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Author Topic: Aliens: WTF do they want!?  (Read 5196 times)

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Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2006, 02:33:44 am »
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They probably don't want anything to do with us, I mean look at how pathetic we are!

If we humans developed good enough space travel and we discovered a planet which has life on it less advanced than ours, we would do the same thing. We would probably want to figure out as much about them as we can without disturbing their natural evolution. Plus, we wouldn't know if they are dangerous or not, so we would make sure they never see us.

You also need to realize that to them, we are the aliens.

I disagree, We, being humans, will kidnap and experiment on them because there is no aliens rights act.
[majorsarcasm]Gee, ya think![/majorsarcasm]
Zerolink, theres evidence of up to eight dimensions... (citation needed. lol wikipedia)
Evidence of 8, but according to most theories, an infinite number.

They believe they can find bacteria, and they believe they may have found fossilised bacteria, however whether they is bacteria or not us unknown.

Also they believe they have found what may be running water, however they only have black & white photos of it, so again it may have been where water was once flowing, however no longer is.

One presumption we all have is that Aliens will look relatively Human, or need the same substances as Humans to survive. But what if the bacteria doesn't need what we need? What if the bacteria doesn't need water? Would the creatures of that planet also need water?
Exactly, we assume right now that all beings require water, but this has no basis, maybe all CARBON based life needs water, but surely not all life.
A presumption that they will look like us is dumb. We have evolved because of our history...and the need to survive the planet's changes. Each planet will be different, and therefore any evolution that undergoes on that planet will also be different. Aliens might look slightly like us...but considering the atmospheric differences they've found on the moon and Mars...the likeliness of similar beings is pretty small. There might be slight genetic similarities, just because pretty much every species on our planet has some slight genetic similarities...we all came from the same bacteria assumedly, but on another planet the species will only share similar genetics with the bacteria from that planet. Maybe if WE put organisms on another planet they could look like us a little more...but there would still be a lot of variables, such as the fact that it might not survive in the different atmosphere, or it would adapt to be like the other bacteria and STILL not look like us...etc. It's a touchy subject, genetics.
Right, it is almost immpossible for them to look anything like us. Because life works with chance, seen in Micheal Crichton's Jurassic Park, life always finds a way, by some abseen chance. Like that in JP they used frogs instead of like lizards. Chaos theory says that nothing is predictable, which is completely true. And there is like 1/100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance that they would look like us. That is Hollywood that does that. Because what if a meteor didn't wipe out the Dinosaurs, and they had evolved instead of mammals. I'll tell you, we would be lizard creatures, if they did indeed evolve. And then what are the chances of getting dinos? There are an infinite number of possibilities for how we are, apes just got REAL lucky. For example oxygen used to be a poison, that is why plants don't use it.
There are only 4 dimensions...

And aliens do exist, maybe not the ones that we make up in movies (the odds that we know what they look like is pretty iffy...although I'm sure with all the different alien species that have been created for Star Trek and Star Wars and stuff, they would have to be close), but we've found like living bacteria and stuff on Mars, I believe...and so obviously there is life on other planets. It's doubtful that much life exists in our solar system though, because we've basically checked all the habitable ones (kinda hard to live on a gas giant), and they're dead. We have a really boring solar system...but we can't be the only life forms in this universe, it's too large. There's no way there's millions upon billions of planets...and only one with life on it. Although, if that is true...it sure blows a lid off the Science over God theory.
Correct why would we be the only ones. And *cough* Jupiter's moons *cough* maybe *cough* inhabitable *cough*
Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2006, 04:38:07 am »
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There are eight dimensions? What are they all...I mean I just know that the 4th dimension is like...time, or space or whatever. I didn't figure it got any deeper than that.

And yeah...you gotta love when humans make theories about supernatural things. It's always so...human. We're freaking narcissistic, thinking that everything must be like us, because we create them.

Just an interesting side note on the topic of genetics: Did you know that human and monkey genetics are only 1.5% different? That's pretty crazy...it's only like a 500 gene difference. Sorry...I'm reading Michael Crichton's new book Next, and that's what I just read. Just proves even more that aliens most likely wouldn't look like us. I mean monkeys are only 1.5% off, and they sure don't look much like us. I wish we had monkey tails though...
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Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2006, 08:39:00 am »
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Comon grow up! Aliens like you mean do not exist.
Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2006, 08:50:06 am »
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Comon grow up! Aliens like you mean do not exist.

how do you know for sure I mean, Are we the only breathing thing in this whole world?
maybe there not aliens but also humans, or animals.
Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2006, 09:01:33 pm »
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Aliens can use magic and therefore would PWN the human race. You see, we can no longer utilize magic because we screwed ourselves over some time down the line and our race as a whole had to be recreated. If Aliens were to find earth then they would most assuredly try to invade it in order to abuse our planet's soul system. Dude, aliens would be rad, they'd have like the coolest technology and could rip out our brain and decode the info on it and stuff.

But yes, other than that I'd have to say that they would just observe us. I don't really think they'd be out to get us.

Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2006, 01:13:06 am »
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There are eight dimensions? What are they all...I mean I just know that the 4th dimension is like...time, or space or whatever. I didn't figure it got any deeper than that.

And yeah...you gotta love when humans make theories about supernatural things. It's always so...human. We're freaking narcissistic, thinking that everything must be like us, because we create them.

Just an interesting side note on the topic of genetics: Did you know that human and monkey genetics are only 1.5% different? That's pretty crazy...it's only like a 500 gene difference. Sorry...I'm reading Michael Crichton's new book Next, and that's what I just read. Just proves even more that aliens most likely wouldn't look like us. I mean monkeys are only 1.5% off, and they sure don't look much like us. I wish we had monkey tails though...
Micheal Crichton can be reffered to in pretty much any scientific disscusion.
Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2006, 08:48:18 pm »
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I know he can, cause that dude knows his shi...tuff. Scientifically genius and amazing writer. And I bet he's got evidence that aliens exist too. I mean they just make sense...
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Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2006, 09:20:46 pm »
  • I knew it!
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I beleive there are aliens, they just haven't found the technology to come here yet, the universe is too new.
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Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2006, 10:07:45 pm »
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With an estimated more than 100 billion stars in a galaxy, and an estimated 125 billion galaxies within observable distance from earth what are the chances that there isn't another planet circling one of those stars that can, and does support life?

Though, it's been found that only 10% of the stars in our galaxy even have the right elements around them to support/produce life, but that still leaves ~1500000000000000000000 stars that could have life supporting planets.  Keep in mind though that some of them may not even have orbiting planets, while other may have many.

Certainly the chance of life forming near any specific one of those stars isn't that high, but with over 1.5 x 10^21 of them, with how ever many billion years or more they've existed, I'd say chances are pretty good that intelligent life has existed somewhere else in the universe at some point in time.

Sources: Number of Galaxies in the Universe, Number of Stars in our Galaxy, 10% of Stars in our galaxy have the elements to support life

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Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #29 on: December 21, 2006, 12:44:55 pm »
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Aliens can use magic and therefore would PWN the human race. You see, we can no longer utilize magic because we screwed ourselves over some time down the line and our race as a whole had to be recreated. If Aliens were to find earth then they would most assuredly try to invade it in order to abuse our planet's soul system. Dude, aliens would be rad, they'd have like the coolest technology and could rip out our brain and decode the info on it and stuff.
You have watched way to much TV!
Re: Aliens: WTF do they want!?
« Reply #30 on: December 21, 2006, 12:46:17 pm »
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Though, it's been found that only 10% of the stars in our galaxy even have the right elements around them to support/produce life

They may not be able to support Human life, but, if Aliens do exist, remember there not humans, so why would they need our atmosphere to survives, and I agree Hyrule Boy ^_^
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