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Messages - Migokalle

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Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 26, 2010, 05:41:09 pm »
I think they look great. Link is also better proportioned than your earlier version. You'd better release those zelda graphics for others to use at one point  :P
Thanks :D

And haha, yeah, eventually I'll be releasing a tileset. Not before the game is released though :P I want it to be exclusive up until that point. I mean, if other people started releasing games with the same graphics before my own game is done, no one would recognize it as the original game, you know? xD

I've been playing around with a new palette setup a friend of mine made. It's a good thing he made this, cause ZC has a few limitations when it comes to color, and this new system greatly improves the selection of colors I've got, along with lots of extra color gradients. It looks a bit messy, but trust me, there's a system in there. Not that I really understand it well enough to explain it, but it's there anyway.

I feel it's important to mention that this is not a Zelda Classic screenshot. I threw this together in Graphics Gale. I suppose, if I had a custom engine, my screens would probably look a little bit more like this, in the way it's put together, anyway. I did edit a good amount of the tiles you see here too.

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 26, 2010, 01:44:14 pm »
I think Mammy and Tfs are talking about the tiles in the screens in the OP and MG-Zero might be talking about the tiles you presented in later posts.


We were referring to the old style :P
Ahh. :) Any comments on the new one then? :P

Been busy lately, so there hasn't been much work put down into THP the last couple of weeks, but I do have a new screen to show:

Yes, I know the pinetrees lack shadows, and that there's not much details in the forest brush. It's on my to-do list :) The Zephos sprite were made by Leduardo, though I'm sure most of you can recognize it :) He's a damn good sprite artist anyway. At the moment, that's not in the actual game, as I was not planning on including him in it, but you never know, I might just add in a side-quest that involves around him somehow. We'll see :)

I'm thinking I should start re-making the houses next, so I can show off something else than just the forest. Haha. The water is still not animated... the puddles are though. I'm just not sure if I really want to use these water tiles. I mean, I'm not totally happy with how they look. Opinions?

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:41:58 am »
Visually I think the game is a horrible amalgamation of too many conflicting styles; but at the same time I think that you think that it looks very detailed D:

One common thing with people making zelda titles is that they overlook what makes a zelda game "zelda" and not something else.

My suggestion would be to strip out the zelda elements from the design and go with an IP. Typically when people overdramatizing zelda games, they're itching to make their own game instead of borrowing from another.

I don't see how this is horrible at all >_< Is it because it uses something other than lttp or mc sprites?  I personally think this is a REALLY nice change of things and I for one am looking forward to seeing more of this one.
It has tiles from many different games which are all different styles:
Secret of Mana
Sword of Mana
Minish Cap
Seiken Denstesu 3(dont know how to spell it and too lazy for google right now)
and probably others.

IMO I think is is wrong to throw many different styles into one game.  Pick a something you may like from each game, set it aside, then sprite an original custom tileset based on what you like.  Not just throw tiles in from a half-dozen games and expect people not to notice.
Just to be clear, are you talking about the NEW tileset, or the old? Cause believe me, they're two very different things. :P

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 10, 2010, 02:40:54 pm »
Very nice graphics indeed.
Though the latest one might have a bit too much shadow at the bottom right corner.
Hmm... I actually put two different colored layers of shadow right there, just to try it out, but I guess it's better with just one. Thanks for pointing that out :)

EDIT: Also, got an animated gif for you guys to check out, to see how everything flows atm. Probably gonna change some of it though. I do want to add another frame of animation to the puddles of water, and swap out the "wind blowing grass" with some better tiles.

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 10, 2010, 01:21:50 pm »
Awesome! But I actually have a set of custom made NPC's. They're not all done yet, but they are bigger than the old ones, and I suppose the style could easily fit into MC. They're not all 100% custom by me, but the guy who made them also made a template, which makes it a lot easier to make hundreds of them. I do want to finish Link before I start adding animations to them all and stuff though, so at the moment, there's not much to show.

^Another random screenshot. Just showing off some of the new tiles I've added since yesterday. I'm really happy about the puddles of water, as I think they add a level of "held-togetherness" to the screen... I don't know how to explain it. I just thought they looked better than the old puddles did, which was just layers of transparent water tiles put over dirt tiles.

I'm also really happy how the grass works now. The old one is very nice and all, but it made it hard to make out certain on-screen details, like the bushes. Oh, and the bushes will be changed too... not too happy about how they fit in.

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 04, 2010, 11:12:11 am »
It's funny you guys should mention this. Lately, I've been heading down the same train of thought too, though I've mostly been unhappy with how I'm getting bored of the graphics. You're all bringing up some really good points.

I've actually been working on a complete tileset rewamp lately, that'll be custom, in my own style, so hopefully that will improve the visuals somewhat. I'm not the best spriteartist in the world or anything like that, but I, as many others have my own style, and it would certainly help keeping the graphics fit in with everything a little better. This is sadly a long way off, obviously, seeing as I can't whip up a custom tileset overnight.

I actually worked on something a little while ago. It started off as an Minish Cap tileset, but then I decided to try and edit/make some new stuff for it. This is pretty old, so I'm fully aware that there's a lot of problems with it, but I wanted to know if you guys think maybe something along the same lines would work better for the game?

As I said, I'm aware there are inconsistencies with this too, like the sign for example, but you get the idea. I don't want to go with pure Minish Cap, and if I did go with something like this, I most likely would not have the palettes be so saturated and cartoonish, as it simply doesn't reflect very well with the game itself. Not saying I want it to be realistic looking, but just less cartoony.

My own custom graphics are a lot similar to Minish Cap than to the current tileset I'm using though.

EDIT: I tried to see if I could whip something up. I did. :P It's not perfect at all or anything, and there's lots of things that I want to change, but... at the moment, this is what I've got:

EDIT: Another update. Hows this?

Discussion / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 03, 2010, 06:15:04 pm »
From reading your text I fear this game is going to have a lot more space to walk through then it actually really needs.
That, the bloody part that doesn't feel Zelda-like and the fact that its made with Zelda Classic, make that it doesn't sound very appealing to me. But I'll be following the progress of this project, who knows, I could be wrong about it.

I get where you're coming from, especially about the size part. The reason the game world is so large, is because it's set up rather differently than other games in the series. If you've played games like Oblivion, you know how it's going to work: you have a main quest, which will be the standard Zelda-story. It'll play very much like you'd expect from a Zelda game. However, I really wanted to make sure players could keep playing the game, without necessarily replaying the story. That's why we're adding so many sidequests. These aren't the typical "collect item, trade for another item..." and so on. Instead, each sidequest has its own story. For example, on your way through the game, you may encounter someone in need of your assistance. While at first you may be presented with a simple task, the sidequest can go on, with new objectives after old ones have been met, all of course with a story and a goodie for people who completes it.

There's also the fact that you will not find rupees lying around just about anywhere. In fact, you will never find them by cutting bushes, or defeating enemies, and the best way to earn rupees is to do sidequests (which often tasks you to go down certain paths where there may be treasure to be found), and jobs. Jobs can range from typical minigames, like shoot the target, to helping out at Lon Lon Ranch. Rupees will be used to purchase supplies, obviously, such as new weaponry, armor and other useful stuff. The basic idea is to make rupees a little harder to get, so you won't always have a full wallet.

Of course, there'll be plenty of ways to travel around the overworld faster than just walking, such as Epona (a prize for completing a rather long sidequest), warps and even a train. So you won't really ever feel like there's "too" much space. Of course, if you're anything like me, you'll want to explore, so for those of us that likes that sort of stuff, there's an option to do so.

As I said at the end of my last post, I really really hope people will be able to see past the fact that it's being made in Zelda Classic. ZC has gotten a buttload of improvements lately, such as the addition of scripting, which basically allows you to do pretty much whatever you would want to do. We really do think we have a great game in the making here, and it'd be a shame if its engine's old reputation would keep people from playing the game. Believe me, I know, and understand why many people don't like ZC, but I'm telling you, it's a lot better now than it was before. That doesn't mean a lot of people use it to its full potential of course, but that's what we're trying to do anyway. :)

Discussion / The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 03, 2010, 03:14:17 pm »
The Legend of Zelda
The Hylian Phoenix

A Bermuda Production
By Robin, Joe and Nuvo


When a new danger rises from the darkness,
it's up to one boy to thwart the evil regime and
take control over the three relics, to restore
order to a world that is falling apart.

But with an even stronger dark force just
waiting to be uncovered...
is the sacrifice worth making, in order to save an
otherwise doomed kingdom?


The Hylian Phoenix is a game that takes place around 200 or so years after the events of Ocarina of Time, in a Hyrule that is already doomed from the get-go. While The Hylian Phoenix is still very much a Zelda game, it has a very dark story and feeling, and there's no shortage of a more adult graphical style. On his travels through Hyrule, Link may for example come across a ruined caravan that has been attacked and destroyed. There may be dead bodies still lying in their pools of blood. The music, which will be 100% custom written by Nuvo, with the occasional song by Nicklegends, will have a underlying tone of impending doom, and so will dialog in the game, especially towards the later parts of the game. The story is very important to The Hylian Phoenix, and while the game would still feature great gameplay without the story, we hope that it will only enhance the experience by dragging the player in emotionally. Along with this, dungeons will be scary, compared to the usual dungeons seen in Zelda games. Some will be worse than others, but the main idea is to make the player gasp for fresh air and sunlight as he emerges from the depths of each temple. While there is a lot of dungeons to tackle, most of the story will take place on the overworld, and hopefully this will help make the dungeons feel less like a routine. There is parts where you won't be entering another dungeon for hours, even though you could in theory find a side dungeon and crawl through it, if you really feel the need for some dungeon action.

If you haven't gotten it by now, The Hylian Phoenix will be huge. And I'm not just saying that. Just Hyrule Field alone will consist of five full maps, though each will have its own little feel to it. The first one you will ever set foot in will feel much like your usual Hyrule Field, while the second will have a more mountainous look to it, and so on. However, with an already long story, there's also the large number of side quests to dive into. And I'm not just talking about the usual "go get that item, then trade it with someone else" sort of side quests, though there will be one of those too. No, the side quests in The Hylian Phoenix will vary in length, but each and every one will have its own little story, and there is a few side quests that will take hours to complete. None of these will be required to do, though it will add a considerable number of hours to your game time, so even after you've finished the game, you still have a reason to go back and play some more.

Having Joe on the team as a scripter is probably one of those things, along with the music, that makes The Hylian Phoenix what it is. You will not find any old bosses in this game. Every single one will be custom made by Joe using his scripting abilities that are nothing less than amazing, and with Nuvo's also jaw-dropping tunes playing, the bosses really feel new and "THP'ish". Along with writing the code for the bosses, Joe also writes all the other scripts in the game, including items, events and... well, anything that needs to be scripted. This really helps giving the game that "official" feel that it has.


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_csZVB-Ndwo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_csZVB-Ndwo</a>
Eppy's Let's Play of Demo 2


The Hylian Phoenix Title Theme - Nuvo
A Quest for Hope (Hyrule Field) - Nicklegends
Search Your Soul (Wasteland Theme) - Nicklegends
Sea of Dead (Shadow Temple B1) - Nuvo
Catacombs (Cave Music) - Nuvo
Heights (Deepwoods Tower) - Nuvo
Graveyard (Kakariko Graveyard) - Nuvo
Holy Realm (The Holy Realm) - Nuvo
Bohan (Bohan's Theme) - Nuvo
Rain Scene (Dark Day) - Nuvo
Isle of Dread (Island) - Nuvo
Cucco-Catching Cacophony (Minigame Theme) - Nicklegends
Demon Bohan (Bohan Boss Battle Theme 1) - Nuvo
Creep - Nuvo
Singing Phoenix (Intro And Various) - Nuvo
Towns (Various Towns) - Nuvo
Confessions of a Castle Town (Castle Town Poor District) - Nicklegends
City of Plenty (Castle Town Market/Rich District) - Nicklegends
Fates Footsteps (Celdena Field) - Nicklegends

|Play All|


I'm using a custom midi set, so these songs might not sound
exactly the same on your computer in-game.

~Script Videos~
Joe's titlescreen!

We've also been lucky enough to have had our game mentioned in the media twice.
Epic Battle Axe's Article
GameReactor's Article (Norwegian)
Not trying to advertise, but I thought it'd be cool to show that it's been mentioned by two rather major gaming websites :)

Additional information:
The game is being made in Zelda Classic, which I have heard doesn't have a super reputation over here, but please don't judge this game for that reason. Joe123, the programmer for the game, happens to be a ZC developer, which means that if we need to break its limits, he can, in theory, make that happen. For example, it is very likely that we're going to need more space for graphics and maps, which currently is limited in ZC. Other than this, if you've ever played a Zelda Classic quest before, you know they all mostly use Zelda 1 enemies and bosses. This is not the case with THP. All bosses, and many enemies have been custom scripted, along with items, subscreens and... pretty much all there is. It will be a full fledged Zelda game by its completion, and we are looking into ways of playing it without having to open up the Zelda Classic program first. So all in all, when it's done and released, most people won't even notice that it was made in ZC. That is, of course, if we don't jump over to a custom engine, which is something I've been wanting to do for a while. We'll see what happens.

Also, if you watch the trailer above, you'll notice teeny-tiny 16x16 Link. A few years back, when I last wrote about this game on these forums, someone also pointed that out to me, and that I should go with something bigger. I've finally gotten around to making a new Link set. It's not done yet, but here it is anyway:

Hopefully I'll be able to keep this thread up-to-date. I do have a pretty busy life, and I find it hard to keep focused with more than one forum at a time, but seeing as this is the only other forum I'm currently being active in, hopefully I'll be able to update it every now and then. Again, we'll see :P

So, thanks for reading, and I hope if you have any comments, suggestions or criticism, that you will mention it below. Especially criticism. Nothing is perfect, but at least we can do our very best to make it as good as possible, and to do that, we simply need to hear what people think. :)

Graphics / Re: Here's a house. OMG house?! No wai!
« on: March 13, 2009, 01:18:52 pm »
Yeah, you know, I noticed that actually. I made a version with "wooden panels", instead of the blue ones, but I've got that file on my laptop and I can't be bothered to open it.
Though, it shouldn't be too hard to recolor it... I mean, the palette is right there :P

Of course, a simple recolor wouldn't make it into a full wooden texture, but that's not really hard to do either.

Thanks though, to both of you :)

Graphics / Here's a house. OMG house?! No wai!
« on: March 12, 2009, 01:00:18 pm »
A while ago, I made this house for use in my game: The Hylian Phoenix.
I haven't gotten to use it just yet though, as I'm working on some other projects... and I'd really like to see it in-use... so I thought: Why not?

The house has two floors, and features some railing from AlttP. (I was too lazy to make my own)

This was in fact made while I was pretty drunk. I spilled some cider on my laptop, which resulted in the loss of my precious wireless internet card. So therefore, I sat down and made some concepts, then I gave it texture.

There's a few small errors, like some perspective problems, but I don't think the average non-spriter is going to notice.

Along with the house, I made some other things, like a yet-to-be-finished fountain, (no water yet, sorry) and a few crates. The "Fed Ex" writing on them was actually a mistake at first, when a friend of mine (also a bit drunk) said "Aha, thai look laik fed ex!!! omgomg". I decided to make it a bit more clear about what it said, and volia (that how you say it? I should learn some French... cause it IS French, right? RIGHT?!).

You can get all this for UNDER 5 US Dollars! (The exact prize is: 0 US Dollars :O)

So, feel free to use it... all the tiles use the small 16 color palette included in the house.png.

I'd really like some feedback though. You can consider that as the prize, I guess. Haha.


Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP][DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 10, 2008, 07:20:33 am »
You think so?!
Awesome! Glad you liked it!
I'll see what I can do about the Deku thing ;)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP][DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:05:43 pm »
Thank you very much :D
I've actually noticed the bushes myself, but I wanted to get some feedback first, to see if it bugged other people. I guess I'll fix it then :)
Again, thanks!

« on: October 07, 2008, 07:42:29 am »
Kylink, can I use the one you posted? I really like it!
EDIT: I'm REALLY sorry if this is grave digging... in the forum I'm usually at, the gravedigging rule is two months... so it's a little hard to get used to. Sorry.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP][DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 05, 2008, 09:13:42 am »
Does anyone know where I need to get the bomb bag from?
Yes... I do!
You defeat the Deku Scrub(s). After you defeat it, a chest will appear. To open the chest, push it... I know, it's a little lame, but it's how chests work in ZC. XD

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP][DEMO]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:28:51 pm »
There's a bug. You know that bat that gives bombs? It doesn't allow you to use any bomb.
You need the bomb bag first... however, the real bug here is that the bat gives you bombs. XD
Thanks though!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: October 04, 2008, 12:26:26 pm »
That's the demo, folks... but one thing is VERY important:
You HAVE to use Build 864 to play, which can be found here: http://www.shardstorm.com/zc/alphas/864-windows.zip

For those who hasn't used ZC before:
Save all files in the folder you want them in.
Open "zelda-w".
When you get to the file select screen, hit ESC and go to settings.
Form here, go to "Key Buttons" and select the control setup you want to play with.
Now, click ok and hit ESC one more time. At the file selection screen, choose to register a name and enter "THP", or whatever you want to call my game.
Now, DO NOT PRESS ENTER. This will only start Zelda 1.
Hit the button you assigned "A" to. You'll get a screen which should say "A: Load a custom quest". Hit A again, and you'll eventually get to a screen with a browse button.
Locate and select "The_Hylian_Phoenix_.qst" and click ok.
Now you can hit enter and start the quest. Have fun :3

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: September 27, 2008, 12:09:49 am »

Okay, update:
I've fixed TONS of bugs and added a ton of new stuff. Mostly graphical stuff, but meh.
I've also got a pretty nice list of beta testers, so I'm sure that when they get their hands on it, the bugs will be found in no-time, making the release day for the demo closer :D

So, a few days... hopefully this week. If not, one of the first days of next week.

Graphics / Re: I'm offering my mapmaking
« on: September 23, 2008, 08:21:13 am »
Oh, no, I haven't done anything like that.
But it sounds like it could be fun. :3
Hey, maybe I should make my home town in that tileset? Haha, that could be cool!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP]The Legend of Zelda: The Hylian Phoenix
« on: September 23, 2008, 07:37:31 am »
Yes, exactly.
Last night, I took a dive into my unfinished demo once again... only to discover that... it's done! Wooo!
Or, almost done. I need one final script added, and a one timed event, then I'll send it off to my beta testers.
The plan is to get the beta testers try it out on THIS Friday, and I've got some good testers, so they probably won't use more than a week. That week, however, I'm off to my cabin with my friends... so while the testers find all the bugs, I'll be sitting in my cabin up in the woods, eating chocolate and jello, while playing 360/Wii :3
(It'll be awesome... I love just running off from my parents and hide at that cabin without any adults! Wooo)

So, when I get back, I'll squash the bugs and send the demo out! Yay!
Here's something to look at while you wait:

Graphics / Re: I'm offering my mapmaking
« on: September 22, 2008, 04:50:05 am »
Vash, I am sorry, GIS? What does that stand for?

Vaati, no, I don't sprite TOO much. At least not a full backround. Sorry :(

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