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Messages - Zero Beat

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Feedback / Re: /zfgc/
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:52:29 pm »
I prefer /zfgc/ to spam. It's true. ^.^

Feedback / Re: Mods active in Spam? Should spam go down?
« on: May 20, 2008, 08:11:41 am »
Sora, sorry but your activism is about as respectable as a vegan protesting animal cruelty while wearing animal fur.

So, when I try to do something good I can't be respected because I've done something bad, and I can't complain about it? So that means the only thing you'll allow me to do is cause more problems.

Feedback / Re: Mods active in Spam? Should spam go down?
« on: May 20, 2008, 08:06:40 am »
Why do you not just ask for moderators to send a message back to the reporter of a post to say whether or not action was pursued on the report?  That would work. 

Take Spam, for example.  The staff provided that as part of the shop system and it was a unique way to do something for the community. 
As for the first thing. I like that better than my idea, nice job.
As for the second thing, that's a good point, but we should have had more unlock-able boards. Anyway, we shouldn't be bitching about the boards features yet. As long as the staff isn't working correctly all the features in the world wouldn't change anything. Once again I stress that the staff needs to give us a date.

Feedback / Re: Mods active in Spam? Should spam go down?
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:52:56 am »
Oh, there is the Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament that is coming up.
Sorry, but I'm not discussion my personality and past on the boards in this topic anymore. Feel free to PM me.
I do want to comment about the SSBB tourney though. I like the idea, but I don't think this is making this place better. I think we're not on the same page. I mean a better environment, not more features that will never be realized. We need less shop systems and award systems that are filled with useless items and joke awards (some of which are even subdue flaming) and more bans for spamming and flaming. stricter rules for staff to go by such as "If a topic is a flaming topic it should be deleted and not locked, and the poster should be banned for 3 hours. if they make another one they are banned for a day." Also, I think you should announce when someone is banned so people will know if the staff is doing something or just sitting there doing nothing.

Look, the main point is that the users want a date of change. I've talked to a good bit of them, and they all want something to happen. I think you should plan this out at least enough to give us a date, and maybe have a list of things to happen, but I would understand if that is too much.

Feedback / Re: Mods active in Spam? Should spam go down?
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:32:19 am »
We are seriously taking care of the situation, however taking care of it is going to require baby steps.. Though there have been sudden shifts recently, that should signal the fact changes are coming.
The only shift I've seen is 4Sword getting canned. Care to explain any others I might have missed?

Reason for this is lax moderation, which is being resolved o.0
Sorry, but I hear things like "It'll get taken care of" and "Just wait a bit longer" out of the ZFGC staff all the time. I don't believe this statement. In fact, I doubt that you have any sort of plan to fix things at all aside of switch to SMF 2.0 and hope all the other problems go away I've personally lost faith in ZFGC. I don't think there's anything you can do to change it now.

...Then why are you still here? Honestly, if its so bad and you feel it's not suiting your needs, why are you still here? Shall I make the staff boards public to you so you can see everything we're working on?

Seriously, if you knew the amount of stuff that goes on that you cant see you'd be surprised. Even at that, you're one of the people who helps spam spill into the other boards, so if you want to see a difference, then MAKE a difference, instead of contributing to the problem.
Considering that every time I try to make a difference I get flamed and trolled for 5 pages and get no help from any staff except Andrew I have no plans to try to make a difference. That's your job, not mine. My point isn't to sit here and !@#$% about how bad the staff sucks though. My point is that the ZFGC users have been kept in the dark about what is going to happen to make this place suck less for about two months, and nothing is happening.

Entertainment / Re: Star Soldier R is out!
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:09:01 am »
I don't get it...

Is this a joke or spam?

Judging by the topic description, he is referring to his rank in the WiiWare title of the game.

I still have to get Lost Winds, then I might get this other game.
lost winds is a damn good game, I'm playing it right now.

really relaxing too

btw, I move that this topic get renamed into a general wiiware topic and possibly stickied
No this is my Star Soldier R topic. Make your own topic!

Feedback / Re: Mods active in Spam? Should spam go down?
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:06:18 am »
Reason for this is lax moderation, which is being resolved o.0
Sorry, but I hear things like "It'll get taken care of" and "Just wait a bit longer" out of the ZFGC staff all the time. I don't believe this statement. In fact, I doubt that you have any sort of plan to fix things at all aside of switch to SMF 2.0 and hope all the other problems go away I've personally lost faith in ZFGC. I don't think there's anything you can do to change it now.

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 19, 2008, 11:16:23 pm »
I think we just found out who yourmom and fuckyou are...

Entertainment / Star Soldier R is out!
« on: May 19, 2008, 09:54:30 pm »
I'll just keep claiming higher and higher! Look for me as SCross!

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 19, 2008, 06:13:15 pm »
Oh that idiot who kept posting the stupid games after the funny OOT2D one then he thought the rest were funny? LOLOL

"I totally pwn for making this pwnsome game!"

-lol ur a REtardd

That game was shiet.
However, there is the possibility that I hacked into your SMF database and got his IP, than hacked into his computer and remote controlled it and made him spam the wiki with my left hand, and typed replies on ZFGC with my right hand so it looked like I was innocent. Or maybe I just talked him into it via PM. Did you check his PMs to make sure no one talked him into it? I just want to make sure no one thinks I was the reason this happened... Cause I wasn't...

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:57:00 am »
Well, I don't want this to be just a "Let's forget about it" thing. I wanna know who did it, and that means I'm gunna ask. And once I ask people will think I did it, so  I decided to post that. Also, I did wanna see how deathnote I could go. ^^;;
I call L!
FISSURE is Matsura. XP

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:49:00 am »
Could have been any one of us. Even me. I could have easily used a proxy to hide my IP, but than so could anyone else. Only two things can set me an him apart. First off, Fox's entry said Retard, implying FUCKYOU hated Fox above others. I don't even know Fox of the top[ of my head. I would have done it to .naklaT or whatever his name is, and also Lunar and Pyro. Also, his taste in hentai didn't match mine at all, though I did like those Amy pictures. Of course you could easily just said I did these things to make it look like I wasn't FUCKYOU.

But, I am curious as to who else we think it may be, but only because no one else was helping me in my topic, and if someone hates ZFGC enough to do this I wanna know why they weren't helping me T.T

Other Discussion / Re: In Atlanta, can't sleep, let's talk!
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:25:04 am »
Well, here I am, in Atlanta, which is but one stop on our way to the grand city of Orlando, Florida. So, I figured I'd check in on teh l337xorz of ZFGC.

What's up?
I trumped your sig... Like 4 times... Also, who are you??

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:13:04 am »
ZFGC Members: Suck.
I lol'd. one thing though, if I didn't do it (and I figured I would be the first to try to do something to ZFGC) who the !@#$% did? I know no one has made it know they think this pace sucks aside of me.

Also, his taste in hentai sites suck. I say we lynch Lunar and see what happens.

Wait, wasn't this in spam?

Feedback / Re: Wiki spam
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:09:43 am »
Mamoruanime's page is still up. Also [2] on the front page, I just found that myself a few days ago. small internet, lol. Not bad taste, but no CCS. WHERE IS THE CCS FUCKYOU? YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE CCS!

It hurts.... It hurts....
It's not right... not right... not right....
Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness.
I'm so happy, Ness.
I'm Sorry.

>Honestly I think the dialogue was kind of... bland.
>dialogue was kind of... bland.
>kind of... bland.

Entertainment / Re: Soul Reaver on my PSP = sex
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:43:32 pm »
Yeah well

I still enjoy Super Mario World and Earthbound on my DS.
I don't need these more recent games with their three dee and !@#$%.


Too bad the emulators on DS run like crap.
Actually SNES emulators are great.

Also, I once had Chrono Cross on my PSP, but it kept freezing at bosses T.T

No, SnemulDS runs choppy and glitchy on most games.
I guess that's true if you're not smart enough to !@#$% with the settings and still using 06's version.

Please allow me to write an article about earthbound that will blow your mind and make you automatically go from thinking it sucks to thinking it's awesome. In fact, I'm going to put this on my things to do list right after curing cancer.

Entertainment / Re: Soul Reaver on my PSP = sex
« on: May 17, 2008, 07:53:20 pm »
Yeah well

I still enjoy Super Mario World and Earthbound on my DS.
I don't need these more recent games with their three dee and !@#$%.


Too bad the emulators on DS run like crap.
Actually SNES emulators are great.

Also, I once had Chrono Cross on my PSP, but it kept freezing at bosses T.T

Entertainment / Rolling around at the speed of sound
« on: May 17, 2008, 06:16:37 pm »

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