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Messages - ACCloud

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Thanks for the comments everyone. Also I would like to thank my first team member Kevin-1990 who is working on coding. So hopefully with his help I'll be able to show something soon :)

Thanks for the comments guys :) At the moment I'm hard at work completing the main story so this is slowly taking shape.

Believe me I have tried to learn GM but....  :( so yeah. But still RM2K3 can do quite a bit. If anyone has ever played games like the Zelda spin-off Nigsek: A Monsters Tail you will know what I'm talking about. I am continuing to try GM but still I know quite a bit in RM2K3 now.
Thnx for the comment :)

Well the title basically sasys it all.
I am looking for some spriters to help with my new upcoming game LOZ: The Balance of Life and Death. For info check the Void projects and Ideas section. I am really hoping to be able to get this one of the ground because I really think I can make this a fantastic game. If i do get any help I am planning to make the graphics darker and more like TP.
So thnx and please respond  ;)

Hey everyone,
Well this is a game I'm hoping to produce in the near future in RM2K3(cause I sux at GM). At the moment I've just been gathering ideas and writing them down. But in short this game is about connecting OOT, TP and WW together.
(Possibly some TP spoilers You have been warned)

I was a bit disapointed that TP didn't really answer questions about the flood or Gannondorf or anything, for me it made it more confusing. So I'm hoping to explain that part of the timeline(OOT-TP-WW) with my own ideas. Thats why in this game I thought of the idea that you could go back in time. So for example you could travel to an area that, in the present, is blocked off. You could then travel back in time to say, the time of OOT to find that the area is now open etc. So this will mean the return of the Ocarina of Time, but it won't just be handed to you. Anywayz without giving too much away here is a bit of the Storyline:

On a cold rainy day outside the gates of Castle Town lies a baby boy, crying for his parents. A soldier, named Kail, finds him and takes him to his home. Kail and his wife, Sarah, take him in and raise him as their own. They name him Link, after the heroes of old that saved Hyrule time and time again. Link grew up never knowing that he was adopted. At the age of sixteen he began training to join the Hylian army and join his father on the battlefield. He finishes his training and joins the army at the age of 18. A few months after Link joined the army a report was recieved that in the eastern desert, Gerudo Thieves, which had not occupied the area for over one-hundred years, had been seen and looked like they were preparing for a fullscale attack of somekind. Link, Kail and a handful of soldiers must find out whether this information is true or just a ploy by one of Hyrules many enemies...

The games inventory contains old items like the Bow, Boomerang and Master Sword, but it also contains new items such as the Deity Armor, the Diamond bracers (reflects light and can store light to be used as a weapon) and Faores Crystal(can be used to slow down time and your enemies attacks).
I plan to have four types of wearable armor/tunics, four different swords, three shields as well as other accesories that help you such as masks and boots, etc

As far as character design goes I plan for Link and most of the world to have a darker look more like TP because of his upbringing as a soldier and the fact that he is growing up in such a dark age of Hyrule(More on that later) but when you go to OOT time then possibly some brighter graphics due to the fact that Hyrule wasn't doing so bad back then.

Oh and for the record no I don't plan to recreate the entire OOT world. I plan to recreate certain parts of it for puzzle and storyline use.

Help in the graphics area of things would be EXTREMELY helpful and would mean I could get working on the actual game itself not just a few systems and a bit of coding. I am confident in my ability to be able to do most of the coding I need but even so if anyone would like to help in that area that would be appreciated aswell.


Modern Hyrule
Hyrule has changed alot since TP. Recently the land has become unstable. Frequent earthquakes and tremors all around Hyrule have made the land much smaller. Many Hylian scholars believe that the godesses are doing this to protect Hyrule from its many enemies which are the second reason why Hyrule has changed. The land of Hyrule has been losing land to other factions such as the New Gerudo Theives and the Shadow Beasts called into existence long ago by Gannondorf. It truly does seem as though Hyrules time is drawing near...

Also I am planning to add a few different playable characters, well kind've..
These are Link(Life),<--> Dark Link(Death), Zelda(briefly) and ?????(hehehe not telling but u have used this character before). Now here comes the most interesting part. For some of the game u play as Link but for the other most-part u play as Dark Link. The reason why is: When you travel through great distances of time(as in 150 years or so) your body, mind and soul can be affected. Everytime you travel back and forth through time you leave a little bit of your soul behind. This is judged by a soul meter. Once your soul is gone you are transformed into Dark Link. While playing as Dark Link you are basically invincible and much more powerful than usual(u also use two blades) but in this form ur mind can only be sustained for so long. The soul meter becomes your health and once that meter is depleted your mind is gone and therefore you die. You can survive longer as Dark Link by absorbing the souls of the enemies you kill but u can't remain as Dark Link forever. To become normal again you must travel back in time and locate part of your original soul. Then play the Song of Souls to regain your normal form.

Anywayz I'm still looking for spriters so please if you can help, help.


True, true. Well maybe it could be based on how many steps u've taken??? Oh well... :jellytime:

Ok I'm just going to ignore those previous comments. But an item that can warp u to the nearest bed in Zelda The Shadowgazer would be very helpful. Also possibly you could put in a meter that shows how tired Link is. When it gets full you can go to sleep wherever you are and after that the bar resets again. It could be based on how many enemies you kill or something. Anywayz just ideas that I've been having. Good luck with ur game King Mob, it looks fantastic!

Hmm...Maybe the power of Dreams could be endowed in the Shadowgazer which gives Link the ability to freely warp to the Dream Realm or something. Maybe at item that warps you too the nearest bed?

Discussion / Re: *Idea* Final Fantasy VII:The Road to SOLDIER
« on: September 13, 2006, 11:10:22 am »
TheDarkJay: Hmmm...no idea. :P But maybe...hehehehe

Issac_Amisov: Cool, PM me with what you can do and any ideas that you have.

Discussion / Re: *Idea* Final Fantasy VII:The Road to SOLDIER
« on: September 12, 2006, 05:17:44 am »
Well it's called Final Fantasy VII because SOLDIER, Midgar, Gongaga, Nibelheim, etc are all licensed by Sqaure. Also I didn't mean just an ordinary soldier I meant the type of SOLDIER from FF7 which was injected with Jenova Cells and was hell powerful. So yeah....
Also just cause it's in RPG Maker doesn't mean I can't sell it. I jsut have to buy the real version first...

Discussion / *Idea* Final Fantasy VII:The Road to SOLDIER
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:28:09 am »

Well as the title suggests, the game is about someones journey to become a SOLDIER. But not Cloud's or Zack's or Sephiroth's, but your own. You create your own character and journey to Midgar from either Nibelheim, Gongaga or one other location. Through your journey you will be able to customize your characters skills and traits and even the way they look. When you finally reach Midgar you will need all that you have learnt on the journey to become a 1st class SOLDIER. Do you have what it takes to become a 1st Class SOLDIER?

At the moment(as the name of this toppic says) the game is just an idea but with help I believe this game could be fantastic!

Anywayz feel free to comment on the idea and I am looking for a team so if you can help that would be much appreciated.

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