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Messages - sjegtp

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Discussion / Re: Moving from 2D to 3D
« on: June 08, 2011, 01:13:22 pm »
Thanks for the answers! In fact I won't start making this game so soon, but I want to have things planned early.

I'll take a look on those Unity3D, it sounds interesting.

About the models and textures topic, I guess Blender has all the tools I need to design them, but I'm not sure how to implement them in a lower level language like C++, though it is good to know that engines fully support them.

Hmm... I suppose Phong Interpolation is simple to implement on a shader, but shadows not so much. I've seen tutorials using the stencil buffer from OpenGL to do them but it's quite... awful, certainly not the best way of doing it. Anyway, another point is that doing those effects (should) consume a lot of processing power, so simply switching on all of them in an engine maybe isn't the right thing to do, that's the main reason I'm asking this to you.

The problem with collision detection is that... usually the engines just detect the collision, don't tell you how to handle them. Making a good, smooth collision handling in 2D is already a pain, in 3D it must be challenging... that's why I'm kind of reluctant to use engines for that, it's hard to customize. There's also the bounding box problem, in 2D it is quite simple to do, in 3D... not so much, I suppose.

lol I actually did a 3D tetris game, with actual 3D pieces... it was terrible XD but doing a 2D game using OpenGL is not the point, it must be quite the same of doing it in SDL or another 2D rendering library, except that I'm doing more complex function calls.

I've heard of that Torque engine before too, I'll take a look, thanks.

Well, I've done a couple of things in OpenGL and Irrlicht, not much. But I think you're right, maybe I should first learn things properly, then I decide on what engine to use. And yes, I want to swim with the sharks :D

Discussion / Re: Moving from 2D to 3D
« on: April 03, 2011, 10:33:54 pm »
Ah yes, in fact before trying OpenGL I did a project with some friends in Irrlicht once, but I had several problems with that engine... It was too high level, I didn't have enough freedom to make it work the way I wanted, plus there were some compatibility issues. (OpenGL, on the other hand, seems to be too low level...)
But thanks for the suggestion :)

Discussion / Moving from 2D to 3D
« on: April 03, 2011, 05:01:32 pm »
Hello ZFGC! I haven't posted here for years, but this is something that has been bothering me recently.

I have done several 2D games in GM and C++/SDL, now I want to do something in 3D. I've started learning OpenGL and tried a few things, but I'm starting to think that programming 3D games at the low level (with OpenGL) won't be as simple as 2D was (with SDL). So I'd like to ask for some suggestions:

 - Do you use a particular engine to make 3D games? (Preferably something using C, C++ or Python)
 - What tools do you use to create animations, terrains, etc.? In what file format do you keep models and textures? How do you import and animate them?
 - Do you use effects like reflections, shadows, alpha blending, normal maps, Phong interpolation, etc.? (all of these seem to be a pain to make work in OpenGL...)
 - What about collision detection and physics? Do you use any techniques different from 2D?

Recruitment / Re: Pokemon Unamed
« on: August 05, 2010, 09:00:17 pm »
Honestly... I think that if it was so simple, Nintendo would have already done it... plus that most projects at ZFGC don't reach even 10% of development...

About hecking the ROMs... as far as I know, the ROM files won't give you useful information considering you're recreating it in game maker. It's not as if you could copy and paste the data inside the ROM into your game, so you'll actually have to type every single pokemon information (how many are them? 600?) - their level upgrading data, move learning data, evolving data, their behaviour on attack/defence/speed points and etc., plus all the stages data (which pokemon appear where, with what level and characteristics, which pokemon each trainer has, which pokemon each stadium leader has, their AI data)... anyway, pokemon games may seem easy to create, but actually they take you a lot of work generating that data (specially for Nintendo, who made it from scratch). [BTW, that's why I personally prefer making action games than RPG games...] Also, you wouldn't be able to just copy that all from Nintendo, because since it is a bigger game, the pokemon of the other regions would have to be stronger so that the game could be fun enough. So anyway, what would probably happen is that after some months of development everyone working on the project would get tired of it and will have only entered some 10% of all that data...

Maybe if this was a community project it would be possible, but considering that ZFGC has been losing activity recently, it's still quite difficult... anyway, good luck with your project.

Audio / Re: Request for Sheet Music and/or Tablature
« on: July 26, 2010, 09:18:56 pm »
You can get a MIDI file of it at vgmusic.com and open with Anvil Studio or something similar, check at this page:

Audio / Re: Gameboy Zelda Dark World Hybrid
« on: May 03, 2010, 11:26:02 pm »
lol, sounds like techno music now (sort of)

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:31:22 pm »
I personally prefer the last version, but the newer is good too. My criticism is that this one is sort of "empty"... that section between 0:30 and 1:00 is quite repetitive, and the song could have one or two more instruments (my suggestion would be ensemble strings or a low pitch accompaniment instrument).

Apart from that it's nice, that reverb effect sounded good too.

Audio / Re: Gameboy Zelda Dark World Hybrid
« on: April 29, 2010, 09:42:11 pm »
Mamoru, I'm just thinking... maybe you should shift 3 or 4 tones on one of the melodies so that they could match... (maybe it's just my impression but) I guess the two melodies are in different scales.

Audio / Re: Untitled piano solo
« on: April 29, 2010, 09:33:26 pm »
sounds nostalgic btw... :P

Audio / Re: Gameboy Zelda Dark World Hybrid
« on: April 19, 2010, 09:39:03 pm »
At first I didn't think the two songs matched, but in the "variant" version you changed a bit the harmony from the Dark Theme song so that they could match, now it's sounding good.

But there are still many points in the first half of the song where they aren't matching, I suggest you revise the harmony more meticulously there.

Apart from that, the GB-style work sounds quite good.

Audio / Re: 8-Bit Spirit's Quest Music
« on: April 08, 2010, 09:49:05 pm »
I think the two songs don't match... IMO you killed the original harmony of the LTTP song.

weird, they both have exactly the same filesize... must be nothing for the mp3 to compress on such simple waveforms :p
Dunno, I'd guess it's even harder for MP3 to compress 8-bit...

Discussion / Re: Can some one please break down SIN COS and TAN?
« on: March 11, 2010, 12:54:44 pm »
Analytic geometry in 3D can be quite complex if you keep thinking on sines and cosines. I prefer using rotation matrices for this. (Okay, I think GM doesn't support matrices, but usually 3D engines for C++ come with matrix classes)

So, if you want to rotate a vector (ex.: the speed of the player) in t degrees in the XY plane, you have to multiply it by a matrix

      [cos(t)  -sin(t)    0]
Q = [sin(t)   cos(t)    0]
      [0          0        1]

This rotation is recursive, so for instance - if you want to rotate it in 2t degrees you have to multiply it by Q*Q. If you want to rotate it on a specific plane, you do an orthogonal base change, multiply it by Q, and revert your base change, so your rotation matrix is B*Q*(B^-1). Anyway, there are many things you can do with matrices that are easier than dealing directly with sines and cosines, you just have to learn the proper methods.

But for 2D sines and cosines don't get so complicated so you don't need to recur to matrices. If you have a vector
     [ x]
v = [ y]
the length is r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
the angle is t = atan2(y,x)
and the sine, cosine and tangent of the angle are respectively x/r, y/r and y/x.
x = r*cost
y = r*sint

So if you have x and y you can get t and r, and if you have t and r you can get x and y. You just have to apply the formulae.

Coding / Re: [MATH] D:
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:59:58 pm »
You should use a non-linear equation like:
y(t) = min_y + (max_y - min_y) * [ (t / t_max) ^ alpha]
alpha should be so that 0<alpha<1.
(Try 0.5 at first)

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: March 09, 2010, 05:45:01 pm »
Quote from: Downsider
You put a lot of comments =o

olo, yeah the reason is because I am thinking about making it open source in case my programming sucks and some better programmer can improve upon it D:.
<.< Even though, I don't think you need to comment every single line of code...

For me usually most of the code is self-explanatory, you don't need to comment things like:
Code: [Select]
//Enables player

I usually just comment variable and function declarations, long function parts and those "toxic" pieces of code.

Graphics / Re: I need shading feedback
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:26:24 pm »
It seems to me you never really watched a Disney movie. The fox in green tights is Disney's version of robin hood. The guy at the bottom in green tights is Disney's version of Peter Pan.
I watched Robin Hood and Peter Pan more than 10 years ago, I'd never remember who is who.
lol, I'd never guess Robin Hood was a fox.

Graphics / Re: I need shading feedback
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:30:47 pm »
quite better now.

Graphics / Re: I need shading feedback
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:13:05 pm »
Wait, are you working on the wolf? (I thought you were working on Robin Hood, not the wolf...)

The wolf is quite good, just looks a bit "flat"... try adding one more colour level in the shirt.
The skin/fur and the shoes are okay.
For the head I'd suggest using brighter colours (for more contrast) so that you can see the face features more clearly.

Graphics / Re: I need shading feedback
« on: March 04, 2010, 12:25:55 pm »
I'd say that the legs look quite strange: the shading is too dark (too contrastive), and it looks like the light source is not in the same direction as the shirt one.

Other Projects / Re: Far Away - A Symphonic Metal Original (WIP)
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:43:48 pm »
Very nice, sounding quite well. You're getting better :P

I just think you should rise the volume of the melody (or diminish the others).
Also I would diminish the percussion a bit, it's a bit noisy in some parts

Coding / Re: RPG Leveling with Arrays - Looking for some crits
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:13:32 pm »
About the experience formulae, I don't think you should directly copy pokemon.

Pokemon games use experience in the order of n^3 probably because the amount of experience the pokemon gains by fighting a pokemon of the same level is also of the order of n^3, and if that works so we could suppose that the "difficulty" of fighting a pokemon of 1 level above or 1 level below would also be of the order of n^3.

Anyway, that was meticulously calculated by the game creators, so you would have to copy all the exp/hp/stats system, or calculate your own system with your criteria.

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