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Messages - CrystalAngel04

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 35
Graphics / Re: OOT2D Map Project - Complete!
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:42:42 pm »
Congrats on the Kotaku shout out! It's been a while, but great work.  8)

Graphics / Re: What do you guys think of the HUD and textbox?
« on: November 19, 2010, 06:14:05 pm »
It is definitely more fitting with lttp style however you may still want to adjust a few things:
  • Bringing the hearts in from the edges more (kinda matching the same spacing from the edge as your buttons)
  • Close the gaps between your hearts, they are a bit too spaced out from eachother
  • Maybe add a darker background to the text box so the text stands out. Perhaps a 60% transparent black?
  • Work on the kerning between your text letters, it's also a bit to spaced out

Once those few kinks are worked out it should look a lot better. If you have to, use screens from lttp as a reference to get the heart spacing down.

Edit: Looking at it again you might want to change the color of the hearts to a bit lighter red so it doesn't look as small like Xiphrix mentioned or opt for a white outline.

Updates / Re: Staff Ranks
« on: November 10, 2010, 06:46:17 pm »
I think because you want the moderators also to be active members on the forum. And from the advisers only Mammy is an active member. The only post I have seen CrystalAngel04 seen doing is in the Moderation board.

Pretty much this. We do know not to (and try not to too much) step on the toes of moderators when it comes to day-to-day things; we report posts like everyone else. We come in when !@#$% gets crazy or in Windy's case when work on the site needs to be done. I also lurk on a daily basis to make sure this place hasn't exploded yet lol Kinda emotionally attached.

You'll get mine next weekend!!! You're impatient >.>

Contests / Re: ZFGC Costume Contest [Enter before 11/3/09]
« on: November 02, 2009, 07:47:09 pm »
Where the !@#$% is Carmen Sandiego?

Ummm... ZFGC >.> For now...

My Friend (Dressed as Kate Gosslyn) and I at a Halloween/ Birthday Party

The pics of me Friday morning while my hair was still good and poofy (I wore this to class XD) The Flash makes me look like hell though >.<

As for how the costume was made... gloves, trench, and black shirt from Target, black skirt from Banana Republic, heels from Tjmaxx, and the fedora was HAND MADE BY ME. That's right, I made a fedora myself lol If you want to know how just ask XD Anyway thats about it. Vote for Carmen Sandiego or the tenor gets it. >.>

Do it Rockapella!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuzc4jgwlT8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuzc4jgwlT8</a>

Entertainment / Re: So... Kingdom Hearts
« on: October 07, 2009, 01:17:03 am »
PS: CA, I love how you're still rockin' FFX with me! :)
XD it IS the best FF out there

I wish there was a bit more depth to the story. It honestly does feel like an "in between" game. I know it IS, but I feel like there should be a bit more plot. Other than that, I would say it's much better than CoM [which I enjoyed a lot as well.]

I think it doesn't take much to be better than CoM though its quite interesting plot wise how that game takes up so little time in the grand scheme of 358/2. As for more plot... it makes events at the beginning of KH2 make a !@#$% ton more sense lol

Entertainment / Re: So... Kingdom Hearts
« on: October 06, 2009, 03:59:31 pm »
I just finished the game last night and to be honest it was like watching the newer Star Wars Movies: kinda hard to deal with since you know how it ends before it even starts, it's just a matter of how it got there. There was only one real HOLY !@#$%!!! moment for me towards the end
Show content
{Where Xigbar sees Xion as Ven (from Birth by Sleep)}
and a lesser one towards the beginning that I only picked up because I saw the additional cutscenes added to KH2 FM+
Show content
{Where they mention looking for two rooms: waking and slumber(?). It's in one of these rooms where Xemnas finds the armor of one of the characters from BBS (and the KH2 secret ending)}
. Those two alone were the things I cared most about but naturally it was more fanservice than anything and wasn't explained at all >.< Still a well put together game and the end did make me tear up but it only starts kicking in around day 277 so keep going!!!

I really liked the movie.


Bonjerno. >.>

Movie = epic win. The Mike Myers cameo made me lawl too XD

Entertainment / Another Celeb bites the dust
« on: June 28, 2009, 04:54:01 pm »
Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson... Billy Mays?! NOOOOO!


TAMPA, Fla. – Tampa police say Billy Mays, the television pitchman known for his boisterous hawking of products such as Orange Glo and OxiClean, has died. He was 50.

Authorities say Mays was pronounced dead Sunday morning after being found by his wife at home. There were no signs of a break-in, and investigators do not suspect foul play. The coroner's office expects to have an autopsy done by Monday afternoon.

Mays' wife, Deborah Mays, says the family doesn't expect to make any public statements and asked for privacy.

Mays was also featured on the reality TV show "Pitchmen" on the Discovery Channel, which followed Mays and Anthony Sullivan in their marketing jobs.

Discovery Channel spokeswoman Elizabeth Hillman released a statement Sunday extending sympathy to the Mays family.

"Everyone that knows him was aware of his larger-than-life personality, generosity and warmth," Hillman's statement said. "Billy was a pioneer in his field and helped many people fulfill their dreams. He will be greatly missed as a loyal and compassionate friend."

What is this world coming to...

Entertainment / Re: New Disney cartoon looks incredibly amazing!
« on: June 09, 2009, 05:53:24 pm »
It is about time disney goes back to its roots... Enchanted was a good start (If you havn't seen it do it NAO prolly one of the best disney movies in recent memory) but im looking forward to a film entirely in the good ol' style from my childhood.

Graphics / Re: Zelda Vector Art
« on: June 08, 2009, 02:12:11 pm »
Very nice. The only thing I will say though is that next time you may want to try varying the thickness of the lines and try to get them to taper off at the ends. It adds more interest to the lines, preventing line art from looking dull/uniform.

Discussion / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: (unkown name)
« on: May 26, 2009, 08:06:55 pm »
To be honest I kinda find the graphical style rather original but the one thing I absolutely dislike is the fact the inventory is in Minish cap style that clashes terribly with the style you have going for the game... custom or LttP would prolly be the best way to go for the menu graphics.


Every summer, everyone who's anyone in the video games industry gathers in Los Angeles for the E3 entertainment show: a week of game demos, press conferences and announcements that spell out the shape of the games world for the next year. But this year's model, which starts in just two weeks, is falling foul of swine flu travel restrictions issued by the Japanese government.

One game is already confirmed as a swine-flu-related no-show: Capcom-developed zombie thriller Dead Rising 2. Prominent Japanese developers Square Enix (responsible for the Final Fantasy games) and Koei have both forbidden their Japanese staff to attend the show.

After the U.S., Mexico and Canada, Japan is the country with the most swine flu cases, and the government has taken major steps to curb the outbreak, including closing over 4,000 schools and advising citizens to avoid international travel.

E3 organizers are committed to going ahead with the event, though. As spokesperson Dan Hewitt told gaming blog Joystiq a few weeks ago, "The 2009 E3 Expo is progressing as planned. Public health officials are taking all appropriate steps and we continue to follow their direction on all measures."

The part that pisses me off the most...
Prominent Japanese developers Square Enix (responsible for the Final Fantasy games) and Koei have both forbidden their Japanese staff to attend the show.


ahem, I've watched too much Colbert Report recently >.< but yea... seriously? wtf...

Graphics / Re: 2d Zelda Game Graphic Rip Project
« on: May 14, 2009, 08:59:22 pm »
Topic revived with a new set of optimized tiles:

That was a !@#$% >.<

Discussion / Re: Legend of Zelda: Using the Computer for What It Is
« on: May 13, 2009, 09:01:33 pm »
Not to mention, the graphics are very mix and matched and look kinda bad. They're also not really "HD". They're just custom graphics for RPG Maker; which has a default size you have to use for your charsets. >_>;;

Correction: Tilesets not charsets, at least in XP (what he was using) lol

Discussion / Re: Legend of Zelda: Using the Computer for What It Is
« on: May 13, 2009, 05:26:33 pm »
I didn't say that.  You pretty much said that we're making games lazily.  So I asked you, have you ever tried programming.  Because I will tell you right now, it is by no means a lazy task.
In the context of this topic, it was directed toward graphics design.  I've already stated I'm not very good at programming, I don't see why its necesary to continue on in that subject.
Original graphics aren't hard to make.

Um... excuse me? I've worked on making original graphics... to say its not hard to make is pretty much a lie. You have to come up with the process of developing a style that matches your game well then make sure that EVERYTHING you then crank out is in adherence with that otherwise worlds look out of place and things just get messy. One of the least intensive means (Though I'm not saying its easy by any stretch of the imagination) of producing graphics for a game is through spriting and keeping it at rather small resolutions (16x16, 32x32 for tiles). You can get away with less detail and it still looks good, even if scaled up, and it just really suits a fan gamers needs. However if you're calling on fan game graphic artists to start making everything in High Res that's a tall order... and won't happen... originial IP maybe... Fan Game? No.

As a side note, hats off to all programmers out there, its a !@#$% of a job and I'd hate to do it but without them our graphics don't do much besides sit there. <3

Graphics / Re: Practicing my GB mapping skillz
« on: April 26, 2009, 08:23:06 pm »
To my idea the graveyard has much open space, but the wall around it makes it feel as if it is boxed in. Especially because there is only one entrance. Sorry to put it this way, but it  makes me think of a big empty cardboard box from those big old TV's that you can use as a house.

Make 2 additional entrance/exits and fill it up with some random gravestones, trees and creepy statues.

To be honest the whole Map almost seems it suffers from this... [nearly?] every area only has one entrance/exit... at least to me, playing it would suck ass for me to walk all the way to the far end of the desert (for example) then all the way back to get out... Land is not naturally closed off like that.

Graphics / Re: 2d Zelda Game Graphic Rip Project
« on: April 24, 2009, 06:00:07 pm »
As I told you over IM, I'm gonna work on ripping the Dark World Overworld from Lttp

Graphics / Re: So anyway; just combed through about 40 pages and...
« on: April 23, 2009, 05:33:27 pm »

Maybe I'll finish that Misery Mire one this weekend...

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