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Messages - skully

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Feedback / Re: Death of ZFGC
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:25:24 am »
I was wondering when the annual "zfgc is dead/dying" topic would come again.
Hmm, I feel like I should say more but....

This. XD

Entertainment / Re: Tales of Graces F Confirmed for the US.
« on: February 24, 2011, 03:35:21 pm »
I fuckin love the tales games. I am not quite up to date on all of the new ones because Ive sorta been out of the loop since ps2 haha. But I played ToS on the wii, as well as the sequal, and I just ordered vesperia for the 360. Heard it was really awesome, and the reviews look great. Nice to hear a fellow tales fan loved it.

Stupid ebay seller has taken more than two weeks already to ship it. :-\

Well, the Talk / Computer Love similarity is obviously there, yeah.  But that's not theft, they admit that one, and it's more of a tribute than anything else.

As for the other one, sounds similar, but it's definitely not the same thing. =/  One chord progression similarity does not the same song make.

You're totally ignoring that the whole melody is a copy. Some guy on YouTube transcribed the Satriani song to Fb which is the key Viva la Vida is in and compared the compisition of the two, and Coldplay uses the exact same riffs with the last measure in reverse, essentially making it the same thing in everything but key. If you have the same tempo, melody, and harmony, chances are, you have the same song.
Agreed. They also said in an interview once "we are terribly unoriginal, we're just really good copy cats" cant remember where that was from.

Satch is my hero, but I'm not being biased. I also like coldplay.

Updates / Big Question
« on: December 29, 2008, 08:54:54 pm »
I think I would like to pickup guitar again. I pretty much completely stopped playing and learning once I started doing martial arts in all of my spare time. I would like to pull it out of the closet, and try and get back into it.

Also I want to invest some money with my uncle for retirement, and also start putting a little bit away out of every paycheque I receive to go towards traveling.

Updates / Re: ZFGC Radio - Broadcasting live from YOUR internet.
« on: November 27, 2008, 03:47:10 am »
I would totally listen, but every time I try to get it going there is nothing...

Entertainment / Re: Capcom's got a "frelling ace up it's sleeve".
« on: August 20, 2008, 05:14:56 am »
But BoF4 (From what I've played, which is the first 30 minutes) sucks.

3 is way better.
Can you really judge a game based on the first 30 minutes? :P That being said, I think thats about how long it took me to form my opinion on the game. We all have an opinion though. I will agree it's not the most solid game ever. I just like how it was presented and the feel. The story, although pretty cool, was kinda shallow, and there wasn't any real solid character development. I really enjoyed the asian/chinese theme going on. In my opinion. The style that game was created in, should have been where they were with games like final fantasy 7 and 8, instead of trying to push into 3d so early and roughly. It's sort of a game-crush of mine.

BoF3 also kicked ass. That game is a classic. I am actually playing though it again right now. However it still suffers a lot from the same things BoF4 did. Only without certain things I loved from four.

Anyhow, thats just my opinion.  ;)

Entertainment / Re: Why Final Fantasy IX is the best game ever
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:26:13 pm »
This may be a bold statement, but I feel that if Tetra master had online capabilities I would dominate. That was the best mini game/side quest from any of those games. I actually understood and enjoyed it.


It's for PS2 and Windows. Though it's $1 a month apparently.
You are awesome and I think I love you. I did not know this existed, nor did I ever think to research it.

Entertainment / Re: Capcom's got a "frelling ace up it's sleeve".
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:22:16 pm »
I will be pleased with Capcom if they release anything resembling the work they did with breath of fire 4. Graphics, music, story etc. In my opinion that is their crown jewel, even though they have made some other big impacts in the gaming world.

I have nothing to justify this with. It is just my opinion. Not sure why that is. But I loved it.

Entertainment / Re: Why Final Fantasy IX is the best game ever
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:18:47 pm »
If there is any game that classifies me as a fanboy, it is FF9. I love that game so much. I like final fantasy, but the ninth installment was the best they had to offer. I never want to see it remade either. That would fail.

This may be a bold statement, but I feel that if Tetra master had online capabilities I would dominate. That was the best mini game/side quest from any of those games. I actually understood and enjoyed it.

Entertainment / Re: I think I spend too much time with RPGs..lol
« on: August 18, 2008, 02:58:41 am »
RPG games for sure. That is all I was ever really good at, or played much. However I always took my time. I still finished them quick because I did nothing but play all day and all night usually but. I never tried for speed runs ever. I don't think those games should be rushed through.

Other Discussion / Re: Incense
« on: June 21, 2008, 10:12:09 pm »
I love incense. I burn them all the time.

Entertainment / Re: Best RPG Series
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:08:21 pm »
Tales, lunar, breath of fire.

Only played suikoden 2, so I don't know about the rest of the series, but that one kicked ass.

Other Discussion / Re: TRM's OOT2D
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:21:19 am »

What in the hell ever happened to that?
I see what you did there... :P


Entertainment / Re: I got the Line 6 Flextone III XL amp!
« on: January 10, 2008, 11:46:41 pm »
Thats pretty cool man. I got a spider.

Also, the sound is generally whats known as a pinch harmonic. It has to deal with skill, rather then your amp or guitar, however it becomes easier depending on the equipment or settings you use. It's basically done by playing a note, and just as you pick it, let the pad of your thumb graze the string every so slightly to offset the sound to reach the harmonic range

Search pinch harmonics on youtube, I would think you could find something on there about how to do it proper. It's actually really easy once you get a feel for it.

Entertainment / Re: Sunshine
« on: December 29, 2007, 02:20:41 am »
Wow, this has been out since July? At least that is what I just read online. Never heard of it until now. This movie looks awesome. I'm gonna check the movie store and see if it's in. (don't feel like watching anything on my pc).

Entertainment / Re: Angra
« on: December 11, 2007, 09:17:47 pm »
I own every Angra album. Been listening to them for years. Sound has changed over time though. I personally prefer the old sound, when Andre Matos was still the lead singer. He brought a whole lot to that band besides just his voice. However I think Edu was a great replacement for him, and Angra is still a great band. They both have that same Angra sound, but if you pay attention you can really tell the difference between the Andre songs, and the Edu ones. The songs just had a different sound. Compare songs like Carolina IV, and The Shaman, Metal Icarus, Angels Cry, and Make Believe (all with Andre) to some more recent ones such as the entire temple of shadows, or rebirth albums.

Some of my favorites from Angra (not including what you listed) would have to be...

Metal Icarus
Carry On
Make Believe
Carolina IV
Running Alone
Acid Rain
The Shaman

The also did some good covers in their time. Such as "Painkiller" (Judas Priest) and "Kashmir" (Led Zeppelin). Check out the discography, there are good songs littered throughout it, by both Andre and Edu.

Although not Angra, check out "Fairy Tale", or "Reason More", by a band called Shaaman. That's where Andre went after he left Angra. Now he just released a solo record. But I haven't heard it yet. Also if you like instrumental at all. Give a listen to Kiko Loureiro's solo album. He is the main guitarist of Angra.

Entertainment / Re: Wii Quota in your area
« on: December 08, 2007, 10:23:33 pm »
I got mine in a pawn shop brand new for 180 bucks, back when they were fresh on the market. They were nowhere else. I checked all the wallmarts near by and big game stores but there was no wii consoles anywhere. Not sure how it is today but I don't think it's changed much.

However I never play my wii. I just kinda bought it cause it was there and it was cheap. Zelda was alright... Got pretty far, then I got bored. I don't even know why I have a wii to be honest. Maybe I will sell it on ebay... dunno.

Entertainment / Re: OoT Ganondorf Battle Impossible
« on: November 11, 2007, 03:38:11 am »
Question... Why didn't you just use a green potion? ;)

Seems like nobody knows they even exist in zelda...

Other Discussion / Re: DJ Venom administrator?
« on: November 07, 2007, 01:52:56 am »
Hahaha I didn't see this until now. Sweet! Just like old times. Where the hell is DM?

We should get our old chat banner up again, and while were at it, bring back the mallrats fad!

Discussion / Re: [Pre] Final Fantasy 7 2D (duh)
« on: October 28, 2007, 06:50:12 pm »
Sweet man! Glad to see this is back in the works! DO you still have some of the old stuff you did? What happened to the old Cloud in battle animation you had? That was so !@#$% sweet. It was like Chrono Trigger style or something.

I can't wait for a demo or something.  :D

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