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Messages - Tyler

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Updates / Re: Stepping Down
« on: October 28, 2012, 06:41:33 pm »
ah yeah its that time again

Discussion / Re: The Godbeast
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:06:23 am »
I think you should make the outline alphablend, so it doesn't remove the feeling the original has.. ..  I must say I really enjoy how the game looks I even loved more the one without outline but thats my taste... Also the hud has some weird white points you didn't deleted from AA.
Yeah, I didn't AA it properly. The HUD isn't final anyway (for instance, that red bandana is supposed to be a temporary health bar) so I didn't fix it when I noticed it.

Discussion / Re: The Godbeast
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:06:28 pm »

Looks kinda funky.

Discussion / Re: The Godbeast
« on: November 20, 2010, 09:26:39 pm »
An outline would be interesting, but I'm not sure I can pull that effect off in Unity.

Discussion / Re: The Godbeast
« on: November 20, 2010, 04:04:54 pm »
I'm aware of that. Not sure how I'm going to change it yet. The lighting in general will receive a huge make-over so that might work. Otherwise, camera positioning plus the fact that your character will be moving around should make him more noticable.

Discussion / The Godbeast
« on: November 19, 2010, 12:10:01 pm »
For the better part of the last year, I've been designing and working on a dream project of mine, titled The Godbeast. It's a 3rd person shooter with stylized graphics and a modern setting.
It might be difficult to get a clear view on what I mean, but I can refer to a few other games that were an inspiration in some shape or form. Namely, Killer7 for movement and graphic style, Sin&Punishment for the action, and, loosely, BioShock for the art deco area design.

I can't say much about the story, partially because I don't think it's important and partially because it's not completely finalized. For now, just consider it a modern Knight saves Princess from Dragon affair.

I'm making this game in Unity3D, with JavaScript as the programming language. 3D models are created with software such as Wings3D, Blender and SketchUp. Textures in Corel Painter X. Target platform: PC as a free (browser) game, unless I can manage to get it on Steam or something.

The gameplay and control systems are generally "finished". With this, I mean that the player, the enemies and even a few bosses have been programmed and animated. However, I won't bother bringing out a demo at this point in time.

But, I do have several images of character and enemy models, plus some shots of a temporary level:

Edit: Ignore the signature.

Entertainment / Re: New ugly Wii RPG
« on: February 21, 2010, 03:00:06 pm »
You posting right now just totally proved everything I was saying :P Seriously though; chat's a cesspool.

Meh it's moreso Tet and other's that have given a horrible rep to chatlinkposters :P You've gotta admit, you've posted only in response to links posted in chat, and that looks horrible when you barely post :p

You're a tad better since you've stayed active until you deleted your account. Then you created that account <_<;;

I haven't posted in ages. And when I do, yes it's to stuff that was linked in the chat. Why? Cause I don't visit the forum otherwise. This is the most I've posted here in years because I do not like people talking !@#$% like this behind my back.

I would like an apology, to be honest, because I did think that we used to have *some* friendship.

Entertainment / Re: New ugly Wii RPG
« on: February 21, 2010, 02:53:42 pm »
EZD, Dascu, and Tet do this quite a bit. In fact, any of their posts in the past...... 3 years? Are pretty much in the same category as this thread.
what posts in the last 3 years

i fuggin tell ezd to stop linking me to this piece of !@#$% board and now you're accusing me of making troll topics?

> I'm still a member of this forum and I'd rather not have you people go around telling lies about me. I thought stuff like that was bannable. It sure was when I was a moderator.

Entertainment / Re: New ugly Wii RPG
« on: February 21, 2010, 02:50:04 pm »
That's this topic. and I'm sure it started with Dascu posting the original picture in the "chat", and EZD saying it looked like !@#$%, then them both jerking eachother off about how funny it'd be to post on the forum. He posts it, then people here either took the bait, or tried to troll back by sarcastically posting. It's fuggin retarded and one of the many good reasons the chat should be emancipated.

what the hell jordan?

i thought we used to be friends and now i see you posting !@#$% like this behind my back?

christ, i don't have any involvement in any of this and haven't checked this forum in months, if not years

i knew travis could be a dipshit, but i thought better of you

Graphics / Re: My Chemical Romance phone wallpapers
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:19:20 pm »



graphics look sweet
coop partner visible
more horror elements
long branching story paths
over 10 hours of content

better than re5 suck it down wii wins again

Entertainment / Re: Well !@#$% you EA! >:(
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:03:57 pm »
looks like hero of fire has converted to the true belief

wii loses

real gamers win

lol onrails shooters

Entertainment / Re: Noby Noby Boy
« on: February 23, 2009, 03:02:13 pm »
looks like a wii game

Entertainment / Re: Do better graphics really matter to you?
« on: February 11, 2009, 04:24:48 pm »
visuals encompass two elements: tech (graphics) and art

some games might have good tech, but poor art. sometimes the tech is so good you dont care that the art is generic or simply absent (like Crysis)

some games might have good art, but poor tech. sometimes the art is so cool that you dont care the tech is lackluster (like No more heroes)

some people like tech better and cant stand stuff like jaggies or no realtime shadows and !@#$%
some people like art better and cant stand unoriginal games that all look the same

I'd like to call that first category of gamers GREAT WHITE SHARKS. Their body, their teeth, their speed... a marvel of aquatic evolution.
I'd like to call that second category of gamers MOTHERFUCKING NARWHALS. They might look ugly or weird, but goddamn if that motherfucking horn doesnt just impale every !@#$% seal in sight, goddamn.

I'm personally more of a NARWHAL GODDAMN, but even I can drool at tech specs like a GREAT WHITE SHARK.

Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 09, 2009, 06:33:54 pm »
big rigs racing is the best game ever, don't listen to the multitude of reviewers who say it's bad

And what sort of point are you trying to make posting that?
People are using their own experiences as a counter to the Overlord metacritic score. If personal opinion is suddenly more valid in an argument than a democratic reviewer aggregate, I might as well pass off my own opinion as fact.

Therefore, Soul Reaver and Symphony of the Night are non-games.

Your argument seems really irrational. I mean, Mammy stated his hate for the game which is in his opinion, so why are you know saying you may as well state your opinion as fact?
I'd reply and say that one, I'm not stating my own opinion, I'm stating the common opinion of people who get paid to do this and two, I'm using it as a counter to his argument that Overlord is a bad game. A lot of people do not share this opinion, which he is stating as fact, and therefore he shouldn't whine about it.


Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 09, 2009, 06:14:05 pm »
big rigs racing is the best game ever, don't listen to the multitude of reviewers who say it's bad

And what sort of point are you trying to make posting that?
People are using their own experiences as a counter to the Overlord metacritic score. If personal opinion is suddenly more valid in an argument than a democratic reviewer aggregate, I might as well pass off my own opinion as fact.

Therefore, Soul Reaver and Symphony of the Night are non-games.



Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 09, 2009, 04:57:03 pm »
big rigs racing is the best game ever, don't listen to the multitude of reviewers who say it's bad

Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:41:31 pm »
Overlord wasn't a good game to begin with. They're trying to compensate for shitty gameplay with visuals, and as all of you have said, "Graphics do not make the game".
Review aggregate on MetaCritic and GameRankings for Overlord PC: 81%

Troll failed, try better next time.

Entertainment / Re: Deadly Creatures
« on: February 08, 2009, 08:39:46 pm »
Oh well, the game looks semi-decent nonetheless. I won't buy it, but at least third-party developers are trying to make the system's software lineup better.
edit: !@#$%
 Include more relevant, non-"offensive" content in posting.

Entertainment / Re: DeadSpace coming to the Wii! :o
« on: February 08, 2009, 08:27:39 pm »
You would have to be a retard to think for a minute that the Wii is winning because it's beating them out in sales, when it's half of the price.
A 360 core is the same price as a Wii

I also never said or claimed that they do not buy the games. Learn to read before you try to play devils advocate.
if they still buy games, then that implies that they still play on their console, which means your argument is wrong

Also, I realized that I don't want to be part of this argument. So let's talk about


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