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Messages - Feather

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Entertainment / Re: Mother 3 translation released
« on: October 20, 2008, 04:15:14 pm »
It's amazing. I'm in chapter 4 right now. :3

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] World of Chaos 2: Ken's Adventure
« on: August 28, 2008, 08:57:41 pm »
Hey, nice to see your work again. I liked Ken's Adventure, so I can't wait to try this out. :3

Entertainment / Re: I am so damn sick of everyone bashing the Wii.
« on: July 27, 2008, 08:51:35 pm »
The motion sensing sucks on both the Wii and the PS3 when it's not done right.

Entertainment / Re: I am so damn sick of everyone bashing the Wii.
« on: July 27, 2008, 08:18:26 pm »
I agree that the Wii is an awesome console. And yes, it's not the graphics that matter, it's the story and gameplay. But when PS3 class graphics are combined with a great story and gameplay, you get awesomness. I have a PS3 and a Wii. They're both great consoles. I'm a veteran Nintendo fan and Nintendo will always have a special place in my heart, but I'm leaning towards the PS3 more than the Wii. The PS3 may not have a Wii remote that uses awesome motion sensing controls, but you don't always need that and sometimes it gets annoying. The Wiimote is sometimes fun, but I'd rather control with a good ol' controller with just buttons on it that you can smash. The Wii also needs more single player adventure/action games, rather than yay-family-friends-together-fun-minigames Awesomeness. I hardly complain about graphics, but I think Nintendo should've made the Wii more powerful. When I play a PS3 game, like MGS4 and Uncharted, the graphics make my eyes shed honey. When great graphics are combined with great gameplay (like in the case of the games I just mentioned), you'll get an awesome game. The PS3 is far superior than the Wii and the XBOX360 in every way, IMO.

EDIT: Also, the PS3 games that have been released so far don't use the SIXAXIS motion sense feature that much anyway. >_>

Graphics / Re: Subrosians, gorons, Zoras, Tokays oh my!
« on: July 26, 2008, 01:38:30 pm »
Wow, that's amazing. But yeah, you should make the Zoras a bit taller. It looks weird when the Subrosians are as tall as the Zoras. ><

Entertainment / Soul Calibur IV
« on: July 26, 2008, 01:31:37 pm »
So, who's getting this game? I think the Soul series is the best fighting game series, so I'm really looking forward to it. I preordered it for my PS3 yesterday. The online mode is gonna be awesome. :D

Yeah, I've got a password to protect my pr0nz.

Whoa, this game really looks like a professional Zelda game. How do you do it? XD *thumbs up*
He does something that very few ZFGCers are willing to do anymore. He actually WORKS on his project with his OWN stuff, rather than relying on everybody else's engines, and if there's something he's not sure of how to accomplish, he experiments until he starts catching on to how to solve it, or he searches for information and finds a way and LEARNS for future endeavors that require the same thing to be accomplished.
I guess that's why there's really no fan games anymore. We've all learned this lesson :/
If I make a a game, I never make a fan game. I want it to be an idea of my own. My graphics, my engine etc.

Discussion / Re: Metal Gear Core
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:07:15 pm »
:P Feather, I said all that same stuff about the game not needing to be called Solid earlier. And also, I too want GotP, but have no PS3, and nowhere near enough money. So I guess it'll be a while for me. On the bright side, I just got Portable Ops which is amazing beyond awesome. :D
Nice. I've never played Portable Ops, since I don't own a PSP, but I have all the rest of the games, except for GotP, of course. >< I'm working for June, so I'm getting the money for a PS3 and MGS4. =D

Discussion / Re: Metal Gear Core
« on: June 12, 2008, 05:45:09 pm »
Nice. MGS is the best game series ever. Also, TFS said that since it includes Solid Snake, it should be Metal Gear Solid: Core, but it doesn't have to, since MG1 and MG2:Solid Snake featured Solid Snake, even though they were called Metal Gear. Solid Snake has always been Solid Snake, play MG1 and MG2 through again. >_> The MSX versions of both games come with MGS3 Subsistence and MG1 MSX version is way better in every way than the NES version, because the NES version is !@#$% up. Also, Snake's Revenge was made without Kojima's authorization and is not related to the storyline.

Guns of the Patriots came out today. :OOO So pumped about it, even though I'm gonna get it and a PS3 at the end of June. Oh the waiting. D: I've been into the MGS series since the age of six, sucks that GotP the last MGS, but everything has to end someday. :3

Whoa, this game really looks like a professional Zelda game. How do you do it? XD *thumbs up*

Graphics / Re: Fighter sprite
« on: October 18, 2007, 10:47:40 am »
It looks like a character from Mike Tyson's Punch Out! XD That's great.

So like, first Link saves Hyrule from Ganondorf, then he has to save Termina, and right after that he has stuff to do in Myrennia. Link sure is a busy hero. ><;

Demo didn't work for me, but good luck with this.

Zelda Projects / Re: Ocarina of time lttp
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:47:11 pm »
Grammar nazi, lah. *shot*

Graphics / Re: A custom sheet
« on: October 06, 2007, 01:34:41 pm »
Thanks for the comments! :)

Graphics / Re: A custom sheet
« on: October 05, 2007, 06:23:44 pm »
It's not supossed to be without border lines, but thanks for your comment, much appreciated! :)

Graphics / A custom sheet
« on: October 04, 2007, 03:38:52 pm »
I started spriting this yesterday and finished today.


Also, please do not use it. kthxbai

Wow, that's really awesome, KM! I luv'd the demo! This game is the best Zelda fan game so far! Can't wait for more. :3

Audio / Re: DJ Timer - Voisinpa
« on: October 01, 2007, 04:19:41 pm »
That's really cool, Tom.

Your bro's name is Juhani? My name is Juhani, too. ><
No, actually that's my middlename ;P.
Oh, sorry. ><

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