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Messages - Milo

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Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:53:01 am »
PS: If I ever use your idea I tell you. I have some ideas in mind  :)

Good to know  XD. I am interested to see what you can do with them. I see you have a neat looking Minish Cap project going already, so it seems like a good fit for it.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: September 22, 2015, 07:04:35 pm »
Hi! I felt compelled to make a new account just for this game.

Well I must say. Well done. I love it. I love the soul mechanic. Impressive and unique. I did get stuck at the three random bottoms before the boss room though.

Thanks  :). Yeah that puzzle was tough, which is why I put it at the end. I don't want to give away the solution because I want people to solve it themselves, but I will give a hint: You will have to use the bombs along with the sword and the cloak. The rest is just timing.

I hope you continue. I love Zelda games that are more focused on puzzle solving then combat.

Unfortunately, I am not going to expand upon the ideas presented here, though maybe I will work on another project like this later on. Other people can use them if they want. I would love to see what they do with them.

Wow im surprised at the amount of in depth responses ive already gotten. Thanks to everyone so far! I was a little vague in my intro, but i have been doing a bit of studying on dungeons and overworlds, i just wanted to hear other opinions on it. Those articles also look very helpful and i will begin reading them after this post. When i was looking into dungeons they all did seem very linear. And it sort of hit me that while playing through a few zelda games that I knew well, i could speed through the dungeons. But it wasnt like i was skipping anything, it was just the puzzles to get from one linear room to the other had been figured out. So i came across the idea that the dungeons werent neccesarily complicated or confuzing, in fact most were straight forward with no breaks, but it was the puzzles that took the time.

Indeed, there is a difference between being complicated and seeming to be complicated. Same goes with non-linearity. Like Donotfeedthemax said, dungeons are usually very linear, and every player has to go through the same path to get to the goalpost. But players feel like they are wandering through a maze because the linear path twists around on itself. You are usually forced to revisit some rooms more than once, but from a different location, or a higher viewpoint, and with a different goal in mind. This forces you to look at the same room in a whole new way, which makes the dungeons feel deep instead of shallow. At the same time, it doesn't feel tedious because you never feel like you are treading the same path twice, even though you are well aware that you have been in some places before. Even though some rooms, containing multiple elements and puzzles, may seem intimidating at first glance, following the natural path set out by the developers allows you to tackle it bit by bit, and in the end you feel like you have conquered something incredibly complex which makes you feel smart  XD.

So in a sense, your concerns about depth and linearity are kind of related. If you want to make your dungeon feel like a maze but at the same feel deep, then try incorporating multiple, but separate elements in each room, instead of one for each. Try making the dungeon twist in on itself, forcing the player to visit the same room twice but with a different mindset. It can be fun to work on and I imagine that it would be even more challenging if you worked on designing your dungeon in a "mould" like the in 8-bit games, where the every dungeon took on a particular shape based upon its name.

Hello all. Its been a while since i have posted here, but with summer winding down and school coming closer i have noticed a lot of free time i have spending on a game that I usually am on and off coding. What i have noticed for a big pause in my game is im not really sure where to go. I have a checklist, and the only things on it now are large things. I'm stuck either turning the overworld from a skeleton to populated, or starting dungeon creation. Both of these have gotten me thinking, and i started looking in to how those two are actually done. A few years ago, i assumed overworlds were a lot more simple then they are. I have the skeleton down. I have all the caves and dungeon entrances and water made. But it just feels big and empty and i know randomly placing bushes and enemies would not help. For dungeons, they are very very complex at the core, and not just random rooms looking for keys. So i came here seeking advice to those who have probably studied these two points for their own games or others. Im looking for advice to some very vague questions, or to just start a discussion on what makes an overworld or a dungeon a zelda feeling overworld or dungeon. what does it need to have? how do you populate an overworld so people would enjoy exploring it? How do you know the balance between a dungeon being too linear or too vague?

I think that before actually making a dungeon, you should figure out what you would want to include in it. If you start off with the intention to create a dungeon or overworld without any idea of the specifics, then you are probably going to end up with something generic or boring.

Define some gameplay elements first, figure out how they work and what kind of emotions you would want the player to feel from interacting with them. Then create some interesting scenarios that revolve around those elements. They can be puzzles, but really they can be just about anything. You don't have to worry about where they will be, whether or not they will be in the same dungeon or even whether or not you will use them at all, but just make a list and keep it for later. Once you got that down, then you can actually start making a dungeon out of the list of scenarios you've made. This is probably where the actual dungeon design aspect comes into play. This is where you begin to work out the structure of your dungeon, which puzzles to include from your list, taking into account difficulty and whatnot.

There are alot more issues that should be taken into account, but this is the basic approach that I would take when designing a dungeon. As a matter of fact, I actually made a game very recently where I tried to design a dungeon myself. It's in the project section if you want to take a look: http://zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=41411.0

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 28, 2015, 07:04:31 pm »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you got some feedback...so...

Feedback isn't critique, you know. I was expecting something more detailed responses, but whatever...

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 28, 2015, 05:10:05 pm »
Well, so much for trying to get some helpful critique  :(. I guess people right now are too busy or are just uninterested. Well, at least I got a game done, and that is probably something I should be proud of in itself. Like they always say, its the journey, not the destination that matters, and I did learn alot from working with a plan in mind.

The other reason for this post is that I also forgot to post some concept art that I planned to post earlier (SPOILER ALERT):

Show content

This is just some art of the cloak that you get in the dungeon. It has a particular way of being used, as seen in the third picture, but I will just keep that to myself.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:36:55 pm »
I'm downloading it right now but it makes me wonder why there is no boss at the end of the dungeon?

It would take alot of time to make and create. It would require spriting, coding, and of course, an idea worth doing if I wanted to include one. I just wanted to focus on the dungeon aspect of things mostly, so I probably won't add a boss unless people can give me something to be excited about.
So you want a original boss or use one that exists already with a new moveset/strategy?

Anything is good, just so long as it sounds interesting and fun.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:16:15 pm »
I'm downloading it right now but it makes me wonder why there is no boss at the end of the dungeon?

It would take alot of time to make and create. It would require spriting, coding, and of course, an idea worth doing if I wanted to include one. I just wanted to focus on the dungeon aspect of things mostly, so I probably won't add a boss unless people can give me something to be excited about.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:12:19 pm »
Of, and you could roll over  the red enemies without taking any damage, not sure if that was intentional.

It was intentional  XD. If you played Minish Cap, you are able to roll over all enemies as a way of dodging them.

To sum this up, I had a lot of fun playing this one. Very nicely done! ^^

Thanks for the feedback!

Zelda Projects / [Completed] The Legend of Zelda - Untitled
« on: July 26, 2015, 02:12:56 am »
Okay, so this is just a small project that I have been working on recently. I don't really know what to call it really. Its partly a mini-dungeon, and partly a demonstration of an item idea that I had that went too far, but for the most part I used it as an excuse to try to practice making a Zelda game of some sort. I basically tried to take some gameplay concepts, develop them and put them in a familiar context. As you can tell from the title, it is not exactly a demo, so really what you see is what you get.

So basically, this is a Minish Cap style game that features one dungeon that you can explore (and ehem, there is no boss in case you are wondering), that you can explore and go through. If you don't know what the Minish Cap is or haven't played it, then you can look at the screens below to get an idea. It should take less than an hour to complete blind (though coming from me that is probably not very accurate) but there is a simple save feature that is available if you can't finish it in one sitting.

Since this project is essentially complete, I am really looking forward to hear some feedback from you guys. Tell me what your first impressions are and deep criticism is certainly welcome if you feel like it. Hopefully there won't be any serious technical issues (like bugs and whatnot), but if there are then I am very sorry and will try to fix them. I am using this project as more of a learning experience than anything so I would appreciate it. If anybody is interested, I will probably post up a walkthrough next week for those who are stuck but hopefully you guys would've reached the end by then.


Z- Left Item Button
X- Right Item Button
Space- Context Sensitive Action

Enter- Start


-Bow & Arrow

*Acquired later on


TLOZ- Release.rar



People at SpritersResource:

-Miles07 (for Cloak sprite)


People at SpritersResource:





People at VGMusic:



No Copyright infringement has been intended.
All sprites / names / music from the Legend of Zelda Series are property of Nintendo.

Recruitment / Re: Can someone test my game?
« on: July 22, 2015, 03:56:38 pm »
I might have some time this Friday.

Okay! I can send you an updated version if you are available. Just message me.

Recruitment / Re: Can someone test my game?
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:22:30 pm »
I still need one more person. Anybody else have some time to spare?

Recruitment / Re: Can someone test my game?
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:54:44 pm »
I don't mind testing. Also you want us just to play it all the way through and see if glitches and ore bugs exist in the game as well?

Great! You don't have to play it all through, just a few minutes will be enough so I can tell if it is playable on other systems. You don't have to do any extensive bug searching either (but that would be appreciated). I will send you and Miles07 a message shortly, and you can tell me what you think once you have tried it.

Recruitment / Re: Can someone test my game?
« on: July 21, 2015, 06:21:04 pm »
1 hour sounds good enough. It is just a one time thing at the moment, so no long term commitment.

Recruitment / Can someone test my game?
« on: July 21, 2015, 04:37:03 pm »
Hi, I feel like my game about ready to be released but I have some concerns about how it will play on other systems ( I never really released a game before so there is that too). For all I know it could be laggy, or contain bugs that I have not found, so I am asking for at least 3 people who have some time to spare to test it out. Preferably I would want people who have played a Zelda game before, especially Minish Cap so they are familiar with how some game elements work. I mostly am looking for opinions on whether or not the game is playable, but if there are any other concerns I will hear it out. If everything turns out to be a total mess, then I may just keep it to myself. I prefer to keep it private, so just send me a message and I will get back to you.

Audio / Re: Can anybody get me these soundtracks (in MIDI)?
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:10:04 pm »
Enemy Attack, you looking for something similar to when common enemies confront you in OOT?  :huh:

Like this?

Sort of. There is a part in my game where you get locked in a room and have to fight off a bunch of enemies. It happens in Minish Cap, and that is where that type of music is used.

Ok, I'd have to look later to see if I have it, I have a few enemy encounter themes but most likely remixes of it or snes versions of OOT songs.

Thanks, but I am looking specifically for MC soundtracks, since I am making an MC-style game. Also they have to be in MIDI as well, which apparently is hard to get. Don't worry if you don't have it.

Audio / Re: Can anybody get me these soundtracks (in MIDI)?
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:07:07 pm »
Milo, why not get the music from youtube, Get the URL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTQwHonBZMI) and put it here: http://www.youtube-mp3.org/es
It will convert any youtube audio into an MP3.

Look for a MP3 to MIDI converter in google, there are plenty. Example: http://www.widisoft.com/mp3-to-midi.html

I actually have those themes I want in MP3 from the site linked above. I have tried to convert it, but like MG-Zero said, it sounds terrible, like a broken piano.

Audio / Re: Can anybody get me these soundtracks (in MIDI)?
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:49:37 pm »
Enemy Attack, you looking for something similar to when common enemies confront you in OOT?  :huh:

Like this?

Sort of. There is a part in my game where you get locked in a room and have to fight off a bunch of enemies. It happens in Minish Cap, and that is where that type of music is used.

Audio / Re: Can anybody get me these soundtracks (in MIDI)?
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:48:10 pm »
They typically compose it themselves

Oh man. Okay, then I guess I will just leave it silent for now. Thanks anyways though.

Audio / Re: Can anybody get me these soundtracks (in MIDI)?
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:07:18 pm »
How do people get MIDI soundtracks in the first place? Did they rip it from the game or did they have to recompose it from scratch?

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