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Messages - Bazooie

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Discussion / Legend of Zelda: Tablet of Souls
« on: September 22, 2010, 09:13:13 pm »
The Legend of Zelda: Tablet of Souls is a game in development by Bazooie Games, which is currently just me... I'm in need of a team for this full 3d game, most of the graphics are ripped from the Wind Waker and more will be modelled specifically for the game.  ToS is being made in Unity 3d using Javascript.  I'm in need of programmers to help me out as I'm not too good with JS.


The Great Sea, 340 Years after the Great Flood.

The land is peaceful, the Tablet of Souls lies on it's pedestal in the Vrulayan Temple.  Thousands of years ago, the Triforce was a full triangle.  It was kept in the depths of Hyrule Castle.  One day, the Vrulayan army attacked the castle and took a piece of the Triforce, this piece is now the Tablet of Souls.

One day, a small magician goblin named Ghinor leads his army against the Vrulayan Temple, they take the Tablet of Souls and leave.  Link is told that Ghinor's army has marched up Dragon Roost Mountain.  Link equips a sword and a shield and sets off.  Dragon Roost Mountain has changed, a lot.  The peaceful atmosphere is long gone.  All that lies in it's place is a deserted, desolate mountain.  Link must fight his way through the cave until he reaches the summit of Dragon Roost.  At the top, Link confronts Ghinor, they battle.  Link incapacitates Ghinor and is about to take the Tablet of Souls when Ganondorf appears, he kills Ghinor and takes the Tablet.

Link needs to find the three Guardians of the Triforce: Hadian, Gyhpon and Tinora.  Once he reaches them, they tell him that he must prove his worth to them before they can entrust the Triforce to him.  Link must complete three temples, each one needing a different skill: Power, Courage and Wisdom.

Link completes the temples and is given the Triforce, they transform the Master Sword into the legendary Triforcian Sword - The only weapon capable of defeating the enhanced Ganondorf.

Link must fight through Ganondorf's tower until he battles him and wins.  Link takes the Tablet of Souls back to the Vrulayan Temple and gives the Triforce to Princess Zelda.

Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 21, 2010, 08:58:35 pm »
To rip the models, you need 'bmdview2'.  But it's really hard to find the correct models as they have WEIRD names.  Link's model file is 'cl.ARC'.  Strange.  Anyway, I've decided the storyline.  It's going to be based on my old story idea 'Tablet of Souls'.  I'm going to need to change the story around a bit to fit the Wind Waker world, but other than that...


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 21, 2010, 03:12:12 pm »
Nice little update.  Jumping hasn't been fixed and I haven't really changed the movement much, but I'm making the Great Sea full scale, I've currently got:

Outset Island
Dragon Roost Island
Mother & Child Isle
Great Fish Isle
Tower of the Gods
Windfall Island
Spectacle Isle

And I'm adding more right now.  All of this is in a fully open world and the frame rate only seems to drop by the TINIEST bit when there are more than two islands in sight, and that's on my VERY OLD Toshiba laptop.


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:14:19 am »
Ah, I'll make sure to do that later.  Thanks :)


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 20, 2010, 07:14:01 pm »
Ok, I had a BIG problem.  For some reason Unity decided to reset EVERYTHING to it's import settings, so I had to put everything together again.  It's pretty much working as normal again now, which is good.  I'm still trying to figure this damn raycast jumping out.  Is there honestly nobody here who knows Javascript or C# who can help out?  I'll try to carry on myself for now, but if anyone can help that'd be great.


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:43:45 pm »
Honestly, that's where I picked up the idea from.  But my version is entirely my own project.  Nothing is from that engine.

Just going through some trouble with Enemy AI and Raycasting at the moment, I'll update when I overcome some problems ;)


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:01:30 pm »
Replicating Wind Waker? Are you nuts? It took Nintendo several years and a team of about 100 people to create that. You are not going to replicate Wind Waker on your own like that. Especially if you aren't a programmer. My advice is to start out by creating something basic. A small island with maybe a few NPC's, a house, some overworld objects and features, some overworld enemies and one dungeon (which could be a dungeon for a larger game). Start simpler and let it grow. If you make the basic and lose interest it is more likely you have delivered some sort of fun game.

Aha, I understand.  Well, even a small game will need a team of people working on it.  Anyone want to help?

Anyway, remember that I have pretty much every resource in Wind Waker ripped so it wouldn't take as long to replicate ;)

Ok, I actually have a plan for a Zelda game ready to use, a bit of refining and thats all.


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 08:09:05 pm »
Please tell me what you think.  Oh, and honestly the programming language doesn't really matter that much.

Even as someone who has never been a programmer, I can tell you that yes, it in fact does.

Your demo's not too bad actually. I thought movement felt pretty accurate compared to WW and, despite the obvious collision problems and the fact that there is a JUMP button, it's a good thing to build on for a Zelda game.

I see.  I'm honestly not a great programmer and the only languages I know anything about are Javascript and GML (Which doesn't really count...).  Sorry about that.  ;)

About the engine, the collisions are probably the least of my worries (FOR NOW), as you state, the jumping is a big problem.  I could easily remove the jumping but I'm having trouble with Zelda style jumping.  I need to look into raycasting.  Thanks for the feedback.

Tell me: Should I make a proper fan-game or a replica of the Wind Waker? By fan-game, I mean custom maps, etc.


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 06:19:51 pm »
Ok, I've decided that I'm going to upload the first demo.  Very few features, but it's progress.  There are no jumping or swimming animations yet and I need to figure out how to make Link jump when running over a ledge.  (Think Raycasting...)

Anyway, link: http://www.mediafire.com/?yvpyl1dbaqdycsb

Please tell me what you think.  Oh, and honestly the programming language doesn't really matter that much.


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:02:23 pm »
Ah well, it doesn't really matter to me.  What I need is a programmer who is familiar in any of Unity's languages.

Anyway, any thoughts on how the game looks? I've tried to make it look as Wind Waker-ish as possible.  Just wondering whether or not I should change the graphical look.  I personally think it looks almost EXACTLY like the Wind Waker.  :)


Recruitment / Re: Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 03:55:32 pm »
Well, we don't necessarily need to use Javascript, we could use any Unity supported language, but I think that Javascript is easiest of all of them.  Anyway, currently I'm working on basic enemy AI.


Recruitment / Un-Named Wind Waker fan game
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:52:14 pm »
Un-Named Wind Waker Fan-Game!

Well everyone, I was recently thinking of making a Zelda fan-game, and decided that 2D was getting old.  Why not port to 3d? Well, I've been using the Unity 3d Game Engine to create an early beta of a Wind Waker fan-game! All the graphics and sounds are from the original GC game.  I spent hours and hours working through all the model files to find Link's animation files and here it is!

DEMO V0.01: http://www.mediafire.com/?yvpyl1dbaqdycsb


Now, on to the bad part... I'm not GREAT with Javascript and I'm going to need a lot of help in order to get the game to function correctly, I can do all of the resource management and working on a storyline.  The engine currently has Running and Basic jumping which will have to be removed and replaced with Zelda style jumping (Auto Jump when running over an edge).  I'll try to upload some video footage when I get capture software OR I could upload a demo.

Please reply and tell me what you think.


Discussion / What makes a good Zelda game?
« on: July 19, 2010, 08:45:31 pm »
Just a thought, could also help people develop their ideas for their games.  My favourite aspect of a LoZ game has to be the bosses, they are just epic.  Or the dungeons in the Wind Waker, I really liked the temples.  So, just wondering what you guys think makes a Zelda game.


Discussion / Re: Stick Link Legend of Zelda. *NEW IDEA*
« on: July 19, 2010, 08:15:48 pm »
Aha, that stick with the green leaf... looking hero of time-ish there... that would be a great game.


Discussion / Re: Stick Link Legend of Zelda. *NEW IDEA*
« on: July 19, 2010, 05:29:50 pm »
I spent about 2 minutes creating this crappy picture  XD


Discussion / Re: Stick Link Legend of Zelda. *NEW IDEA*
« on: July 19, 2010, 06:27:12 am »
I'd say make Link a standard black stick figure but with a green hat and blonde hair.  Other characters could come in different colours.  That's just my idea.


Discussion / Re: Stick Link Legend of Zelda. *NEW IDEA*
« on: July 18, 2010, 08:24:50 am »
Hmm, it does sound quite interesting... Depends on what gameplay style you are going to use.  I would say stick with the normal GBA 4-way movement system, don't go platforming.  I've seen so many Zelda games with potential, but they were platforming game, which I don't like.

Yeah, I'd probably help out is it's developed in Game Maker 8.  Also if I like the gameplay style you go for.


Recruitment / Re: [RECRUITING] Legend of Zelda: Tablet of Souls
« on: July 16, 2010, 06:10:25 pm »
Aha, the sword was ripped from Wind Waker, sorry about that one.

Anyway, I posted because I'm going to need a team for this.  I've made the basic movement engine already and it's working smoothly.  At the moment I need a programmer who can continue the movement engine a little.

Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?7aj68m39j9mjn9a

It's VERY basic, I added a following NPC as well, it can be changed to follow a path or whatever.   

Now can I get someone to take a role?  :P


Recruitment / Re: [RECRUITING] Legend of Zelda: Tablet of Souls
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:36:29 pm »
I'll be doing SOME of the programming, I'd say I'm currently at an intermediate level of GML skill, but some things are too hard for me to program.  Also, my main part will be advertising, story work, managing the project, etc.  I'll also be making logos and I'll try my hand at spriting.


Recruitment / Re: [RECRUITING] Legend of Zelda: Tablet of Souls
« on: July 16, 2010, 04:14:48 pm »
Ah, sorry but all of our graphics will be made from scratch and I've only just posted the recruitment topic, so I currently haven't started working on the actual game.  Anyway, think Wind Waker, it's going to be cel-shaded.


EDIT: If you'd like to help, you're more than welcome  ;)

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