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Messages - furling

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:42:51 pm »
Furling, a logo and title should describe the game and entice the players. For example Four Swords described that it was a multiplayer and yet it left much ambiguity for potential players to get hooked.

My point is that the logo and title flow from the game you are developing. So my advice is that you provide information and screenshots first and work on your project, before you spend a lot of time making a logo that might be trashed later on during development.

I agree with you. I think title name "Legend Of Triforce Gold Sword: Parallel Universe MMORPG"

Dude, I don't think you know what you are saying about the license. That doesn't make sense in English.

Also, I've gotta day, ditch the "triforce" font, it looks weird. Those little diamond embellishments are only for the z. Or maybe edit the diamond cutout things out, fill them in with the color of the text. Speaking of the color of the text, try keeping fewer colours in, the blue in the newer logo is confusing and a tad unprofessional.

I do like the second one a little better, because it's more concise.

OK, I will think something idea. And don't worry about the license.

Discussion / Re: 2D/3D graphic map editor
« on: February 06, 2012, 04:28:18 pm »
Seems to be another MMORPG engine.  It's in a beta stage so you could easily get it by providing your information I would assume.

What kind of MMORPG engine? I have GameMaker 8.1 full verison. I not know what it called of tiles x line something.

Discussion / 2D/3D graphic map editor
« on: February 03, 2012, 03:12:39 pm »
I was search for 2D/3D graphic mmorpg maker game. I found this game called wakfu.


I want this kind program. what this program are?

Graphics / Re: Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:45:42 pm »
I am back. I make other one title screen.

I hope you guys like it.

Graphics / Re: Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:24:01 pm »
I can put something together when I come home for you, if you want?

I also recommend that you fix the outlining around the letters. There's a lot of pixellation there. Other than that, I really don't think the light grey suits the logo either, but maybe fixing the outlining would make it look better.
I would do that. And I did contract to Nintendo company.
I have get nintendo license for this cost ten thousand dollar. Take time processing get the nintendo license. Once I get the license. Then I will start work on this game. It take while... work on title screen. when I am done and I ll post it here.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: LTTP tile set
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:39:34 am »
I hate to break it to ya, but if something is almost real looking, then it won't be ALTTP style, would it? It seems like a contradiction.

Also, it looks like English isn't your first language, so just a tip: saying "I want (whatever it is you want)", ESPECIALLY without saying please, is really impolite. You won't get much help that way. "I'm looking for" or "I was trying to find" are much more polite ways of expressing this thought.

Anyway, good luck finding something like that.
This might be kinda in that direction?

My bad english. I am look for good tile. Not that above link. I did found some best tile, But I lost thier web site link  :( I will try again find them.

Graphics / Re: Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:22:53 am »
everything should be around the same in style and lettering and such. it looks like you took this great looking Zelda title screen, and added in a quick gimp custom font Legend of, Adventure online. I like the master sword. its wind waker im guessing, i personally think the skyward sword is the coolest looking master sword but thats your jugement. also the tip of the sword looks pixely and cut off.

What you recommend which better the sword fit in title screen? I not know which link's sword are. I played legend, Link to the past and Twilight Princess.

Other forum, they said i should shut game online down, because Nintendo own it. The forum link: http://www.mmorpgmaker.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=7957

Graphics Requests/Archive / LTTP tile set
« on: January 30, 2012, 05:52:44 pm »
I want new mock up LTTP tile set and char, weapon and etc. I not want classic LTTP. I will make sure who get this a credit mock-up LTTP styles make look almost real, not cartoon.

Graphics / Re: Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: January 29, 2012, 05:51:13 pm »
Um, I think it's a little too big.  When you see Zelda titles, the "Legend of" part is pretty small compared to the Zelda part.  The whole thing also looks a little off-centered as well.

I did a little editing in MSPaint to show you how it you should go about improving it.

thank you.

Edit: I am going fix top title later. I will post it here when I am done work on the title screen.

Graphics / Legend Of Zelda Adventure Online Logo
« on: January 29, 2012, 03:28:55 pm »

I work on this paint.net and Aurura 3D wiith Triforce fonts. It took me 3 hour work this finish. I plan work on XtremeWorlds software for online 2D game. So what you think this my logo are?

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