML programmer, specifically to help me with our battle engine, which is too complex for the programmer I have at the moment and for myself.

Now, for an explanation of the battle system. You will be drawing lines, shapes, etc. such as something you would do on a NDS game, but with the mouse to strategically dismember (like Dead Space, although I haven't actually played it) the enemies. This would mean that you would have to make a gesture recognition engine that recognizes the shapes and lines without making the player frustrated and then be able to check collisions of the shape or line to see what body part it hit on the enemy. Pretty advanced, I think. If the game is sold, this programmer would get payed equally like the spriter, of course.

If you are interested, please contact me.

(In case your wondering what I'm doing then, I will be doing the story, planning/designing/mapping, limited programming and spriting, and an original soundtrack.)

EDIT: Nevermind, this can be closed or whatever. I've found a decent team for now, I think.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Screens]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: October 09, 2009, 01:15:24 am »
This project sure as hell looks awesome. I'll be watching this. Keep up the great work. :)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda : Skulltula's Amulet
« on: September 06, 2009, 02:32:30 am »
I remember this. I'm glad your still making it. I'm confused, though. I can't get past the first room in the demo.....

Glad to hear it. Good luck with everything. :)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: June 01, 2009, 12:40:15 am »
totally forgot about my char. sprite. will get to that soon.....
anyway, that model looks great, keep up the great work.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda : Return to the Mask
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:23:17 pm »
Oooh, so your making a fan game from that? Looks promising to me. Good Luck. =)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Celestial Truth
« on: May 06, 2009, 10:03:56 pm »
Update: skullkid rules pmed me back saying he does have the file for the game. Once I get it from him, I can continue work on this.
I have a problem, though. I can't pm him back for some reason....It says he doesn't exist?! Can someone fix that?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 30, 2009, 07:57:28 pm »
I'll sprite my characyter for you sometime as I'm no good with descriptions. And that post looks like its helpful^^^^. Anyway, this is my favorite game on here as well and your ctually working on it!!!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 29, 2009, 08:57:29 pm »
Ooh, a Bow-wow. That sounds interesting. Too bad I can't help, I have no experience with 3d models at all =/. Anyway, it's always nice to see a new update. Keep up the good work.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] The Legend of Zelda <Name not chosen yet>
« on: April 26, 2009, 09:52:16 pm »
It should be fine to use those tiles. It is the community project after all.
Anyway, those screenies look awesome. Keep making this game. =)

MC Link's Awakening / Re: Boss / Guardian Sprites
« on: April 23, 2009, 01:03:29 am »
Here's my contribution =P
I barely sprite so it might not be the best, but I tried my hand at the Slime Eyes(the outline needs some work). Now edit it to hell XD

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