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Messages - seppuku

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Coding / Re: RPG Engine
« on: August 27, 2007, 09:57:40 pm »
Sorry for lack of progress, but then I haven't seen much interest in this one (Waiting for my to prove myself on this one?  ;))

One reason I haven't worked on this as the stress related problem I had has come back, luckily as I am not studying my exams so I can program here and there. The second reason is a problem I have run into, I already know how to code the entire thing and have had the whole thing planned out...but my LUA dll has decided it doesn't like me anymore - I've replaced it with a new one and still the same old problem, so it's obviously conflicting with my programming language, which is hasn't done before. But this is what happens when I use a free LUA plugin. ;) When I grab some money, I'll purchase my alternative solution. This means I can't do any LUA orientated scripting which means I have to continue on without lua and reimplement its scripting features when I've bought what I need. This will mean slower progress sadly, for one thing I need to remove my LUA code from the source. I tried my an alternative solution by using various file commands but I haven't got the result I need (As it seems I can't read numbers in the text as integers). This is all a pain in the bum, but that's the fun of programming  XD

Coding / Re: RPG Engine
« on: August 23, 2007, 01:53:25 pm »
Right a small update - as I'm back on it: The battle Engine is nearly finished - the finishing touches will be made once I tied everything together and tidy up the code and scripts. As for the cel shading - that'll be implemented into a mod of an engine I'll do once it is complete (As it would require removing the parallax mapping system and replacing it with cel shading)

I've also done most of the inventory system - It'll be basic as this is a basic RPG engine - anything complex can be modded in when it's needed by the user (Though the user would need Dark Basic Professional) or by myself.

Coding / Re: RPG Engine
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:49:27 pm »
Sorry for the lack of updates over the last couple of days, I've been a wee bit ill and well I overslept this morning and I've had little energy today and a splitting headache- plus I had to go in and set up my Student Account at the HSBC. I'll get in that update tomorrow hopefully - that'll be Cel Shading (perhaps) and inventory.

Coding / Re: RPG Engine
« on: August 20, 2007, 12:44:37 pm »
I could, that is a point - though I probably wouldn't use it for any of the projects I have planned - but it's a feature to have. ;) Cheers.

Coding / Re: RPG Engine
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:41:35 pm »
Cheers, they could and I would think it would be fairly easy - but what you would do would be fairly limited unless you were willing to open up the source code and make your own additions/edits. I'd provide tutorials and media with it - so 3D dev wouldn't be difficult - though it would be a poor example of what a scripted game engine would look like - but nevertheless it's suited to me and others may find it useful, so no one is at a loss.

Coding / RPG Engine
« on: August 19, 2007, 10:50:41 am »
Hello people, it's been a while since I've been here and I'm sure you know me as one of the 'failed 3D projects' and I haven't worked on anything since my last project I posted on here because various things stood in the way - such as exams and a stress related condition that led me to quite programming for a while. I'm sure someone will ask, 'Why don't I pick up from where I left off?' - classic situation, computer error - clear computer clean, old project gone, incidentally I discovered LUA scripting and thought this would be a perfect opportunity to build an engine so that all my future projects can survive and take much less time out of me as time isn't at my best disposal (well it is for a month now)

As I've got a month before I head off to university, I am using this time to build an engine so that when I come back in the holidays I can just get into work with my projects - the bonus here is, once it's done, other people will be able to use it. The problem with this, it won't function like your standard engine because I'm doing what's easiest and quickest for myself - as I aim to have it complete before I head off - with how smoothly things are going it looks more than likely, but I'll make no promises because every time I do, I break them. ;)

Anyway, anyway the project.

This RPG engine will be based on the classical RPG type - not Zelda like - though I could at a later stage add the Zelda battle system if I wanted to. Everything is controllable through external LUA scripts - and when I release the first demo I'll give you a little tutorial on how to control them. This means I can make various changes without recompiling my source files.

As for media - instead of wasting time making it, I'm using other people's media as test media - makes the process oh so much quicker and I can do the media when I'm starting to make a game.

Current Features:

Parallax Mapping - A mix between Normal Mapping and Offset Mapping to give more detail
Per Pixel Lighting
Stencil Shadows
Bone Based Animation
Classic RPG Battle Engine (Magic and Items are the only thing need to be sorted here, skills and attack work just fine)
Basic Talk System - to be updated with a new one



BATTLE (Before skills were added):

I've implemented magic:

Enjoy. :)

Discussion / Re: DBrowser
« on: February 07, 2007, 10:59:33 pm »
Not bad, much better than the one I did in VB. I see you're using C#, it's a great program, with all of this XNA stuff being released by microsoft you're doing yourself a favour by learning it, because you will be able to create your own 3D XBox 360 and PC games, although I don't see much difference to the XNA language as opposed to our open source engines out there, but none of them are direct to XBox 360. But nevertheless there is an increase in engines working with C# as I'm sure some of you know, I found myself to like it more than VB and Delphi, although Delphi 7is faster on my system than VC# 2005.

Wouldn't mind to see the direction of this and any other C# projects

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: February 07, 2007, 10:52:34 pm »
Deadline? Well its coming close, I have half term next week, although I have a load of work to do, I am going to get something good finished, even if the competition has gotten tough, but I have not really had the time, oh well the fact that I participated will attract people to my project, despite winning or loosing. The FPSCreator entry date has been met and the Dark Basic Pro one isn't far from ending;

Entry Date: 16th February (Gulp! Time to rush those animations, ingredients and shaman dude)

As for the Carribean porno music...*Shakes head and bows in shame* Yes, the shaman wants the ingredients for a love potion, so they can do some loving in the hut...In your dream  :P ;D Well to throw excuses, I stole the music from a royalty free website, simply because I don't have the resources, the money or time for the resources to record my own, even if borrowing my Dad's acoustic and grabbing a ??65 condensed microphone is enough then slapping it into my music editor.

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: February 05, 2007, 12:04:51 am »
I've finished modelling the level and have implemented it, I'm going to have to do the interior section, animate Onima and fix her UVMap, model the Shaman and place the mission items around and I'll have you a demo,

For now, a video will do. (It's a bit slow due to my pain in the bum computer and its low performance and low quality ram and the fact it's video capture)

Just getting there, even if it is slowly ;)

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: January 20, 2007, 03:07:22 pm »
The compo deadline is nearing (gulp!) I only have one month to prepare a demo, you know what that means! Time to get rushing ;) So I've compromised my UVmapping on models to get it done, but nevertheless it doesn't harm it that much. (Well I'll uvmap important pieces like characters.)

So this is a media update at the moment. What I am doing is choosing a smaller excercise for the characters to do in the game, as opposed to level I was initially aim for. The new mission for the demo is for Onima to find access to a specific spiritual realm that she has had to travel the seas to find a man who is able to do this for her. The man is a shaman of some sort, but he cannot conjure the spell with out a certain set of ingredients, you can guess what Onima and you have to do, find the buggers, well they're all around the island someone. Something simple and vague, but 1 month for me, isn't enough to do a whole load with my current agenda.

So here is the level and title screen.

Audio / Re: Tutorial - How I Make My Music.
« on: January 14, 2007, 03:47:45 pm »
Good tutorial, just as well I have been working on music, I went straight to composing in my VST tracker, which I suppose is not a good idea, I suppose I should grab my guitar, write something, use powertab to get it down and so on. This was quite helpful, I'll see if I come out with anything that doesn't sound like a horror track ;).

Coding / Getting Started with Irrlicht 3D in C++, simplified!
« on: January 14, 2007, 03:42:05 pm »
The last C++ tutorial I post here had a terrible structure, but this one doesn't, as it is based on a ready made tutorial, just simplified as much as my attention span could make. The reason I simplified it, specifically is so that 2 people I know can get started with it without having programming knowledge and hopefully it will work. Now if you want to follow this tutorial, but don't have C++ or irrlicht, well download them right away, Irrlicht is a completely free and open source 3D graphics engine, and DevC++ is a completely free C++ compiler, you can't go wrong there ;).

I don't have the time to further convert the html of this tutorial to forum code, so I'll just link you guys to it on my website.


Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: January 14, 2007, 11:01:21 am »
Cheers, I will make more of a variation, I have 2 textures, I'll use both and scatter the trees more, but at the moment I'm just happy I got it all done, my PC was being a real pain in getting all that done, took way longer than it should have, so I'm going to fix as much as I can with that scene today, starting with a new sky dome (As you can see that one is too dark)

Well if you guys would prefer to see a video, there's one here:

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: January 13, 2007, 08:58:57 pm »
Sorry, I haven't updated in a little while, been busy yet again, I've begun work on some of the media. So only one screenshot for now ;)

To Do Before the demo:
-Opening Menu
-Options (Shading on/Off)
-3/4 More Character Models (Crazy guy, Man, Police Officer, corpse)
-Implement fixed water/bloom compatible shading
-2 more areas to model - Town and Apartment (Park has been model, needs tweaking here and there)
-Music track
-Objects to be animated
-A better sky sphere
-A whole scenario of mysteries to follow.

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: December 22, 2006, 03:41:02 pm »

I've included a HUD for the inventory, it will be interactive, but for now you just pick things up and and it image attaches itself to the inventory, and there's a little box at the top to display commands.


Ignore the demon, he's a place holder. Why change the place holder? Well its just for specific code testing really (When arranging all my code to functions, I set up a function to set up a player object, and that requires a loadable model rather than a built in cube) and I didn't see the point of changing back afterwards

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: December 22, 2006, 11:26:29 am »
Cool, I'm doing a course in Creative Writing, game making is a just a hobby, I'm not serious about it, in reality I just want to be a writer.

Other places I've applied for are Anglia Ruskin, Norwich, Gloucester, Northampton and Winchester. I know Anglia Ruskin do a computer gaming and animation course, I wonder if you have applied there, as from what I've heard, I know someone who is doing a computer science course there at the moment, at from the sounds of things from him and others the computer facilities aren't the best in the world.

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: December 21, 2006, 07:46:47 pm »
Didn't notice that one, I'll fix it cheers, its based on a posed from an old mesh rather than an image.

Thanks for the comment ;)

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: December 21, 2006, 05:58:53 pm »

Other Projects / Re: Shadow Behind the Leaves (Harakiri engine) - 3D game
« on: December 21, 2006, 05:10:31 pm »
I've been extremely busy, with coursework, applying for university etc. (I got an offer from Derby uni, woot! And Anglia Ruskin want two samples of work before they make their mind up)

This is a very small update, just to show that I'm still here working and will be working more now, as it is the holidays, I won't have too much stand in my way (hopefully)

This is Dori/Onima (Contemplating on the name) Fully modelled, just needs her hands fixed, texture and animation.

Graphics / Re: Normal/Parallax Mapped Demon
« on: December 08, 2006, 11:04:08 pm »
haha, well, not really, if you saw my other works, you'd think I was obsessed with Final Fantasy ;). This is only my 3rd demon, plus this one will be for somebody's project, a project stuck in the job section of a 3D forum, I think its for a dawn of war mod, or something to do with Dawn of War ;) they said pick a faction, so I chose Chaos Daemons.

Just realised I had Lordi as my avatar, can see why you think I'm obsessed ;) Mind you, you could say they are a dream in terms of modelling, because you aim to make them ugly with all the impurities etc. that makes it rich as a model...

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